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Absolutely not.


It's up to him.


He can make his own decisions.


He's a little too old.


Get him go. I want him gone.


If he wants to stay in the race, it's up to him. I think he's too old, and I'm not gonna vote for him now.


I think that he should stay in the race. I think that his poll numbers are so low, and no, I will not be voting for him in November.


I think Biden should drop out. He doesn't have the brainpower to be able to do what he needs to do to be the country.


It's really up to him and how he presents himself.


I think he's a little too old. Seeing, especially from seeing him lately, just seems like he's mumbling a lot, forgetting things, and I think it's time for him to retire.


I don't know if he should drop out. I just know we should choose somebody else. If he keeps running, we as Americans should choose something that's for the benefit of America as a whole.


I think after the debate, people are moving away from, Democrats, especially are moving away from him. It's what I've been seeing on the news, people I've been talking to and just myself, because I would identify as more of a Democrat. But I am now worried for his.


Future might be better for the Democrats to keep him. Despite that, he's kind of oldish and losing focus sometimes. He's definitely the option to go right now, to have someone challenge in Trump. Right.


It is important for us as a country to have a candidate that can lead and be a role model and bring us to a better place and to not have to settle for someone just because they may seem the most qualified or because that's someone we've had for such a long period of time. And to kind of just follow that precedent. And I think that what we need is change and change in that leadership. So I don't think that necessarily majority of people are thinking that he should stay in the race.


I think that for his sake, that he should pass the torch because he's not there anymore. You know, he's older man, and he needs to pass the church. But at the same time, I would like him to stay in there because I'm gonna vote for Trump. So if he stays, Trump's gonna win. But if he doesn't stay, then we'll see what happens. It's still up in the air.


Yes, the concerns about his mental state, but he is an incumbent president. He has a strong vice president behind him. If he should choose to exit the race and let's say, transfer his delegates to Kamala Harris. I stand behind that. If he chooses to stay in the race, I have some concerns, but I'll support him regardless.




I don't think Camilla Harris would be a good person.


I'd say you throw in, like, a wild card in there. It might be better than just throwing Kamala in there.


No, I don't like Pamela Harris. She, um. She's against everything that I stand for.


I just think she's very shallow and, um, she's not a leader.


Wouldn't we all love to see a black woman in leadership and the number one, or what they say is the number one position in America. So, yeah, I would love for my kids to be able to see a black woman hold that place.


I think she would be fit to serve. But the problem in this country is that I think a lot of people would not vote for a woman. And I mean, in the older generations, right, like, the younger generations are most likely more open. I think if Michelle Obama would run for the Democrats, the chances were much higher for them. But I don't think she could really replace him.


Nothing substantial that I've seen that she's done. So she might as well just not exist at this point.


I agree that she would be able to, and I think that it would bring some continuity to the presidency just because she has been his vice president for the past four years, and she is aware of the plan that they could have created together for what they want for the country. So I think that she would be a good option for the race if he were to drop out.


Me, personally, I would need to know what her policies would be as a president, because as vice president, you know, she's backing what Biden's policies are. So it probably would be something similar to what Biden's doing.


I don't think she's qualified, and I.


Think she.


I think she said things in the past that have made things worse during times when just people's emotions were really high and there's a lot of violence and things happening that were just really destructive to the communities. And, yes, I'd say, no, she's not ready, and she hasn't done a good job so far.


She's been on the ground campaigning, sort of, I would say not just on the ground, but just sort of, you know, meet and greet. That has a lot of impact when it comes to interacting with people. You know, just talking to them, letting them see her, letting people get to know her and get confident, and I'd say, you know, sort of raise their confidence in her as a successor to Joe Biden. So I would support her as well. And not for nothing, would be historic if an african american woman who was also of south asian descent was elected to the presidency.