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All right, boys, you guys know I love firing on Prize on my favorite app. They have a brand new promo. I love it. You guys got to take advantage of it. If you download the app and use code Nelk, put in at least five bucks. That's it. And you're going to get $50 on your first lineup. Go in, download it, put in code Nelk. If you put in five bucks, you're going to get 50 bucks. Literally no strings attached. I wanted to let you guys know about that. College football is coming back soon. Football is coming back. But until then, don't be that that stops firing on summer sports, all right? We still got baseball, got some Olympics to fire on. Don't be that crazy that stops firing on summer sports. You guys know I love the Prizepicks app. I just love how instead of choosing teams, you're choosing individual players, and each player has a set projection, and you either go more or less than that set projection. If you haven't tried it, download the prizepicks app. It makes watching sports so much more fun. And this new promo, take advantage of the free 50 bucks.


There's no strings attached. You might as well do it. Use code Nelk. Thank me later, boys. Where are you going on a heat of this season, though? Football is going to be Get ready. Warm up with some summer sports. When football's back, we're snapping, boys. Download the Prize Week app. Use code Nelk.


We want out.


We want out.


We want out.


We want out. Boys, I know you guys are thinking like me right now. America is just super, super, weird right now. Inflation's through the roof. Gas prices are high. A lot of people can't even afford We're going to be selling groceries. There's wars going on all over the world. Men are playing in women's sports. It's just weird right now. That's why this election is very, very important. I know you guys know that. I live in America. I feel super, super blessed to live in America. I own businesses here. Happy dad. I have full send. I feel so grateful to be able to run and own a business in America, and we got to protect it. That's why this election is so, so important. Seriously, all you guys need to vote, and we got to make sure this time that your vote is going to count. We are teaming up with sendthevote. Com to make sure that your vote is going to count this year. Go to sendthevote. Com, sign up. If you guys don't know how to vote or you've never voted before, or you're lazy, you've never voted, go to sendthevote. Com, sign up.


It's going to give you all the info to vote, but also make sure that your vote is going to count. Send the vote is not a right wing or a left wing organization. It's completely neutral. So all it's about is just making make sure that your vote is going to count. Boys, we can't just be complaining or tweeting about this shit anymore. We have to actually get out and vote. In your group of friends or group of boys, tell everybody about Send The Vote. Let's get everyone registered to vote. This is our last chance, guys. Last chance to make a difference. That's how I feel. I know you guys feel the same way. Sendthevote. Com. Go there right now and make sure your vote is going to count.


By the way, if Dana gets rid of this thing or dies, I'm going to call him Peter. You took it out. Nicole. I got Dana a little gift. That's weird.


Those look like Chinese bird.


Please don't tell them any of this. I got them. This is the rarest bird you'll ever find. Can't tell you where I got it, but the thing is, Dana needs to know two things. That A, it shits a lot, and B, it lives for 30 years. It's a little baby, so it sometimes makes a little bit of noise. So let him know that this is a gift for me to him because I love him so much. How do you love that? By the way, to a pedda, too, is very, very sensitive about birds. That's not his bird. It is. It's about to be. This thing is going to end up wherever you live. I love you so much, Nicole. It's so good to see you again. What's up, Gamble, the golf partner. One and a half here in the full single off channel, me and Gamble. It feels good to be here. Man, I remember this room like it was yesterday. Episode, can't complete six episodes. Wow. It's like we did that.


What's up?


I got to pee real quick. I didn't know you'd be 30 minutes before.


Now you got to pee. I'm an hour late. You got to piss now.


I got you something. I'm pretty sure your team probably briefed you.


No, nobody briefed me.


I got to pee and I was back. You guys settled in. You have a lot of time.


You take your time.


Happy birthday, What's up, man?


Look at you. He's looking at me. He's a swimman, bro. Hey, you know you're in shape when you start tucking your fucking shirt in.


I did, too. There was no tucking two years ago. I had to add to your Mike Tyson collection.


That's pretty awesome.


It's the highest graded one on the internet right now, pretty much.


Thank you. You're a mess. I really appreciate. Thank you. Of course. Very cool, very thoughtful. I appreciate it.


Of course. The man We can start now.


One time.


It's been a while. Well, yeah, Dana, we love getting you on. Dana is pretty much the uncle of Nelk. I feel like we always just get Dana on once in a while. It's pretty much just a boys sit down. We get to catch up.


Good to see you. It's been a minute. I haven't seen you.


We saw each other...


Power slap. The last power slap. But just for a second. I said what's up, but we didn't really get to hang.


Yeah, we didn't get to hang. Yeah. Been busy. Oh, we saw you quick at RNC, actually.


Yes, that's right. Great job, by the way. That's great job, Dana. I'll give you credit on that. Good job. That was a really good job.Thank you.You.


Found that one? Tell us about that. How did you get the call? And how long before?


Well, I was up at my place in Maine for fourth of July, and they called me and asked me, and I had this trip planned to Italy for a long time. And I'm like, Guys, I'm literally in the middle of this trip in Italy. I'm on a boat in the middle of... No. So they're like, he wants you. You got to do this.


You've done before, right? You did this piece before for him.


Not at this level. So the position that I was in, I'm pretty much, I guess, in the history of doing this. It's always a family member or the wife.


The one that comes direct before him? Yeah. So you're the one that... The most important role, I'd say, is probably the guy who introduces the president.


Dana introduced the man.


It's always the family. So I think the last three years, it's been Ivanka has done it. And in the history of doing it, it's always... So it's like a first for somebody that isn't family to do it. I'm also the only guy that's ever walked down the stairs of Air Force One with a sitting president that wasn't wife or little kids.


Are you nervous about Kamala Harris?


I'm not nervous. It's just one of those things. It's like as voters, and I'm one of these guys, everybody thinks I'm some crazy conservative or something. I'm right down the middle, man. I'm for common It makes sense. When you really break it down and you look at Republican, Democrat, gay, straight, Catholic, whatever your religion, all that shit. We We all want the same things. We all want to make a living. We all want to take care of our families. We all want to buy a house. We all want cars. We all want to be safe in our house. We want to be safe in the streets that we live in. You have to look as a voter, all this other bullshit, all the shit talk and everything that goes on. And you have to pick who you think is the right person. I don't know Kamala Harris. I've never met her. I'm sure she's a nice person. She does not fit to run the country. She's just not. It's just a fact. You have to take all the hate out. And it's like when you see the stuff after Trump was almost assassinated, The people that were talking shit like, hopefully next time, it's disgusting.


Whether it's Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, Trump. If somebody takes a shot at a sitting or former President of the United States, you as an American, we're all Americans, should be pissed and disgusted that somebody tried to assassinate a former sitting President of the United States as Americans. And it's human beings. It's disgusting.


He was going to get his head blown off. Imagine you get his head blown off on national TV.


Think about that. Anywhere on national TV. I was literally on the plane, really, when I found out. My wife woke me up and said, They just shot Trump. And I was, I'm on a plane. I was freaking out, and I was texting his family and trying to find out what happened. And They responded to me and let me know that he was okay. He was in the hospital. Then as soon as I landed in Italy, I called him. I don't care whether you like Trump or you don't like Trump or whatever your deal is. He's a human being with a family, and he's an American. He loves this country. What he did, everybody likes to act like they're a fuck. All men think they're tough guys at some level of whatever. How that guy fucking responded to that, we all We all hope we could act. We're a quarter of the first man he was when he got shot at.


I still don't think he should have worn the bandage, though. I think he should have not worn the bandage out in the speech after at the R&D. They said his ear was scabbing.


That was gross.


You should have been like, I'm a badass. I don't even know, like, bandage.


I think the bandage is a badass.


I think the badass point-How much more badass do you have to be? Yeah, he already made that statement, Bob.


I'm not waiting for the offer to get over here easy. I'm saying that-Mentory wouldn't leave his house for-As Trump's campaign manager, I would have told him to take the bandage off.


Menory, you'd be wearing a helmet in public if that happened to you.


You'd be wearing a football. Menory would never leave.


I was waiting for it. Don't even.


To pivot off President Trump. That's great stuff.


The only guy that calls Trump-I'm not calling Trump.


I'm not saying this. I'm saying I wouldn't wear He's a bandage.


I would have went up there like-He's human.


It was a scar on his ear.


In all honesty-In all honesty-Go ahead, Mr. Re. I've known dudes that people tried to kill when I was younger. They were never the same after that. The conversation that I had with him after it happened, I was just like, You are another fucking level, man. And this guy, think about this. The guy's 85 years old. Secret Service jumped on top of him, then pulled him up. Most 80-year-old people can't even get to the ground like he did. I didn't know there was three boys. People question his mental... This guy is a fucking tank. He's a fucking beast.


I don't know what's in his blood.


He never stops from working. He never stops pushing forward. He's always grinding. He's always awake every time I text him. It's just he's one of the best guys that I've ever met. I would never back a guy or talk highly about a guy who is a piece of shit. The way that they try to portray him in the media, he's a great human being. He loves this country, and he should be the next President of the United States, all politics aside. Who do you want dealing with Russia and Ukraine? Who do you want dealing with Israel and from Gaza? Who do you want dealing with Iran? Who do you want dealing with the It's all its problems right now? Not Kamala Harris. It's nothing personal against Kamala Harris. I don't even know her.


