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Alright boys, today we got a massive pod. We got Coach prime on the pod. This is a sick episode guys. The man. Before we get into it, if you guys have not heard me talk about it, you gotta try out the prize picks app, alright? If you like firing on sports like me, there's no better app to fire on sports. I personally tried every other app and I love prize picks because it's different, it's fun. And if you're smart with sports, this is the app for you. Instead of choosing teams, you're choosing individual players. So you go on the app and each player has a set projection for each game and then you either choose more or less than that set projection. You stack at least two up. The more you choose, the more it's going to multiply your picks. If you're smart with sports and you know what players are going to perform on what nights, this is a no brainer. Download the prize picks app, try it out. Also, if you've never tried it out, we have a code for first time users, code Nelk. That's going to get you a 100% deposit bonus.


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Come on over.


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There you go.


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What a week. Michael Porter, junior. Prime. How'd you put this together?


Shout out, Steiny. Two big guests.


Too big. Guess I went to school here. I told you guys that.


No, I didn't know you went to school here, actually.


Yeah, I got a degree. I almost brought it. Or I got a diploma.


I didn't see. See any photos of you around campus or anything crazy.


They need a statue. I want a statue outside. Yeah.




I don't know. I feel like I deserve it.


Brad. Dog display too?


Yeah, Brad, I think.


Assistant. His assistant, like, picked him up from his house late. He said he was gonna fire her.


So we'll see.


Big one for Brad to miss, though.


Yeah. No, prime.


You love coach prime Salim, right?




I've been watching all their. So his older son makes YouTube videos on all the. All the players and stuff. So I've been watching their content every day.


Windows that?


No, his older son, Deon Sanders, junior. Oh, yeah. He makes YouTube videos. I just like watching them, bro. It's like so intense and so, like.


I've actually seen Travis Hunter does it too.


Yeah, he has a YouTube channel.




So raw. No, like, if that guy had like, legit editing. Video bank.


They all do, I think. Shiloh. Yeah. Shadow. They all make you.




Half a million views in day.


It's pretty dope.


And then they got us doing this talent show after. I guess there's gonna be 4500 people here. We didn't even know that. But that was like, kind of a condition of this whole podcast is we're judging a talent show here that's like hosted by Coach Prime. Lil Boosie's performing 4500 people, Terrell. And the guy just told me, like, we're actually choosing who's winning and shit, so. And then what are we doing right after this?


Yeah, we got to go to my neighbor Felix, my favorite bar. It's right on Pearl. Best margaritas ever. Great tacos. Great margaritas. Went there the whole time I went here. So we got to go there.


Hell, yeah.


You guys down?


I'm down.


All right, let's go.


And then right after this, we're. We're hopping on a jet. There's no flights out, and we're going. We're going tornado chasing.


Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna be honest, and I know you're not coming, but, bro, for a guy you scared?


No, I just want to. I need to focus on the dude.


I'm not. I don't fear shit. But, bro, for a guy who, like, is so back and forth with memory, you're putting all your trust into two days of him saying, yo, we're going to.


He's been. Bob has been talking about doing this tornado chasing since I kind of met him. Like, we've been talking about doing this for three years. And he connected me with the guy's name's Reed. You could search him up. He's like a professional storm chaser. So I think I talked to him, like, a year ago, and then I just let him know. Like, yo, whenever it's time, just like, let us know. And then we reconnected again, like, three months ago, and we're just in a group chat. And then he just.


What's the deal with this guy, though? He's like, is he up in the head or. What's the deal?


I mean, you got to be up in the head a little bit to be a storm chaser, but, like, are you.


You feel confident putting our lives in this guy's hands?


I think so. I watched the video and shit, and they have that dominator car. It's like, looks like a transformer. And they literally go inside the tornado.


That's risky.


That's fucking terrifying. Yes.


But these guys are pros. Like, they know which way the tornado is going and shit. Like, these guys are. They're professional storm chasers.


Nothing about this sounds that, like, enticing to me. I'm gonna be honest. Last night, the more we talk about it, the less I want to do it.


I just don't see myself dying this way. I just don't. I know that sounds crazy, but I don't know. I think it'll be an epic video. But, yeah, we're gonna catch a jet and we're flying to Kansas City tonight, and we're gonna be in that area, like, Oklahoma, driving around with that dominator car, storm chasing for the next two days. Apparently there's not a lot of sleep. Get the zaps ready.


