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Here with reaction, Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Senator, I know an officer was shot in your home state of Texas, I understand, by an illegal immigrant. Is that true, sir?


No, that's exactly right. It was an illegal immigrant. It was a venezuelan who was actually set to be deported. And then a judge delayed the deportation and he went out with a rifle and shot a San Antonio police officer. And this is happening. You know, I appreciate, I always enjoy your monolog, Sean, but tonight was powerful. It's important to go through the victims because this is something I said in Milwaukee at the convention. It is every damn day. Every day someone is being shot. Every day a woman is being raped. Every day a child is being assaulted by illegal immigrants that Joe Biden and Kamala Harrisbe harder. I contend this. If America learns the record that I just went through in this monolog, there's no way in hell she would have a chance of ever being president of this country. Now the media is going to protect her. Democrats are going to defend her. How does the, I didn't even mention that she surrendered in the war on terror with Israel. I think the answer is making sure, and this is the Trump campaign's job, not mine.They got to make sure America knows the real story of Kamala Harris. And I don't know how they tell that story, but that would be their mission. In my view, that's how they win.Look, I absolutely agree. Joe Biden for the last four years has been a puppet. He's barely aware of what's going on around him. Others, the radical left interest groups are pulling his strings. Kamala is very different. She is a true believer. Look, I served in the Senate with Kamala. I know her well. She believes every bit of this. As you know, she was ranked by a nonpartisan tracking service as the single most liberal us senator in the entire body. As you just played. She considers herself a radical. She believes in this and is pushing this. But we've got to make it about her extreme record. And the media, the corporate media is going to spend billions of dollars doing this pr campaign where they're going to portray her as a mix of Mother Teresa and Oprah and Gandhi. And they're going to do everything they can. They're also going to keep her very, very tightly scripted, like Joe Biden in the basement. She's going to read from the teleprompter. They don't want her cackling. They don't want her committing gaffes. And it is dangerous. And you're right, it's incumbent on the Trump campaign, it's incumbent on every one of us to focus on her record and to say, listen, the open borders that she champions, does that make your life safer, the out of control spending that's driving inflation and the war on energy, does that make your family better?And look, just last week, when Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before a joint session of Congress, Kamala Harris boycotted the whole thing because the radical anti Israel extremism, whereas you just played a minute ago, she says the problem is not the enemies of America that want to kill us. The problem is we need to have the courage not to say the words radical islamic terrorism. This is a battle for our country and we got to stand up and speak the truth.All right, senator. And your race is very important as well, too. We need you back in the Senate. And I know they've been spending, you're the number one targeted Chuck Schumer. And we need you back in the senate for sure. We hope people support you.So go to ted, comma, comma ted dot.All right, senator, thank you.Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling selling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.


be harder. I contend this. If America learns the record that I just went through in this monolog, there's no way in hell she would have a chance of ever being president of this country. Now the media is going to protect her. Democrats are going to defend her. How does the, I didn't even mention that she surrendered in the war on terror with Israel. I think the answer is making sure, and this is the Trump campaign's job, not mine.


They got to make sure America knows the real story of Kamala Harris. And I don't know how they tell that story, but that would be their mission. In my view, that's how they win.


Look, I absolutely agree. Joe Biden for the last four years has been a puppet. He's barely aware of what's going on around him. Others, the radical left interest groups are pulling his strings. Kamala is very different. She is a true believer. Look, I served in the Senate with Kamala. I know her well. She believes every bit of this. As you know, she was ranked by a nonpartisan tracking service as the single most liberal us senator in the entire body. As you just played. She considers herself a radical. She believes in this and is pushing this. But we've got to make it about her extreme record. And the media, the corporate media is going to spend billions of dollars doing this pr campaign where they're going to portray her as a mix of Mother Teresa and Oprah and Gandhi. And they're going to do everything they can. They're also going to keep her very, very tightly scripted, like Joe Biden in the basement. She's going to read from the teleprompter. They don't want her cackling. They don't want her committing gaffes. And it is dangerous. And you're right, it's incumbent on the Trump campaign, it's incumbent on every one of us to focus on her record and to say, listen, the open borders that she champions, does that make your life safer, the out of control spending that's driving inflation and the war on energy, does that make your family better?


And look, just last week, when Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before a joint session of Congress, Kamala Harris boycotted the whole thing because the radical anti Israel extremism, whereas you just played a minute ago, she says the problem is not the enemies of America that want to kill us. The problem is we need to have the courage not to say the words radical islamic terrorism. This is a battle for our country and we got to stand up and speak the truth.


All right, senator. And your race is very important as well, too. We need you back in the Senate. And I know they've been spending, you're the number one targeted Chuck Schumer. And we need you back in the senate for sure. We hope people support you.


So go to ted, comma, comma ted dot.


All right, senator, thank you.


Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling selling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.