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We're going to let them know how strong and powerful and mighty we are. Get big money out of politics. We are going to show APAC the power of the money of the South Bronx. People ask me why I got a foul mouth. What am I What are you supposed to do? You coming after me. I'm not supposed to fight back. We're going to show them who the fuck we are.


Well, that is a sitting United States congressman, and that is certainly not a sign of confidence coming from Jamal Bowman, who is fighting for his political life. He's in serious danger of losing his primary after his criticism of Israel sparked an all-in effort to remove him from Congress. So he's pulling out all the stops.




Vivek Ramiswami was way better, but keep trying Jamal Bowman. He's not only relying on his rapping abilities, he's brought in top squad member AOC to carry him across the finish line. Are you ready to win this country back? And are you ready to fight for me, Mount Irm, I'm being fired down. I don't know about you all. I am ready for a fight. Joining us now is South Carolina Senator Tim Scott. Senator Scott, I wanted to play the Jamal Jamal Bowman sound bite for a family member last night. I had to remove my four-year-old daughter from the room because she could not hear this congressman. Richie Torres, he's a Democrat in Congress. Richie Torres came out and said this about Jamal Bowman. He wrote this on X, The level of profanity here is so shocking as to be unbecoming of a member of Congress. There is nothing in Jamal Bowman's unhinged tirade that remotely resembles the decency of the people I know and represent in the South Bronx. Your Senator.


Well, I'll just say this, Kaylee. They are losing their minds because they are losing their voters. Without any question, his behavior is unbecoming for any member of Congress. That goes without question. Here's a bigger point. This is Joe Biden's Democratic Party. What we're seeing operating here today is absolute insanity. It has a stench that comes from their anti-Semitic views. They are reinforcing every single day. Today, how much they want to hold on the power at the expense of people, how they would rather divide the American people because they believe, I honestly believe, Kaylee, they believe that a divided America allows them to gain more power, and with more power, their agenda becomes the American agenda. The good news is Joe Biden's Democrat Party is on the verge of failure. Four more years of the President Donald Trump, and we will have law and order in our streets. We will have respect for elected officials because we will purge those out of Congress who act and behave like congressman Bowman. It is despicable to hear the language that he is spewing to our Jewish citizens. It's despicable to watch him turn his back on our strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel.


And it was worse is that the squad, AOC, comes to the rescue. It only reinforces the point that the entire squad is anti-Semitic and they are un-American with their behavior.


Well, to that end, Senator Scott, this rally, believe it or not, it actually got worse. I want to play another few moments for you here. Beware, those of you at home, you might have a stool fly through your television. Watch. That stool We're going to show them who the we are.


Sees fire now. Sees fire now. Sees fire now. Sees fire now. Sees fire now.


I want to put up a picture of Khafir Khafir Biba. He's a little baby who's in the hands of Hamas. Who knows if Hamas even still has him. Do you think Jamal Bowman would wield a stool through the air and shout, Free the hostages, like Khafir Bibis, Senator Scott?


It's unbelievable the behavior that we're watching. This is descending into an abyss, a pit, a bottomless pit. Let me just say this. America should stand by our allies. Every single hostage should have been returned safely. But with Joe Biden as President, withholding arms from Israel only prolongs the conflict. When you prolong the conflict, more civilians lose their lives. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired about the behavior and the actions of the Democrat Party as it relates to our allies. But it's also quite disgusting to see the leader of the free world so weak that he can't stand up and call out the anti-Semite in his own party, call out the endless abyss of behavior that simply reinforces the point that they do not believe in a United America, and they don't believe in being loyal to our allies. Allies. We should be loyal to our allies and lethal to our adversaries. Congressman Bowman's comments, AOC's comments, Joe Biden's behavior on the global stage says we are too weak to stand strong with our allies. But we are strong enough to try to hold small parts of this country and actually lend a hand to the wrong side.


That's exactly what you're seeing. Bowman is extending an olive branch, an olive branch to the wrong people.


Senator, I only have a few moments here, but you know I've got to ask you, Trump's chosen his VP. They'll be at the debate. Will you be at the debate with President Trump?


I will be there in the spin room after the debate is over. I'm looking forward to seeing the contrast between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the contrast between a healthy economy and a terrible economy, a closed border, an open border. I can't wait to see it all.


You and me both. Senator Scott, thank you.


I'm Steve Jussie.


I'm Brian Kilmeade. I'm Ainsley Earhart. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.