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Joining us now, Wisconsin congressman, a retired Navy SEAL, Derek Van Orden. Now, this is a time where the leaking comes, right? This is when they really want you out, they start leaking. So this happened on Saturday. Now, it came out tonight. This is pretty interesting making from the campaign that made the lie claim about Trump calling veterans, liars, or losers and suckers. Right. And now this.


Let me tell you something. I know Jason Crow. He serves his country, honorably, as an army ranger. For Joe Biden to bring in the fact that his son, Bo, was awarded a Bronze Star, and then compare that to Jason Crowe, who earned his own, was just bizarre. It is very clear that the Democrat Party is done with Joe Biden right now.


I mean, people are so distrusting of this administration that you're seeing online. People don't even believe he has COVID. Because he basically said if there was a medical emergency or a hand of God, God came down and told me, and my staff told I wasn't going to... I couldn't win that I'd get out, but otherwise I'm staying in. I mean, that's how bad it is. I'm sure he does. Of course, he has COVID, and we wish him well. But that's how little people believe in this administration. Yes.


I really do wish the President of the United States well. He's an elderly man, and he's very certainly in cognitive decline, and he's not healthy, and he shouldn't be there to begin with. But yes, when you start seeing this stuff, and now there's been this pattern exposed of the press covering for Joe Biden, that debate, holy bean bags. Hundreds of millions of people saw what Joe Biden for us for the first time. That means that the Democrat Party wants him out because the cat is out of the bag and they can't cover it any longer.


Okay, congressman, Puck News also reporting that Biden also yelled on the call, Name me a foreign leader who thinks I'm not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy. Tell me, tell me who the hell that is. Well, I- Congressman, he's just falling apart at this point.


I would start at Azerbaijan and work your way to Zair or Zimbabwe, and then just name all the people there. If any of those people have ever watched, I don't know, television, for instance, they'll see that Joe Biden is absolutely incompetent. His projection of strategic weakness has gotten us closer to World War III than we've been to in my lifetime. No world leader wants that, except for possibly Vladimir Putin and Xi.


We got breaking news tonight on Chuck Schumer now. We're wondering when this is going to happen. Coming forward on that call and saying, Joe, for the good of the country, you got to step aside. We love you, but you got to step aside in a meeting on, I guess it was last weekend. Does that change the calculus for Biden, do you think?


It very well may change the calculus for Biden. Plus COVID. Plus COVID, plus Chuck Schumer, plus a whole bunch of other people. Sure. Here's the problem. I don't trust a lot of stuff that Chuck Schumer says to begin with. It's only He got kicked out, conveniently. Of course. They want Biden out. When Chuck came out and said that, if Nancy Pelosi comes out and says, Joe, it's time for you to go, and it gets leaked, he's out.


But they all knew he was in decline. See, the great scandal of all this is they They were willing. If the American people hadn't seen that debate, let's say if they didn't debate at all, they were willing to try to put him in for another four years knowing that this man is just losing it more on a daily basis. You're correct. Isn't that the scandal? The commander-in-chief, is that guy yelling at everybody?


It's horrible. The legacy media, the entire cabinet, a bunch of oligarchs, and the elites in Hollywood all knew that Joe Biden was cognitive decline. When George Clooney has got to come out and say, Actually, that wasn't a deep fake with Obama walking them off the stage.


That's the real-They told us we were purveying misinformation, when we brought it up.


People got to remember, if we're attacked by nuclear power, you have six minutes to make a decision. I mean, dear Lord, I hope that comes between 10:00 AM in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon when Biden is there.


I got to get your take on this Secret Service investigation. We have all these new developments today. The timeline, they're trying to fill it out. Secret Service initially said that local authorities were inside that building where the where the shooter was positioned. Turns out that's not true. They were in an adjacent building. We can't get straight answers, and we still have this Secret Service director in place.


When your sole mission is to make sure the President of the United States is not shot, and then the President of the United States is shot, by definition, you failed your mission. We need to do this, and I've implored Speaker Johnson to make sure that we don't approach this problem.


One commission. One. One. Not four committees. I'd bring an outside counsel.


Fire that stuff up. Yeah, so heads need to roll.


We have new breaking news. You're here for all the breaking news, congressman. More from ABC. Okay, the pig pile has begun. Hakeem Jeffrey has expressed a similar view to Biden that we heard from Chuck Schumer, According to a source familiar with the things that are happening, obviously, these leaks are going to start. I was going to say that the Bidons are so stubborn and selfish that he will never leave. It'll be the jaws of life pulling him out of the White House. But this looks like this is just a matter of time.


Laura, I'm telling you, Nancy Pelosi is the key. If she says you need to go, he will leave.


Don't you think Schumer and Pelosi are going to operate in tandem here? They're not going to split off.


They have for quite a while, and we'll see. But I'm telling you what, they The dominoes are falling right now. Here's the one thing the American people need to understand this. I've not heard a single one of my Democrat colleagues say, Joe Biden needs to go because he's making the world more dangerous and worse to live as an American citizen.


They're going to lose.


We're going to lose the election, which says to me that they're only after their personal political power, and that's as dangerous as keeping him in office right now.


Are you okay after that attack on you?


Listen, I don't want to compare this in any way, shape, or form about what happened to President Trump. He got shot in the head of the bullet, and I've been hit harder by air coming out of a blow dryer. The thing is this, these code pink people need to be called on the carpet. Enough of this garbage. They're peace-niks.


They don't believe in violence.


They are not. That's a lie. They asked me if I wanted to press charges, and I said, Absolutely, yes. It's time for more of that. We have the same equal rights as they do, so it's time to exercise them.


We're done. I loved it, Congressman. It's great to see you. Thank you so much for being on with us.


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