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Kamala has spent the last four years looking out for herself, worried about her image, blowing off her assignments because she was afraid to fail and how it would look to her, wasting her staff's time holding mock dinner parties so she didn't get nervous going to dinner parties. She kicks everybody out of convenience stores before she goes in. How many times have you seen Kamala dive into a crowd and start hugging the American people? How can you be for the people if you're afraid of the people? Businessman and owner of the Jets, Woody Johnson is here. All right, Woody Johnson, you spent some time with Donald Trump the other day at that business roundtable here in Manhattan. Was he for the people?


Oh, 100 %, Jesse. And also, I mean, you covered it in your monolog beautifully. I mean, everything that was talked about at the Economic Club of New York, with 800 of New York's finest listening, I think you covered all the big major topics that as former President Trump has been talking about for years now, which is the border, the economy, and international wars. And he went and he spoke an hour on those subjects, basically.


And what was the reception from those people in the room? You have a lot of Titans of industry, a lot of bankers. You have a lot of very successful entrepreneurs in that room. When he speaks and you listen, what do they come away with?


I think he was Man, he was very clear. He's been very clear what his major objectives are. The economy being number one, and inflation. There's two ways to really solve the problem that we're going through in the country. You can either inflate your way out of debt or you can grow your way. President Trump has always wanted to grow, and he presented a process starting with energy that allows us to grow because energy is really the foundation of the US and America's growth over many... Since going back to Rockefeller, we've always had cheap energy, and it allowed us to have factories and employment at record levels and prosperity that the world has never seen before. He, as a way, he, I know, will drill, baby, drill, and it's complicated. And you've got to transport energy around the country. You've got huge needs going forward, including AI, which is going to be gigantic. And you're not going to get that with wind power or anything else. You've got to have natural gas, oil, coal, basically everything, atomic, to power the country. And everything's related energy. So if you want to help the economy and raise levels of prosperity for everybody, but particularly people who are hurting now that don't have jobs.


You have to have cheap energy because it's involved in every single product, from the seeds that the farmer plants all the way to the carrot that he buys in the store. He or she buys them.


Well, why doesn't everybody understand that, though, Woody? Because you have a lot of people donating to the Harris campaign. She's raising boatloads of cash. A lot of people in corporate America are backing Kamala Harris. She wants to take their profits. She wants to shrink the economy. She wants to cap prices. Crazy stuff, but they're still giving this woman money. Why is corporate America still giving this woman money?


Maybe they're trying to cover their bases. And with Trump voters, you just never know. I remember when he ran the first time, there were lines around the block, and they didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. They voted for Donald Trump. I think this mirage of the vice President running, who really nobody even knew about or cared about, in fact, probably weren't in favor of, has now come out with no policy, no experience. It's going to be up to the former President to run a very, very good campaign, which I think he's doing.


He is doing a good job. He's up against it. He's doing well. I think he's got the momentum and the betting markets like it. But more importantly, and I think everybody wants to know, how's Aaron Rodgers looking?


Aaron Rodgers looks really good. We didn't get out to the other things. Yeah, I think Trump is going to do very well in the debates and other things are going to happen. They're going to really, really help the former President become elected. Aaron Rodgers is terrific. And the team is... I've been doing this for 25 years now, and I've never had a team like this. The team is complete. We're ready to go. We had a great camp, and we're going to head out to San Francisco. It's a good reason to go to San Francisco now.


That's right. Go clean up San Francisco.


You've been talking about it on your show, but it's a good reason to go out there. All right.


Clean up and be safe. All right, that's all we want. Be safe, be healthy, and do the good job that I know you guys can do. Thank you so much, Woody Johnson. Great to see you. Good luck.


I appreciate it. Thank you.


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