Wait, but Dinda, what was his response when you asked him about the assassination attempt? What did he say to you?


Typical Trump. Absolutely resilient and walking me through what happened and funny at the same time. Then the next day, he jumps on a plane and flies to the RNC and then goes right back out in public on stage again. It's really unbelievable. I've never met anybody like this guy. He's an amazing human being.


I do say, though, at the end of the day, he just got great. I'm not trying to play devil's advocate at all. I'm a big Trump guy, too, as well. But I think that the whole thing, the only thing is everybody's making a big deal. We jumped back and got back on stage. He did just get grazed in the air by a bullet. I get the whole thing, but why wouldn't he get back on the stage?


Well, because there could have been more bullets. You don't know what's going on.


No, there was three that flew by. You didn't know that. It was one that grazed.


Are you a conspiracy right now, Bob?


Let me tell you a story. The shooting that happened here-I'm not being silly.


I'm just saying it's like, why wouldn't he get back on stage?


If you got shot at, wouldn't you run away?


If I got shot at, I'd be like, Our Secret Service is doing a good job to make sure that never happens again. I want to go back up immediately.


Wait, are you saying why did he stand back up on the stage?


Because they took out the shooter. No, I'm saying after because Dana is saying people are like, Oh, Trump almost got assassinated. He's back the next day campaigning. It's like, Well, I hate to say it. At the end of the day, he just did get grazed in the air. God bless. He didn't get his head blown off.


Wait. Jesus Christ.


That's the problem with America. That's a hot take. That's right here is the problem with America.


That was a great podcast. Go ahead.


He was assassinated. I'm trying to remember the guy's name. That's to get the people behind you, bro. The concert here that was going on. We went a couple of weeks after the Mandalay Bay shooting, and I tried to get Jason Aldeen back out here to do... That guy wouldn't leave his family house. They weren't trying to kill him. That's what I see. They were just shooting into the fucking crowd.


You're right. Most people. I agree.


That was assassination on Trump's life, an assassination attempt. The guy got off like eight shots before he was killed.


Did you see the sniper He was panicking, though. He hit him, though, right? The guy that hit him with the bullet. He looked very uncomfortable when he released that shot.


That wasn't the guy who hit him. There was a different guy who hit him. There was a different guy that hit him?


Yeah. Okay, cool. So who was that guy? He missed?


That guy was just looking. Someone else had shot from a different direction.


So did the Secret Service just pick up that day?


Well, then the other thing is, if you're Trump, is if Secret Service, a 20-year-old kid with a gun on a ladder, climbs up on the first thing, everybody can see him, and they're all telling everybody, There's a guy up there with a fucking gun. And he's not already dead before he cracks off eight shots at the former President of the United States, you're going to go out in public again? Who can you trust? You're the most paranoid man on planet Earth.


Now that I put that in perspective, I do say Abu Dhabi is the safest place on the planet.


You couldn't last 24 hours there. I got to get the fuck out of here. These guys are going to do something that are going to get us a... Part one of the episode. A guy tries to assassinate, you're going to go back out the next day and go back out.


I came in for a piece this episode. This is supposed to be a piece of episode. That's hilarious. Do not me on leash on you, but I may in a minute. I got you a birthday gift, by the way, so stand by. You're going to love it. It'll last a long time. Every time you look at that birthday gift and you're not allowed to get rid of it, you think of me.


Next question. You talked earlier about the hatred that people have when they were saying, People were saying, I wish he did this. I wish he they got him. The crazy shit people were saying on the internet. Where do you think that hatred is coming from? Why do you think that's a thing?


It's all this political shit that's going on right now. It's all about hatred. It's all about Whether it's Biden or it's Trump, it goes both ways. It's not just towards Trump. It goes both ways, and it's absolute bullshit. It's disgusting right now, and it has to stop. At the end of the day, we're all Americans. That's what I'm having.


Our country is not united anymore. That's the problem.


It's true. It's not. Unfortunately, what usually unites us as Americans is when we're attacked. It's always something that drastic to unite us again.


It's Wouldn't you say it felt like in a way that did a little bit more?




The whole assassination attempt, you did see the left.


I could not agree with you more. It did, but like five minutes.


It got taken away, though. It got taken away by Kamala Harris. That she took over everything when she reran.


It did for like five minutes, then you get the scumbags in the media out there that start playing their fucking games and doing their shit again and talking shit. All that does is insight the fucking internet and all that stuff starts. As an American, everybody should be disgusted that some piece of shit tried to assassinate a man who's running for first president. Do you know what I mean?


Do you think that hatred stuff ever changes or is just going to keep shifting?


Hopefully for this country and for all of us as Americans, hopefully this all stops within the next few years.


I wanted to say I really regret that comment I made before about the whole assassination thing.


Well, It's being left in.


She's realized. I know it's being left in. I'm just letting everybody know. I apologize. I meant it in a way of…


You're going to ask for it to take an out. No, I'm never going to ask for it to take it out.


No, I'm never going to ask for it to take it out. No, no, no, no, no, Two of us lately. We had to tell you it is time to now... First of all, you were dead wrong.


About what?


A lot of things. But most importantly, you were wrong. You said I wouldn't do six episodes. Well, guess what? This is seven out of six. Here we are. Yeah.


See how the next six go.


Well, we don't have a next six because we need a negotiation.


Now it's negotiation time.


Here we go.


Now we need a negotiator. Obviously, my team has been a little weak lately. Mr. White was on your side on round one. Now Mr. White is on my side on round two. I don't know. I don't want to make this by the hope.


I don't think he is.


Well, he's not on my side.


I guess I was wrong. He's not a train wreck. He doesn't-Thank God he cleared here. He doesn't sabotage himself ever. Thank you. Yeah, you made it through six podcasts. Stop. Don't use that.


Don't use that. That in your voice.




By the way, you'll never be inside of a tornado.


So let me ask you a question. You did the six episodes. What were your other options?


What other alternatives did you have? I'll tell you what, we had plenty of alternatives. We're focused.


Finally, listen, I'll give you this.


I can't do this right now.


Congratulations. You got Kyle to semi-trust you again. Congratulations.


Great. So first step the fuck in, and let's make this little show great again. We'll talk about that later. You're on my side. That's it. Next I have a question. Brad.


No, I sent Dana a screenshot. Bob threatened to sue me the other day. Remember I sent you that screenshot of him? And that was all over a golf.


No, we're not talking about old stuff. We're not talking about old stuff. You're lucky you have this man in your corner because if you didn't pick up the phone and call me because Dana does owe me a lot of favors right now currently.


Such as?


There's some things I've done. For a lot of different projects that I don't want to talk about. Power Slap gaming app. I will remind everybody once again. What time is it?


Is it five o'clock? Are you fucked up already? It's like five o'clock in the afternoon. You'll notice Mr. White.


You should have seen him at noon.


Mr. White will always-Your eyes are red bloodshot. When you're traveling, working so hard, sometimes you lack of sleep and stuff. Anyways, Power Slap gaming app. I'll see you more time. Numbers are good?


Power Slap is doing just fine.


I was going to tell you, last event was the most fun. Last event was incredible.


Great time. It was the biggest night of gaming in the Fountain Blue Company history.


Super Bowl, it was-In sports betting?


Yeah. No, gambling. Gambling as a whole. What are you talking about?


What sport?


You have to see? The actual table games. They wouldn't even let us get out of the building without signing a longer term deal. So we're going to be with Fountain Blue. We're going to do a fight in Miami at Fountain Blue.


What sport? Was it UFC?


Power Slap.


Power Slap?


Because the amount of people that are coming to the event, I'm assuming, yeah?


Coming to the casino. Everything about it, from the social to the streaming.


Listen, it's okay to just evacuate. It's okay to evacuate a situation. It's not a It's a good thing to let something go.


What are you talking about?


Who the fuck knows?


Yeah, I was like, What are you talking about?


I'm saying, I will always stand by God.


You guys got them back on the podcast.


No, I'm joking. I'm just saying that Power Slap, I always this day, I just think that we Me and you could take this sport somewhere else. It's just this, once again, slap, fall.


Make it unsuccessful. Slap, fall.


How do we expect? You got to get people in boxing cars fighting each other. You know those little like...


It'd be a completely different sport, though.


There's nothing I value more in my life than business advice from Bob Miner. There we go. Nothing I value more. It's literally...


It's like a pullback all the back.


I feel so blessed that I'm able to get business advice from Bob Miner. It's always unbelievable.


He was there when you believed in you. Massive.


I'm very lucky.


All right, let's talk about... Wait, wait. Real quick. Let's talk about the Sphere.


No, I was going to say, what's next for Slap? What's the next?


So the next, we're going to Abu Dhabi. It's going to be our first event in Abu Dhabi. And then after that, was literally, I flew to... This is this...


You need any help again?


This is a layup for you right here. I flew to LA last night and met with Shake Turky. And we're-Shake Turky.


I'll show you.


The leader of Saudi.


Okay, wait, we got to talk about that.


