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I want to get into how you address some of the issues with Black communities. I say that plural because we live in communities of color that are different. We're not all the same. We don't vote the same. We don't think the same. It's not monolithic. As you come here today, I want to talk about something that bursts, and this is the weight of the inflation on this country right now. The nonprofit Money Management International recently released data from its mid-year analysis that We have found a 52% rise in people who are seeking counseling for being in credit debt. They're paying for food that is sky high on their credit cards, and now they can't pay that off. The credit counseling nonprofit, MMI, as I said, is saying now that they've seen surges that they haven't seen since we were in a pandemic of people in financial trouble. Much of that falls on the shoulders of single moms, single Black moms, when you look statistically. How do you turn it around? What's your plan for the Black community when it comes to money?


First of all, it's very hard to hear you for whatever reason because of the fact that they have bad equipment, because I guess this woman was unable to get the right equipment. But it's very hard for me to hear you, but I can hear every other word. It's very difficult, actually. I don't know if they can fix it or do something with it, but I'll do the best I can with it. The inflation is absolutely destroying our middle class, our working class, class, virtually every class. Inflation is a disaster in our country. Inflation is a country Buster. It breaks every country. We had, in my opinion, the worst inflation we've had. They say it's 58 years, but I think it's much more than that. It's been devastating. If you just take a look at a lot of things they don't include, like interest rates. Interest rates went from 2.4% to 10%, and you can't get the money. People can't buy houses. They no longer have the American dream. Young people, young black people, they don't have the American dream anymore. They can't buy a house. They can't borrow the money because of the cost of the money.


They can't buy it because of the cost of housing, because of the cost of building, because of inflation. Inflation is a disaster, and it's destroying our country, and it's destroying the black community, probably as much or more than any-So what do you do?


What's your plan?


You know what we have to do? We have to bring down the cost of energy, and that's going to bring down the cost of inflation. This was all started with a bad energy policy by Joe Biden. By the way, just if I might, I was running against a man named Biden. You probably saw that. He was losing very badly in the polls, and then he had a rather bad debate. I would say it was a bad debate. I would say it was one of the worst debates in history. His poll numbers crashed. Instead of saying, Let's keep going, and maybe something happens the other way, they said, Oh, we're going to replace him. Let's just replace That's like you're in a fight. A price fighter is in a fight. He's not doing what you say, Let's bring in another fighter. Our whole campaign was steered toward him, and now we have to steer toward him. But ultimately, it's the same because they have bad policy. They have policies of open borders, unbelievable open borders, horrible energy policies. They want to get rid of, as you say, gasoline in cars. They want to get rid of oil.


They want to get rid of efficient heating. Mr. Mr. President. Environmentally, what they're doing is killing our country. They're absolutely destroying our country. But the inflation is the thing that's hurting the Black worker, the Black population, and every other population within our country. Inflation is the worst it's been, I think, in over 100 years. They'll fact-check it. They'll say, It's only 58, whatever it may be. They don't add all the numbers. They don't add the really bad numbers, and you can check that, too. But inflation, Harris, is absolutely destroying this country and the people in our country. Yes, ma'am. Mr. President, can I ask you another question that is also impacting Black about it? That's very clear now.


I'm sorry?


It's very clear. I hear you.


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