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Tyranny. The man with no equal is dropping a sequel. He wowed us before, and now he's given us more. Tyrus'new book, Nuff Said, came out today, and it sure to be another runaway bestseller. Joining us to discuss is the man himself, author, comedian, and former NWA world champion, Tyrus. Sit down, everybody. Sit down. Sit down. So tyrus congrats. I hope this is as huge as the first one. How much do you talk about me in this new book?


Okay, before we start, Greg, because I want this show to air, the whole Barack Obama Morgan Freeman thing, I called the Black Caucus. You're good. You've been approved, so you're good.


So that's one thing.


I'm relieved.


A lot of applause. Black people in the audience tonight.


It's entirely black. They knew you were here.




Actually, one half is black and the other half is white. Yes.




So Tom will stay.


Yes. So you tackle a lot of subjects immigration, BLM, pronouns. What will people be most surprised to read about?


Well, first, probably my amazing blurb from not from a greg Gutfeld.


Oh, yes.


So Greg wrote the blurb, which was I appreciate it. Thank you very much for that, boss. We're punching people in the mouth, and we're just speaking on a bash, we got to say, address the issues in the room from a conservative perspective and from a grown ass man perspective. So the first book was about me, and the second book is about everybody else.


Yeah. I think why you were so popular is that the grown ass man part and not because of size, but nobody hears any of that anymore. It's all like beta male, like, self help crap. Is there anything you shied away?


And the funny thing was, a few times post Hill was like, are you sure about this? Probably the most controversial thing I wrote about was abortion through a man's, because and that's one of those things where because they never really ask us what we feel about it or even just trying to understand. Because if you look at it through a man's perspective we're trying to understand the woman's perspective because it can be very confusing for us at times because we don't operate by the same rules where whenever we go through a situation, a man is expected to accept it, be accountable for it, and continue to take care of it. Whereas a woman's perspective is a little bit different. So that was the one they were a little worried about. But again, I just feel like a man doesn't have a right to tell a woman what to do with her body. But when it comes to accountability, I think we can ask some questions sometimes.


Very good. You also have a chapter on bullying. What are you hoping other parents take away from your advice?


One, that we get back to supporting our schools and our teachers and vice versa and stop giving our kids what's the word I'm looking for. Stop giving them lessons from criminal movies, like stop telling your kids snitches get stitches.




Like my son told me when I said that, he said, dad, that's something a criminal says. So we need to start getting back to parenting and confronting the bully, because the best way to stop a bully is to tell on him, because after a while, they'll get tired of messing with you. This whole don't tell anybody thing, keep it to yourself. You got to talk about it. You got to post it. Be that Tattletail, because Tattletails have less bruises.


That's what I tell those kids I beat up. All right, I got one time for one more question. The book is called Nuff Said. Everybody has to buy it. Does that mean that's your last book? How can you do another book if this is called Enough Said, well, then.


I just come back with what it is.


There you go. All right.


Thank you, Greg.


Everybody go out and buy his book. Make it to number one. Tyrus, good to see you as always. See you soon, I hope.


Happy Thanksgiving, america.


Up next, willow Zempic ruins Mom's goal of force feeding green bean casserole.


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