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North Dakota governor, Doug Burgum, joins me now. What's up, Grand Rapids, Michigan? How are you guys doing?


Jesse, fantastic. So great to be with you, Jesse. We've got a great group of Americans here that care deeply about the country. They're all out here tonight because they want to show that they know that this election is going to be determined right here in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They're going to make a difference. Let's hear from you now who's going to win in 2024.


All right. So you just heard, Doug, that Biden is going to be cramming at Camp David for a week. No campaigning, no nothing. Just cram, cram, cram. What's the former President Donald Trump doing in terms of debate strategy?


Well, he's out talking to real Americans about the challenges that affect everybody. And when I say everybody, they affect Democrats, independents, and Republicans. The thing you talked about, Jesse, whether it's the of open border, whether it's the Fetanyl that's pouring into our country, whether it's migrant crime that's occurring, whether it's inflation, whether it's high interest rates, these aren't partisan issues. These are affecting everybody in America who's trying to work and put food on the table, gas in their car. He's talking to real Americans about the issues that matter the most to them. I think that's fantastic debate prep.


All right, because Joe Biden has joke writers that are helping him. All of Obama's old joke writers are giving him lines. He's going to have a few canned lines that he's going to deliver. I remember Trump was pretty funny with Crooket. In '16, he had a few zingers that really just brought it down. Then it got a little angry in 2020 with that one debate. Is he going to come out loose Bruce, what's the posture going to be against Biden one-on-one?


Well, I think President Trump is going to have a terrific debate performance. But one thing I've said, the first lady, Katherine and I, I wish every American could see see President Trump the way we've seen him the last six months. He's genuinely exceedingly funny. But as you know, Jesse, the best comics are really smart people, highly intelligent and highly perceptive, and they know their audiences. And I think President Trump has been amazing your monolog on the front about how the media doesn't understand humor. President Trump is fantastic, but when he's making those points, he's also making a point, and he understands the pain points of America. He understands how his policies for America were great, and he understands how in our Joe Biden, we're no longer at peace in the world, and we no longer have prosperity in our country.


And you know Joe is going to throw hoaxes at him. Just roundhouse after roundhouse of hoax. He's going to say dictator on day one, blood bath, lock up your political enemies. If you're fortunate enough to be on the ticket, you're going to probably have to handle these types of attacks, too. How do you handle these hoaxes?


Well, I can tell you the The first thing about the dictatorship, because we're living in that in my home state as a governor, wherever I go, I'm sharing with people like this here in Michigan that we already understand what being a dictatorship is like, because you can't have over 30 rules and mandates, some of them over a thousand pages long, coming out of the Biden administration. None of them coming from Congress that are raising the price of fuel, raising the price of electricity, raising the price of food. These are ideological mandates that are coming down on the states. That's That's what authoritarians do. That's what dictatorship do. They don't follow the democratic process. And then if you say, oh, I don't like what the Supreme Court said about student loan forgiveness, I'm just going to do it anyway. We know what it's like on our dictatorship, and that dictatorship right now is Joe Biden.


All right. Please tell everybody in Grand Rapids, Jesse Water's primetime loves them. Let's hear it for Grand Rapids, Michigan, everybody, and Doug Burgum and his beautiful wife. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling You won't get it anywhere else.