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Well, the Fox News United Common Sense Department just read the internal newsletter by the Biden administration's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team. It was sent to agencies like the FBI, CIA, DHS, and DOJ, among others. It's about changing the terminology related to counterterrorism, to get rid of problematic phrases like jihadist or Islamic extremist. The goal is to be more inclusive with our adversaries like Iran and China. We learned the Biden administration would also go get rid of terms like blacklist, brown bag, and cakewalk because we're told they are racist. Of course, the same people who want to drop the word jihadist also want to drop the term illegal immigrant. Common Sense would remind the Biden DEI team that illegal alien or immigrant wasn't just concocted by the right to be derogatory. It is the exact term used in the federal law. It's not offensive, it's accurate. As for the word Jihad, it means war against non-muslims Muslims, and a jihadist is a holy warrior. Again, not offensive, accurate. You can soften the language all you want, but the people who attacked and killed 1,200 Israelis on October seventh are not freedom fighters. They are Hamas terrorists, heartless killers.


Common sense would suggest kinder, gentler terms is unlikely to make kinder, gentler jihadists.


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