Got him on deck. If you want to make a last minute decision, turn into Ace. We got you baby, Ace is.


Ace is gone. You guys will see the video about it.


How'd you play? You played golf with Gaethje today?


Played golf with Gaethje? Yeah.


How's his game?


Got down to the w. He's pretty good. He's like a. Eleven handicap. Twelve handicap.


So did he beat you?


It went down to 17, and then he was. He was up to going. Going into 18, and then he said, yo, if you want to press, we could press. Or I could press. And I pressed and won the last hole. So pressing. Meaning if I win, I don't own nothing, and if. Yeah, definitely nothing. That's pretty much it.


But you had action?


Yeah, had action was ten k, bro.


How crazy. Yeah. Well, welcome to my city. I think I can claim Colorado at this point. Yeah. Court side.


Wait, so you're a legend here? Was setting a little.


Some would say. Depends who you ask. But, bro, I mean, the amount of chicks coming, foot traffic in and out of my room was crazy. Like, really? Yeah.


I doubt that.


No, I wasn't. I was hitting the books a lot. Spent a lot of time at the wolf. Yeah. No class.


Eat the cafeteria lunch.


Yeah. High GPA.




But I still got one or two in there, you know? You guys know, it's actually a really good school. I appreciate it, but it's all the girls that couldn't get into, like USC, UCLA, they all come to see you. So you get the Cali blonde?


Last time I was here.


Oh, yeah.


We've partied here before my time here.




All right.


I'll get prime in here. All right, let's do it.


No, we just. We just go for it.


Honestly, it's been awesome to watch, like, the process and everything, so.




All the luck to you guys this year.


Thank you. Thank you. Where you guys from originally?


I'm from Toronto, Canada.






Toronto is a clean city. I played in baseball, man. So you played.


You played for the Jays or you went to play?




How is it when you went to play?


Matter of fact, we played the Jays in the World Series there.


Oh, shit. So in 92, 93.


Yeah. The Rays. We played against the Jays.


That's crazy.


Yeah. So, beautiful city. Clean city is unbelievable, man.


I forget you're the only one that's been to a Super bowl and a World Series, right?


I tried. I tried.


That's an impressive.


Actually, ahead of us, for sure.


Where you from?




What part? Bay area?


San Jose.


Okay. San Jose. I love San Jose, too. I lived in Fremont. Yeah? Yeah.


Like 30 minutes out.


Right. The Niners. I lived in Fremont.


What was your favorite place you ever played at? Like, city wise?


Come on, man, it ain't too much tough. Atlanta. Dallas has been unbelievable. I still live in the country, part of Dallas. I had love for Cincinnati. I really did. I love Cincinnati. Playing for the Reds there. But it would have to be Atlanta what's playing, too.


What about Atlanta?


Atlanta was the chocolate city, man. I had never seen. I had never seen prominent black folk. Prominent black folk like I did when I played. I didn't know that existed. Coming out of college. What's up, boss? Pleasure, man. Death roll the snake. D o double jizzle. That's my doubt.


He didn't come to a game this year, did he?


No, no. Snoop ain't come. Snoop has come everywhere else, though. Snoop is family.


Yeah, family with us.


Yeah, that's right.


So I guess we're all tied in.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Different Daddy's dope.




Different days.


What's going on? You look good, bro.


You always do. We just talk a backstory, man.




We're talking about Atlanta.






Lana's popping. They actually one of my favorite cities. Atlanta. Without a shadow of a doubt. Yeah. For all reasons. You think Atlanta's different now, though? It's a different Atlanta than what you guys may know is totally different than what I knew.


Why? How so?


I don't think it's as much crime as many people. It wasn't as many people for certain, but Atlanta was truly progressive. But it was popping, man. I mean, I think that was the rise of freaknik. When I was there where Luke was doing it and all the guys was doing, it was unbelievable, man. It's a beautiful city.


What about the culture now?


I don't go, so I don't know. I don't go. I don't travel much, you know, I'm so locked into this and locked into, to my kids. I don't. I don't go nowhere. Yeah, I'm a home guy.


