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Joining me now is Charlie Hurt, Washington Times Opinion Editor and Fox News contributor, and Ned Ryan, founder and CEO of American Majority. You know what, Charlie? The Biden campaign is running out of ideas. They're losing women and minorities and blacks, and they trot out an old actor to read a script.


Yeah, I think that's a perfect summation. This is the most desperate move I've ever seen from a major party's political campaign. I think they have run out of... Obviously, they're losing on all of the ideas, and so they have to go for this. It was really strange to listen to Robert De Niro. Obviously, this is a guy who will take absolutely any role anybody gives him. He's never turned down anything his agent calls him about. He goes and does this, and he's talking about how Donald Trump is a terrorist. The problem is everybody remembers what it was like to live with Donald Trump as President, and they were much better off Then under the current guy, and as you point out, the current guy is the one who's turned our justice system into a political cuddle in order to jail Donald Trump so Joe Biden doesn't have to face him in an election.


You know, Ned Ryan, good idea?


No, it was a terrible idea. I think that was total and complete political malpractice what the Biden campaign did today. First of all, they publicly tied themselves to this political witch hunt of a trial to their chief political opponent. We We know they've been coordinating this law fair, but now they've just dropped the masquerade and publicly tied themselves to it. It also, Judge, felt like jury tampering. You're telling me that none of those 12 jurors are going to go home and find out that the Biden campaign held a presser outside the courthouse and basically saying, We hope you do the right thing in this trial. The chef's kiss to it all was that deranged, demented, dwarf De Niro going off on that unhinged rant that felt like Biden wrote it because it was so incoherent. But as Charlie said, it reeks of desperation. I mean, listening to that press conference, they were talking about lies about Trump and democracy, the January sixth hoax, and abortion. That's all they have to run on. They can't run on foreign policy. It's a disaster. They can't run on the economy inflation, total disaster, Southern border, dumpster fire. You sense the panic rising because they thought this law fair was going to take out Trump.


All of a sudden, he's thriving in fundraising, and he's thriving in the polls.


No question about it. You know, Charlie, the amazing thing is he says, It's the end of my city. It's the end of the country, and it's the end of the world. People remember what it was like living under President Donald Trump. I don't know, it's an incredibly high percentage. You said they had a better life.


We're sitting here watching this incredible situation where you have the President who is obviously, as Ned points out, being harassed and kept in court during the campaign. But he takes the opportunity to go visit construction workers in Manhattan and conduct that amazing, amazing rally last week in the Bronx, where he gave one of the finest political speeches I've ever heard about a hopeful speech about the city of New York and about what these people have done to America and how if a New Yorker can't fix this, nobody can.


All right, Charlie and Ned, hold on. I want to bring in Laura Ingres, host of the Ingram Angle. She joins me now on the phone. Hello, Laura. I hear you're at an airport or on a plane somewhere. Oh, yeah.


Eight-hour friendly skies of United It wasn't so friendly today, but that's all right. Everybody was nice and patient. But I'm so sorry not to be on tonight. It was just literally no way I could get to a studio in time, given what happened on the airline with the weather and mechanical problems. But I followed everything that was happening today and continues to happen in Manhattan, Judge, and I know you had the bird's-eye view. What is going on in our country with the weaponization of the judicial system, popped off with the spectacle of complete confirmation of what you and I have been saying all along, that this was political from the outset. Obviously, I heard you talking about De Niro, but we knew this. But they're so stupid, they just confirmed it for everybody today, and then it'll be confirmed again when Joe Biden speaks after the verdict is in. We know this. There was no crime that was committed. A jury A jury that is fairly instructed, and it doesn't look like this one will be, a jury that was fairly instructed would never be able to have a unanimous verdict for this penal statute that was business falsification of records.


They had no predicate crime. They had no follow-on crime. This is a complete travesty from beginning to end. I thought I was mad about the flight delays, but I'm really mad about this because the country doesn't deserve this. The country deserves a real leader with a fair and equal justice system judge.


Laura, there are charges to a jury that... I mean, there are standard jury charges, and I wanted to hope that those jury charges would be relatively standard. But when I hear about what the prosecution is being allowed to get away with in their summation, it makes it clear to me that there is no way there can be a fair charge to the jury. There's got to be adverse witness charges. The missing witness is Weiselberg, Keith Schiller, they weren't allowed. Now they're talking about Michael Cohen's conviction, and somehow that should be interpreted against Donald Trump. They're talking about what David Pecker did in the non-prosecution agreement, and That's got to be attributable to Trump. The whole thing is off the charts.


Well, the idea that the jury can be told, and it looks like, again, this is the way it's going to go, that you don't have to have a crime specified for the follow-on crime. It can be a crime generally understood to be a fraud upon America, or as I love this quote, that he hoodwinked America in 2016. Last time I checked in the New York Penal Code So the word hoodwinked wasn't in there, all right? So this entire process lays bare the fraud upon the judicial system that Alvin Bragg, Matthew Colangelo, Judge Mirshawn, and the The entire prosecution team, which I include the judge in, has perpetrated on this country. We're supposed to sit back as people and say, Oh, isn't this great? The wheels of justice are turning. No, the wheels of justice aren't turning. The wheels of justice are running over the American people right now and complete fraud.


It is a fraud. Apparently, they're alleging the unlawfully influencing an election by suppressing stories. You and I both know that an NDA is not illegal, catch and kill is not illegal. They showed how these cases were not catch and kill to begin with. And yet, now the prosecution's up there identifying a crime that wasn't in the indictment, not in the bill of particulars, not in their opening statement. All of a sudden, they can say what they want after the defense has summed up.


The best of all, I think, is when the prosecution's arguing that you don't really have to believe Michael Cohen. You really don't have to believe everything that Cohen says because there's all this other evidence. What other evidence? What evidence? A photo with Keith Chiller? That was evidence that Donald Trump intended to have records falsified in a conspiracy to affect or to to overturn or interfere with the election. The only election interference that's going on right now is the election interference in Lower Manhattan in that courtroom. Judge Rashaun is part of it, the prosecution is part of it. And as we saw today with It's the Biden henchmen sending good fellows down there, the Biden administration has been involved all along. Oh, there's no doubt. That's what America is facing right now. In a court of law in Lower Manhattan, where some of the greatest cases have been argued, and some of the most incredibly talented prosecutors have argued cases, this is a total black mark on the entire Lower Manhattan courthouse and the district Attorney's office in New York.


Well, you know what, Alvin Bragg, isn't It's an embarrassment to the greats like Hogan and Morgenthau, and it really is a sad commentary when you see him coming into the jury room or coming into the courtroom and trying to show himself in front of the jury like this is so important while violent crime is being ignored. Laura, thank you so much, and thank you to Charlie and Ned. Hey, Sean Hannity here.


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