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On to this Fox News alert. President Biden might have been speaking, but it was former President Trump who was making the news. This just in the Fox first on our network, that President Trump is announcing that this week he will have raised $25 million. Tonight, there is a high dollar fundraiser as well as with the grassroots. You'll see Woody Johnson, the owner of the Jets there, among others. But interestingly, you know who will be at this big fundraiser this evening here in New York City? Tim Scott, Doug Burgum, VP contenders. Before President Trump heads off tomorrow to Ohio, where he'll have a fundraiser with JD Vance, another VP Contender. And as that news was breaking about the campaign hall, we also heard this, Paul Morrow. This was on with Clay and Buck Sexton. I imagine this must have been a pre-taped interview because President Trump's in court. But he said, Tim Scott is in play. Jd Vance is in play. These are all names that are being talked about, like a lot of people are in play. This is the interesting part. I'm really a believer that you do it during the convention. That would be unconventional to name your VP pick during the convention.


But Donald Trump knows how to drive eyes, keep a story going, control the narrative, and drive the news.


To that point, let's compare what Donald Trump can do and is doing to what we just heard from President Biden, who, to my ears, came off as fumphering, unsure. Occasionally, he roused himself, but he's slurring, et cetera. It goes to, let's tie this back to the current trial. Two things. First of all, we I know there's a segment of the population that says that they won't vote for Trump if he's convicted. I'm a little skeptical of that, but it goes to something else. In my prediction, if they get the F word here, felon attached to Donald Trump, that will be the Biden campaign Caine's excuse not to debate because one next to the other, too stark a difference, too stark a distinction. Donald Trump, frankly, will just run rings around them because when we saw Joe Biden come off script at the State of the Union, which was supposed It was supposed to be his great big comeback tour. The only time he came off script, because he was reading that State of the Union, the only time he came off script was when he fumphered. He started calling Lake and Reilly, Lincoln Reilly. He got a little unsure of himself.


They can't afford that. It'll be a death knell in the debates. If they can put the felon word on Donald Trump, I predict they're going to use that so that he doesn't get up on stage with Donald.


I think that's spot on, Kennedy. President Biden, he was energized during the State of the Union. He got a lot of praise for that speech. But what we just watched, his remarks. I mean, he was saying over and over again, I'm wrapping up here. I just can't imagine him standing vis-a-vis Donald Trump, who's more on message than I've seen him in quite some time in this candid, unscripted environment.


It actually has been an organizing source for him, the trials and the reaction, because he only has a certain amount of time, and he has been much more disciplined with his message. I think the VIP thing is brilliant because as we've seen with Governor Christie Noem, Sometimes these potential VPs implode of their own doing. So he's giving more people time and runway to make a case for themselves, but also to fumble and stumble and get themselves out of the way, out of the race. He really doesn't need anyone else right now. Joe Biden, he's got Kamala Harris, and she is an envol around his neck. Her pool numbers are worse than his. So the former President could name just about anyone at the convention in July and still do All right, you're talking about things that are simultaneous to today.


Earlier today, right before the House Speaker, Mike Johnson spoke, the campaign for Donald Trump sent this out. My next vice president will be decided by you, all caps and highlighted. Who do you think my VP should be? Alert, cast your vote. Everything I do, I do for you. They were sending out campaign-type messages as the surrogates were stacking up to the microphone outside the courthouse. It is an interesting way to play the political game, and we'll see in November who wins.


If only we could have the apprentice, the VIP states.


The VIP states. Kind of like that.


Yeah, and in politics, look, when you're driving the narrative, that is no small matter. For weeks, we continue as you're looking there at the courthouse. This man, former President Trump, is driving the narrative. We wait to hear from him. We'll bring you all the latest straight from the courthouse here on Fox News.


Hey, everyone. I'm Emily Campanio. Catch me and my co-host, Harris Faulkner and Kaylee McEnneney on Outnumbered Every Weekday at 12:00 PM Eastern, or sets your DVR. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights.