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Take me now, Arizona congressman Andy Biggs at the House Judiciary Committee. Congressman, it's good to see you tonight. Man, they spent a lot of time on this. You exonerated President Biden line. Her kept pushing back on that saying, No, I did not. They refused to hear him, but they do know the truth, do they not?


Yes, they do. What Mr. Hur did is what we call a charging decision. You know that, but he made a charging decision and said, We don't think prosecution success is likely, and so therefore, we're not going to proceed. That's very different than exoneration. It's also very different. That's like saying, My client was found innocent. No client has ever found innocent. They might be found not guilty, but they're never found innocent. The Democrats knew that, but they were crafting a narrative. That's what all today was about Donald Trump and the word exoneration. Neither one was applicable or apropos to Mr. Hearst's testimony.


This is essentially what it is, I think. I was thinking about this all day long. Their argument for Biden is, if you go Biden 2024 on a bumper sticker, he wasn't indicted. That's it. That's really all they have. There was a moment involving your favorite, congressman Schiff, today at this hearing. He had his chest poked out again. He thought he was really tough. Watch us.


Were there notes of the the President of the United States that dated back to when he was a senator that contained classified information.


Among the documents that were covered during our investigation were marked classified documents that dated back to when Mr. Biden was a senator. What you are suggesting is that I shape, sanitize, omit portions of my reasoning and explanation of the attorney general for political reasons.


No, I suggest that you not shape your report for political reasons. That did not happen, congressman.


That did not happen.


Yeah, well, we played ISA there, but Schiff was just berating him, and that was the light part of it. But Schiff was just on him, on him, on him. I've got to say, he was unbelievably poised today. I think they were very frustrated in the end, the Democrats.


I think you're right on both counts. I thought he was unflappable. I thought he was professional, and it drove the Democrats up a wall. And quite frankly, I wanted to say to him, Is there ever any occasion, can you think of any time that it's okay for a US Senator to have classified documents at home? And the answer is no, unequivocal quickly, no. But the Democrats were going to be going at this all day, all night, if they could, because it's not about getting at the truth. Never has been. It's always about defending the brand, the same brand that his own family has been selling for years, and that's the Biden brand.


Yeah, well, we know what they want to do. They want to boss the rest of us around for the next four years, congressmen. That's what they enjoy. Great to see you.


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