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Joining us now is Vivek Ramaswami, former GOP presidential candidate. Vivek, just in the Supreme Court has just ruled in a 5-4 decision, giving partial victory to Republicans trying to enforce proof of citizenship when voting in Arizona. It looks like they did not grant a stay, and that law is going to go into effect. Thoughts tonight.


I think that's an obvious development, but the fact that that was controversial tells you where we are. It was 5-4. The fact that four liberal justices went the other way show that you have a Supreme Court that even still looks at the end and works backwards. But I think this is a good development, especially in a battleground state like Arizona. Citizens should vote and non-citizens shouldn't. It's that clear this shouldn't be a controversy.


The joy, are you feeling it tonight? You look joyful. You're wearing blue. I like that. You're reaching out to the other side. You got to show some national uniform. Joy is what they're selling. I think they're trying to draw this contrast or comparison to Trump, who they've caricatured as unhappy and grumpy, and Kamala, who's really fun. You got Tim Walsh always doing this weird thing, always bowing to people. Too much time in China, I think. But so that's fun, and everything else is not fun. But how fun is this economy for most people?


Well, you pointed out the real distinction there. By pointing to Joy. This is a vibe. They're trying to run this entire campaign on style over substance. She had a Pavlovian experience. She was trained that when you put your hand in the policy cookie jar, when it bit back, she said that she doesn't want to touch policy anymore. The reality is, can she to get through this election naturally for 80 more days without touching policy? I think it's possible that she can, which has our work cut out for us. That's why I was here earlier today for a press conference. Press Kamalik Harris on the actual policies she stood for. In 2020, she stood for a single-payer healthcare system. She stands for a tax on unrealized capital gains. Think about what that means.


What will that do? You're a big, big investor, big entrepreneur. What would that? Explain it very simply. Yes.


That would trigger a market crash, and here's why. It means that if you own a or own land. You have to pay a tax to the government in cash with cash that you don't have. What does that mean? You have to sell assets to do it. But when you sell those assets, the asset price goes down, and then the next person has to do the same thing. That drives the asset price down further, so the person after has to do the next thing. This is a nightmare. In business, that's what you call forced selling. That is a formula for a second great depression. This isn't just a Kamala Harris campaign promise. She and Biden have put this in their budget for the last three years. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth as Warren have supported it. Even when I go on left wing media and I bring up this point, their response isn't that this is a good policy. Their response is, why are you bringing this up? Because this could never actually happen.


You know better. That's what they want, right?


But the reality is, if this does happen in Kamala Harris as president, there's a good chance it does. That's an economic catastrophe in the waiting.


We understand you had a bit of a run in with some protesters outside. Yeah, it was fun. We had video, no audio, but they are surrounding you. What was happening now?


Well, look, I believe in free speech and open debate. I believe in practicing what we I'd heard a lot about these protests, but I wanted to go check it out, having come to the DNC myself. It's actually where I bought some literature. There's some Communist literature. This is from the newspaper, the Communist Manifesto. But the interesting part is they actually charged me $5 a piece for each of these.


Why isn't it free in the ?


But they also accept Venmo.


The reality is there was-Okay, so they have a little capitalist hint.


Yeah, there was a nice little capitalist hint, I guess you could say. The funny thing is there's actually tensions out there as well. They're very critical of what's happening in here. A lot of those people want peace in the world. Well, you know what? If you want peace, my advice was, go for the guy who kept us out of World War III and kept us out of wars. I hope we might have changed a couple of minds or at least open some eyes out there. For the rest of them, I'll be very open about this. It was pretty wild by the end of it. But the reality is we're not in this to just lead one party. We're in this to lead a nation. I think the Republican Party is the party of free speech. We can own that message. If the Democrats do a good job of keeping their protesters out as they want to now do to keep illegals out of the country, well, you know what? That would have the border crisis behind us.


Vivek, they enforce their borders. They know how to do it. No, those protesters figured that out real fast. Vivek, I know what we're going to hold you up from going to... You're desperate to get your seating there for the Dixie Chicks. Oh, sorry, the Chicks. They even edit their... They're even editing their band names. It's so woke. Vivek, thank you so much for joining us.


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