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Joining me now, Congressman Byron Donalds. Congressman, do you notice she's not trying to say that that sad Biden video is a deep fake video because it's obviously a real video. So they call it cheap faith or cheap faith. I don't even know what she's saying. But we're supposed to just not believe what we see and just say, Oh, no, we don't see what we see. It's all well. What?


America, George Orwell warned us of this, that the party was basically going to tell you not even to believe your own eyes. This is the stuff where they can't cover up for Joe Biden anymore. This is the same party that told you that the laptop from hell was Russian disinformation. I mean, look, if I was holding Donald Trump's hand walking off stage and put my hand in his back to escort him to the back, the media would be apoplectic. Something like that never happens. Barack Obama does it. Now, they're telling everybody that, Don't believe what you saw. It's a joke. We know that Joe Biden is not fully with us. This is not funny. This is serious because he wants to be President of the United States for four more years. Our country can't have that anymore.


Well, I Again, I'm going to keep asking. I ask two questions a lot. One, how did the Bidons get so rich? And two, who's really making the big calls? We had an idea about the first one, selling influence in their last name to the Chinese and Ukraine, all that. But we don't really know who's making the momentous decisions that affect every voter, every American right now. That in and of itself is disturbing.


Well, look, I think to the decisions, I think it's a combination of Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Tony Blinken, et cetera. I think they're working as a high of mind over there, which, again, none of them were elected to be President, just Joe Biden. Unfortunately, he's doing a terrible job at that. Obviously, the money situation situation, the son, the brother they've been grifting, violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act to get money to the family for quite some time. But it'd be one thing if they actually made good decisions. They make awful decisions, and he's not the one pulling that trigger every single time. This is how bad this is for the country, because in your previous segment, every decision they made, they have gone on top of that decision with an even more heinous and a more terrible decision. November simply can't come soon enough.


All right, Congressman Donald, it's great to see you as always.


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