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Remember when Nancy the Gavel, Pelosi, said that Congress needed to pass Obamacare to find out what's in it? Well, I think they're trying the same strategy with Kamala Harris. You have to elect her so you can find out what her policies are. Democrats have done a good job shouting empty platitude, showing everyone how angry they are and how much joy they have all at the same time. They've talked a lot about how wonderful abortion is. But Kamala's agenda, pretty much MIA. Joining me now, Vermont Senator Peter Welch. He was the first Democrat Senator to call for Joe Biden to drop out of the race. Senator, first of all, it's great to have you on the show.Thank you.Thanks so much. We've been here for four days, and I think they've mentioned Trump 175 times, and I think they've mentioned the border 30 times and inflation 40 times. What's the deal here with the imbalance of the issues that people care about?


Well, I mean, first of all, the joy here is because we have a new nominee. We were on the map. President Biden made a courageous decision to step aside. In one day, Kamala Harris raised $100 million.


He was forced out, right? I mean, he was forced out by Nancy Pelosi.


It was his decision.


Oh, go on. You're from White River Junction, Vermont. You are smarter than that. Well, that's true.


We know a few things in White River. But no, seriously, however you want to characterize it, he made the decision. We had $100 million raised in a day. 150,000 volunteers, and all the other potential candidates endorsed Kamala Harris. There's an enormous amount of excitement. We were on the map. The Republican Convention had enormous unity because they thought it was just a matter of time where they'd crush us. Now we've got a fight in chance.


Senator, President Trump spoke at the Southern border in Arizona and brought out two angel moms, Patty Morne and Alex Nungri. Their daughters were both killed by illegal immigrants. Let's listen.


They found my daughter's body, and when they found it, it just recently has come out that she was brutally beaten, raped.


She was just 12. She had dreams to be famous. She wanted to be a famous actor. She was left with no clothing from the waist down, was thrown in a Bayou, left, was strungled to death. He needs to be in office. We need to stop this. We need to stop losing our littles.


Now, I know you signed a letter to the White House back in 2021 with other members of the House saying that it's time to end the incarceration approach to immigration, including deportation. But in a A lot of Democrats agree with you on that, including, I think, the nominee. What about those women and other victims of crime committed by people who shouldn't be here in the first place? Well, you know what?


First of all, that is absolutely heartbreaking. That is devastating. Secondly, we, Democrats, have to do really strong commitment on border enforcement.


Why haven't they done it for three and a half years? Why have they let 10 million people into this country that are taking jobs and opportunities and killing people?


My view, I think that it was in reaction to some extent to Trump. But I think we have to have a policy that's absolutely about controlling the border and having immigration be legal. We support controlling the border so the folks who come in are in through a legal process It's not an illegal process.


Are you going to make your voice heard to Kamala Harris? Because she obviously does not believe that.


I don't think that's right because what she is talking about is having enforcement. We had, of course, the agreement that was passed by or it was agreed.


I know that bill inside and out because I read it because I've been doing this issue. When you were a lawyer, I was doing this issue. 1.8 million illegal immigrants or asylies would still be allowed to come in across that border every year in the ports of entry. That doesn't include people coming not in the ports of entry. It still would have allowed almost 2 million a year. That's not border enforcement.


The The question on border enforcement is, are you in control of who's coming in? That's the question. And are they vetted? Because we don't want criminals in. We don't want fentanyl. There's enormous pressures on the border.


Problem in Vermont with drugs. There's a huge problem in Manchester, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine. All have huge problems. Northern border is an issue.


But what I'm saying is Democrats are committed to having enforceable borders.


They could have done Trump's plan. That worked. Instead, We have kids missing, 36,000 kids missing over the last few years.


We also want to have legal- We all agree on that. We want to have justice and opportunity for a lot of these dreamers who came over here with kids.


How about Americans first, Senator? You're a smart Vermonter. I know, you're smart. You're going to go set Kamala Harris straight on this. I appreciate you're coming on very much. Good to be.


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