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Florida Senator Rick Scott signed that pledge, and he joins us now. Senator, what are you guys planning?


Well, first off, this is completely rigged. I talked to Trump last night. He is going to stand for all of us and fight like hell. Our job is to do the exact same thing. We have to be clear. We are fed up and we're not going to take this anymore. In the Senate, we're going to do everything we can to block judicial, any appointments of the Biden administration that we can. We're not going to fund any more programs unless it's tied to public safety. We're going to make sure there's no money for this law fair against Republicans, including Trump. This has got to end, but here's the posse. You look at the Windred numbers that Trump did last night. That was even after Windred crashed. People all across this country are fed up. We are going to have a big win in November, but every Republican, every independent, every law-abiding Democrat needs to show up tomorrow and say, This is not going to be business unusual. We are going to change the direction of this country. Any power you have, do it. Change the direction of this country today. This has got to stop.


You're saying if there is a judicial nomination, you're not going to listen. If you're saying there's any political appointee, no confirmation. That's just dead. In its tracks, nothing. That grinds to a halt. And the money, no more free money for Joe Biden for any of his BS?


Every Republican in the sentence needs to say the exact same thing. Every Republican needs to say, This has to stop. We can't keep doing business as usual and just keep giving money to Biden, let his appointments go through.


Yeah, I agree. Everybody agrees, and that's just a start. Senator Rick Scott, thank you so much.


Say, Jesse.


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