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Well, the magnitude of this story really can't be underestimated in this political moment as we sit here in Milwaukee. After weeks of defiance, there are very strong reports that President Biden may indeed be days away from ending his presidential campaign. That is what top Democrats are telling Axios, okay? You can imagine what the back channels and reporting is like on this story right now. But the latest pressure appears to be coming directly from former President Obama. His team is not denying the explosive report in the Washington Post that Obama is telling allies that the President's path to victory is, quote, greatly diminished at this point, and that he needs to seriously consider dropping out of this race. Now, President Biden is currently isolating at his home home at his beach house in Delaware after testing positive for COVID. He cut a trip short to Las Vegas. This is yesterday as he boarded Air Force One. We're told that the plane went at a very fast clip to get him home under four hours across the country. When he arrived, took his time getting down those steps, landing in Delaware last night. We have seen him just moving carefully, really, for a long time, but he's clearly really under some physical duress as he has COVID in these images.


Then he needed a pretty extensive help, I would say, getting into the car. You can see this spot shadow. If we can go in a little bit tighter on that, you can see His face, and he's being helped to get settled in the car there. Now, the doctor is saying that his symptoms are mild, that he has no fever, and that he will keep doing his job. Now, the campaign insists that he is still running closing. As Politico put it this way, though, they say, according to their reporting, that the walls are closing in. We're here to talk about all of this. Arkansas governor and former Trump White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. Governor, it's always good to see you. Welcome to the story today. This is extraordinary, the layers of things that are happening here, the assassination attempt on Saturday, and now this news that President Biden could possibly drop out as soon as this weekend. What do you think about all this?


It's such an interesting contrast when you see the feebleness and the weakness of President Biden compared to the strength and the resilience of President Trump. Somebody who took a bullet over the weekend, immediately got back up, put his hand in the air. I don't think that there could be any clearer sign which person is ready and capable of leading this country and which one isn't. That's why we're continuing to see people coalesce around President Trump and Biden's numbers are tanking. This has been an incredible week of excitement and energy and unification of the Republican Party, while at the same time, the Democrat Party is in total disarray. There's a lot of infighting, there's questioning, there's a total lack of confidence in President Biden's ability to actually do the job, much less win and do it for four more years. I think that this is setting up to be an abysmal failure for the Democrats in November.


But as we all know, and Governor DeSantis was talking about this yesterday, how quickly the sands of politics can move. I want to go forward with you a little bit. Let's, for a moment, assume that this changes, that President Biden decides that he's not going to be the nominee. Let's say it's Kamala Harris, and she puts Josh Shapiro on the ticket. That's a Pennsylvania play. Gretchen Whitmer, that's a Michigan play. Mark Kelly is also said to be in the mix now. That's an Arizona play. Looking at it as a tactician and and a politician, what do you see there? And does this get tougher for Trump Vance?


I still see this as a losing ticket because regardless who is at the top of it, the same failed policies are the ones that they're going to be promoting, the ones that they're going to be pushing. People are sick and tired of what's been coming out of Washington in this administration. No matter if it's Kamala Harris and whoever else she chooses, she's still going to be having to defend the crazy bad record that they have over the last three and a half years Compared to President Trump's four years of success, a strong economy, strong and secure borders, our foreign relationships were better. We have wars and chaos going on all over the world under this administration. No matter who's at the top of the ticket, I think Donald Trump is going to win in November, and he's going to do so decisively.


Sarah, thank you. Did you enjoy being up there?


I did. It was fun. There's a lot of excitement and energy here. People are ready to go out and see this President take the White House back.


Well, they were super enthusiastic to see you out there, and it was great to see you now as governor of your state, speaking from that position and addressing your old boss at the White House as well. Great to see you, Sarah. Thank you very much, governor.Thank you.


I'm Steve Ducey. I'm Brian Kilmeade. I'm'm Ainsley Earhart. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.