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Let's bring in Shannon Bream, Fox News Sunday anchor, Fox News chief legal correspondent. Good afternoon, Shannon. What's this look like?


So, Brett, good to see you. And you had the words there, lame duck. These big proposals that President Biden seems ready to float out there would take a very heavy lift, and some argue it would have to be a constitutional amendment. We know the makeup of the House and the Senate not going to happen based on who they have there now. But it gives Democrats something interesting to add to the campaign trail conversation. We now wait to see whether Vice President Harris, nearly officially the nominee. When she gets there, will she pick up this idea as well of term limits of an enforceable ethics code? You've got Justice Kagan out there in a speech this week saying, Listen, we have a great set of ethics codes, but the knock on this is that maybe there's not an enforcement mechanism. She'd be open to the idea of some lower court judges chosen by the chief justice to be the ones to enforce this.


Shannon, are there other justices that are piping up on this?


No. But remember last year when Democrats started to put a lot of pressure on the court publicly and privately, and Senator Dick Durban and the Senate Judiciary Committee had said to the chief justice, We want you to come over here. We want you to testify. We want you to have meetings and do this stuff. The chief was like, Thanks, but no, thanks. And also sent along this letter that was signed by all nine justices saying, We do have an ethics code. This is the framework, and we all sign on that we think it is good and right and just and that we can police ourselves. Now, to hear Justice Kagan say something that, Okay, maybe we need an outside body enforcing this. She's the only one I've heard say that publicly.


It's interesting also that as a political issue, it seems that Democrats want to run against the Supreme Court, and that maybe by President Biden saying this, that this is what he wants to do. It enables Vice President Harris to take that as an issue into the convention and beyond.


Exactly right. And there was a lot of conversation about whether this was something that happened behind closed doors when President Biden was trying to stay alive and stay on the ticket in this race. Politically, was this a conversation he had with progressives? Because there's been this push from the left wing of his party to pack the court or to term limit the court, those kinds of things. There was a conversation about, was this a concession to them? Well, now that he is officially left the ticket, we will wait to see whether the vice president tax this onto her campaign proposals. We know that the court has had some trouble in public polling, and folks seem open to these ideas. But again, it is a very heavy lift to change the Constitution or to get this legislation passed.


Yeah, because you look at the narrow lead for Democrats in the Senate, and they're trailing, obviously, in the House and the majority control. They would have to be a big switch, big shift in seats to be able to do something like this, a heavy lift.


Exactly, because right now, they're all leaving for a few weeks. Senate will be in a little bit next week, and then they're gone. It's a forget about it before this election. But as you said, maybe it's a campaign talking point now. But right, Democrats are worried about losing the Senate. They're feeling more optimistic about down ballot now that President Biden is off the ticket. But you'd really have to take control of both of the House and Senate to get something this big moving.


Fox News Sunday this weekend, you've got who?


We've got Pete Buttujage with us. He's on the VIP Stakes shortlist. What does he have to say about Vice President Harris's record? How would he defend it? Is he being vetted? Also, Ron Johnson, as we do, a Senator out of Wisconsin We'll have some new polls coming out, including Wisconsin. Also, where are we on the shooting investigations, too?


You've got the possible VP running mates, and we'll put up these graphics. You've got Senator Mark Kelly, Governor Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania, Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina, your guest on Sunday, the Transportation Secretary, Governor Andy Besheer in Kentucky, and Governor Tim Walsh of Minnesota. It seems like that list is the going list, and there's probably going to be a decision pretty soon.


Yeah, I mean, we are getting whiplash, all of us who cover this stuff, and certainly our viewers, too, at the speed at which the calculus in this campaign keeps changing. But the vice president will have to make a decision relatively quickly. I would imagine you're going to see a lot of those faces on the Sunday shows, auditioning out there to be her campaigner co-chair, essentially. If they're added to the ticket, how do they fare this weekend when confronted with her record?


All right. Shannon Bream, we'll see you this weekend. Thanks.


See you Sunday. Thanks, Brett.


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