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Fox News alert. Primetime went to Grand Rapids, Michigan this weekend, where we met with former President, Donald Trump, and his VP pick, JD Vance, at their first joint rally. This was also Trump's first on-camera interview since he dodged an assassin's bullet. Here's part one of our exclusive interview.


Mr. President, Senator, I don't know what we have to talk about. It's been pretty boring. Why did you pick JD Vance?


We've always had a good chemistry, and And originally, JD was probably not for me, but he didn't know me. And then when we got to know each other, he liked me, maybe more than anybody liked me, and he would stick up for me, and he'd fight for the worker as much as I fight for the worker. We just had an automatic chemistry. And I actually endorsed him in Ohio for the Senate, and he ended up winning against a very tough field, very tough field. And he wrote a book, which was a classic, as you know. And it was all about the working men and women and how they aren't being treated fairly. He was right about that. I understood that maybe better than anyone else. We just have had a great relationship. He had serious competition. We had tremendous people, all of them, every one of them.


You beat out a lot of very important people. Very impressive people. When you got the call and found out, what did your wife say?


Well, he asked to speak to my wife, actually, which I was very appreciative of, and so was she. But she was just flabbergasted. I think that going into it, we had no idea really what was going on, whether he would pick me or Marco Rubio, great guy, Doug Burgum, great guy, and a lot of other good people. But when the President called me, I don't know if you remember this, sir, but my kid was talking in the background about Pokémon cards. I'm like, Oh, for the love a God, seven-year-old kid. If you've ever been quiet, be quiet now. And the President's like, Put him on speakerphone. And so you read off the truth that was at the actual announcement that he was nominating me to be vice President. And he says, What do you think about that? And my son goes, Oh, it's good.


It's the endorsement. That's your truth.


That's the endorsement that mattered, actually. It was from my seven-year-old. But it's been a wild ride, and we're having a good time, and we're going to win. That's the most important thing.


How's your ear?


Good. Getting much better. We're getting down to the small bandages. But it was a nasty one, and it was a nasty period. That was exactly one week ago from today, exactly. When you think about it, That's been a lot of territory covered. Who would have thought this was going to be happening? But it happened, and I got very lucky. Or God. I think it was God, actually.


You know who said it was not God? Ron Johnson, Senator from Wisconsin, said he gave you that chart of illegal immigration.


Well, he's right about that. He actually gave me the chart. If I didn't have that chart, I wouldn't have looked to the right. If I didn't look to the right, a very bad thing would have happened. I wouldn't have been at the convention. I can just about guarantee it. That's right.


Where were you when Butler happened?


I was actually playing mini golf with my kids, hoping that he would call me and offer me the vice presidential slot. And what happened, and I told my kids, I said, We got to get out of here. The president's been shot. And of course, we didn't know if the president was okay or not at that point. My son said, Daddy, is it the president who's your friend or the president you don't like? And I said, It's the president who's my friend. And he said, Okay, I'm sorry about that. And it was a very sweet moment. I think we were all just so grateful the President was okay.


So the ear's better. You have the smaller bandage on. Have you asked to see the wound?


I have not. No, I won't. Though I do find it hysterical, Jesse. You have these people who are like, Why is the President wearing an ear bandage? He got shot in the ear. And these are the same people who are wearing masks five years after COVID. So it's pretty ridiculous.


When you were down by the podium, we heard a lot of kerfuffle. You said something about shoes. Shoes. What was that?


Well, they wanted to put me on a stretcher. They had a stretcher, and they wanted to put me on a stretcher. And I said, I'm not going on a stretcher because I just felt it was the ear. And there was a lot of blood coming. I don't know if you've heard this, but the ear causes, they say, the most in the body. You get hit in the ear. Better than just about any other place in one way, but in another way, it bleeds more. And there was a lot of blood. But I understood they thought I was hit elsewhere. They thought I was hit actually in this area. And I wasn't. I said, I'm telling you, I'm okay, I'm fine. I'm going to get up. I want to get up. I'm not going to be taken out on a stretcher. We had a little argument. Well, I have six guys lying on top of me. I mean, I had some big guys on top of me. Strong guys, too. I can tell you that by the wrist. The wrist had a little work on it. And brave guys because they ran onto that stage very quickly.


I was down for the for the first part, because when I looked at my hand, I knew it was something very serious. I put my hand up, I looked at it, it had blood all over it. But I had a lot of big, strong humans on top of me, and they were very brave humans because they were running into fire. He kept going. He probably thought he hit, but it hit the ear. When I saw that, I got down pretty quickly, I think. I also think people were starting to shout. It's one of the reasons I was to go down so fast, because it almost is amazing that move of checking here and going almost immediately down. I think so. Probably people were shouting at the same time. Who knows it was Bedlam. And I was down, and I said, Let's get going. Come on, let's go. And the shooting had stopped. So I assumed they probably got him. They did get him. I believe they got him with one shot, one shot from an unbelievable shot. Now, if he would have done it earlier, maybe doing it early is hard because it's hard to shoot somebody when you're not 100% sure.


But they got him. And had they not gotten him, it could have been a lot worse situation. But two great men were very badly hurt. I've gotten to know them, and one, Cory was, as you know, killed. And you could have had a lot more than that if he didn't. But so they took him out. So now we're getting up. I said, I'm not in the stretch. I'm not going to do that. So I forced my way up. And once I was up, I realized because I looked, everybody was stunned. We had thousands and thousands of people, a good group in the back, but they were great. It was just like a backdrop. And nobody stampeded, nobody ran. Usually when they hear a shot, if you go to any... We have people that do this for a living. It's called crowds. And they said, When a bullet goes everybody starts running for the eggs. Nobody ran, including the thousands. I mean, tens of thousands of people were in front. And nobody ran, and nobody ran in back. The back was like a sample of it. And you had one man The man dressed in black.


I mean, they were all becoming famous people with a black hat, and he's looking like this. He's standing up, Where are they? And he starts pointing. This man had no fear, and none of them did. And the women were incredible. Some went down for a little cover, but nobody ran. And everyone that went down came up. And they thought I was in trouble. And they were right, but they thought I was in trouble because they saw the blood immediately because it was over here.


And sir, the media always slanders these crowds as maggot extremists. And of course, they slander the President, too. And it really is, I think, a testament to the movement, how calmly people responded to it. That's definitely the thing I took away most from it.


Yeah, that was amazing. But it was love, too. Absolutely. They didn't move. But when I came up, they saw me come up and they thought it was over. They thought it was over when I went down because they saw the blood immediately. And then when I put the hand up, everybody was happy. That was the time. That was when they realized I was okay. It's just an incredible country. It was a beautiful moment.


Joe Biden called you after this guy tried to take your life. How did that conversation go?


It was good. It was a nice conversation. Situation. He said, You're lucky you turned to the right. Obviously, somebody briefed him, but he did say that to me. He said, You're lucky you turned to the right. I said, I think so.


This country would be lucky if it turned to the right.


Well, I guess maybe certainly to a certain extent it would. Wouldn't it be nice?


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