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I want to bring back Ari Fleischer, Jonas Philvor, and Mercedes Cole, when you all are with me for the hour, and I'm so appreciative. Ari, you were making this point, too, of this is more than just about what's going on outside. It's what's going on inside that courtroom, too. I wonder, the President can see these people supporting him, the former President.


Well, it really is about what's going on inside the courtroom. I'm glad for what's happening outside the courtroom, but make no mistake, this is not going to change what the jury decides. They're not going to decide one way or another because people at the outside are supporting Donald Trump. That's why everything comes down to, is this a fair trial? And what will the jury decide? I happen to believe for the reasons I said earlier, that because it's such an overwhelmingly democratic district with a Democratic judge whose daughter worked on the campaign against or supported campaign against Donald Trump, the politics of Alvin Bragg. If Trump is got a hung jury or is acquitted, this is going propel him like a rocket because now he's going to beat the charge. So wait a bit. What a boost. What a backfire for the Democrats. That's the upside of it. If he's convicted, I just don't believe it's going to change any vote. That's because of what I said earlier. It's so democratic. The deck is stacked. Are there really many independent voters out there who are undecided who'd say, I probably would have voted for Donald Trump, but he got convicted in Manhattan.


That's something that I don't understand. So I Is he upside for Donald Trump and a limited downside? I just don't rule out that he will be convicted. We don't know what's happening inside that jury box.


What I was about to observe and get you to react to, Ari, is this idea that, okay, so say whatever is going on with him at the end of the trial, what matters now is that Joe Biden and all of his bad polling, I mean, that is a backdrop that is now in the forefront. You can't miss I mean, look at the Dow Jones yesterday. I mean, if you have a lot of money invested, that's great. But if you don't, that is a sign that Biden can go out and brag about rich folk, and everybody else is feeling the high prices at the grocery store and of everything else. I mean, it just further shows the divide between these two men that one can begin to sink in the polls, and he's not facing all these charges. Ari.


Right. I am convinced that the Democrats believe believed ardently with everything inside them that indicting Donald Trump would lead to a huge drop in Donald Trump's polling numbers and propelled Joe Biden. After all, how can any normal-minded American look at this and say, The man is on trial. The man is indicted. 88 charges, whatever it is, that he's not guilty, because that's how Democrats think. But for much of the rest of the country, that is not how they think. And that's the problem the Democrats made in trying to settle something through law, but they should have settled by taking it to the voters. And that's where I do think Donald Trump's got the advantage. It's amazing that he could be on trial and go up in the polls, but that is exactly what's happening. That's the real world that we live in, and this is the backfire risk for the Democrats.


Up in the polls and up in the money, up in the fundraising, too. So real quickly, we're going to take a short commercial break here. But Mercedes, I just wanted to get your idea. So they're back in the courtroom right now. And as they get ready to continue cross-examination, you want them to do some single, very important things. Maybe just one or two of those. We'll take a quick break.


No, I'm sorry. I thought you were looking at me. No, I mean, they really do have to say that, I think, go back to say that you've lied before Congress, your social media, what you said on social media about how much you hate him. Then say that you were interviewed, and they already did this this morning, go back to you were interviewed 17 times by the federal prosecutors, yet there was nothing that came out of it, correct? And that's pretty much it. And that's where I would go back to just the amount of lying that he's done and just seal it and get him off the stand. Well, because he's going to be rehabilitated by the prosecution.


He's going to be rehabilitated by the prosecution? You think on redirect, they're going to come back and forth to buy his reputation?


They're going to try. They're certainly going to try. They're going to go back and say, You have no reason to lie, do you? There is no plea deal with the prosecution. We don't have a plea deal with you. That's how they have to rehabilitate him, because otherwise, all you have is, he's a liar, he's a liar, he's a liar. And by the way, he hates Trump. You need to go back and say, You have no motivation. There is no agreement here.


He's not the only one who hates Trump, though. Stormy Daniels said it on the stand. She did. Look, I know that there possibly is that discrepancy with Bob Costello that John Roberts pointed out that you and I talked about, but he said a whole lot this morning about that item and Michael Cohen hate for Trump. All right, Trump, back in the courtroom. Cohen's cross-examination is about to pick back up. We'll take a quick short break.


Hey, everyone. I'm Emily Campanio. Catch me and my co-host, Harris Faulkner and Kaylee McEnneney on Outnumbered Every Weekday at 12:00 PM Eastern, or sets your DVR. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for Daily highlights.