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The border crisis is producing some wild and dangerous scenes across the country. First to San Diego County this week, where two days in a row, a group of migrants tried to board a school bus picking up young kids.


It's just scary that these kids are put into this situation. If those 20 people would have gotten onto the bus and tried to take over the bus, these kids and the bus driver could have been in real danger.


It's not just border communities. Take a look at this terrifying video from just outside Denver. It shows a group of men. They're believed to be members of the gang Trendé Agua, armed with handguns and a scope rifle, and they're just walking through an apartment complex. Now, there's been allegations that these gangs have completely taken this building over. While Fox hasn't confirmed that, the video does suggest a frightening example of gang activity, and the residents are terrified. Joining me now is Danielle Jarinski, Aurora City Council member. Danielle, this is a shocking video, and there are rumors that they have taken over several buildings. We haven't confirmed that here, but I want to know what you're hearing, and I specifically want to know why police or federal law enforcement or someone cannot remove an alleged Venezuelan gang from a building.


What was going on here, Kaylee, is exactly what it looks like. This gang has taken over several complexes in Aurora. Our mayor, Mike Kaufman, was on a program earlier on Fox this afternoon, and he said, Definitively three properties have been taken over by this gang. I do believe it's actually more than that. But this is what they're doing. They are patrolling these complexes with guns. They go in, they beat up the staff, they hold guns to their heads, staff flees. And as far as local law enforcement, I believe at this point that this is far beyond any one local law enforcement agency taking this on. And we need our state and federal partners to step in at this point.


Yeah, I've read that these gangs are actually collecting rent. I mean, it's stunning what we're watching. But there's one resident, I couldn't believe this. This is how she has to live her life.


Every day when we come home, we have to do this. Every time we go outside to take out the garbage, Every time we try to go to bed at night, we have to keep it like this so nobody can kick in the door.


Now, Danielle, you actually know this woman, right?


I do. I assembled a crew. In order for me to be able to get this video footage out yesterday, I had to make sure that this woman and her husband were moved out of this property safely. So I went over there and physically helped move them yesterday out of there and into a safe place. And then we were able to release this video footage. They have a lot more video footage. And I'm so thankful, Kaylee, that you just showed that footage that you showed of Mrs. Romero locking all of her doors. Because our own governor, Jared Polis, just within minutes ago, released a statement to the New York Post claiming that this is all, in fact, largely a feature of my imagination. Oh, my goodness.


A feature of your imagination. I can't even imagine this. I read that there is actually a state law that bars you from talking to federal law enforcement. It seems to me you need to be able to coordinate with federal law enforcement here in order to stop this. Is the governor stopping you?


I have not heard from the governor at all. I mean, it's interesting, Kaylee, that the has really changed around town since this video footage was released, because up until yesterday, you were hard-pressed to get anybody, most other elected officials, police chiefs. You were hard I'm not press to get anybody to admit that this was going on. Our police officers in the Aurora Police Department are talking. Our Aurora police officers want to go in. They want to police. They want to do the work, but they are. They're held back by state law. There's actually a house bill in Colorado that precludes local law enforcement from working with ICE.


Wow. That's amazing. It's amazing. Stay safe. We will stay on it. We will keep covering the story. Danielle, thank you.


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