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Welcome back. Prosecutors who work under Los Angeles County district Attorney, George Gascan, say they are concerned now about anti-Semitism in their workplace. A number of those prosecutors are calling out the DA following last week's anti-Israel protests that turned very violent outside an LA Synagogue. They say Gascan took an aggressive posture after pro-Israel counterprotestors joined the scramble, but not against the anti-Semitic mob that started the whole thing. Carol Markowitz is the host of the Carol Markowitz Show on iHeartRadio. She joins me now to break it all down. Carol, it sounds like a handful of prosecutors, I don't know the exact number, inside the office are pissed at Gascon. They say, number one, he has been silent in the wake of those attacks. Number two, he has really done nothing to respond. What are you hearing?


It's very interesting that they're speaking up because obviously their jobs are at stake and they're taking a risk here. There was a very famous South American politician who said, For my friends, everything. For my the law. That's what we're seeing from these politicized DAs all across the country. They're protecting their friends, and the Jews have to realize that they are not friends on the left. They do not have friends on the left. They do not have friends in these DA offices. These assistance DAs speaking up is a really good thing. I hope that they continue to do so. I hope that they don't get forced out. But it's very interesting that these prosecutors are not defending the Jewish community at all and not allowing them to defend themselves.


Take a listen Listen to this. This is one of the prosecutors in that office. He wrote, I hate going to work and entering a building where I feel like my boss will treat me differently simply because I'm Jewish. That's how I feel and many others feel. So the point being here, this is something that's clearly been building. It didn't just erupt a week ago.


Yeah. I get emails from people all over the country in all kinds of positions, all kinds of jobs, where they're saying that they're being pressured because they are Jewish and they feel that they can't speak up. They can't talk about what's going on with them. I think it's happening in so many different fields. It's scary when it happens in our law enforcement fields because, again, these people are supposed to be protecting these communities, and they're not. It's interesting to see where this plays out, if whether these Assistant DAs actually get anything out of their complaints and whether or not the DA finally decides to prosecute crimes and maybe defend the Jewish community that's been so assailed in his city.


We did get a response, which I want to flag for you from Gascon's spokesperson. I'm not going to read the whole thing, but we can put it up on screen. They say, They condemn all forms of hatred, including anti-Semitism, and they take allegations seriously. Any suggestions that the office is sympathetic to organizations that promote hatred, discrimination, violence, or terrorism is unfounded, and they insist they will continue prosecuting demonstrators and counter protests driven solely by the principle of law and justice without bias towards any group. They are, I guess, punching back against accusations they have been slow walking justice for these anti-Jewish protesters.


I would say prove it because words are really meaningless. We know what they're doing. We see what they're doing, and they're not prosecuting any of the protesters. We see this in New York. We see this in LA. The charges against all the Columbia rioters were dropped in New York. The same is happening in Los Angeles. So these people can say whatever they want. They can use all the right language. But until we see them taking action against these violent rioters who keep targeting the Jewish community, all these words are really pointless to me.


It is precisely that action, Carol, that now prosecutors from that very office, Gascogne's office, are saying is missing when that is the sum total of their job. We got to leave it there. Thanks so much for taking time with us.


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