We got all that one. We're going to bring that out.


We're going to do a... We're going to do it. Come here, Daddy.


Come here.


I'm not going to lie. When do you send me that, that's what I'm saying.


Yeah, it was hilarious. So Dana always talk about Sugar Daddy.


Every 1 in 10, Bob comes up with something that's fucking hilarious.


No, When I saw that, I was drooling at the mouth. I was full of it in my mouth. When I saw you in that video.


It's a video of you holding hands, right?


No, it's a video of Dana's so thrown off guard. There's this guy who's obviously a respectful person in the area. I don't know what to say here, all right? Wait, explain this. I don't know what to say. You're bugging me out. So there's this guy. He takes Dana's arm.


I'm trying to not get you assassinated.


No, I don't know what to say. Now you're going to be freaked out. But he takes Dana's arm and just guides him to somewhere, like three steps, and then that's it. And so I just see that and I'm like, We got him. You got Dana. He's sitting in the laboratory. Then I made the Sugar Daddy reference. I said, Mr. White's Sugar Daddy. He texted me and said, I don't ever want to hear about Sugar Daddy ever again. That wasn't a good one. All right, so real quick, I want you to go around the room here real quick. I'd love to. Toughest ticket in town right now has got to be the Sphere. Very expensive tickets, by the way. I went on to step up today and look for some tickets.


What are they going for? The cheapest.


What are they going for?


They are way too expensive.


Someone said 3,500 for the worst seat. How much are they? Someone said 3,500, right?


How do you set the price point?


That means he didn't really go on. No, I didn't.


I was just going to look at prices. No, but I did get people were saying they were 3,000.


3,000 plus for the cheapest?


Are you kidding?


How many seats are there? 17,000.


At 3K a pop?


At a boy. $30 million dollar gate.


Atta boy.


Doesn't it cost a ton just to operate that thing?


We're in at 20 million right now. Yeah, we're in at 20 million.


This might be a stupid question, but why does it cost so much to operate? What is it about the skin?


What we're going to do in there is we're literally putting on a show. It starts at the first fight of the main card, and it's literally this love letter to Mexico and the Mexican people on Mexican Independence Day. I've always had this... When you think about Mexicans, their culture as far as family, how hard they work, how they support each other. Mexicans will work hard all week. They'll get their paycheck on Friday, and they will spend their entire paycheck supporting other Mexican people and what they're doing, whether it's music, combat, whatever it is. They're the only people in the world, when you think about their flags, that there's actually a fight, conflict between an eagle and a serpent on their actual flag. When you say to somebody, You fight like a Mexican, it's the biggest you could give somebody in combat sports. This thing is like a love letter to the Mexican people.


All right, guys, I'm going to interrupt the pop really, really quick. I want to let you guys know about my favorite healthy snack, Bored Jerky. All right, you guys know you've seen me I'm trying to be a little more healthy these days. I was getting too many comments. You guys telling me I look pregnant and shit. I was staying up all night crying. So now I'm into healthy snacks, and Bored Jerky is one of my favorites. This jerky, if you guys try it, I don't even have to say it, try it for yourself. Myself, the quality of the jerky is absolutely unbelievable. I'm a big jerky guy, and this jerky is by far the best. I'm traveling a lot all the time, so I always have Bored Jerky on me when I get hungry. There's four different flavors. My favorite is the original. The original, the macros are freaking unbelievable. There's lots of protein. It's just a great healthy snack. Keep the barrel in check. But yeah, trust me, if you guys like jerky, try this out. When you try it, you'll thank me. It's available on amazon. Com. The reviews are going through the roof.


Everybody loves it. So go to amazon. Com right now. Get Bored Jerky out to try. Keep it in your gym bags. Keep it in your backpacks. This is my favorite healthy snack. It's on me all the time. Amazon. Com, Bored Jerky. Get back on the pod.


I thought it was also about Canelo is doing an event there. Is that true?


It's the same thing. Canelo is doing a fight the same night. At the Sphere? No. That would be interesting. No, at T-Mobile. They're going T-Mobile the same time we are.


Why do you say that with a maniacal laughter behind you?


How the fuck are they going to go with the Sphere the same time we are? They're just with you.


Back to Sphere.


Go ahead. Yeah.


What's your whole goal with doing this at the Sphere? What's the best outcome?


Nobody's ever done it before. I like to be first and shit people say it can't be done. Literally when the Sphere first started with you two, the big thing was, how could anybody ever hold a sporting event here? It's not possible. And boom, I'm in. I love it.


Take us through the process of what it takes in maybe a two-minute condensed version of how one gets a fight to the Sphere and how that all goes down. What? I don't know. How do you get in the Sphere? How does that happen? How does all the parts work? How do you get the fight in the Sphere?


Why is it a bad question? How do we get people to fight the sphere?


I'm saying, how did that deal get put together? Who are all the people involved? And how does the deal get put together?


braided hit me up and asked me if I wanted to go to you two. There we go.


Here we are. Now we're talking a viral clip, Mr. White.


I go to you two with him, 45 minutes into the show, I said, This is fucking incredible. And he realized that the star of the show is not you two, it's the Sphere. And I called my head of production, Craig Borsari, and I said, I don't know what you're doing next weekend, but cancel it. We're going to do an event at the Sphere. I want you to bring the team here. I want you to walk through this place and look at it. And that's how it all began. That's sick.


Seating arrangements are going to be very interesting. It's obviously a high demand fight. There's a lot of people who want to go from Tom braided to Halle Berry to Jared Letto to Bob Mentherey.


Bob's going to ask for from our seats.


To a lot of people. This is going real fast. There's a lot of A-list actors and A-list people who want to come there.


This is literally going to be a one-of-one event. Literally all the tickets are going on sale.


I'm not even- Bro, if you don't-I'll tell you what, I don't go to the Sphere.


Our relationship is dead. Wait, but, Dana, did you think this was going to be as difficult?


Normally, we have a block. You guys know my block that you've been there many times. It literally isn't even going to exist. We're selling all the tickets. It's going to be a one-of-one event one time. I'm in this thing, $20 million.


That's what I was going to say.


It's a straight business for everybody else.


Jake Turky came in, and he wanted to sponsor this thing for re-add season. So he's the main sponsor, him and Bud Light, are the two main sponsors of this thing. And this is a very, very unique event in the way that we ran this thing and sponsorship and it's cool.


It's history for the UFC, a history event. Because are you going to be doing something like this? Is there anything that could top this?


Well, I think that every year for Mexican Independence Day, that's the one I show. You either got Cinco de Mayo or you get Mexican Independence Day. I'm going with Mexican Independence Day every year. And yeah, we'll do something different every year. But the Sphere, this is a one of one special event.


Never, ever, ever again.


Never, again.


What if it just goes so well?


It already is. Listen, the show is already a success. Tickets go on sale tomorrow. It's already a success. And it's just, can't do this again. It's a one-of-one. First of all, I have a contract with MGM, so I got to do a huge fight with MGM over this. That's the only reason I'm able to do this. These guys have been disrespecting me and the UFC for 20 years, and it led to us doing this event at the Sphere. And the guy who runs MGM, he's actually a good dude. He doesn't deal with the arena bullshit. The arena guys have been disrespecting us for years.How.


So?how so, yeah. If you could say.


Just every way that you could possibly disrespect us over the last 20 years, these guys have done.


So finally, the main guy at MGM stepped in and came over here, and he's like, How do I fix this? And whatever. And I said, Give me the sphere. I want the sphere. I want the sphere. I want the sphere. And then finally, he said, You can do the sphere. And then now, they're going to try to go head to head with us the same night. It just never ends with these guys.Do.


You ever think like...Here we are. Or do you ever anticipate? Do you always go into this thinking it's going to be easier than it's going to be, and it always turns out to be more expensive and way more difficult. No.


It's like going through COVID. Nothing was easy about going through COVID, and I knew it was going to be expensive. I was willing to build a lab here to figure out how to test for COVID when we weren't testing for COVID in America. No, I always look at shit that they say can't be done, and I want to be the first one to do it.I don't know how expensive it is.I don't care about that.Is it ego or what? I just want to do it.


Dane has no ego.




No ego at all.


That concept, though, about doing things that haven't been done. Have you been like that your entire life?


I think so. Yeah. I mean, even the UFC.


Yeah, well, that for sure.


Nobody thought. The UFC wasn't not allowed on pay-per-view. You, as a grown adult, didn't have the option to buy it on pay-per-view. We wanted to get it on free TV. Think about this. It was on pay-per-view. Ufc was not allowed on pay-per-view. That's how bad it was for the UFC. We bought it, and we wanted to get it on free TV, and we wanted to make it a global sport. We literally, when we bought it, I went to the Fertita Brothers. All their smart guys that work for them hated this thing and said, Guys, don't do this. You're going I'm going to blow a shitload of money. This is never going to work. And to the Fertita's credit, they dove in and they believed in it just as much as I did, and here we are today.


They got it cheap, right? Did they get it cheap?


Well, no, because we paid 2 million for it. Sounds cheap now, but back then, then had to invest another $44 million into it before it turned around. So there was definitely nothing cheap about it. And it was a lot of hard work and aggravation.


