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Former NYPD officer Bill Stanton joins me now. Bill, thank you for joining us. Why don't you explain to our viewers just how dangerous a swatering situation is?


Rachel, thank you for having me. Well, these self-loathing, miscreant losers think they're going to empower themselves by weaponizing city, state, and federal agencies, in this case, SWOTing. What they do is they'll either call from a burner phone or a non-traceable line, and they'll either call or text in the alleged threat. What they're doing is they're committing a crime by making false allegations. They're wasting taxpayer money. But the most important thing is they could potentially be endangering the lives of the address they're going to and the officers involved. Because if someone's coming up on my house in plain clothes and when they're not properly identified, someone's going to get hurt one way or the other. This is what they're hoping to cause constant chaos because they have no relevancy in their lives.


Yeah. I mean, people have have been killed because of swatting. Marjorie Taylor Green has faced this eight times. I'm sorry, Bill. I have to say, where is the FBI? I mean, they can track down all kinds of stuff. As I mentioned before, the J. Sixers constantly being tracked down by the FBI. Where is the FBI on this? And how much of their inability, for example, to find Marjorie Taylor-Greens, the eight people who have done it to her have to do with politics. It just seems to me unfathomable with the amount of resources and money we have in the FBI.


Well, I share your frustration, and in my opinion, the rank and file feds, they want to get the bads guys as much as we do. You have to go up the food chain and look who's creating policy. Unfortunately, we have to look at politics and we see where current politics going, where they're targeting churches, where they're targeting right-wing nonprofits and PTA meetings. That's where resources are going to. We have to change that paradigm and go after the people that are looking to hurt Americans.


Absolutely. Bill, I think a lot of conservative, just activists in general, are figuring out that they should probably call their police station and alert them the way Marjorie Taylor Green and this officer did as well, because if not, if somebody just shows up, they're going to get killed. They were lucky this time that they were alerted ahead of time, and not many people have that going on. Bill Stanton, former police officer, thank you for joining us.


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