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Now, I'm going to be continuing to read some of these books about JFK, and we'll keep you updated every night. Former CIA officer and whistleblower, John Kirakow joins us. John, now we have the CIA actively witnessed tampering in the Hunter Biden investigation? What does that tell you?


How crazy is this? I've thought about this all weekend, Jessie, and I'm just not able to come up with any legitimate reason why the CIA would tamper in this case, tamper in this investigation other than the fact that perhaps Mr. Morris is a source, or as you said in the intro, the CIA wants Joe Biden to be reelected.


Do you believe that they like Joe Biden because he's just the establishment guy. He does what the Pentagon wants, and he always has. I mean, he always has.


The CIA loves it when either presidents don't make waves, that they are establishment presidents, or if there's an inexperienced president, they sometimes can get their hooks in early. Barack Obama, for example, had no real experience in intelligence or foreign affairs. The day after the election in 2008, he began getting a daily CIA briefing, and they hooked him. Once they show you a blue border report or black border report that's classified above top secret, and they say, Mr. President-elect, we want to tell you about the cool things that we're going around the world. They've got their hooks in you, and then you work for them.


But Trump was inexperienced as well as Barack Obama was, even more so. But he wasn't able to be controlled. He snipped out some of the ruses they were playing with him. They've done nothing since then but try to destroy him.


That's exactly right. That's what happens when there's a president that they can't control. I think that maybe there are some parallels we can draw, even with the presidency of John F. Kennedy.


Kennedy was actually going around the military official, speaking directly with Khrushchev. They had private letters exchanged because he wanted peace. Yes, he did. We're going to continue to cover that because that is just one of those things that really breaks your heart. John, thank you. That's indeed.


Thanks for having me.


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