What do you guys got going on this weekend?


Oh, my God. Tonight we having a talent show.


Yeah. So we're judging that, apparently.


That's right. You guys are judging. I got a funny feeling you somebody may perform as well with one of you guys. You guys may be in this talent show.


I gotta think of my talent. But then, yeah.


You got multiple talents.




If you grab that mic right now like you grabbing it, I'm pretty sure you got some talent.


Thank you.


5000 people.


It's gonna be a lot of people. We have the talent show. I think we have an event for the. Was it alumni boosters or somebody? I'm asking you guys, like, you know.


Yeah, I don't even know.


I didn't even know what the hell we were doing.


Wait, so who's performing? Is it students, players, students, anybody?


They had to register in. Some of the videos that they sent in was hilarious, man.


And there's a winning prize or.


Yep, yep. I think it's 2100 for the students. You know, that's a lot of money on a college campus.


You want. You should match it, bro.


We can match it.


Yeah, let's match it.


All right, let's match it.




Okay. We'll do that.


Put up 20.


You guys also, you know.


Yeah, yeah, we'll match it.


Let's do it. We'll match it.


There you go. But it's gonna be fun. Then I think we got the game Saturday. Praying to God it don't rain Saturday. Then at Lil Wayne and others are performing. Is Boosie performing tonight?


Performing tonight, yeah. Yeah.


Oh, my God, I forgot all about that. Boosie Boosie's legend.


Yeah, total legend.


So Boosie Boosie's gonna kill it. That's what he does.


Yeah. Going through some things.


Yeah. Always through. Keyword through.


He speaks his mind.


He don't stop in the middle. He go through him.


When's Lou in here? Tomorrow.


He'll be probably here Saturday. If I know Wayne, he'll be here Saturday morning.


How'd you guys originally meet?


Honestly, I think it goes back to when he was dealing with some things and he was getting ready to be detained, and they reached out to me to talk to him, you know, make sure he was straight. And we've been, like, full flat ever since.


You remember when that was?


I have no idea. It's like Snoop, man. Me and Snoop, since Snoop was 21, like, we've been down. Yeah, we've been down for a long time. When he first, before he start hitting, his album was about to drop, and he and the dog pound, all of them came to Texas and came to kick it with me at a Super bowl party. Then we just. We've been tight ever since, man.


So you've kept these relationships as a player into coaching?


Well, as a. As the homie, yeah.


But they continue to support you no matter what you do.


Right. And vice versa. Right. No matter what they do.


What about your relationship with LeBron? I've seen that.


LeBron is awesome. LeBron is. LeBron is. I interviewed LeBron. I was working with CB's. I interviewed LeBron because he was popping he was in high school. Everybody's like, hey, man, this guy brought a hummer. I'm like, a Hummer? You guys are tripping about a hummer. I said, this kid's mom could go to any bank and get a credit line of a million dollars. You better be lucky that he's not getting a Rolls Royce. So that's how we started. I went to high school, his high school, and interviewed him when he was a high schooler, and I was always down for him, and he always had been a cowboys fan.


Well, that's crazy.


Just letting you know, we had Michael Porter junior. He was on here Tuesday. Okay, so the nuggets are up two.




I don't know who you're rooting for.


But I like certain players. I don't like the whole teams.


Yeah, yeah.


Like, I like certain places when you.


Got those personal relationships.


Yeah, I like, you know, it's hard for me to say I want this team to win. I don't get down like that.


Who's your guys? Who's your guys in the NBA?


It's a bunch of them, man. It's a bunch of them. And I'm kind of detached from this generation, but I know guys, like, if some guys are dealing with something, I reach out to them, or, you know, they in a. They sideways in life, I'll reach out to them and just try to encourage them. Not that we may have a personal relationship, but I want to see them win, man, on and off the field.


You bring so much hype to, like, the team with, like, just the energy and all the celebrities that come to the game. Does that. Do you ever get any, like, backlash from people here?


No, not here.




Other teams right around the country, because they can't understand the formula. Like, when somebody don't understand you, people condemn what they don't condone, so they don't understand the formula because they can't equate. How is this happening? Like, this ain't even his generation. Why in the world are these people coming here, you know, to support what they're doing, what's going on, and they can't understand it. And I'm. God has blessed me, man. Yeah, God has blessed me.


