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Palestinian rallies are growing across the United States, with big names failing to condemn Hamas while spewing anti Israel rhetoric, it's causing many Jewish people to say they feel less protected and more isolated in the US. Than ever. Let's bring in New York Post columnist and the author of Stolen Youth, Carol Markowitz. One recent incident really kind of highlights where the nation is going with all of this. At a recent rally that was pro Palestinian, anti Israel, susan Sarandon, the actress.


Said this there are a lot of.


People that are afraid, afraid of being Jewish at this time and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country so often subjected to violence.


Jews are afraid because they're getting a taste of what it means to be a Muslim in this country. She was almost immediately dropped by her talent agency, UTA, the United Talent Agency, because of it. And I'm just thinking that perhaps Jews are sensitive about the rise in anti Semitism in the United States because they remember that not too long ago, 6 million of them were brutally murdered at the hands of the Nazis.


Yeah, well, absolutely. That's a large part of it that we're all raised with know, historic lessons. My family is from the Soviet Union. I had other lessons other than the Holocaust as well, pilgrims, et cetera, in Russia. So, yeah, absolutely. That weighs very heavily on us. What I would say about Susan Sarandon is that she seems very gleeful about the Jewish violence against Jewish people in this country. And I want to note that, yes, violence against Jews is at an all time high in 2023. It was also at an all time high in 2022. It was also at an all time high in 2021. And we are the number one most targeted group. So the idea that, oh, now we understand what Muslims have been going through is absurd. I would also add that for anybody that wants to destroy Israel, like Susan Sarandon does, the attacks on Jews in America only make us believe in the existence of Israel and the fact that it must exist even stronger. We always thought Jews needed a safe haven. We just didn't think it would be for us. So I think that she's really stepping on her own point if she hopes to help the Palestinians, which of course, she doesn't.


She doesn't care about the Palestinians.


She just hates know, there's another issue at play here as well, and that is the fact that women's groups, a lot of women's groups in the United States are staying silent about the crimes that Hamas perpetrated against Israeli women. It led Cheryl Sandberg, who's the former executive at Facebook and Metta, to write this quote. We have come so far in believing survivors of rape and assault in so many situations, yet this time, many are ignoring the stories that these bodies tell us about how these women spent the last moments of their lives. The silence on these war crimes is deafening. Speak to the fact that women's groups in America are not coming out outraged about what happened. Denouncing Hamas. Denouncing these war crimes.


So for the last decade or so, as we wrote in our book, stolen youth institutions and universities have been captured by this woke leftist influence. And Susan Sandberg is now realizing that the liberals that she supported, that she thought she was part of their club, they don't consider her part of the club. And the fact is that they consider Jews to be a totally separate category. They see the world in oppressors and oppressed, and they see the Jews as oppressors. They see Israelis, certainly as oppressors. So I hope that this is a wake up call to liberal women, liberal Jewish women in particular. But anybody who thinks that violence against women is wrong, no matter what religion they are, that the left has a really serious problem where they have a warped worldview and that this worldview has been spreading over the last decade, and now is the perfect time to really stop it, to really motivate, to stop it. The idea that these crimes against women are just being ignored by these groups, it's not an accident. It is by design. They have put their worldview stamp on everything. And in this situation, they've decided that the victims of these crimes are actually the oppressors.


And just to put a button on this, sandberg, who says she's a supporter of a two state solution with Israel and the Palestinians, adds, we must denounce these rapes in every conversation, at every rally, and on signs held on every street corner. We must forget our conflicting politics and remember our common humanity. Carol, good to catch up with you. Thank you for your thoughts. Appreciate it.


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