That's why I think it's funny when people hate on Power Slap now.I love it.Because it's the same.


Yeah, biggest hater.


I'm not a hater. I don't think you... I've been watching UFC since I was in for a time. I remember Dana at press conferences would be talking about how they're not allowed in New York. It's easy for people to see it now. Toronto? Yeah, in Canada. They were battling state by state by state by country. It was not even allowed in states and countries.


Here we go. It is identical to what happened with the UFC. No, you're so smart. You're stupid. And he gets it, and you don't.


I love that. Yes, no. Power Slap is great. Everybody, bow down to Power Slap. Do you think that- Listen, so let me tell you a story.


I'm walking around. I'm walking around in London.


I'm just saying you can't doubt Dana.


I'm walking around London, facetimes me every 55 seconds. You know what I mean? So he facetimes me, and he's telling me about, Oh, this Power Slap thing. It's ridiculous. Take the L on this thing. Take the L. I said, Oh, yeah. So right now, our rights are up for-We'll buy them for a toothbrush and a bubble gum rapper. For Power Slap. Joking. And we're talking to all the four majors right now on a news deal.


So they deal with Rumbly, Tim-O.


Yeah. And we're talking to everybody right now, including Rumbly, for the new rights package. And you just sit back and-Stan, you're doing this.


All I'm saying is I believe in Power Slap, but I just think there needs to be more. Your brains are operating the rights with that sport.


When does that get announced?


It's got to get bigger, better.


It's not- By the end of the year, going into next year, we'll have-We'll have a new rights deal.


I want to take it back. I want to take it back. You ready? No. So when When you guys had to put the 40 million in, when the UFC wasn't doing as well as it was, what made you believe in it then? When it was obviously...


Well, there's certain things. First of all, I believe that the UFC would work everywhere, all over the world. Fighting does. It doesn't matter what color you are, what country you come from, what language you speak. Fighting's in our DNA. We all get it and we like it. The truth is, we all like combat sports, period. To Bob's, there's people that hate on Power Slap all the time, and there's people that won't like it. But there's 8 billion for that people in the world. Out of the 8 billion, enough people are going to like it to make it successful.


Don't you want to make it great?


It's on a way to experience it. In this room right now, I can tell you here that you guys are the exact opposite. I I hate golf. I don't like it. I respect it, and I understand how tough it is, but it's not my thing. Because you haven't learned it. I don't like it.


You got to come play this. You got to come play a game. Me and your partners will play Kyle and Steine.


I promise you I wouldn't do well. I don't like golf. It's not my thing. It doesn't do anything for me. It doesn't excite me in any way, shape, or form to even get out and try to learn it.


I know, but have you ever swung a golf? Have you ever actually had me work with you? I'll do an hour a day with you for two weeks.


How about soccer day now? I always see that clip of you shitting on soccer.


Yeah, soccer, too. I'm I'm not a soccer fan. Soccer is awful. But guess what? Billions of people are. That's my point here, right? I don't have to feel like golf or soccer for golf or soccer to be very popular and do well.


But isn't a sport successful when it has superstars? So you need superstars to sell sports, right? So who's your superstar?


Power Slap is so new, bro. I get that. Also, people are comparing Power Slap to the UFC, which has been around for so long. That's true.


Bob Bob has a point here. How much of an effect did like, Paige Van Zandt have on being in this previous card?


Yeah, no, it was big. It was big. And so was Dumplin. Having Dumplin there was big. And the thing is, for 18 months old.


It's 18 months old. Do you notice a major difference when there's bigger names?


No. I can figure this out for you. What happens is this thing has been on this trajectory since day one of growth. But to try to explain to people who've never built anything before, they just don't understand how this stuff works. I've done this before. I know how this works. I said this before, and I'm going to say it again right now, this will be bigger than the UFC. No further chance.


That's how long.


I said the UFC would be bigger than boxing. No f chance.


No, I would believe that. No, that's what everybody is saying. I believe UFC would be bigger than boxing.


No, you didn't.


No, you wouldn't. Not back then.


Because there's more variables. It's got to be bullshit.


No chance you would have gotten.


That's what I was asking.


How can you have something That is as an average person turns on TV and I watch Power Slap. I'll tell you what I do. Okay, I watch Match One, and it's the same. I watch Match 2, it's the same. I watch Match 3, it's the same. And I watch Four, it's the same. Somebody gets side of the face, and they're done. That's it.


Tell me what's the same about each match you watch.


Somebody raises their right-hand. They then make direct contact with somebody's face, and then somebody either falls or they don't. That's it.


So what happens when you watch a fight?


A fight, you can take somebody down, you can cut somebody's elbow open.


Let's say it's a boxing match. Boxing, which has been popular for over 100 years.


Because the athletes are, obviously, I think, different.


They're throwing the same combinations.


I'm just saying I could help you.


They're throwing the same combination.


I'm going to help you to figure this out.


You just got to give me-You can't help yourself. You're going to find me.


This is for a minute, all right? I'm a better coach than the player. Just hold on. I got an idea. You guys continue the podcast. I'm going to think about how to build Power Slap up.


Is there any part of you, Dana, that thinks that it is completely different?


Here's Here's what the reality is.


No, you better go easy on me.


All right? If you think about boxing or MMA or whatever, it takes years.


I wasn't going to ask about that, but you go ahead. No, but I'm honoring the genius over here.


It takes years, and you have to be really talented to make it to a certain level. People can get involved in this. When you take women, and women start watching the UFC, and it goes to the ground and all that stuff, you have to understand it. It has to be explained. None of this has to be explained. And in just 18 months, it is a massive global force. Do you want my help or not? At the end of the day, what I always say, what I sell is holy shit moments, right? It could take 25 minutes to see a holy shit moment in the UFC or 15 minutes, depending on whether it's a title fight or not. One, two, holy shit in Power Slap. It works on social. It streams well. The younger generation likes it. And it's like the UFC. The older generation didn't understand it and didn't get it and said it's never going to fucking work, but the younger generation did. Why don't you mix in?


Because what you have right now is I'm not being disrespectful at all because the Power Slap community I respect, but at the end of the day, I'll say it as realistic as possible here. You have a bunch of no names. Slapping each other, right? So what prohibits you from inserting in people like Bradley Martin, or Kyle?


It'll start to happen as the money gets bigger. When you start to get these guys that were D1 football players or basketball players or whatever it is, and you can come into a power slap match, and you can make $250,000 in one night. Believe me, you're going to see that.


By the way, we just said that with Jake Paul. Yeah. We just said that with Jake Paul. I defended your fighter pay thing. I stood by your side. By the way, you knocked me and talked shit to me. I stood in that room. I almost fought Jake for you.


But you're not wrong.


I fought him.


I almost fought him for you. Before you say that. Let's say you're not wrong. Jake Paul says things for attention. You know what I mean? He likes to get attention. He said all shit to the media. Dana told Mike Perry that if he... That's all lies. None of that's true. I didn't tell Mike Perry. I haven't talked to Mike Perry, and I didn't even know Jake Paul was fighting. So he's saying all this shit. I was in Italy. I didn't even know the guy was fighting. When Jake Paul lost to Furie, I haven't really paid attention to Jake.


I have love for Jake, too. I don't know what a fight is happening.


I really don't. Jake Paul fights all the same. He fights older people that are smaller. It's all the same shit. And listen, Listen, the kid's doing his thing. But he lies about all this stuff. And the media, all the people that cover the Jake Paul fight, and the things that... They both are trying to be relevant. These media guys, the websites that cover it, and Jake Paul himself is trying to stay relevant and trying to get attention.


But he is doing a good job. He is doing a good job. He's getting paid. Jake is doing a good job.


Am I not remembering correctly? Didn't Jake ask if you could make a mentse between them?


Yeah, but I don't think it's ready for that yet.


It's not that. I don't hate Jake Paul. Jake Paul is doing his thing. He's out there. He went out and lied and said that I said I would sign Mike Perry if he beat him. I've been trying to assassinate him. You haven't heard me say shit about Jake Paul. The only time I ever talk about Jake Paul is if I'm asked about him. He just brought him up. I have a great question. I wouldn't have brought him up, right? He went out and lied and said that I I said all this shit. It's the furthest thing from the truth. Do you think with all the shit that I got going on and what we're doing, you think I'm thinking about Jake Paul? No. I'm not. And I don't mean that in a way to shit on the phone.


He's making a lot of money doing the thing.


It's just the truth.


But what would Jake Paul have to do to impress you where the conversation could actually happen?


Impress me. You just thought- Where he can get in the room with Dana. An older guy who's smaller than you. Great. It's the same blueprint.


So what could he do where he get in the same room with you?


It's the same blueprint.


I don't think the UFC makes that much money if someone fights Jake Paul.


I'm asking Dana why. So he's not fine, Alex.


You guys are never at... The UFC's business is not after those super fights like that, like those super random ass fights.


I know we already have a thing that's built and already done and good and well.


So Dana, you would never consider a Jake Paul or influencer coming to fight the UFC. That's just not a thing.


That's not what we do here.


You should bring him to Power Slop.


Well, in the UFC, it could be a bit different, no?