Have you ever wanted to go back at someone that has talked down on you? All the time, multiple times.


If I strike back to a fool, who's the fool? Yeah.




You know, if I'm in an argument with a fool, they gonna know who the fool is. I ain't got time for that. Some things in life, man, I just really don't have time for. Someone told me a long time ago that people, you got to pay attention, and people pay attention to you. I don't like that word, pay attention. Why would I pay. That means it's going to cost me something to listen to a fool 100%. I'm not going to let you cost me. So I'm more attracted to positivity than I am to negativity. So I'm not the kind of guy that goes on social and look for negativity. I'm attracted to positivity.


Last year, I. I mean, I think I started with Wayne and maybe offset. I came to USC when Dababy came. Okay, so is that something. Where are you hitting these guys up? Or do they start hitting? You know, I gotta come to a game, Sam.


And I don't even know who's coming.


They just want to pull up.


I don't. Yeah, yeah, yeah. People just pull up. They may call someone from the team, which means my team, my personal team, or the school. I don't know who's coming. Like, I know when we're out there warming up on the field, I'll ask somebody, tell me who's all here. So I go over and shake their hand. Cause I wanna make sure I acknowledge them because that's just professionalism. I don't want a guy to come here out of his busy schedule and I don't even acknowledge him. So I'll make sure. Who's that? Oh, that was the whole Wu Tang clan. Thank you for telling me, like, everybody name mama comes man on game day. It looks like the BET awards.


I really wonder, when I went here, it was Steven Montez was quarterback. I don't even know if you know him. No, but we didn't win a game. So I wonder if, like, the students. I wonder if the students and like, everyone understands how insane it is.


You know, I teach a class on campus, so what's that class they do? What's the name of it? No, I forgot the name of the class because it's my class about marketing and prime marketing. Yeah, it's like marketing and just entrepreneurship and all of above. And I just taught it, matter of fact, what, two days ago Tuesday.


How hard is that class to get into?


It's not easy, let's just say that. But we had a good time. I took my sons with me and they sat in front and just did a q and a with all the students. So all three of us set up there. So it was awesome, man. And then at the end the students. Like, what can we do for spring game weekend to help you out? I said I want content. Go give me content. Interview everybody you can. And cut it up. Make sure it's tight. I don't want it over a minute and a half. And give me the content. Yeah, that's what I want in there. That's what they're do.


I think it's so amazing that you have both your boys with you at all times. So what are they? What are they?


Three of them? Don't forget with the camera.


Yeah, yeah. My bad.


He's watching you watch.


He's big fan. Wait, so what did they buy you recently? They bought you?


Well, no, they didn't actually buy the house. We want to check out the house.


Oh, so they didn't. They didn't pay?


No, no. The house is different.


It's in the title. It said bought coach Brian Hoffman.


Yeah. There's somebody running with some foolishness. No, my kids ain't. They ain't ready for that yet. They don't have that kind of bag yet. That's another year from now.


But they're not coming for an allowance at this point.


With the nil, they would not be coming for allowance. No, I don't think they've ever got an allowance.






Is it crazy to see your kids now, like, starting to make with the nil? Just make real money now.


They make real money. Yeah. They have a multitude of vehicles and so forth. Shador more so than Shiloh. You know, Shiloh is very conservative. He don't. He don't do too much what he is, but Shadow don't play.


How would you say your kids, Shiloh and Shador, have excelled from, like, last year on the field to this year?


Tremendously. Both of them have grown tremendously. But honestly, you know who the MVP is, is junior, because he's capturing everything.




No jealousy, no animosity. Just loving his brothers and making them shine, man. So he's really the family's MVP. He really is.


It's great. What does it do culturally since Shadour is like the quarterback, you're the coach? Honestly, I feel. I don't know. But you don't see that many times where the head coach, like, usually their kids like a receiver, like a left tackle. Does that change culturally? Cause, you know, I don't know.


We never think about it because this has been our whole life.




Ain't none changed just because we got to college. I've coached him on every team he's ever played for when he goes pro. That'll be the first time. I'm not coaching him, Shiloh. He went to South Carolina for a couple years, then he came back and joined us at Jackson. So he went two years without me coaching him. That was it. Their whole life.


