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First, time for the fastest. All right, a news survey says 48 % of people have gone to a holiday party just for the treats.




The top flavors of this time of year, gingerbread, salty, caramel, and peppermint. And speaking of treats, we have a holiday spread here. Peppermint, stick, chocolate, swirl, cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. Do you know that's not really a factory? I found that out when I went on the tour. And candy, cane, chill, blizzard from Dairy Queen, which is our royalty. No, Harold, I don't understand how they make choices when it comes to holiday sweets. For example, no one likes fruit chews, right? No one bites into those chocolates and they just leave them there. Why do they persist in including such terrible sweets?


Well, in the Christmas spirit, I think it's important to note that some people may like those things and they are part of the decorative thing we look for on Christmas morning, at least many of us do. I don't like sweets. I'm really a bad... I don't eat sweets. I like sweets. I don't eat sweets, but I do like the decorative esthetic of it all.


Of course.


You do. Decorative esthetic.


You know, Harold?


You taught me that.


Jesse- I taught you a lot.


I enjoy sweets, but couldn't you argue this is a war on diabetics?


When I saw this survey, I thought, man, these people are overweight. And when I mean these people, I mean the American people. Who goes to a holiday party just for the food?


The judge does.


Okay, well, that explains it. I don't know. I think we just need discipline. You don't have to have the whole piece. You could just have a few bites, Greg. And that's just a good life lesson in general.


It really is. Moderation. Moderation is key. Even in Moderation. Even in here. Yes. Who said that?


I don't know. Ben Franklin. Yeah. No, he was.


Quite dirty. Are you a pumpkin spice person? I find that to be completely overrated.


Me? Yeah. I like everything sweet, everything spicy. I love peanut brittle. At Christmas time, I'll find where the kids are and raid their stockings. I like, remember the popcorn balls? Oh, yeah. They don't make them like that anymore. They were hard and glued together, probably with glue. And we ate them. So I love that. And remember the ribbon candy? Oh, God. No?


Well, you're younger than you.


They'd stick together. Your grandparents would have them in a dish, usually an ashtray.


They would stick together by the first of the year. If you ate them on Christmas Day like you should.


Dana, you know that I've never had eggnog in my life? Really? Yeah. It just looks like Pancake batter to me. It's disgusting.


Well, first of all, since Carol forgot, it's good to be back around the table again. Christmas Day. Eggnog. Yeah. My parents used to have it. It used to come in a carton, and I would take a swig of that. But I didn't know you're supposed to put alcohol in it. I never had it with alcohol. I think that this blizzard dog is actually pretty good. You can't overindulge. I'll tell you the best Christmas treat I had this season, though. Hemmer has an assistant. He's a tree. And Caroline, my assistant, they made Christmas cookies for the American Museum holiday party. Those were good. The cookies were excellent. So I indulged a little bit. That was my lunch.


One day. Did you give me some of those? Yeah. Anyway, I can say that because I don't care. Up next, it's the season of giving, but not everyone is into that idea. The new poll finds that 60 % of holiday shoppers will be buying gifts for themselves and not necessarily others. You know, Jesse, this seems.


Like something you would do. I participated in the survey. I remember when they called me and I said, I have 20 minutes to talk to the telemark. This is what we're going to use on The Five. I don't see anything wrong with going shopping for other people and getting yourself something, but if you're just going shopping for other people and then you forget about the other people and just get yourself something, that's not right.


You know what I like to do, Dana? I will buy somebody a food gift basket, but I'll take some stuff out of it for me. Is that wrong? What do you take out? I'll take the best stuff because they'll never know. And sometimes there'll be things in my pantry that I haven't eaten. I'll put them into the gift basket.


Like a tin of baked beans.


Exactly. They'll go, Oh, wow. Those are classic baked beans. That's right. Those are organic baked beans. And you.


Put those on toast and then you make it like a British thing.


Exactly. It's a British gift basket.


Is anybody else at the stage now where you were getting things that you forgot that you ordered? I'm like, Oh, this was supposed to be for her, but I guess I'll have to keep it. I ended up with a lot of that stuff. Yeah.


You know what I'm giving, Judge? All of the COVID tests I'm getting in the mail.


Are you putting them in.


The food basket? Because I care. You know what? They should do a COVID gift basket with masks and little visors.


Don't think they didn't do that. Give it to my mother.


Yeah, and a K95 and all that good stuff. And then what aren't you supposed to eat when you have COVID. Did they ever say we shouldn't eat anything? No. No? I don't think so.


Right? Okay. But nobody had a sense of taste.


Yeah, so-That's.


What the baked beans are for.


Yeah. Or smell.


Or smell. Harold, we're trying to keep it clean. This is Christmas after all. You can leave your fart humor for whatever you do after these shows. It's really disgusting. Do you do a lot of shopping on you? I don't see you shopping, Harold. I see you having people shop.


For you. I do a lot of shopping. First of all, it's Christmas. There should be a lot of joy and love around the table and forgiveness. I tell people all the time. I get asked all the time what it's like to be with everybody around the table every day, and it's a joy. Merry Christmas, and it's been a great year, and we'll have it even better next year. I love shopping for other people. Matter of fact, I don't go shopping. The judge and I talked about this. I have not bought a gift for myself in years. I'll go out and I love going in the stores. I love people walk up to me. I said, you know, Jesse Waters? You know, Judge Jean? Do you know, Greg? Do you know, Dana? Which happens often. Nobody asks for it. I have two little kids. I love buying from my kids. I love going in the kid stores and toy stores. I'm not.


Allowed in.


Kid stores.


Because you're reliving your childhood. Harold, whenever you're standing still in a department store, do people actually look at your clothes?




The price on this? What's the price? I would be surprised to think you're a mannequin because you are. You're a mannequin.


Yeah, you've got Riz.


It's very AI-shoved me. Very AI-shoved me.


All right, let's look at this clip. Now I have a machine gun.


Oh, oh, oh.


All right, so diehard making USA today, that still exists. Yeah, yeah. A list of the best Christmas flicks. The top 10 include Scrooged Elf, National Lampoon's Christmas vacation. And Dana, you'll be happy to hear Love Actually is actually.


On the list. Actually on the list.


It's the worst movie ever made. I still enjoy it.


I'm so mad that that guy bought the necklace for the office girl and broke Emma's heart. That was terrible. I like that movie. I like a lot of the Christmas. The newer country Christmas songs, those.


Are good. We don't care.


Okay. I don't know what else to say. It's been 13 years we've talked about love, actually.


But you know what, Judge? Why do Christmas movies have to be only in Christmas? Why can't you watch them year round?


Because somehow they don't feel right. It doesn't feel right watching Home Alone in July. When it's 90 degrees in your on your way to the beach, it just doesn't make sense. But I got to tell you, I have never seen Love, actually.




For you.


There's not a lot of shoot them up crime Christmas shows, though.


Yeah, there is. We just saw it.




Bought one. Yeah, that's a good one. And I always thought The Godfather, when they were in front of Best in Company.


I think the Great Christmas movie because you can watch it with your family. Everybody sits around. They're eating a lot of food. Good fellows. Great Christmas movie. I think it is. Remember they're making a meal. Was that for Christmas or I can't remember. And he was trying to get the drugs.


That was the.


Holiday time. Oh, yes.


Harold, you were saying in The Green Room, not a lot of good adult Christmas films. I was shocked. I didn't know what you meant. But you mean movies for adults and not for kids.


Perhaps I was saying adult and then said Christmas. My favorite Christmas movie is Trading Places. Oh, very good. It's a great movie. People forget it. It's a Philly movie. It's around Christmas time and one of the great lines is when Eddie Murphy is outside of that club, The Heritage Club, said, With liberty and justice for all members only. But that's what the plaque read. But I love that movie and my wife has a big national lampoon Christmas vacation. I've had that running a lot.


Do you have a favorite Christmas film?


I like Home Alone. Was that not on the list? Yeah, it was. It was on the list? I can't see too much eggnog last night.


Yeah, there you go.


All right. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.