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We're here for the Patriot Awards. We thought it would be a good idea to learn about the word patriot and what it means to people and if Americans are even patriotic anymore. We sent Johnny to find out. When you hear the word patriot, how does that make you feel? Free as a bird. I'm into it. Proud that our country is doing the right things that need to be done, not just anything that needs to be done. That's profound. Thank you. It made me feel uncomfortable. I don't know why it did. I don't think it should. It makes me feel proud to be an American that loves. Listen, I don't know you, but the minute you said hello, I loved you. You had me at hello. What does it mean to be a patriot? There's a lot of... Okay. Someone that puts their country over anything else. Loving it, meaning the birds and every person you sees, all of you. I will lick you in front of everyone to show my joy. Are you a patriot? I'm a patriot. It's complicated. How complicated could it be? You live here, you love America, you love the opportunities it's given you.


It's also a lot of work to be done. You don't like to work. I mean, there's a lot that goes into that. I'm a son of the American Revolution, actually. What? I'm actually a blood relative. I don't know how to put this, but I'm a big deal. What's the most patriotic thing you've ever done? I celebrated fourth of July. I've had like, the flag probably drinked over me at some time. I think I walked around drunk on fourth of July saying God bless America. God bless you. God bless America. Can you recite the pledge of allegiance? I pledge allegiance to the flag and something, something, something. Of the United States. Of America. Grand to the public. Which I don't understand. Wait, One Nation under God? One nation under Brian Kilmeade. What? Wait, really? That's what it is? I am thrilled you were watching. How many stripes are on the American flag? Oh, is it 25? No. I feel like it is at 12. Thirteen. That's true. Because it's true. Who is the biggest patriot that you know? Tom braided. Not a football star like an American patriot. Donald Trump. You're right. Paul Revere was pretty good.


Beyonce. I think it does a lot for people, individuals that are a part of communities. Does he do a lot for community banks? Community bank, you mean like on the corner? Community banks are in the community. Who would you say is not a patriot? Oh, Jesus. I think Jesus is a patriot. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head. Only Rosies. -lea O'Donnell. Russell Brand. Madonna. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. I really can't stand Madonna, I'm sorry. You know who is a patriot? Who? Jesse Waters. Who the hell is that? He's on Fox News channel and you're going to be on his show. Jesse, I love to f*cking out of you if I'm going to be on your show. If you're a patriot, take it seriously. Keep spending positivity for America because we're the greatest country in the world. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analyzes. You will not get it anywhere else.