What's that?


What about Ryan Garcia? I know he's been saying he wants to fight in the UFC, not a boxing match where you guys let him fight.


Ryan can't fight anywhere right now. He's under suspension. You know what I mean? I don't know what the situation... What we do in the UFC is the best in the world fight the best. That's what we do. What Jake Paul and those guys do is completely different. And again, the kid's doing this thing. I'm not shitting on them. And listen, if smaller, older guys want to fight them, then they're doing their thing.


Who am I He did say, though, the guy Chama. Who's Chama?


Alex Pereira. Do you think that would fight?


That would have done. Pereira would kill him. Pereira would kill Jake Paul. Who?


Alex Pereira.


Oh, my God. Exactly. It'd be murder. You think that's what would happen? Yes, they'd murder.


What That's what I was saying about Dana, too, is like, how is that fight possibly going to happen?


That's just not going to happen.


The commission would even let that fight happen. Are you talking boxing or UFC?




He'd kick his head to another planet. It would be...


We talked about this. Jake calls people out that he knows that aren't going to fight him, bro, sometimes.


And he calls people out for attention. Alex is a superstar right now. So Jake calls him out and Jake gets press. Jake says that I'm trying to assassinate him, and I said, I'm going to... It's all lies.


It's not true. But do you think Alex Pereira is bigger than Jake Paul in the world today? Yeah. Interesting. You don't? I disagree with that, but I do think that he would kill him.


You're nuts. In the fighting room.


No, it's That guy is probably around. It's not a knock on you.


I'm saying-In terms of name brand or selling pay-per-views?


Depends who's running the whole ship. If he's running it, selling pay-per-views, probably.


Well, wait a minute. That's a great question. It is a great question. Who do you think sells more pay-per-views? You. Alex. No, Alex.


Way more.


Alex. When you're saying you disagree that he's bigger than Jake Paul, he sells.


If you ask every human being on the planet right now-400 times the first pay-per- Okay, perfect.


The Jake Paul The fight that just happened didn't sell any for pay-per-views. It didn't? No. Really? They don't sell for pay-per-views. I think they said it was 67,000. I'll give them this. It's fascinating that they keep getting new deals done with these guys that got to be getting-What about Nate Dias?


Nate Dias, perfect. The Nate Dias claims he didn't get his paid. He was guaranteed $10 million.


Because they're getting murdered.


Yeah, no. They're not selling any $10,000 pay-per-views.


Yeah, but he got his money. He said somebody owes him $10 million. How does that work? So he said he was given a million. How does that work, Sam?


Somebody takesBeaten.


He paid him up front, probably. And then that guy takes a cut.


He didn't take a cut.


He gets-Are you ever going to rate... Because you don't listen to anybody. I know that. When are you going to raise fighter pay? I'm not saying you need to. I'm asking, when would you ever raise fighter pay?


Fighter pay has gone up every year since 2021. You know, I don't talk about fighter pay because I know exactly what fighter is being paid.


Because it's good money to make, too. You can make 50,000 on a bonus, right?


I'm not sure. It's also bigger than that, too.


You let these guys all do their own outside the ring deals, which other weeks, that is not okay.


Gregor is now an owner in Bear Knuckle. Yeah. Connor is still on the contract here.


Did that change? That changed along the last couple of years?


When did that change? Anything you want to do outside the UFC, you can do. You can't bring a sponsor from the outside into the UFC when you fight, but you can do whatever you want outside the UFC.


Has it always been that way? Yeah.


It's crazy. The That moment, that guy started partying and you saw him out was right after they did that movie, him and Bob.


Where were you when you found out McGregor and all that stuff couldn't happen? When that fight didn't happen? Was there a fight that was supposed to happen in Chandler?


I was just about to fly to Ireland for the press conference.


And then how did you get to who called you?


He did. Told me he was hurt.


And you're like, what's going through your mind then?


I changed my flight from Ireland to Vegas. It happens. That's the business we're in. Guys get hurt. Were you pissed? Fights fall out. No, he can't be pissed. You just got to get to work, figure out.


Is he going to be done, though, now? Is he actually going to fight again? I don't know.


You never know. Is John Jones ever going to fight again? He's the best.


Why the fuck isn't he fighting?


He was hurt. He tore his first shoulder out and had to have surgery. But every time, you never know if somebody's going to fight again. It's not something that if somebody in my position can stress out about. You just got to move on and continue to build your business and find new talent.


If you could If you could only have one of the two, one will never fight again, the one will fight again, who would it be, McGregor or Jon Jones? It's a good question. You can only have one guy that you can pick. Hold on. You can only have one guy you can pick. One can never fight again, the other will fight again.


I don't know if Dan will answer this.


He'll answer it. Quiet down. I don't need the rat and the fucking everybody coming in.


That's a great question.


Mcgregor or Jones, if you could only have one fight guy, fight again, double microphones, who would it be?


Yeah, I don't think like that. I literally don't think like that.


Typical politician, typical trip.


I'm not a politician. Listen, if you look back at the history of the company-If you ask me which girl I want to bang, this one or this one.


I want to bang this girl or this girl and be able to make a decision.


All anybody has ever asked me before is, what are you going to do when Chuck Liddell retires? What are you going to do when Anderson Silva retires? What are you going to do when Ronda Rousey leaves? What are you going to do when George St. Pierre leaves? I'm going to keep doing what I do.


That was not the question I asked you.


I know, but it's a stupid question. He's saying it's great, but it's not.


Sarah or Julia, who do you want to bang? Sarah or Julia? I'll be like, Julia. It's very simple.


It's two options. Well, Dana, has there ever been a point-Or Julia.


She's going to love every 15 seconds of that.


She's going to love every 15 seconds of that.


Since you are so confident, you just talked about chocolate Retiring. Shut the fuck up. No, it's good. Has there ever been a point where you actually felt discouraged or like, Yo, I might not be able to make this happen?


With what?


With the UFC, with anything you've had?


No, I don't think like that.


You've never been down like, This one's going to be tough to bring back?


No. Probably the toughest thing that I ever went through was COVID. So I was going to go through COVID no matter what the fuck it took to it. Every time we would literally build a fucking game plan and we get something done. My house is 20 minutes from here. By the time I would get home, I would get the call that the whole thing fell apart again. We just got attacked by the media. We just got some politician that did this or that. Every few day, that would happen.


You were very bullish during that time. I remember that. During Abu Dhabi fight?


We figured out, and we fought through it. If anything was ever going to discourage me or make me whatever, it would have been COVID. I mean, we literally had government and the scumbags in the fucking media.


Nobody could go to the fights. Remember in Abu Dhabi, nobody could go. There was nobody allowed to go be the fight?


Actually, there were five of us that was standing. We were missing. It was an empty seat there.


Yeah, I remember that.


Nobody was allowed to go. Scumbags in the media would literally, if they found out that we were going somewhere, they would start hammering that state. You know what's going to happen when this comes out. They're going to go, Why the fuck do you have Bob Miner in the phone to podcast again? He made it to six, but...


And then now we're seven.


Do you make it to seven? That was the question.


We didn't let him on JD Bant this morning. You were supposed to be on my side.


No, I set out James. I set out James. I made the decision. Be bad for the party. But anyways.


You were talking a lot of shit before he came in here.


How was your vacation? You were sending me some photos. How was the boat you were on? Awesome.


It was a great trip. Listen, for the rest of my life, till the day I die, I will go to the Amalfi Coast every summer. It's beautiful. It's incredible. It's the greatest place on Earth. It really is.


It's unreal. I went there a month ago. It's incredible. When you're looking for a spot-The richest, most powerful, famous people in the world go there every summer for a reason because it's literally the greatest place on Earth.


When you think about some of the greatest, but you got the Amalfi Coast, Southern California, one of the greatest places on Earth, too. Then like Bora, Bora. But if you go to Bora, Bora, it's very slow and whatever. But one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Those are the top three in the world. I will go to the Amalfi Coast for the rest of my life.


Do you stick to the Superhuman Protocol when you go there?


Every day.


Is that your buddy Breca?


Every day. Menter was cold-plunge in the other day. Really?


I was surprised. Twelve minutes.


Did he do 12 minutes? He actually went in for three. Yeah.


In like a- He must have been shit-faced or something. He did pretty good. Did he do 12 minutes?


No, he did three.


I can do that all day. But it was 33, 34. Let's talk about- That's a gangster.


That's legit. No, I can do it all day.


I was impressed. I'll last anybody.


Anyways-i'll last anybody? Yeah. I'll give you $10,000 if you can do 12 minutes in the cold plunge here.


I can do that. Can we meet? No, hold on. Hold on.


$10,000 if you can go in my cold plunge right now in the last 12 minutes.


First and foremost, I might die based on my habits. But at the end of the day, I think probably... Let's cut it down to like... Bro, you're a pro.


You're not going to try that?


So check this out. You owe me 10K. At the beginning of this podcast, he said, Why is it I'm making a big deal. That Trump almost got shot in the front of my head by an assassin, and he went out the next day. Hey, you want to go in a 12-minute cold plunge for $10,000? I might die with my habits.


It's a real health check.


Get out of here. It's a real health care.


