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Welcome back to the Big Weekend Show. The Senate is one step closer to passing a massive aid package with billions of dollars for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. Not Americans, though. After a test vote earlier today, Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram is on Capitol Hill tonight. Chad.


Joey, now it's just a matter of time until the Senate passes the $95 billion foreign aid measure. The Senate voted 67 to 27 to crack a filibuster designed to stop the bill. Sixty A's were needed. Eighteen Republicans joined all Democrats voting to advance the plan, including Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McDonald.


American support is craved and American strength is feared, is in doubt. We, the United States of America, have the most to lose.


Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders caucuses with the Democrats, but voted nein. He believes Israel has gone too far. Sanders ripped into Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


How many more children and innocent people in Gaza will be smashed by Netanyahu in the process? Why is the United States helping to fund this humanitarian disaster?


Netanyahu spoke with President Biden today and underscored Israel's right to defend itself.


If we don't If we defeat Hamas, then the worst things will happen. If we defeat Hamas, then I think not only will we have peace and prosperity, I think the circle of peace will expand dramatically.


Opponents of the aid package can't block it now. It's on a glide path to eventual passage. Message, but could face a chilly reception in the GOP-controlled House, despite the overwhelming Senate vote.


I think that the House will face a moment of truth, and not just in this moment. This is a historical moment where the United States actually stands up here because it has implications not just for Ukraine, but you can be sure that every autocrat around the world is watching.


House Speaker Mike Johnson is skeptical about aid to Ukraine. The Senate may not pass the bill until early Wednesday morning. Joey?


Thanks, Jeff. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.