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What makes this all the more hypocritical is that the Democratic Party is the party of equity. For the last decade, they've preached equity, equality of outcomes among races as a paramount social good. Where is the equity in them, the political elite, receiving security protections while we, the working class, receive empty words along with violence that spills blood onto the concrete?


Hello, America. I'm Pastor Cory Brooks. From the south side of Chicago to the nation's capital, this is Roof Top revelations. Many of you know me as the Roof Top Pastor. I recently spent 343 days living on top of a roof through Chicago's cold and heat to bring awareness to the violence and to raise money for this much-needed community center that you see being built behind me. And because the many donations from Americans, just like yourself, we are raising the needed funds for this glorious leadership and economic community center. We aim nothing less than the full transformation of Chicago's most violent block, O block, into opportunity block. Here we discuss issues, local to national, from the streets to the capital. For you who have been on the journey with us, welcome back. If this is your first time watching Roof Top revelations, we're glad you're joining us for this latest edition of Roof Top Revelation.


The national leaders of the Defund the Police Movement are in my hometown of Chicago for the Democratic National Convention. As a Southsider, I saw firsthand the impact of this heavily ideological movement on my neighborhood. The very neighborhood these politicians professed to be helping. Crimes shot up. Innocent civilians lost their lives to increasingly brazen criminals. Smashing grabs went up. Mobs stormed the streets. Carjackings no longer made the news, and on and on. The police officers felt the negative impact, and a few brave officers persisted in policing despite the greater risk of their safety. The last of businesses around here went belly up. The public schools remained dismal. Failure factories. And we got nothing in return. We are the social workers that these politicians wrote about in the New York Times that would magically reduce violence in neighborhoods like mine. There's been no reckoning for these politicians who paid no price for their dangerous ideas that caused the death of Blacks to spike. Now, I just learned that the news from a local paper that the Democratic National Convention is allocating 75 million in federal security funding for the protection of the politicians during the convention. Most of these funds will go to the Chicago Police Department.


Talk about blatant hypocrisy. For years, we've watched defund the police politicians like Cory Bush spend tens of thousands of dollars on private security for themselves. Kamala Harris supported the movement. Why security for them and not us, the people? Why do we, the people, have to pay for their security while the politicians weaken our security? How did we get so twisted? What makes this all the more hypocritical is that the Democratic Party is the party of equity. For the last decade, they've preached equity, equality of outcomes among races as a paramount social good. Where is the equity in them, the political elite receiving security protections while we, the working class, receive empty words along with violence that spills blood onto the concrete. These same elites tell us that words matter. I agree. Their words lead to destructive actions in my community. And what makes them all the more hypocritical is that they claim to be saying these words in the name of helping us. Not one of these people will make the trek from the United Center to my block to visit the $40 million leadership and economic center that I'm building. They're more invested in dangerous slogans that give them political power than in doing this massively difficult work of transforming a population destroyed by post-60 liberalism.


The defund the police movement was just a continuation of that destruction. The time has come for us to stop falling for the false promises of these politicians and start building our future. The hope lies with the people and not with the politicians. God bless you and God bless America. This has been another rooftop revelation.