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So what exactly did Tulsi Gabbard do to get added to the Terra Watchlist? It came the day after she criticized the Biden administration right here on The Angle.


Our foreign policy decisions are being made by unelected people in the military-industrial complex who are profiting from us being in a constant state of war and the national security state that has more power to undermine our freedoms and liberties when we are in a state of war. Kamala Harris does not have the strength to stand up to the military-industrial complex.


Okay, that's wild. Joining me now, Tulsi Gabbard, former US Congresswoman, Fox News contributor, Tulsi. Now, you serve this country in uniform, even getting deployed to Iraq. Thank you for going, unlike Tim Walsh. Now you're being surveilled. I mean, it's a form of surveillance, or hasseling, and intrusion upon your freedom to move by the government. What is this? I didn't believe it, really. When I first heard about it, I said, Oh, that can't be. But how does this make you feel?


Laura, this is a clear act of political retaliation. There's no other way to put it. You laid out this sequence of events the very next day after my conversation with you on the air, warning the American people about how dangerous a Kamala Harris presidency would be. I was placed on this domestic terror watchlist, which is called the Quiet Skies List, under the Department of Homeland Security. The clear pain and real visceral hurt that comes from this is, as you mentioned, like many Americans, I enlisted because of the terrorist attacks on 9/11, to go after the Islam as the terrorists who attacked us on that day, and to now have my own government now turn around and put me on a domestic terror watchlist. It hits to the core and is the ultimate sense of betrayal. But we look at why they are doing this. It has a chilling effect. It sends a warning both to me and to anyone else who even thinks about daring to criticize our own government, which is a guaranteed protected right under the First Amendment, that we will be subject to a violation of our Fourth Amendment right to privacy through this surveillance.


That's the biggest stress that's been caused by this entire situation, Laura, is now forever. I will always be looking over my shoulder wondering if and how our government in any of these different agencies is surveilling me, watching me. Are they reading my text messages? Are they listening to my phone calls?


I was going to say yes, yes, and yes. That's what I would guess, at least. Now, in a letter from whistleblower attorney, Tristan Levet, he writes that the special mission coverage in Ms. Gabbard's case, reportedly involves two explosive detection canine teams, one, transportation security analyst in explosives, one, plane closed TSA supervisor, and three federal air marshals on every flight, Ms. Gabbard boards. I'm not laughing, Tulsi, because this is literally like the Soviet Union, China today, North Korea, any totalitarian regime. But Donald Trump is a totalitarian, right? He's the dictator in waiting. Okay.


Yeah. This is what we know about, and we know about it because of these brave whistleblowers from the Air Marshal Service who are coming forward. What I'm questioning is, what are the things that are happening in our government that I don't know about? How long have they been surveilling me? This is just the recent occurrence. I would not be surprised to know that there are other government agencies who are also being weaponized against political opponents, those who dare to challenge this regime, the Biden-Harris administration. That's really what it comes down to and why they have to be stopped. They have to be You guaranteed the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I cannot be free. You pointed to this. Yes, exactly. I cannot be free so long as my government is breathing down my neck and watching my every move.


Well, we got to go, but We're going to be following this closely, demanding that this be completely withdrawn and whoever is responsible for this decision, and there's one person who made the decision, should be fired immediately. But this should never, ever happen in the United States of America. To anyone. No, to anybody. But I think this is the tip of the iceberg, and I know Donald Trump is not surprised by any of this. Tulsi, thank you very much.


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