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Happy New Year, everyone. We're excited to kick off 2024 with you. Now get ready because we have a huge show ahead. We are taking a look back at our must-see moments from our show last year. We're answering your fan mail questions, and we're also going to rewind to one of our favorite things, which is one more thing. Plus, it's our annual tradition. We're revealing our New Year's resolutions and predictions. But first. It's the best five stories of 2023. First up, it's the viral moment of the year. I don't give two fuck, but I am telling you right now, the fuck. The fuck back there.


Is not real.


Tiffany Gomers, known as the Crazy Plain Lady, setting the Internet ablazed after confronting a not real man on the flight. And, Jesse, you had her on Prime Time.


What happened? I did. She never told us what she saw. She said there was a guy and he didn't put his seat back and he didn't try to hit on her. I have no idea what happened. The judge said I booted the interview. She said, I should have crushed this poor lady, and I've just lost sleep over it.


No, you haven't.


I haven't.




Would you have asked, Judge?


Well, first of all, she was charged with criminal trespass. Everyone on that plane had to get off the plane. Then they had to go through security again. Then she tried to board the train again, the plane again. She acts like, Oh, I was just so upset. Well, if she wants us to believe that she had an argument with someone, what was the argument about? If you have an argument, you say, He touched me. He sold from me. Pushed his seat on me. You don't say he's not real. I would say to her, Were you on something? Did you drink something? Would you act like this normally? Have you seen a doctor? Have you seen a psychiatrist?


Jessica, do you think she just needed a minute?


I don't know. It really transformed my way of thinking once Jesse had her, and she seemed pretty normal and mellow. And then Greg obviously loves to insert substances into the conversation of what might have happened. And then I was like, maybe she was on something. Maybe she just had a complete adverse reaction to whatever cocktail had been consumed. But it was a fun story, at least while last time I know.


It's fun for us. It tortured her. Not if.


I'm trying to make my flight.


You travel a lot. If this happened on your flight.


What would you try to talk? Listen, I love The Twilight Zone. There was a man on the plane. No one believed William Shatter. There was something on the plane. There was something on the plane and ended up, guess what? There was something on the plane. So she knows better than the talk because you know what happens when you talk about invisible people, ghosts, aliens, you disappear. So obviously it was real to her. And so therefore, she should not fly ever, especially on a flight that I'm on. Judge, she was dressed for success and just like you are, apparently, the party was pretty good last night. Young lady, you care to explain?


My lips are sealed for the producer's sake.


All right, well, let's go to this one next up. Remember this heart-stopping moment during a podcast?


It's so.


Quiet in here. How did I... Yes, an SUV crashing right into a coffee shop window in Houston as two podcasters were in the middle of a live broadcast. Don't worry, they were all okay, and they were joking about it a little bit later. What do you think of that? The driver lost control?


No, I'm calling... What's the appropriate word? Bs on this one. This was staged, thousand % staged. First of all, what a crazy turn to make on a straight line. It wasn't like he had to make the turn. And since when do you do an interview with the blinds up? Okay, and a car is coming, you run. So you don't get to flair. They didn't even flinch because they knew it was coming, nor did they have any concern for the driver.


Wow, I never thought of it.


That way. Somebody hits the wall, you don't jump up and be like, okay. And once you find out you're okay, then that's when the epitaphs would come out. What are you? I've been crazy. You could have killed me. But no, even the camera doesn't move. It's as if the mathematical possibilities of this happening, I don't have Harold or Charles Payne here with me, but is astronomical. You have a better chance of winning two lotteries than this being at the right place at the right time for a car, speeding, but not quite speeding enough.


That's quite a stunt driver, though, if so.


Is it? My nine-year-old could pull that off.


But you know what's missing from this story? Was the guy arrested? Was he tested for alcohol? Here we go again with drugs. I mean, the driver. Conspiracy. But the reason they didn't know it was coming is because they don't have eyes in the back of their heads. But I agree with you because this guy is driving straight, and then all of a sudden drives right into this. By the way, the shades are down. Did you see them move? The shades.


Are down. The shades are up enough to catch the spot. They're down on the other side. And here's one other thing, Judge- No, see, they're both down. -objection. The other thing is- Overruled. You're hearsay. Here's the other thing, Judge. You're hearsay. Judge, you have a natural response.


I have an instinct.


You don't have to see something to move. You would feel it. Not to mention you would hear the sound of the car.


Here's why I don't think you're right. Jesse, it was a 38-year-old woman driving the car.


Not 83.


That even works.


That's my point.


So would you trust a woman to pull the stun off, tyrus? Objection. Absolutely.


You would. Badgering the witness.


What makes you think women don't drive like stuntmen?


Give me a break. How many stunt women drivers are there?


