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Mr. President. Mr. President. How about you? Wonderful. Thank you. A big part of your strategy before Harris became the nominee was going after increasing the share of... Do you hear me? You have to speak louder. Okay, great.


A big part of the strategy for your campaign before Harris became the nominee was appealing to Black voters. That was something you were really going after. In polls, we really see Harris gaining ground with that group. I'm wondering how you are going to go after Black voters now to choose the nominee and really winning them over.


Well, it changes around a little bit. I'm getting other voters. Perhaps I was doing very well with Black voters, and I still am. I seem to be doing very well with Black males. This is according to polls, as you know. It's possible that I won't do as well with Black women, but I do seem to be doing very well with other segments, extremely well with Hispanic, Jewish voters way up, White males way up, White males have gone through the roof, white males way up. I don't know. All we're doing is giving you the stats that you have. It could be that I'll be affected somewhat with black females where we're doing pretty well. I think ultimately, they'll like me better because I'm going to give them security, safety, and jobs. I'm going to give them a good economy. We have a very bad economy right now. We could literally be on the throes of a depression, not recession, a depression, and they can't have that. I think I'm going to do well with everybody, especially when the fact is right. Yeah, please, in the back.


Hey, everyone. I'm Emily Campanio. Catch me and my co-host, Harris Faulkner and Kaylee McEnneney on Outnumbered every weekday at 12:00 PM Eastern, or set your DVR. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights.