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Gavin Newsom is lying about the law. Quote, A city in Tennessee has banned being gay in public. This is just the beginning. We have to call this out. But that's not what happened, Gavin. The city banned sexual conduct in public. Things like sex and nudity. You can be gay in public. Nobody's stopping you. You just can't get naked or have sex on the street. And I've got news for the governor of California not all gay people are getting naked in public. Gavin Newsom knows this, of course, but he's using an old trick. You see, laws are complicated. And if you make something up, chances are most people aren't going to do the research and fact check and understand the law. It's what Stacey Abrams did. Back in 2021, georgia passed an election law, you remember, that required voter ID and limited dropboxes. They made their elections more secure, and Abrams called it Jim Crow 2.0. Then Joe biden.


Parroted I'm convinced that we'll be able to stop this because it is the most pernicious thing. This makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle. I mean, this is gigantic.


Jim Eagle. The next year, by the way, georgia had a record voter turnout. Who was suppressed? Nobody but Major League Baseball, who was scheduled to have their All Star Game in Atlanta, moved it out of town in protest. They cost local businesses, many of them black, owned over $70 million. But now MLB is coming back with their tail between their legs, announcing the 2025 All Star Game will be in Georgia. What happened? Georgia didn't change their laws. Jim Crow still on steroids. Jim Eagle still flying. But MLB realized. I guess their PR wasn't working. So they're just going to pretend it never happened and go back to Atlanta. Charlie Arnold is an outkick host and she joins us now. Charlie, this has happened over and over again. It happened in 2016 with the NBA and the transgender bathroom bill in North Carolina. They pulled out the All Star game. Somebody mischaracterizes a law like Gavin Newsom, and oftentimes they're met with their propaganda success.


Well, yeah, because like you just mentioned, it's an old trick. The left has been using it for as long as we can remember because they know when they put something out, inflammatory information. People are either low information or if they do seek out answers for themselves, where are they turning? To mainstream media who does nothing but continually lie to them anyways. So this is a tactic that works. They know it's only going to incite hatred towards conservatives in their policies even more, and they're going to continue using.


Mean. This one seems the most outlandish. I mean, I don't know how Gavin Newsom how he avoids of course, no one will ever ask him, but how he avoids answering the question of, are you suggesting, Governor, that all gay people are in public naked and committing public indecency?


Gavin newsom is slick, right? I mean, the things that come out of his mouth, this tweet especially, saying that it's banned to be gay in public in Murphy's bro, he knew fully well, and everybody knows this. Anybody that has some common sense knows that he knew. They were saying, you cannot be lewd or know indecent sexual misconduct in public, which, by the way, every city in America should be doing. So cheers to Murphysboro on that. But, yeah, Gavin Newsom gets away with pretty much anything that comes out of his mouth. No one questions him. Even the other day when he was speaking in San Francisco, saying, well, it's true because it's true. I mean, he flat out acknowledged the fact that San Francisco was only cleaning up because the elites were coming into town, not because they care about their residents. Gavin Newsom is a snake. People need to be aware about that, especially if he tries to put his name on that ballot come 2024.


I think he has to answer for his homophobia suggesting all gay people are publicly indecent. All right, Charlie.


Thank you.


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