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But Biden is moving on. His campaign is moving on. He's attending events in New York and New Jersey this weekend in hopes of quieting post-debate panic. As he campaigned with the New York Hamptons elite, Biden doubled down against the naysayers, telling the crowd, I didn't have a great night, but neither did Trump. I still believe this nation is honest and decent. Donald Trump will destroy democracy. I will defend it. I promise you we're going to win this election. It's a similar message to his rally in North Carolina yesterday, where the commander-in-chief admitted to voters he, quote, doesn't debate like he used to while vowing to stay in the 2024 race. Fox News correspondent, Madelyne Rivera, is at the White House tonight with more.


Katie, the President's aides admit he had a bad night, but they insist that's simply what it was, a bad night. A snapshot in the run up to November, and today they are focusing on moving forward. On Saturday, the President tried to soothe the concerns of Democratic donors with fundraisers in New York and New Jersey, and he's trying to pivot to put the focus back on former President Trump and the 50 lies they say he told on the debate stage. Here's what the President said at a campaign event in North Carolina Friday.


I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know.


I know how to tell the truth. The President had to be fact-checked, too, though, including on his claim that there were no military three deaths under his leadership. That is, of course, untrue. Thirteen service members died at the airport in Kabul during the withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, and three service members died from a drone attack in Jordan in January. Katie.


All right. And as Biden limped along to his campaign stops today, former President Trump is taking a victory lap after rallying thousands of supporters in Virginia on Friday, touting his win against Biden Thursday night.


We They had a big victory against a man that really is looking to destroy our country. He's the worst. He's the most corrupt, the most incompetent President in the history of our country. Joe Biden's policies are causing America's decline at a level that we've never seen before.


Despite Biden's continuous claims, a new poll reveals swing state voters trust former President Trump with our democracy over Biden. Jason, Democrats have invested so much political capital in this democracy argument, and Trump is beating him on that in the places where it really matters.


Well, think about what the Democrats are talking about. They want to bypass everybody who voted in the primary, everybody that voted in the caucus, and they want to just have some super elites deem somebody else the candidate.How ironic is that?But you see why.


Thursday told us the entire story. The fact is, the chickens have come home the roost. They've said in the Wall Street Journal piece, 46 sources, he's not like he used to be. He's having issues. The White House said, No, that isn't true. We found out that they Lied, lied, lied, lied some more. That's what we see now.


But, Molly, they're continuing that narrative. They aren't admitting now that, Yeah, sorry, the White House, we've been briefing you, telling you that behind the scenes, he's vigorous, he's running around. The staff is exhausted because of his energy. They're really continuing with this line that he's fine. We can all see that that's not the case.


This democracy thing I found particularly interesting that Trump is seen as the guy that's protecting the democracy over President Biden because they made This is a big part of their campaign. When he spoke in January at the beginning, it was like, Whether democracy is still America's sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time. It is what the 2024 election is all about. Then we see these poll numbers, and I think that's one more check in the box that they should be very concerned about. Beyond all these other things, your key issue, your thing that you are building this about is a problem. And the polling shows it in major swing states like Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. It's a problem.


Jason, Thursday was a seismic shift in a number of ways. But it does seem like instead of talking about all the issues that are facing Americans and policy decisions made by Democrats with Joe Biden, we're talking about whether he's capable to even finish his current term.


Yeah, it really is the policies where Joe Biden has been losing in the past. I mean, immigration, safety, security, overseas, the problems. You still can't tell me, what is Joe Biden's plan to tackle inflation? Because he doesn't have one. And so they got to bypass all the issue problems because of the problems about just his ability to go up and speak. And it's sad, but it makes you mad because the guy is still the President of the United States, and there's a vulnerability for our country. And shame on the media. They should have been out there asking those questions. And Jill Biden, she still... She likes being the President. She really does.


Not only the media didn't ask the questions, they covered up what's happening. But we have five months of the election, and it's going to be fun. And we have more fun for you here on the show.


I'm Steve Ducey. I'm Brian Kilme. And I'm Ainsley Earhart. And click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.