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30 hours now, and the White House has yet to issue an on the record statement about, get this why they honored a cop hating terrorist. Transgender Day of remembrance was Monday, so naturally, the Biden White House felt they needed to make a statement. Today, on Transgender Day of remembrance, we grieve the 26 transgender Americans who were killed this year. Now, the White House didn't list the 26 individual names, but the number matches a list drawn up by the Human Rights Campaign, which highlights, you guessed it 26 trans and nonbinary people who were killed this year. And wouldn't you know it, one name on that list stood out to the primetime team manuel Taron, also known as Tortugita, the cop hating, queer, non binary member of Antifa in Atlanta. His group is called the Forest Defenders, and they violently wreaked havoc all across Atlanta in the name of protecting the forest from a new police training facility. Tortugita was killed during a standoff with state troopers in January after he shot and injured an officer. Now the Georgia Attorney General is indicting 61 of Tortugita's comrades on Rico charges. And the AG wants to use Tortugita's diary in the trial, arguing that he was a co conspirator and that the diary reveals the Forest Defender's motives and beliefs.


In his diary, Tortugita often refers to cops as KKK, and on one page he says, quote, f twelve. I hope every judge KKK cop and bootlegger dies painfully and is remembered as scum. I wonder if the White House knew that's how Tortugita felt before honoring him. The pictures he drew, they're much worse. Here's one riot cops don't want to give us rights, so set them on fire. Did the White House know about this drawing? Look at that. Here's another one burn down police stations. It's fun and good. Tortugita also thinks running over cops is fun, and they want to honor this guy. Again, the White House will not issue a statement about the list, so we are left to assume one of two things. Either the White House knew Manuel Tehran is a cop shooting terrorist and set up let's honor him anyway, or they didn't do their due diligence. And if they can't vet a list of 26 people, how can we expect the Biden administration to vet all the migrants poring across our border every day? Vivek Ramaswami is a 2024 presidential candidate. Thank you for joining me. Vivek, what do you think about this?


Well, look, I think it's embarrassing that they didn't do some basic due diligence. They're so beholden to identity politics in Transgender Remembrance Day that they actively took on somebody who is not only critical of cops, but shooting at cops and actively calling for killing cops. I think that's wrong. And I think that the only question, Kaylee, is did they actually know and just cast such a blind eye to it that they don't care, or was this a callous mistake? And so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. If it was a mistake, I'll call on the Biden administration to do the right thing. Tomorrow, let's have a remembrance day for any police officer who's been fired at, including a police officer who's been fired at by that individual. The fact that they're transgender doesn't change the fact that that behavior is wrong. And I think this identity politics is fundamentally a cancer on our country. It has created a cancer of national self loathing. And the fact that you have A-U-S. President celebrating it is part of why we have this culture of national pride in the United States.


And when you look at so there this day. Got quite a crowd behind you. Transgender Remembrance Day. I want to cite a statistic for you. This is from the Washington times. When you look at the transgender community and you divide out the numbers, there's one homicide rate per every 100,000, well below the overall US. Homicide rate. So it's just virtue signaling identity politics, it seems.


It's even worse than virtue signaling Kaylee. In the name of protecting against a tyranny of the majority, which was the basis of this identity politics nonsense, we've created a new tyranny of the minority. That's what's happening in our country. And that tyranny of the minority is so strong that even somebody shooting at police officers or otherwise is now celebrated. It's wrong and want to apologize for that.


Well, Vivek, you got quite a crowd behind you. I can't thank you enough for joining me the night before Thanksgiving. You're out on the campaign trail. Thanks for being here.


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