Thousands. I really... Yeah, you are. How do you think she got here in the.


Party trip? Jessica, she also ran into, collided with the white Ford Escape, lost control. And she did get she got a citation for running a red light. That was it.


Oh, the system works, doesn't it?


This is sucking the fun out of it. Why can't it just be like a real thing that happened?


Oh, no, because I think like-We're not sucking fun.


I think the fun has been sucked.


No one.


Sucks fun. Nope. This fun does not suck at all. All right, next up, I love this one. Fashion is so out of control that when a prankster crashed the runway at a New York fashion show wearing a trash bag, no one even noticed. Judge, you could have been in the audience there. Would you have noticed?


I wouldn't have noticed, to be honest with you. I like the way you look and you're laughing. I like the way you just walked slowly. He's got sticking that butt out going back and forth. And then all of a sudden, when he looks back, you know that he's in trouble.


It's the. I think it's great. And it looks like what you would expect to see at a fashion-forward fashion show.


You dress for the job you want.


You have... I'm sure all the suckers in the front row were like, Oh, yeah.


Yeah, I can say that. I could see that. I could see that. I'd pay a thousand dollars for that. It's a shower curtain.


He literally got 150 orders for that outfit. I think, again, I'm so happy it's 2024 because 2023, I'm just over it. This says more about the fashion industry than it does him. The fact that you can put a shower cap on and a see-through trash bag and scroll down and everybody's fine with it. At some point, somebody yelled out. He's so brave. So when the security guard took him off, why? He wasn't a threat to anything. If he would have turned around, he would have sold them all to every distributor. Then at Neiman Marcus, it had been everywhere. Nordstrom's rack, we would all have seen people walking around.


Remember, the Gay did that? Yeah. So why not? Yeah, I remember, Yay. All right, next up, important life advice. Always do a quick Google search. Newark, New Jersey becoming a sister city with a fake country. The city's mayor invited what he thought was the Hindu nation of Kailasa for an official ceremony.




Guys, it was totally fake. Newark Democrats forced to admit they were scammed, calling it a incredible incident. And the guy behind it is a notorious scam artist. You've got to do a little Google search before.


Listen, everyone gets catfish when you lead with your heart. They were desperately looking for their soulmate city. And she said all the right things. It was confusing, though, whenever they wanted to have a meeting on Facebook or FaceTime, their country's video camera never worked. But it was one of those things where they just believed it to be true. So let's not be too hard on them because love will blind you.


Are you turning over a new leaf in 2024?


No, actually, if this was anyone I knew, I'd still be laughing at them. But again, I'm trying to be nice. Were they meeting.


With their heart or their virtue? Because they.


Wanted a little in love. Look at our sister, Citi.


Do you guys even exist?


Oh, yeah. Like Sister City? Sure. Oh, yes. Little Google search. You'll find out who your Sister City is. Yes, absolutely.


That's a big deal. All right.


I'm on it. It's a big deal. I could do a Google search, put my address in, and end up at someone else's house. So do all my packages. So Google isn't that savvy.


It's been one of those holiday seasons.


Yes, their stuff comes to me. My stuff goes to them. My stuff.


Is-are you guys friends?


Yeah, thank God.


They do happen to me. I sent a gift to somebody, but I accidentally put east rather than West. So in New York, you can imagine what happened. So this person finally calls me. They're like, I don't know what to do with this thing. And then as we're talking, he's like, Wait, is this Dayna Perino? And then they were a huge fan of The Five. And I said, You know what? Keep it. And I ordered another one.


I got to remember that. I'm so sweet. I got to remember that when someone goes, Could.


You send me a gift? I put West on it. East versus West. Anyway, and finally, this year we started calling him the Secretary of shredding, Secretary of State, Antony Blinkin, picking up a guitar and singing the blues while at a diplomatic event.


I'm a coochie, coochie man.




Knows my name.


I realized that I was not here for that. I think I was in Spain. Yeah, I didn't see that. Do you think he's got a future after Secretary of State?


I think he likes his line of work, and he has another term coming up. You all heard me say that, but I loved it. I thought it was really fun, and he's very talented.


Judge? You'd be the judge of that.


You liked it when we first saw it. No, I.


Liked the fact that he can turn over a leaf and do something different. Good for him. He's having fun.


Can you play guitar?


The flute. I'm a fluton.


I know, from second grade. Yes. -buffin' pops -A recorder.


I hate to agree with Jessica, and you know how much I hate to agree with you. But I do, yeah. I thinkhe was shredding.


Women love that. I didn't know what that.


Meant, shredding. This is the one time I'll say this. He can go ahead and quit his day job. Really? He should go after this full-time. He went to my high school. Follow your dreams. Yes. Quit immediately, resign and go on the road full-time. You've got something there, kid.


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