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The Kamala coronation will not be questioned. The liberal media is following the Democrats lead in brushing aside the voices of over 14 million folks who voted for Joe Biden in the primary. You better hop on board or else.


And I've heard from inside republican circles and right wing media that the hate campaign against Kamala Harris has begun. You'll notice they purposefully pronounce her name wrong.


If now the country is offered all of Joe Biden's policies with someone who's essentially half his age and they can't get over the line, what does that say about the american people and our willingness to have a black woman as our president?


We hear all of what we know are going to be a lot of misogynistic, you know, sexist, racist attacks on her. We gotta be ready. So are you all ready?


Greg, are you ready?


I am. I like how they were starting the racist and gender narrative while they then start the ageist narrative that we can point them out for. Right. So it's okay to go after an older gentleman, but then you accuse people mispronoun. People mispronounce my name all the time, usually at Klan rallies. But, you know, it is amazing. And you mentioned it in the a block, the lockstep in the media. And it just, I don't know how it's done, how the talking points are doled out and how much. Almost immediately they repeat them. But on the right, I've been doing this for like 17 years. I've never received a talking point from anybody. I don't think anybody here has. There's no ground zero for us on talking points. You know, there's no media matters or kind of organization that tells us how to operate. Maybe that's because they know that as righties, we have guns and they're not going to tell us. They're not going to tell us. But I also, I do love, I always like it when Mika says, like on, I guess over the weekend, Joe said he had insiders in the republican party and then she does the same thing.


I think they're talking to each other. Right. That's their insider. They just, that's their, like, little Scarborough.


Is the republican insider.




Data. So they said if Kamala doesn't win when it's a racist, sexist country, but.


Same policies, what are they going to say when she chooses a white male governor for her vice president?




Because, I mean, who would be for a white male governor except for Harold Ford junior? The strange new respect is really kind of hard to take. Did you see how many reporters were tweeting yesterday details about her outfit?




And all of a sudden, the reporters last week were furious about the coverup of Joe Biden's capabilities in the White House. And that did extend to Kamala Harris until she was going to be coronated as the nominee. The other thing I've noticed in the past 24 hours, all of a sudden, Kamala Harris can't take a bad picture. You notice that. Watch. Look at all the photographs that you're starting to see. Photo editors make a difference in this situation. Watch how. I mean, they don't want to have to put up that photo of Trump, the bloodied ear and the do you think about this newfound love for Kamala Harris?So I think, well, just real quick on the age thing. Remember, AIDS was probably in the mind, in the minds of a lot of voters with Biden, the biggest detriment or the biggest challenge, it was cognitive ability. Right. But the age, it was associated with age. I don't disagree, but the age. Age was a part of it. Now, I'm not debating whether or not we should be talking about Trump and his age. Second, just like we didn't know in 2015 when Donald Trump came down that escalator with Melania to announce his campaign, and he said so many things in that opening the announcement, and there were a lot of people who were put off by that. No one knew how that would end up. We obviously all know how it ended up. He won the primary and wanted him to be elected president. So we don't really know what's going to happen with Kamala here in this process. It seems to be going in the right direction. And I'm not suggesting it won't be, but I think yesterday to today is a different conversation we're having about the vice president. And finally say to what I think the Republicans and Democrats, if you don't get back to talking about issues and you keep talking about hurling insults at one another and invective at one another, there are middle class and upper middle class Americans in this country living paycheck to paycheck who missing a paycheck will disrupt their lives in serious and significant ways.JD Vance tried to talk to that group and I thought he did a decent job Wednesday night at the convention. They seem to have strayed away from that. Kamala Harris has been talking to that group all her career. She's gotta get to that if you want to win. The invective won't win. It's a nice little thing that gets media coverage. But talk about the needs and aspirations and challenges that people are facing. That's how you win elections, Katie.Well, I have bad news because I brought my hate folder. Yeah, I'm gonna bring in every show until now in the election just for the vice president and the new democratic nominee. Look, this is a big gamble for Democrats to take to shift Joe out and bring her in when she's never won a single primary vote in their party. She has a big job to do. She has to get the coalition together and unified. And then she has to try and get some voters to change their decision when there are very few undecided voters left in the states that she has trouble talking to. She's not good at talking to blue collar workers in Michigan and Pennsylvania and the rest of the Rust belt. She doesn't have a skill set like that. And she's going to have a hard time explaining why a liberal progressive from San Francisco can relate to people who are missing paychecks and having hard time as a result of the Joe Biden policies that she has endorsed for the past four years.All right, coming up, Kamala Harris has her fingerprints all over the Joe Biden cover up. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You won't get it anywhere else.


do you think about this newfound love for Kamala Harris?


So I think, well, just real quick on the age thing. Remember, AIDS was probably in the mind, in the minds of a lot of voters with Biden, the biggest detriment or the biggest challenge, it was cognitive ability. Right. But the age, it was associated with age. I don't disagree, but the age. Age was a part of it. Now, I'm not debating whether or not we should be talking about Trump and his age. Second, just like we didn't know in 2015 when Donald Trump came down that escalator with Melania to announce his campaign, and he said so many things in that opening the announcement, and there were a lot of people who were put off by that. No one knew how that would end up. We obviously all know how it ended up. He won the primary and wanted him to be elected president. So we don't really know what's going to happen with Kamala here in this process. It seems to be going in the right direction. And I'm not suggesting it won't be, but I think yesterday to today is a different conversation we're having about the vice president. And finally say to what I think the Republicans and Democrats, if you don't get back to talking about issues and you keep talking about hurling insults at one another and invective at one another, there are middle class and upper middle class Americans in this country living paycheck to paycheck who missing a paycheck will disrupt their lives in serious and significant ways.


JD Vance tried to talk to that group and I thought he did a decent job Wednesday night at the convention. They seem to have strayed away from that. Kamala Harris has been talking to that group all her career. She's gotta get to that if you want to win. The invective won't win. It's a nice little thing that gets media coverage. But talk about the needs and aspirations and challenges that people are facing. That's how you win elections, Katie.


Well, I have bad news because I brought my hate folder. Yeah, I'm gonna bring in every show until now in the election just for the vice president and the new democratic nominee. Look, this is a big gamble for Democrats to take to shift Joe out and bring her in when she's never won a single primary vote in their party. She has a big job to do. She has to get the coalition together and unified. And then she has to try and get some voters to change their decision when there are very few undecided voters left in the states that she has trouble talking to. She's not good at talking to blue collar workers in Michigan and Pennsylvania and the rest of the Rust belt. She doesn't have a skill set like that. And she's going to have a hard time explaining why a liberal progressive from San Francisco can relate to people who are missing paychecks and having hard time as a result of the Joe Biden policies that she has endorsed for the past four years.


All right, coming up, Kamala Harris has her fingerprints all over the Joe Biden cover up. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You won't get it anywhere else.