You You didn't even finish my sentence. I said, Could we cut the number down to four?


No. Four minutes.


I'm not allowed to rebuttal on something here. Four minutes would be great. If I could do four minutes for 15,000, that would be a good thing. Take the deal, dude. Talk about gambling. We're talking about Oh, my God. Why are you playing on that? Dude, I'm not doing it. I have 12 minutes in that.


Don't ever, ever let the word Trump come out of your mouth again. Here's the deal.


I will do 12 minutes. Just let's take a pause for a minute. Gambling.


Right now on the podcast.


We'll do it. I mean, bro, I'll do it all day. Just give me a minute. It's mentally getting… 12 minutes is insane, dude. 12 minutes is not normal. 12 minutes is like Navy Seals shit.


It's 50 degrees.


How long do you do on an average day?


I do three minutes. Yeah, 3 minutes times 4.


That's me.


I've done nine.


No, bro. I'll do three 10 minutes right now for 10,000. That's it. What the fuck? Can't do 12 minutes. It's impossible. I get a phone call. I got a phone.


I got a kid to come in here and do it for five.


No, I mean, dude, I'm not going to try because then I'll lose at minute four.


I don't understand why everyone is making a big deal that Trump almost got shot in the fucking head by an assassin, and then he went back out the next day. Want to do a cold plunge for 12 minutes for 10,000? I might die.


Bro, you will die. You will actually...


How long can actually somebody last in a cold plunge?


You can do that. You can do that. So I can... So if I...


50 degrees. He said 50 It's not that cold.


That's easy, bro. It's not that cold. Wait, 50 degrees is not- What you did, 33 is gangster.




33 is a fucking gangster. I'm in 100%. We'll do it after this. 12 minutes, I'm in.




50 degrees done. Perfect. Love that.


You owe me 10k, so it's perfect.


Just shut the fuck up. You can't miss that. Perfect.


You can pay it right away.


Oh, my God. Look at him.


He finally got the opportunity to pay it back.


No, we have money. There's many out there. Nope, this is a direct transfer.


Yeah, he probably owes half the from 10 grand. Everybody's raised their hand. He owes me money. I won't say this, though.


Actually, I'd like to be a speech now about owing money. Sorry, I don't like here. We'll talk about gambling for a second. Let's just talk about this guy right here. We've endorsed this over the past two years now, and I believe there's a $250,000 check that's supposed to be administered. We're going to let you off at probably 510.


Yeah. Thanks. All right? Do you talk about gambling or Sure. Why do you think you're so good at it?


Or are you? Well, I don't know about.


Listen- Because I've seen crazy shit. I've watched you do crazy shit.


Gambling. Discipline.


Again, I was talking about this. I have a very, very high tolerance for You have to have a high tolerance for risk. You have to have a high tolerance for risk, and you have to have a certain mindset because there's days that you go out. Caesar's Palace, I clipped these guys for a million bucks a night from January, the first week of January, all the way into March. I beat these guys for $26, $27 million. But then you have the nights where you get murdered. You have to take I take a year, and I look at the year as a war, and there's many battles that are fought in the war. You go up, you go down. It's what I love to do. So tonight, I got this doctor friend who's in town. Me and this guy met in a restaurant. Super good dude. Him and his wife are good people. They're from Florida. This guy invented something. He was a heart surgeon and invented something that he patented, so he's got some money. He calls me up two days ago. He's all fucked up. It's like, I lost $3 million, man. I'm freaking out.


I'm here till the end of the week or whatever. I need you. So tonight, he put more money into his account. He's like, I want you to fucking play for me and win. I said, I've seen you win a million a night, four nights in a fucking row. You can do this for me, whatever.


You and the dog are going in. I'll see you tonight.


I'm going to go there tonight. You put some money in, and I'm going to try to win his $3 million back tonight.


So is that something that you're going to play until you win it back? Or what if you go down two million?


Never know. That's how it goes.


Can you tell us? I don't know if you want to share this. Can you tell us your biggest losing session?


Yeah, eight million.


In one sitting?


How long?


One night.


The whole night?


How many hours? You got to have to understand. I think you have to take us through the thing. So what's a bad night look like? You start with 30,000, right? Every time you see 30,000. No.


So if you see me play 30,000, that's just a fun round at Red Rock.


Yeah, but Sees as you play big.


That's just a fun round at Red Rock. Okay, wait. So I can play I can play 350 a hand as Caesars, and I can play 400 a hand at Bellagio. When you go in there, then it's big boy play. I've been with you since. Three hands, you lose three hands, it's $1.2 million.


You go to When you're in the bathroom when Dana is playing, and you come back, it could be a $3.50 million.


I know. I've seen it.


Wait, Dana, what's going through your head? Obviously, we all tilt, but what's your logic after you lose eight million?




But do you go back the next day and say, I'm getting my money back, or how do you handle that?


It It depends. I don't know. It's hard to explain, but it depends on where we're at. Like the Caesars thing, when you're up $24, $26 million, you got room to battle. But if you go right in and get executed for 3 to 8 million bucks, that's a whole nother strategy.


Don't you keep the same strategy every time? Don't you buy them? So you go to Caesars right now. What are you doing?


Yeah. So I'd go in. I play 350 a hand, right?


You take a 350 marker. Is that what it is? Or do you just put up 350?


Three hands. I win three hands in a row. We're leaving. Okay.


So what if it's loss, win-win?


That's right. Well, some nights you battle back and forth. But once I get up around 800 to a million, we're leaving.


But it could always be three hands. It could only be a three-hand night, right? If you win, we win.


Well, if you win three hands... So you go in with a fresh board, right? Fresh board. They shuffle the card. I've been playing Baccarat, right? So they put the cards in. Now, it's a 50-50 shot. You could get a tie, but it's a 50-50 shot. It's either going banker or player. So I always make the first bet player. No, banker. First bet is always banker. The banker hits, you're up 350,000. You got to win two more from your hands, and they're all 50-50 bets. So if you can pull off the two hands, like I said, I went on that streak at the beginning of the year, and we were literally walking out of there with a million dollars a night.


Red Rock not be interesting anymore, then. Not to be against Red Rock. No, I still play Red Rock. Why do they cap your limits?


Why does Caesars-I go up to Red Rock and goof around. They can't handle those.They don'tDifferent animals. They don't want to take that. When you're talking about Caesars Palace-They take any action. So what it means is, Red Rock has one player like me. Me. That's fucking it. Caesars has 25 players like me. And bigger than me. Biger than me.


So that's the biggest you can get, though, 350? That guy's a lot of a bit of a million a hand?



There anyThat's my goal. That's my goal in life before I die.


You're not going to be able to play a great goal. A million a hand?


A million a hand.


At three hands?


I want 30 million in credit and a million a hand. Holy shit.


Why? Just you want to feel less.


No one will give you those. Someone will do that in the world, no? Nobody.


And this isn't the first time I've said it publicly. I've said it, nobody Is everybody's calling me up going, We'll do it. Nobody. Because guess what? You think about this, right? I was just telling you guys I win three hands, I win three million bucks, right? Three four hands at a four million? You know what? Nobody. Because guess what? You think about this, right? I was just telling you guys I win three hands, I win three million bucks, right? Three four hands at a four million? You know what? That's $3 million. You can refire. If I could go in there for a month and clip three hands at three million four bucks. I fucked Caesar's whole four quarter up when I did this. On their earnings call, they They actually mentioned me without mentioning me on their first year earnings call that month. I fucked their whole.


Do they give you-That's hilarious. You talk about when you go to a casino- Wait, they don't blacklist you for a little bit after that win?


Caesar's is a gangster. If you are a big player, You like to play big money? Caesars Palace is where you should play. They treat their players really well. At the end of the year, they have levels of play. They have this massive ballroom, massive ballroom. You can go in there in a Christmas They got four. Snowmobiles, motorcycles, clothes, jewelry, electronics. You can buy everything. So what I do is with my points at the end of every year, I have my head of PR, Lanay, goes in there and buys all this shit, and we give it to the employees.Nice. That's cool. Every year, trips, you name it. Do all that shit, and I give it to all my employees. What was I going to tell you guys?


I forgot mine, too.


I had a great one. So when you walk in downstairs, you see the Joe Louis statue? Yeah. So Caesar's Palace called me one time. This was 15 years ago. And they're like, You're such a good player, and you're all good to us, and you never let us do anything for you, this and that. What can we do for you? And I said, I'm going to totally with these guys. I want the Joe Louis statue that's in the phone. I want the Joe Louis statue that's in the sportsbook. And they're like, Crickets on the other end of the phone. They're like, Let us get back to you. So they call me back, and they're like, You know the Joe Louis marble statue that's in there? It's been in there for four years. They're like, Dana, that thing's iconic. Joe Louis was here, and we had it, this, that, and everything else. Here's what we're going to do. The guy who did it died, but his son, we're going to fly him in from France to Japan. They flew him in from Japan. They shut down the sportsbook, and they put these curtains up. The son came in and did a cast of it.


The original one is marble, and he made me the Bronze one, which is better than the first marble one. And they actually did that for me. And that's why I put that thing down in the lobby. They also took the picture off the wall at Caesar's of Muhammad Ali and Joe Louis, and that hang on the wall next to it downstairs. That's epic.


