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Thank you, governor. All right, joining us now on the set with us here in Atlanta, Senator Tim Scott, Senator Lindsay Graham, both from the great state of South Carolina. By the way, I thought the interview you did with Ainsley on Fox & Friends with your fiancé, who I've known, but I never talk about. You led a pretty quiet private life. I tried to. You tried to. This guy.


Fantastic job. I tell you what, Ainsley, what a sweetheart. She was fantastic. I'm so proud of Mindy. My fiancée, she was brilliant, beautiful, and loves the Lord with all of her heart, and I'm a blessed man.


Listen, I'll admit, we've done Bible studies together online. We share a love of two pastors that we know. We occasionally get mad at them.


Which means that you're authentic and sincere.


Yeah. All right, let's go to the debate tonight. I was very concerned about Joe Biden. Why did he say no troops died under his watch?


It's not about his misspeaking, it's about his capability to be Commander-Chief at a time of great peril. The debate was a wipeout. It was a train wreck for Biden. Trump did fantastic, whether you like him or not, he was strong, he was coherent. President Biden was weak and in sight.


You see, presidential is so many people wanted.


So all I can say is I worry about what Iran is thinking. If I'm the Iranians or Hezbollah or some of the bad guys, I'm thinking between now and November the fourth, is my the best time to reset my way. So I worry that Iran will break out to a nuclear weapon. I think the hostage is coming home now is harder. So what I got from this debate is that it's pretty clear that not only does Biden not understand the world, he's not capable of being Commander and Chief.


What does that mean? I mean, you have Politico, you have the Drudge Report, you have fake news, CNN and MSD&C saying, Well, maybe we got to rethink Biden. Are they going to Can you try and pull a fast one with 130 days out of the election?


I think the only decision after this debate is, does he stay or not? It shifted dramatically to Trump. There's no way anybody could believe that Joe Biden could be Commander and Chief for four more years.


But The thing that was the contrast was how dialed in Donald Trump was on every issue.


He was absolutely president.


For those that thought he was going to take debate with Biden, no. He just stayed on his message.


He smile through the crap from Joe Biden. Two things. Number one, the most dominant performance we've ever seen. The contrast could not be more clear. Donald Trump is ready for four more years. Number two, the issues that the American people care the most about, the border and the economy. Donald Trump dialed it in and told the story of four years of unbelievable success. Under Donald Trump, we saw the poorest Americans. Their paychecks went up faster than the rich Americans. It was It was amazing.


We had record low, record low, record low unemployment for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asians, women in the workplace, African-American youth unemployment. Then the pandemic happened.


Everything changed. But what happened, which was It's remarkable is that under Donald Trump, we saw taxes go down by $4,000 more dollars to spend. And under Joe Biden, the average family has lost $28,000 in spending power. Terrible. Contrast, December 2020, a thousand illegal immigrants crossing our border a day under Donald Trump. Three years later, $10,000 a day under Joe Biden. Does Nearly 15 million illegal immigrants coming to our country because of Joe Biden.


You said you would accept if asked to be vice president. My question is to you. Do you want President Trump to pick your fellow senator?


I don't think he could have a better pick. He's qualified to be President, which matters to me.


I can't believe he remains friends with you, actually. Yeah. I'm only friends with- I know. For those at home, I'm kidding. I'm friends with both these guys. I know.


We all love each other. What you see with Tim is he's the same way when nobody's looking. But I just want to say this. It's not about contrasting anymore. There's no way that Joe Biden is capable of being President. President Trump is ready to go. I worry that we're in a dangerous spot in the world after this debate. We don't need any more debates.


I got to run. You don't think it should be a debate anymore?


No, this should be it.


That's it. Somebody else wrote me that tonight. Somebody very smart.


I don't want the world to see this again. I don't want to see this again. All right.


Thank you both. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.