Who's the favorite kid on the list this week right now?


Junior is. Yeah, junior is the favorite.


So does this.


Well, it was Deondra. It was my daughter, my oldest daughter. Cause she. You know, when you have a birthday, it's your day. Yeah, but then as soon as that day is over, it's not. So then it goes back to the original rankings. Right now, junior is number one. He's balling. He's doing it, dog. One day.


It changes every week.


It changes every month, but it goes week to week, depending on what they do.


But what do you get if you're on your good side or you're the favorite?


It's perks to it.




Yeah, like, shallow. I just did something for him. He just called me and asked me for a favor. So he's like, can I take you to dinner tonight? I said no, because you're just a user. So his perks is perks to it.


Yeah, I guess. Let's talk about last season. You guys started so hot.


Yeah, we started on fire.


On fire. The hype was insane. I think it like, the biggest thing on sports in general.


It's gonna be like that again.


So how do you. How do you avoid that kind of fall off that happened last year when you personnel. Yeah.


Coaching, understanding the moment, building people up for the time. You got to understand that this time last year, we had just gotten here. When was it? December, which is got in December.




You know, so you. You inherited team, and now you got to get. Build it and get it ready for September. It's not easy task, but it was a daunting task. But now you have a year to people, players understand who you are, what you want, what you desire, as well as the coaching staff. And tweak that and twerk that and make sure not twerk that. Tweak that and tweak that. Once again, I said twerk that. I can't believe I actually said twerk that. My kids are going to die laughing when they see this. But you want to make sure the team represents who you desire them to be, man. You know, like your team. You want to make sure you guys, all your players represent you and what you guys want to dispel out there. And I feel really good right now.


Would you say you have a like your team has a target on your guys's back when it comes to refs.


Cuz last year everybody got target. Yeah.


Cuz last year there was a lot of claws like that hit Shiloh did in.


It was some stupid stuff going on. But we don't cry, we don't cry foul. I mean it happens at the end of the year it all evens out pretty much. But we don't cry for stuff like that because it is what it is man. You know. I'm not gonna say nobody played favoritism but we gotta be on our game. We gotta go out and dominate. That's why, you know it's just like a fight, a boxing match. If it's close you don't know which way it's gonna go.


Right? Right. He talks about how target on your back. Like I always just think about Oregon, the locker room, play for clicks, all that shit.


Well it's funny how you say that but the cameras on when you say it, right? So who's playing for the click? Right.


You know what that's, that's a point that I want to talk about. You give that whole speech to say oh we don't play for clicks but you're getting the clicks by saying that so it is ironic.


So tell me this, I want you to answer this question honestly. Did you hear any other speech that he made the whole season?


Not one.


So who was playing for the clique? Like this is what I really do. Like since high school. You could date it back on YouTube or whatever. This is what I do with my team.




So this is who we are. It's not playing for something or playing for a click of trying. Why would I need exposure?


Right? Yeah it's funny you put it that way, it's ironic.


Why would I need exposure? Yeah last time I checked I've been him since the eighties.


Yeah, I've been him. You have been him. Give you that.


I don't need the exposure. I don't need click. I want my team to get everything they got coming to them, man. I want those kids to blow up and be the dogs. I want them to earn more nil money than I want them to be it. I really do.


How much has that changed the game?


Change the game a lot. It's a different game. It's a different game.


How do you keep the locker room like healthy when you have guys that are making millions?


Some guys you gotta recruit, right? You gotta recruit the guys that still love the game of football. I have no problem with these kids making money, but I don't want money to make them.


Yeah. Do you have to ever step in? Because. Yeah. Even Porter junior was saying, like, like Jokic when he's in Serbia, he's saying that the players are brought up differently because they're just focused on the game. Like, he thinks even the younger generation of basketball now is like, they're making.


No, but like, yeah.


Do you ever have to step in and kind of tell people, like, less social media, more football?


No. No, because we're, we are social media. That's what we do. And that's what I want these kids to make money, and a lot of these young men know how to make money, know how to make money YouTube wise. So we just want to teach them and show them and give them direction to make sure they keep the main thing, the main thing, if you don't ball, nobody's gonna want to see you. If you don't win, nobody's gonna tolerate you. So you got the ball and you gotta win simultaneously, or nobody's gonna want to see you. Nothing you do and the more you win. We just gave a statistic today with the potential draft picks that's going on right now. They all come from winning programs, top rated guys. You rarely see a guy rated high that don't come from a winning program. Yeah, it helps a lot to win.