What's the...


Gangster. Caesars Palace is the best.


But casinos, they say for high limit players, you can get anything you want. They can accommodate any wish that you want. That's like the old...Sends.


You the plane.Tale, right?


Do you think you'd get a camel if you wanted to While you get anything you wanted?




What's the most insane request you've ever asked?


You don't ask for much. You tell me what it is. If I asked Caesars to do it, they'd do it. I'm talking about MGM, but my host at MGM is the best host in Las Vegas.


What's the difference between level of play if Steve will do it, goes in and you? You're consistent every night, right? That play's crazy. Steve's a big player. You're on another level.


Steve is a big player. Aiden Ross is a massive player. Really? Aiden Ross He's a massive player.


You like playing with Aiden?


I don't play with Aiden. I watch Aiden, and I go back and forth. Aiden is a fucking savage.


What makes him a savage?


Savage gambler.


He bets big.


That dude swings 3 million to six million a fucking weekend. Really? Yes. Aiden Ross is a big football player.


And he plays here? Or he plays at Red Rock?


He plays at Red Rock. Yeah. He's crippled them a couple of times.


Dana, obviously, it's different for you. But when you see guys like that that don't have maybe that money, are you ever like, this guy shouldn't be getting in this deep?


Listen, gambling is like alcohol. Gambling is like, you have to have the right mentality for gambling. You have to know your limit. You have to know You have to not hurt yourself. No different than if you drink. If you're a drinker, you have to control your drinking and not hurt yourself. If you smoke weed or whatever your thing is, you have to make sure that you don't hurt yourself.




Anything else to say?


How he masses it. No, but I mean, that's the thing, bro. You see these guys that play bigger action.


You know Norm McDonald? Yeah, the comedian. He lost his entire net worth three times. Gambling. Lossed his entire net worth three times.


I don't think you can really win because You have unlimited ammo, and you know how to manage it. I don't think you can really beat it for the house. It's impossible, right?


Nobody likes to lose, but it's part of the game. I know. If you don't like to lose, which nobody does, but if it's that you up that bad, you definitely shouldn't Yeah. I've seen you play. You're good. You manage yourself very well. But you're a very regimened guy. You have a lot of discipline in your life and everything. The health thing that you've done, how you manage your business, how you deal with shit. This is all facts. I'm joking. I'm joking.


I'm so sorry.


Listen, when you're your type of guy, you hear this type of shit about other people. You know what I mean? Everything that I just said about him, you are the complete opposite.


Listen, you're We're rolling under the radar, all right? We're just rolling silence.


You are the least disciplined human being on the planet.


What time tonight are we off? You are a absolute train wreck. You do nothing but hurt yourself constantly.


If there's even a glimmer of Good things going on in your life, you will get up and destroy it.


It's like a pullback. It's like a little pullback call. You put the rope on the back, you pull it to the same thing every time. What's on your mouth, man? I got a chapstick.


Look, he just stood up. He's got a bottle of fucking hour head over here. He's sucking on a vape. I don't even know what that is. He's got chapstick. The entire stick is on his lips right now and in his beard and mustache.


By the way, too, I hate to talk about, again, Allerhead Whisky, one of the greatest there is. There is a check-ode, and I hate to point fingers here, but it goes this way. But Anyways. Download the power of Slap Gaming app. Go ahead.


This might be a stupid question.


Wait, is it 12 minutes I really got to do?


Yeah. It's 10 grand, bro.


All right, well, let me get started. I got you a gift, by the way. Who has the gifts? Grab the guy. I got you a gift. And by the way, I want to tell you something. Okay. You can grab it. I will.


I get asked this question a lot. I'm wondering your answer on this. And it's not, would you change anything in your life? But if you could tell your younger self, like your 18, 20-year-old self, with what you know now, what would it have been?


I wouldn't change one thing.


Not even change, but what would you tell your younger self, 18, 20-year-old?


You know when you see these movies where they say the guy goes back in time, you can't be seen, you can't talk to anybody, you can't change. You could disrupt the future. This is for me to you.


This is for you.


Are you serious?


I'm so sorry, but this is my birthday gift to you. I want to say how much you mean to me. I like it to me. It doesn't have a name yet, but let's just say it's a baby bird.


You seriously bought a bird? What the fuck am I going to do with that?


You're going to protect it. You're going to protect it. I think he's like a month old, lives for about 35 years. Shit, it's about 15 day time today.


Yeah, I bet he does.


Here's everything.


Where the fuck did you get that?


We don't have to worry about that. You can put that in Mr. White's office.


This poor thing is…


Oh, my God. This would have gotten- You can donate it in a day.


Oh, my God.


Put that in his office, and you know where to put it behind us.


When does he start talking? A few months?


Well, it has to learn first. It has to hear all conversations. What it does is it observes all the information. I feel bad for that bird. It's that way. Why? You don't think Danny can take care of a bird?


No, you just put a gift on it. It's like a serious commitment. Yeah, that's a great-It's a serious commitment.


That is a great gift to give somebody. I'm not going to lie to you. A bird is a great gift to give somebody. I think we can all be in agreement.


It's a life that needs to be taken care of. It's very serious.


Yeah, and no better man.


The greatest thing that ever happened to that bird is you gave it away. I can tell you that right now.


I never had control of the bird. I was the middleman. I was the broker. That's all we need is a homeless guy and a homeless bird. So that bird, what would you name it?


I have no idea. I don't even I don't know what to say right now.


What do you mean? By the way, you got to keep the bird, too. This is the thing that you got to find a way to keep it. Because Steiny, by the way, I gave Steiny a bird, and he came with it.


I took it to a bird sanctuary. He did not give it to a bird. You can find them. They'll take it for free.


A little different than my gift.What did you get them?That right there.Yeah.The collector.Oh, wow.




Dana, this might be a dumb question, but will there ever be how they used to fight at Caesar's Outdoors? For a UFC event like that, will thatIt's not going to happen again.


We did one outdoors fight. It was the Abu Dhabi fight.


Oh, shit.


You know it's not going to rain, but it was... I don't like risking any of the elements from heat, Humidity, wind, rain, bugs, you name it. Anything that will fuck with the fight, I'm not into. So I don't like doing outdoor stuff.


Got it. Can you go back? I'm sorry, the bird thing interrupted, but can you go back to that question?


What was it?


Tell your 18-year-old self. Yeah. What would you tell your 18 or 20-year-old self? I don't know.


It's like I was telling you, the whole movie thing when you go back.I wouldn't change anything.You wouldn't sell anything. Everything that I've done and everything that has happened, good or bad, has led to this. I'm really happy with where I'm at and what's going on. I wouldn't change one thing, and I wouldn't tell myself anything. I would want to do everything exactly the way I did it.


What's one thing you're afraid to do, but you haven't done yet?


Have you been skydiving?


I bungee jumped when that shit first started back in the late '80s early '90s. Then a whole bunch of us were supposed to go skydiving. Then me and another person were the only ones that showed up to actually do it. Then the other person bailed, too. I said, I'm not going to do this by myself. But my son just did it in Dubai. My oldest son, Dana, was just out in Dubai, and he did it and said it was fucking awesome. I think I'm too old to do it.


I don't know what the thrill of skydiving is.


What's the thrill? Wait, what was the question? Wouldn't he do? Would you let Bob Can you stay at your house for three nights? Oh, yeah.


We should do it 24 hours with Dana White. I was thinking we should do 24 hours. We all stay at the house and chill with them. It's like Cribs, MTV Cribs. We should do something like MTV Cribs at Dana's house.


Why do you think Dana would let you stay at his house?


Because he knows who I know. We want to do-What was that, gibberish?


Does anybody speak gibberish here? What did he say?


He said, We want to do 24 4 hours. We want to do a day in the life of Dana White. We're starting this new show that we just thought of. It's going to be called... It's like MTV Cribs, but we want to go to Dana's house. It's episode one. So we're going to... I'm going to sleep over.


I'm in. Perfect. I'm in. You can do it. All right, cool.




You got a place to stay tonight, bro.


Well, we're thinking like low key. Like tonight might have to be the night. We'll have cameras in motion, ready to go if you want to. But will you allow us to do that within the next 30?


I'm always out to help the homeless, man. Whatever you need.


We'll set up. So out of your house, right? If I was to stay at your house, which room would I be assigned to? Like, truthfully. Because you have guests probably that come over, right?


I have this house that we call the Playhouse, and it's got a master bedroom in there. So you could stay over there. You could actually have a good time in there and film some shit. Really?


The Playhouse is called? What goes on in the Playhouse? I'll tell you what, I'll make it more of the Playhouse if I come there.


It's where my kids used to throw all their parties in high school.


Nice. Perfect. Keep the legacy alive. I love that. Is it an open policy by state danes to we be mad if I go out all night and I come in at 2:30 in the morning and I want to bring a chick back? Are there going to be lasers at the door and shit?


All right, you're already spoiling. This is not going to happen if you keep talking.


So this 12-minute cold plunge thing, is it going to be hard or difficult or not?


