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There it is. Welcome back to Fox News Saturday night with me, Jimmy Fala. How about it? California has a new fast food minimum wage law, which means workers will be starting at $20 an hour. The good news for them, everybody's getting a raise. The bad news, restaurant's probably going to close. If it does stay open, we're all paying a lot more for our food. The panel is back. Jenny Fala, Kevin Walling, and Corinne Fischer. I just want you again to appreciate the fact that I had my wife on tonight. Why? Because as New Yorkers, someone could be squatting in our house right now, and neither of us could get back in when we go home. So admire my commitment, America, to the program.


Lincoln, you better lock those doors right now. I'll watch it at home.


Get about it right now.


Tick those party people out.


Lincoln is currently paying two strippers to leave. Do you know how rowdy our house is? If you're in 10th grade and your parents are on TV, I don't even want to know what's going on.


I don't want to know either.


But let's talk about this. I don't really want to get into the analytics of the minimum wage law because we're trying to keep people from changing the channel because they hear it all week during the show. But we do know there's a yin and a yang, which is you want to pay more, but sadly, cost will go up for the people who shop at fast food restaurants because they're cheap. Of course, places will close. Totally. That being said, we all have some a relationship to the story because we've had these types of jobs. What was your first... I don't know this. What was your first entry-level job?


I worked at a car wash. Is that true? I mean, beyond babysitting. But yeah, I worked at a car wash.


And washed cars?


No, I was the person that would have to refill. It was like the self-serve car wash, but I have to clean the parking lot and do all that and watch the quarter machine. Is that true?


You were the quarter machine girl? I was. Wow, you've come a long way. There and then peep land where we met with the quarter machine. She had moved up. Give her credit. I disrespected you. You did. I disrespected you. You were not a quarter stripper. No, you were not. Walling, what was your big Democrat elitist entry level? I worked at a bookstore.


You did? Yeah. And growing up, yeah.


And was that like? What did you do?


As a Democrat, I didn't burn any books, let's be clear. Sure you did. I sold them. I didn't ban anything or burn anything. Just sold it.


Okay, fair. Corinne, entry-level gig for you.


Victoria's Secret, but it was...Thank.

[00:02:13] angel. Give it up for one pervert in the camera crew. That was amazing. A guy just wooed security. He just recognize Corinne from the magazine. Anyway.


No, but it was the beauty part, not the lingerie. They only let me sell lip gloss. I'm I'm sorry, guys.


Is that why you're always in linger on Instagram? Yeah, exactly.


Because I'm just like, the moment past me.


Making up for last time.


I almost couldn't hear you over the cameraman's ankle bracelet. I did. But forgive me.


It's beeping now. Something's beeping.


That was unbelievable stuff. This is my concern. What was your first job? My very first. Yeah.


My first-growing up as a kid.


I sold rare coins that were so rare, the people who bought them never got them in the mail. I'm not kidding. Is this true? Yes. When I was in high school, I got a job selling rare coins. My first day, we're on the phone selling rare coins. My second day, the woman was taking a perp walk out of the place in handcuffs, and me and my buddy, Big Lou Perrone, who had gotten me the job, were like, I guess we're not getting paid this weekend. I don't know. It was amazing. My first job lasted two days, but I had a series of telemarketing jobs, and I learned how to build a YES Staircase. Do you guys know that about telemarketing? It's back in the day, a YES Staircase is you ask a series of questions they'll say yes to. They get so used to saying yes to you when it's time to close. They can't say no. We're married 20 years.


There it is. That's where you get your guests for this show, too.


The problem is we met at one of my stand-up sets. I was like, Did you like the show? She was like, No. I'm like, All right, let's start over.


How's it going?


That's amazing. Next topic, let me read this, okay? These next folks know a thing or two about fast food, according to a study from WalletHub. The unhealthiest city in America is Brownsville, Texas. Following Brownsville in the top five are Gulfport, Mississippi, Laredo, Texas, Columbus, Georgia, and Shreve Port, Louisiana. In other words, the South is here for a good time, not for a long time. So is health and fitness underrated? I'll come to you, girlfriend. We're actually married. This is weird. She's more my girlfriend now. You guys are- You got the marriage. Listen, I just want a weekend off. I'll give it to you.


I'll give you the weekend off.


Kevin Wally, a true swing voter in every sense of the Always. Every sense of the word. Were you the ones who got them a flamengo in their garden? Anyway, stick with me. The question was, do we have different definitions of health? You and I? No, no, no, no. I just mean when you hear these lists, they make the list, they're like, Well, it has a lot of green spaces. You know what I mean? I know the south is a connotation for eating more barbecue and stuff I like. But I don't think we all measure health the same way. What say you?


No, definitely not. I could totally see why I looked at the list. These cities here, like you said, have phenomenal barbecue. If I lived there versus a place that would have quinoa and kale all the time, I would absolutely belong to the bear crop.


Because this is the point I think she's making, Waling. The places that are living the lifestyle that would give you those three extra years of longevity. You actually don't want the years. No, you're miserable. You know what I mean? Bottom one, and we know this, okay? If you have to choose between America and Murica, the better time is being had in Murica. Totally. We all know that. Karin, I mean, honestly, you're liberal and that's fine. But if When you are partying, you probably want to party with Murica.


No, I love it. I love visiting the South on tour. I've eaten macaroni and cheese with my hands when I can't get a salad. It's more fun.


That didn't make Victoria's Secret. That didn't make that magazine.


That's a hot page in the catalog. When you go from OnlyFans to OnlyFood. I love this so much. The one thing I come back to when it's health, because everybody's like, They talk about exercise and walking and everything like that. I think, no, for real.


I like that you're talking about it like it's tarot and crystals.


What's this gym right here?


Because this is what I come back to. I know a lot of people with bad habits who lived a long time because they were happy. We all know this person, or you've heard this sad story where someone has smoked till they were 93. Never had an issue. They quit on their 94th birthday and died before their 95th. It's usually because your body gets used to doing things a certain way, and you're at some point not supposed to change the routine. This is also how I got fired as a life coach. My second job as a nutritionist didn't quite work out. What is the one habit you wouldn't give up that people consider unhealthy? Oh, gosh. Don't say me, Jenny. That is awkward as hell. What is it? You like diet soda, but that's healthy.


No, it's not healthy. You don't think? That would be it. Really? No, it's terrible for you.


Have you ever heard the Trump line? Now, you look great. Do not think I'm disparaging you for a second. I mean that. You know the Trump when he goes, I've never seen anybody skinny drinking Diet Coke. It's funny because he drinks Diet Coke.


He had a button on his desk. Remember that was great.


I love that. That was back before they had real Coke in the White House. That's right. There it is.


One baggie for God's sake.


What is the one habit you wouldn't want to get rid of?


Going on Fox News as a Democrat. That has shown my life considerably. This gray hair only started four or five years ago.


Corinne, is there one habit you wouldn't let get torn out of your macaroni and guess now it's fast food.


I love fast food. I eat it once a week, easily.


One thing that will slow that down is it's now 38.50 a burger. Thanks for the minimum wage law. So figure every 10 days. Great stuff. All right, panel.