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Let's bring in former presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswami. What you're hearing from the Secret Service and the FBI, is this acceptable to you?


I think it's unacceptable level of nontransparency. It's one thing, Jesse, if we're approaching this after the last few years where we have a perfect record of transparency, but we're not. You think about the Russia collusion hoax, the origin of COVID-19, the Hunter Biden laptop story suppressed on the eve of the last election with 51 intelligence officials or former intelligence officials signing off. We're at a place of low trust in this country. I'm going to be guided by the facts. But what I will say is right now, more than ever, transparency is everything. The reason people don't trust the government is the government no longer trusts the people with the truth. I think this is one of those occasions to say that, yes, we need accountability, we need transparency. President Biden should be doing a far better job than he has been. I think he would earn a lot of political points if he did. He should do it for the right reasons. But if he stepped up and said, not only is this unacceptable in the United States, but the Secret Service failed in its mission, and we're going to get to the bottom of what happened.


That alone would inspire some confidence in the man who's supposedly the current Commander-in-Chief, but has done so many things, Jesse. He has fallen short on this one alone. I think the reality is we're going to have to see other people, other leaders, hopefully the next President of the United States, Donald Trump, step up and fill that leadership void.


We're now hearing a report that almost 25, 30 minutes before the shooting, there were two locals that photographed and then transmitted the photos and then called in that this guy was acting suspicious once they saw him on the roof, once they saw him on the ground. How is it if you have a counter sniper team and all of these security officials, that no action was taken? I just don't understand it.


Look, I think that A, there's the facts of what actions were not taken. It doesn't sound good based on what you've done. I think you're doing important work in asking the hard questions that need to be asked. But there's the second question of the caginess of the existing apparatus to respond to those questions. I want to draw a distinction, There's a lot of people who do work in that bureaucracy who are individually good people. Look at the people who put their own bodies on the line. They were taking the gunshot instead of President Trump. That's their job, and at least they stepped up to do it. But that's different from the bureaucratic machine in Washington, DC. As Republicans, that's the distinction we need to draw. Are there individual good people, mostly working in Washington, DC? Yes. But that bureaucracy becomes its own leviathan, its own machine. I think a top objective of the next president The Trump presidency, as I believe it will be, should be to dismantle that federal bureaucracy once and for all. Without that, we're not going to be able to save this country.


How do you do that? You go in, you fire Chris Ray? Because the last time he did that, he fired Comey, and it sparked a special counsel investigation.


Well, I think you got to go deeper than that. The dirty little secret is a lot of these agency heads, they're really themselves just the figure heads. If you get many of those people speaking candidly, what they will tell you is in their multi-thousand person organizations, they don't even have power in what really occurs. It's three, four layers down these organizations. I personally believe, this is my opinion, I think we need a 75% headcount reduction across the board. What Elon did to Twitter, what countless other business leaders do to failing companies, that's what we need to do to this failing federal bureaucracy. The mass deportation of millions of illegals from this country, I favor it. But the mass deportation I really favor is millions of unelected federal bureaucrats out of Washington, DC. That's how we get this country back.


Can we put you in charge of that? Can you just go in there and just shed 20% of the bureaucracy?


I'm talking 75%. 75%, all right. That was a core premise of my presidential candidacy. But I would say President Trump shares that same spirit. When he said drain the swamp, that's part of what he meant. Now, one of the things to know, Jesse, is the Supreme Court has given us some great precedence this year. A president has never been more armed to actually take down this bureaucracy than he has been right now. To those who will say, why didn't President Trump do it in 2017? Well, the answer is he didn't have the legal and constitutional toolkit that the Supreme Court has now given us. I think it's a unique moment in our history.


It is, and he'll have a mandate if he's reelected. Thank you very much, Vivek. We'll see your speech.


Is it tomorrow night during his hour? All right. Thank you.


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