Am I going to be able to do this?50 degrees?It's for 10 grand, bro. All right.


I really just don't want to get a cold plunge right now.


For Kyle's 10 grand.


Come on, you can do this. No, that does nothing. That's separate as shit. There's money out there. There's nothing.


What if you won? Kyle would have to pay that money right now.


We don't have a bet.100%.What do you mean, if we won?


Hounding you.


Hounding. No, no, no, I got a-You know what he did? The theme of this podcast would be how you didn't pay him the $10,000. You know what he did? I keep that shit in silence.


We have a happy birthday to you.


Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Dana.


That's awesome.


Happy birthday to you, sir.


It's your favorite guy right there.


I want you to make a wish. Make the wish around Power Slap. All right? There we go. Happy belated Dana.


I wish Bob's face wasn't on that.


No, you can eat around that. You can leave that in the freezer for life. You can know and always remember. The church is double. That's a great cake. That's a good ass cake.


Hey, somebody take a good That's what I'm talking about. I'm not sure of that and send it to me.


Was that my mug shot when I got arrested, by the way. I got arrested at Encore.


Yes, yes, yes. Tell me about this. I got a-You're in Boston. Bro, I didn't do shit. You're at the Encore. Bro, Nicki- You did some dumb shit and you end up getting arrested. What happened?


Honestly, I'll tell you the God's honest truth. I didn't do shit.


That sounds like a Bob Minnery story right there.


I'll tell you, in 30 seconds, I was in Fertelli's restaurant. I was chilling there, and some people were saying hello, whatever, obviously, blah, blah. Then this guy came up and said something. I was like, Oh, yeah, I'll buy you a shot, whatever. He was like, No, I'm good. I'm like, No, I'll buy you a shot. You're good. I was not drunk. I was not incoherent. I was always whatever. You're drunk and incoherent? No, but I'm low key. No, I was very mad about this. They signaled over real quick this random guy. I had Nikki Verana, the owner of the restaurant, head of security at Oncorp, also tell my attorney, I can't talk about it. It's just hard to believe him when he tells stories. Yeah, no shit. I didn't do shit. I got arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. I didn't do anything. I support the police, trust me. Resisting arrest, I was like this. That was it.


You probably said something.


Yeah, there was definitely, Do you know who the fuck I am in there?


I didn't brought it. Come on, guys.


We all know Bob. This is exactly what he did. He said, Thank you, officer. Yeah, let me put my hand.


No, I did. I didn't do anything.


You actually probably FaceTimeed him that night.


Actually, what's funny is about the whole thing is you were my first phone call because I knew you were associated with- You needed bail. No, I literally do. You were my first phone. I swear to God, I was like, Can you call Dana? I swear my life. I did. How did you get out? I was in a cell for three hours.


In what state? Massachusetts.


In Boston. I didn't do anything.


I swear my Were you in a cell by yourself or were you in a holding tank with a bunch of guys?


When I got taken, sell myself- Were you with other guys? No. When I got taken out and I got put in the hall, it went from the incident at the restaurant, brought out to the casino. These guys, six guys, put me out. I'm like, First of all, I'm talking shit. Not talking shit, but having a conversation with this guy. Here we go. No, I didn't, bro. Wait till you see this. I didn't do shit, and that's that.


Sounds like a lawsuit, bro. You got to sue them.


I'm done with the suing game, okay? Yeah. Drop this, please. I love these guys. I'm like, Yeah, I got you, Dana. But you guys would have been buried if you were to be there. But it was awful.


So I got really-The real call was, Hey, dummy, you're about to make the biggest mistake of your life. Hold on. Get your ass on the plane and get over there and do that podcast.


Well, here's the deal.


Well, now he's back, and he's off for free.


No, we're up now. This is our last episode of the Full Scent podcast because we had to end it with Dana. We had to.


Yeah, we don't need to get back into this shit. No, we don't need to. But again, Bob's innocent and didn't do anything. I didn't.


Bro, I cannot I'm going to send them over to you right now whenever I get the tapes. It's supposed to be coming the next day, two days.I didn't do anything.Tapes from what?


The casino?


Dude, the owner of Fertile has called me and said, We talked to all the staff. We talked to everybody. You didn't do anything. Nikki Verano. You know Nikki? Yeah. Okay. Nikki called me They said, Rob, you didn't do anything. I got your back on anything. Casino people took me outside. First of all, on the police report, they said, Bob, we noticed there was disruption. There was cameras or whatever around. It was obviously really famous. They were like, Yo, do you want to go upstairs to handle this to your room? I said, Absolutely. I'd love to, please. In the police report, they said, I denied it. They just dropped me on my back. It was nuts. I love the police. I love the cops. Support him. But those two were crazy. It was crazy. Where did you see these tapes?I can't wait to see it.I didn't do anything. I was a target of a hit.


I can't wait to see it.


I'll tell you. Oh, I will. Yeah. Yep. Not too good.


Yeah, we're good.Not too good.I think this is good. Dana, thank you, bro. I appreciate you coming on. Always love doing this with you, man.Thank.


You for the gifts. Yeah. The Bird. I don't know what they're doing.


By the way, you should bring them to Black Jack for good luck today with the doctor.Thank you.


I need it.I need it. Is Menter doing this?


That's how we're ending this podcast.Oh.


My God, bro.Barb.


You need the bread.Cole Plunge is part of this podcast.Yeah.No videos.We have the creative director. Don't be posting this shit on him. He likes to fuck everything up and post it before. This is for the podcast.


The creative director of the other week.Let's do it.Let's.


Do it. The question is to everybody out there, Will Bob, who was talking about Trump almost being shot in the face of his head, and why is it a big deal that he went out the next day? Will Bob, the man's man who would have heard the bullets whizzing by his head and gone right out back into the crowd the next day and give it another speech. You are right about that. Do 12 minutes in the fucking cold plunge for $10,000. That he owes Kyle and half the fucking people in this room right now.


I got a lot out there, too. How bad does it scale, 1 of 10? You got this. Then we went. What was the other one we did? How cold? We did 30. I did 30.


30 is gangster. That one is way cool. 30 is gangster.


I could do that? You can do it, bro.


What do you keep yours at?


What do you keep yours at?




Oh, bro, you got this.


So the most you've done in that 50-degrees pool is how long? What's the most you've ever done?I've done nine minutes. All right, so I'm beating you?


You're beating me by three minutes. Bro, that's insane.


But at that point, you're super popular. Keep going. I'm telling you, at that point, you could just keep going. You're also free. It's the first four minutes are the hardest, and then it's gone.


And you're free rolling.


And $10,000.


You basically called Trump a party.


And you're broke.


We have some stuff floating. We have some stuff floating. All right, we'll do it. Let's go.


You're actually in debt to half the money in the room here. God knows who else out here that's watching this podcast. Probably half the people watching this podcast.


Shut the tapes off now. He owe his money to you. Shut the tapes off now, please. Thank you. Terminate tapes. Thank you.


My certificate? Yeah.


Everything you need. Enjoy and happy birthday.


Come on this way, Bob. Well, I'm not doing this.


Yes, you are.


Come on. I don't want anybody in the room. While I mentally prepare and do this, I don't want anybody around me. What are you talking about?


I think we...


Bob's funny because I don't think he could do it.


I wouldn't want to do 12 right now.


It's 10 grand though. I think it's 10 grand.


I don't think I've ever done that long though.12 minutes.


You got to stop watch.I got it.


Okay. This is tell the time right here. So you can see it the whole time.


Start. This is really, really hard. Start it.


Here we go. Game on. Perfect.


Ten more minutes? Bro, really? I didn't know there was also the variable involved of chatter in the background. You guys are seeing the good movies of me?


Yeah, this one called Titanic. Yeah, well, good.


They're in a cold water. Not many survivors. Yeah, super cold. This is the remake. Part three. Anyways, so UFC is doing well? We're doing okay. Good to hear. That spirit, the tough ticket. All right. All right. All the kids? Good. Good to hear. Thanks. Good to hear. Conversation helps during this time..


Four minutes and 30 seconds. Jesus Christ. When he was lying about what he did. He could have thrown out any number. He could have said, I did seven minutes. He said, I did 12 minutes of 30 degrees.


I said, Really? It's a big waste time right now. It's a fine memory, Gabe.


You got to pour it.


No. There we go. I don't want to be out for a little bit of water. Man, that is some tasty whiskey. Some of the best I've ever had, actually. One of the greatest I've had in a long time.


You got this, Bob. First two minutes are the hardest, man. You got two minutes left.


Ten minutes, almost.


That's impressive. You got a minute and a half to go, Bob. I'm impressed. I'm impressed, man.


That might be the most impressive thing you've ever done, bro.


I'm locked in right now, but it's cold a little bit. Definitely it's cold.


45 seconds.


Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. We take a last before we finish. Bob's the champ. We're just doing it. We're just doing it. We're just doing it. It's not a joke. We are in it. Number one, nothing? Dunzo, Dunzo. Five, eight, four, three, two, one.


Boom. One minute.


Cool. All right, that's all.


You probably feel great. I feel great.


No issues there. Dana, you'll score up later. I don't want your money.




No, it's impressive.