Transcribe your podcast

Did you have fun? I had a good time. I think it was our best debate ever. I thought it was really good. We had three against one, but I anticipated-Let's talk about that.


Three against one, and all of her radical positions they leave on the table.


Now, we had a lot of negative stuff. Look, I saw on your show last night, they had 100% positive coverage on ABC, and I had 94% negative coverage.


93. 93% negative. Exactly. You got an extra % non-negative. As you were with her tonight, to think that we come out of this debate and we have no answer to her, co-sponsoring the Green New Deal, $93 trillion. I say the end of capitalism. To come out of this, government run health care and no answer to eliminating private health insurance.


We brought them all up. Every one of the things that you, we brought it all up. I also ended with, why hasn't she done it before? Why didn't she fix... She's there complaining, why Why didn't she fix all these things that she's complaining?


Will you really leave the stage and go home if she was going to go fix it in Washington.


No, you know what? I would have left. I would have said, go home and fix it. I'll leave with you, okay? But she's not going to fix it. She's complaining about all the stuff that's wrong with the country, and they've been there for three and a half years. I put that. I wanted to save that for my last little summation. I actually mentioned in there, too. I just thought it was a great debate. I think we showed the weakness. But the sad part is they're destroying our country. When you get right down to it, debate, good debate. I enjoyed it, but it's a very sad thing because our country is in decline. We are really being laughed at all over the world, and that's tough to take.