With players that you have that play both sides. Do you ever fear them getting injured on the field?


Because it's like you can't go into nothing with fear. And it's like you getting in the car saying, man, I'm gonna crash, I'm scared. You don't think like that because these guys, they've been playing this game there entire life. I mean, we only have one guy that played both sides. That's Travis. And Travis is one of the best players in the nation, but he grew up playing both sides of the ball. That's who he is. If he don't play offense and defense, that's, that's, that's not normalcy for him. He wants normalcy. That's playing both sides of the ball.


How does that work at the next level? Does he decide or is that a coach's decision?


Well, he's going to decide. I'm pretty sure. Like, he's not going to let nobody tell him what he can't do. He never has, never will. I'm pretty sure the team that drafts him will know from the interviewing process his desires, and they may not let him play as many snaps as he's playing. In college. But he's going to have a package on defense and a package on offense. I'm pretty certain. Yeah, he's that good. You'll be hurting yourself if you don't let him play on the other side of the ball.


Going to your NFL career, who would you say was like, your biggest competitor?


J race, Jay Rice, Mike Irvin, Andre Rice, so forth. Is some dogs that Chris Carter. I could keep going on and on. It was some grown men in that era. Not only were they great, but the guy who was throwing the ball to them was also a hall of famer. You got the garden a hall of fame.




And they got. Throwing the ball as a hall of famer. Throwing to the hall of fame.


Yeah, yeah, I got it, I got it. I gotta just throw this out there. I feel like there's one guy that doesn't get enough respect. Champ Bailey.


Champ was a dog. Champ got a gold jacket.


But do you think. But you think, like, he's got to be. You and him are probably the top two best corners of all time.


I don't rank corners.


You don't rank.


You get in trouble doing that, okay. Because all these guys are my friends. They're my guys.




So I can't say, you know what? Put that guy on the other corner. If I had to pick one guy. I don't get into that. I love to tell you about receivers because that's what I played against, but the other guy on the other side ain't got nothing to do with that.


Are you ever out at practice, dn up any of these receivers?


No, I got eight toes now. It's not possible.


You can't do it.


I got eight toes now.


Oh, shit.


He actually has eight toes.


I thought you did.


He has eight toes now.


I would just like to see you pick up a moment.


I could give them a moment. I could give them a moment of fire, but it's just a moment. Yeah, yeah. So as soon as they get out the gym and move like 3ft, it's over. Yeah, he said he really does. If he took.


No, I thought he was like.


You wrote.


You wrote a book recently. What made you want to do that?


One of my mentors, the greatest altar, I think ever is John Maxwell. John C. Maxwell. And I love him to life. He told me the way to reach a multitude of people that you could possibly never reach is through a book. And anything that man says, I listen to and I'm thankful. Next thing you know, we're New York Times bestseller. So I'm thankful and appreciative for that wisdom and to be able to touch and reach more people. And what a book. I love it. I do.


What were you involved in that process? Like, were you physically writing or.


No, you. You. You talk about times like success. Confidence is my natural odor. Why do you think that? Well, it's an r. It's a feeling. It's the Genesis quoi. It's that guy. It's the way you go about life. And you start just talking through things, and they'll ask you more questions, and you keep it going. Then you hit this other chapter. Why? You know, why. What's the definition of success? And you just keep going. And then they print it out some chapters, and you overlook it and say, no, let's do that. Let's do that. Let's change this. Put that here. Then you interview again. The next thing you know. The hardest part of a whole book, honestly, man, is the audiobook, because now it's written.




You got to do the audio version, so now you got to talk it.


How long did that take?


That quick? Pretty much. It was. It wasn't long because I wanted to get it over with, but I wanted to do it greatly because I want you to feel the words.


Put that emotion in there.


Yeah, you got to feel the words. And not only that, we went and doubled down. I went and got Kurt Franklin to do music up under it. So now while I'm talking, it's almost like. Like a scene from a movie that you hear the music rumbling up underneath and is climaxing to certain points.


