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Welcome back, America. It's great to have our friend Senator Tom Cotton with us. Senator Cotton, your background is quite unique as far as politicians go. You come out of a little state of Arkansas. You served as a combat officer in Iraq and Afghanistan, and you went to Harvard Law School. And that's a very unique, I think, a very important background. And you're what I would consider if not the number one, one of the top foreign policy experts in the United States Senate, if not the country. And so I wanted to ask you some what I think are very, very important questions about some very, very important issues which are getting sluffed off by most of the media. We have a wide open border. People have been warning about terrorists coming here and committing acts of terrorism, Senator. And now we have a report that eight ISIS operatives were captured in the United States, that the FBI had done a surveillance operation on them, eight of them in three cities, LA, Philadelphia, and New York. And this is great that they caught them. But we have over 12 million people who've come into this country that we haven't properly vetted all over the country.


Isn't the concern is this is potentially the tip of the iceberg, and we're not going to always catch them?


Mark, there's no question that these eight potential terrorists are just the tip of the iceberg. As you say, more than 12 million illegal aliens have entered our country in less than four years under Joe Biden. The FBI has been warning for months now about the threat of terrorism coming from our open border. Many of these potential terrorists are coming from Central Asia, countries like Tajikistan or Uzbekistan that have deep terrorist roots and movements in them that their governments are battling against. This is the origin of the terrorist attacks in Moscow a few weeks ago as well. I'm glad that they caught these eight potential terrorists. But again, as you say, it's just the tip of the iceberg. We know that many more have crossed our border. We know that many have crossed the border without knowledge of the FBI or the Border Patrol. Then perhaps most crazy of all, as we've admitted all these illegal aliens over the last three plus years, and many of them are now applying for asylum inside the country, a protected legal status. The Biden administration is still not doing thorough betting on them, so we haven't only admitted them, but we may give them protected legal status under our asylum laws without even checking if they have terrorist connections in their past or if they've been engaging in terrorist activities while they're in the United States.


It is a grave danger to the lives of Americans, not overseas, but here at home.


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