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A stunning scene played out here yesterday at the Republican National Convention. Gop senators chasing Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheethal, demanding answers about the assassination attempt on former President Trump. It happened after a virtual briefing yesterday. The senators, though, say that they were cut off, not allowed to ask questions during this virtual briefing. They said without the ability to do that, they heard that she was here and confronted her personally at a reception for groups helping with convention security. She said she didn't want to ruin their party and offered to answer questions another time and walked out. But the senators did not give up. Watch.


. You can not come away. You cannot fight from all of this. You can answer me like you wanted. I'm not going to tell you the answer. The answer to us. The answer to us.


This is exactly what we're doing today.


This was the head of the secret service. You owe them a full answer. You owe President Trump answers. Go, go, go, go. Thank you, sir. Please be in. Please be in. It's a course on the agenda. It was a course on the agenda. That was what was going on. Even in this territory, some of us grew up You are answers. You are answers to the credit, to the house, to the President, the past President, and you are answers to the people that-The President should have this protection from crying that loud.


Pretty dramatic event that played out here. North Dakota Senator Kevin Kramer was in that group, and he joins me now. Senator, good to have you with us. Good to be with you. Thank you very much for being here. What goes through your mind when you look at that video? Do you have any reservations about that exchange?


Well, first of all, it looks more dramatic than it felt at the moment, because at the moment, we were just trying to exercise a little bit of responsibility and try to shed some light on a lot of questions that are being asked around the country and around the world from somebody who should have the answers but has not been forthcoming providing them. This is the first time I've actually seen this for you. Having lived it, it didn't seem that big a deal at the time. But it's frustrating to me because, Martha, I stop and talk to everybody that asks questions, even in the hallways, even the press corps, to have somebody who's directly responsible, frankly, to answering questions by members of Congress, to not even allow us to ask some of the most obvious and what I believe would be simple questions to answer in a briefing. Then instead of either answering them or going to another room, which is what we thought actually we were doing, when she said, This isn't the appropriate place to do this. We should do it somewhere else. We said, Let's go. And away we went. And instead of going to a room together, she ran.


And you notice that it got faster and faster and faster, which is a very peculiar behavior for somebody who's not There's a pretty high level of bureaucrat to do that to the United States senators at such a moment when really the restoration of confidence in the Secret Service really requires her to be forthcoming with information.


So Alejandro Mayorkas had this to say in support of her watch.


I have 100% confidence in the director of the United States Secret Service. I have 100% confidence in the United States Secret Service.


The Deputy Director of the Secret Service also came forward and said that she should not resign. Monday, there's supposed to be a hearing. Do you expect her to show up for that and answer the questions that you were asking?


I would certainly hope she will, but the fact that she wouldn't this weekend here in Milwaukee leads me to wonder. I mean, do they have a story they haven't quite put together yet? Have they not quite found the right words to spin it? It's very peculiar because the question we asked The question a lot of us wanted to ask and could not ask during the briefing was, how do you explain notifying the counter-sniper team of a possible threat 150 yards from the former President of the United States and still let him get on that stage. See, we'll have a long time to investigate the motives, the reasons, the shortcomings outside of the perimeter, and all of those things. But the answer to the question, why was President Trump allowed to go on that stage while you were dealing with a potential threat that involved somebody who had a range finder in his hand. There's got to be a reason for it. Clearly, they don't want us to know the reason for it. Whatever words they come up with, don't change the facts.


What do you think is the for it?


Well, I think it's probably most likely just a big blunder on their part. Either somebody's comms weren't on or somebody didn't act quickly enough or somebody miscommunicated, somebody misread the situation. It may not be nefarious, but it was incompetent, and it shouldn't be a difficult question.


Do you think that she should be coming forward? I always think that when we do homicide cases or missing person cases, almost every day, the authorities come before the microphones and we say, We're going to get an update at five o'clock. Should she be doing that every day?


Absolutely. In fact, a Democratic senator on the call encouraged her to be forthcoming with new information on a regular basis, even if there's not a lot to say, get out and say, because as you know, trust comes with communication. Transparency can solve a lot of problems. If you don't have something new to say, get out and tell us you don't have something new to say. But to dodge the questions is the worst look possible.


It's a very bad look in a very, very serious manner. I mean, we could be not here this week, which, of course, we wouldn't be if the worst had happened. I think everybody just has so much confidence in the Secret Service, and I think that's been shattered, which is very sad because you have so many very good agents out there. No doubt. But the question of leadership is real.


Yeah, and confidence is only restored when you're talking to people. Quite honestly, we want the confidence restored.


Of course. Absolutely. Well, thank you, Senator. Good to have you here. I hope you get the answers that we're all looking for.


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