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The campaign is not going to win talking about crowd sizes. It's not going to win talking about what race Kamala Harris is. It's not going to win talking about whether she's dumb. You can't win on those things. The American people are smart. This is a winnable election.


I thought Governor Nikki Haley had some great points. My next guest knows Donald Trump very well, almost as well as the ambassador, and also sees right through the smoke and mirrors and the act that Democrats are putting together, so suddenly they seem moderate. Republic The Republican governor, West Virginia, Jim Justice, abandoned his Democratic Party during his tenure as governor back in 2017 when he saw what Donald Trump was doing for the country. And is now running for Joe Manchin's Senate seat. He's up by about 30 points. It looks like he's going to flip it. And joining us right now to discuss this is Governor Jim Justice. Governor, I know you're really tight. It's great to see you. You're really tight with President Trump. Nikki Haley's comments and review. Do you think that's something the President should pay attention to?


Well, it's possible, Brian. At the same time, I understand. I mean, really and truly, he catches it from every direction in the world. In my opinion, an awful lot of it's unfair. The media is stacked against him in lots of ways. Now, Donald has times that he gets out over his skis. We all know that and everything. He's a good man, and he really cares about all of us. He's got an incredible family. He's done really, really good stuff with those kids and everything. That's why they're incredible. But with all that being said, we don't need to get off-subject. You're right. And Nikki's right about that. At the end of the day, if we can stay on-subject and everything, absolutely, we have a winnable hand and everything. But it's tough. We're all human beings. I mean, for crying out loud, it's just plain tough. Let's just always remember that and know that this is a great man. He did a great job. Honestly, for Kamala Harris to think for one second or anybody on this planet to think that the Democrats, the Democrats can rule the day and win. And not only if they win, do the job for all the people in this country.


Are you kidding me? Just look around as to what's happening. And this modest approach that they have now and this big time flip, do you really believe they'll continue that? You'd have to be crazy.


Here's some of the bullet points she has in a big economic speech on Friday. She says, Well, I'm going to up the government assistance for first-time home buyers $25,000. Now, there's already programs on the books. Increase child tax credit to 6,000. Credit, give more for newborns. Empower the FTC to go after price gouging. She thinks price gouging is the problem when it comes to the supermarket. Is this sincere? Will this work?


No, it won't work. I mean, Brian, I'm a common sense business guy. With all All that in me, first of all, it won't work. Second of all, they won't do it. They won't do it. This is absolutely just smoking mirrors and the media absolutely pumping it. There's money beyond money beyond money pumping it. Absolutely, if we fall for it, shame on all of us.


In terms of messaging, the Democratic Party, center right, center left. That used to be what our election is about. Now, it seems as though the vice president is coming off center left, and she's selling that. What's your message to the American people? Because you were a Democrat. These were some of the people that you listened to that would conference with.


Oh, Brian, she's not center left. I mean, She is extreme left. Her running mate choice, extreme left. To try to sell us on the fact that she's close to the middle, I mean, who are you kidding? Brian, the other thing is, in all honesty, you know how she just jabbers and goes on like she's in romper room or something like that? I mean, Brian, it is silly to absolutely just look at all the things that have happened with the Biden-Harris administration Look at all the things that have happened to America. And absolutely do not fall for the smoking mirrors and then sit around and absolutely wonder, Oh, gosh, what happened? What happened to this country? What happened to the fact that all the land of the free and everything else. What happened to us? Don't fall for the smoking mirrors. And absolutely, truly, you should absolutely just step back. And a lot of us think all the time that Donald Trump has gone through hell and back for all of us. I got to live, and he got shot for all of us and everything. And he stands up because he cares. He cares about America.


We best better remember that.


Governor, great to see you. The next time I see you, it might be as Senator, you're up by about 35 points. So if you're going to take the Senate, it's a lot to do with Governor Jim Justice' side to get in the race when you had a lot of other great things to do as a self-made billionaire. Governor Jim Justice, thanks so much.


Brian, thank you. Thank you always. Thank you.


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