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Here with more Texas Senator Ted Cruz. I don't know, with the Inspector General, everything in between. What frustrates me, Senator, is they have known this the entire time. They have lied to us the entire time. Now, they try to create a false image that in 153 days, that was the date Joe Biden decided to move forward with an executive order in January. He said he had no power to go forward with. Along with that, you have a Department of Homeland Security Secretary who lies with him, vice President who lies with him. Then you have an attorney general that allows Joe Biden to aid and abet in the law-breaking and not enforce the law on top of everything else. It's like one big conspiracy to basically allow the United States to get attacked. It's going to happen, Senator. It's not if.


Sean, that is exactly right. Every word you said in the opening monolog is exactly accurate. We are today at a greater risk for a major terrorist attack than at any time since September 11th. We have seen for three and a half years a wide open border, effectively an invitation from Joe Biden and the Democrats for terrorists to come into this country. We have seen Customs and Border Patrol instructed to be on the look out for Hamas terrorists, be on the look out for Hezbollah terrorists, be on the look out for Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists. All of them have called for Jihad against America. Iran has called for Jihad against America. You look at these eight Tajik terrorists that came in. They came in from Tajikistan. They have ties to ICIS-K, the radical terrorist group. They crossed the border illegally at the Southern border. They were apprehended. Joe Biden had them. The Democrats had them. All he had to do was put the terrorists on a plane and send them home, but they didn't. They, vetted them, which means he patted them on the back of their head and said, I guess we need more terrorists, and they let them go.


And understand the news you just broke, everyone needs to understand what this is. The FBI caught them in a sting for terrorism across three cities, New York, LA, and Philadelphia. The Tajiks and Kasis K are the same people that carried out the terror attack in Moscow, Russia, that killed 145 people at an opera house. Sadly, Sean, we're living on borrowed time because the Democrats are opening the door and laying out the red carpet for terrorists to come and threaten the lives of Americans.


I don't even know. There was a poll that recently came out, and I know the media mob was shocked by the poll. 62% of Americans actually believe that if you're going to come into our country. You got to come in legally, respect our laws, our borders, our sovereignty. It's really that simple. 62% of Americans think that if you enter this country illegally, you should be sent home. Now, Australia does I don't see Australia get criticized very often. If you try to make it to the shores of Australia, they will meet you. If you need medical attention, it will be provided, but you'll never put foot on Australian soil. They will give you food and water and supplies to turn around and go home. Now, why don't we do that here?


Because Joe Biden and the Democrats put politics above our national security. They put it above the lives of Americans. We have seen, it's amazing how people's views change when we have a criminal invasion of the United States with 11 million people crossing illegally. Every single day, Joe Biden and the Democrats are releasing gang members. They're releasing murderers. They're releasing child rapists. We see week after week after week, another American killed, another child raped by illegal immigrants that Joe Biden and the Democrats have released. When it comes to terrorists, we have seen hundreds. You put up the stats a minute ago about China and Russia. If I'd have told you 30,000 Chinese are going to invade this country. I've been down at the border. I've seen hundreds of military-age males from China just lined up, and they keep saying, I want to go to this city, I want to go to this city. Every city in America is a border city.


56,000 in the last year and a half. If I'd have told you, 12,000 56,000 Chinese nationals. Now, do you think they're coming here, Senator, because they want a better life for themselves and their children? Are they buying up our ranch land, farmland, thousands and thousands of acres, and land near military installations just because they like the view, or is it because they're probably enemies of our state?


Look, they are invading this country. One thing to understand, it's not just Biden. Every single Democrat in the Senate has voted for these open borders over and over and over again. They go, John Tester goes to Montana and he tries to pretend he's not for open borders, and then he votes for open borders over and over and over again. Bob Casey in Pennsylvania does the same thing. Sherrod Brown in Ohio. My opponent in Texas, Colin Allred, has voted over and over and over again in favor of open borders against deporting criminal illegal aliens who physically assault police officers. This is the position of today's Democrat Party. They look at open borders and it is their policy. It's what they want because they see them all as future Democrat voters. If people have to die to keep them in power, sadly, Democrats are willing to do that.


For the state of Texas, honestly, it's been you and Governor Greg Abbott on the front lines, fighting for the safety and security of the people in your state. What do you get as a matter of thanks? You get to be the number one target of Chuck Schumer and $200 million are going to be thrown at you in negative ads by your far left Schumer-supporting opponent in Texas. Great. Lucky you.


Well, they're coming after me with everything they've got. You're right. Chuck Schumer and George Soros are spending millions of dollars to to go after me. Schumer has said I'm his number one target in the country. Obama has said I'm his number one target in the country. Colin Allred is already spending millions of dollars in TV ads. I haven't run any TV ads because we don't have the money. I want to encourage people, go to tedcruise. Org Ted Cruz. Org, tedcruise. Org, tedcruise. Org. Make a contribution right now because we are getting massively outspent. The left wants Texas to be a haven for illegal immigrants. They want more of this invasion. That's what they're trying to do in this race in Texas.


They're spending that money not only to hurt you, but they want Texas Blue desperately, and they're paying any amount of money they have to try and make that happen. Senator, thank you. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.