Holy shit.


Listen to the audiobook already. Yeah, that be.


Play chapter one.


Buy it right now.


I feel like you should have to roast him like he's one of your players.


No, you gotta put it. I don't roast my players. Some of. Some of them may be sensitive. I gotta understand his personality, so I know how to come in.


So how do you do that, then?


You gotta understand relationships.




So if I understand a relationship, he may be a guy that I don't have to yell at. I just have to look at him and he know what that means. Or he may be a guy that I just whispered to, hey, you play the audiobook, and he gets moved. But he may be, hey, man, can you play the third audiobook? You gotta understand who he is. So you know how to reach him. Yeah, because if you don't, you gonna get the remote control and turn him off.


How do you read people like that?


You just time.


Time in relationships. Time in relationships. Time in relationships. And you study people like when. When our kids eat, I'm in a cafeteria. When they work out. I mean, they're working out with them. When they practice, of course I'm there. So I spend a lot of time around my kids and learn the mannerisms of a lot of them. And they don't even know I'm looking. And then I get all the details on them. Who missed class? Who was late to this? Who was on time for this? Who was this? Who was that? So I may be in the cafeteria. Say, boy, man, that's a nice place you got. I wish you'd have got an a in their class instead of a dang coachman. He knows my grades. Yeah, I got to. Cause I gotta keep up on you. Cause when I was there, when you came in, I told your mother that I would have your best interest at heart. And I'm not playing about that. So you gon graduate from here. It's little things like that.


I wanna play here.


That's dope.


I think I'm gonna play here. What do you think?






Do you think he has a spot on the team?


Yeah. Positions are limited, though.


You always gotta have a locker room guy.


Not only locker room guy.


Third string. Third string.


The position, though.


Just invite him for the after party.


No one will show up on time.


What can you do? What can you do? Like, what position?


In terms of football?




I don't want to come after your son's spot, but I could throw the ball. Yeah. Mobile outside the pocket. He might. He.


Are you fast?


Quick as hell. Quickly.


Have to be fast?


No, but I'm quick.


But I just need you. Smart. Attributes of smart.


I graduated.


Say yes or no. Smart.


Yes, sir.




Yes, sir.




Yes, sir.




Yes, sir.


With character.


Great character.


Well, you in. Only number two out of the five. Only need four out of the five. And you in.


Crazy. So you discipline each player differently based on their personality?


No. They get disciplined during the same. But the way you communicate with them may be differently.


What do you think's the biggest difference about this program in comparison to every pac twelve program?


The sincerity in the realness. Because we're not doing it for a bag. We're doing it because we love to do it. I had a bag for it. I came. So I'm not here for that. I'm here to make sure these young men try to darn this. And I could help them elevate them to the next level. That's the book, 21 ways to win on and off the field. Elevate and dominate. That's what we wanted to do. We wanted them to elevate and dominate in life.


Did you have trouble last year when you have back to when you have all these big celebrities coming, like, keeping them focused on the game instead of this hype?


Because no matter who's at the game, those people at the game ain't in the game. You're in the game. Yeah. I don't give a darn who's at the game. You got to be in the game, because what these guys want to do, when you have these celebs and these so called people that have a status, you want to impress them, right? Yeah. You don't want to fall on your face. You want to go out there and be a dog in front of them so they can say, hey, man, that was awesome.




And these are some of the young men and women that came to the games that they. They've seen on television. They've listened to their music. Like, they. They got love for him.




So that's a whole different type of feeling that you really like. Dang, I can make it. Like, I'm hearing. I'm seeing the Rock. Good Lord. I'm seeing wheezy. The baby is talking to me before the game. And who else? Master P and so forth. So many people. I don't.


Jay Z, JG. JZ, come to game.


I don't think Jay ZK. I don't think Jay Z came. Yeah, we got. We. We have a lot of people to come.


Yeah. Well, you're gonna have a tougher season with all this picking sides right now. I don't know if you pay attention to that, but there's a lot of rap beef going on, I heard. Yeah.


Some of that stuff is staged, though.


You think so?




We're trying to decide. We can't tell what stage and what.


Some stage.


Drake, Kendrick.


Competition. Yeah, I think it's competition because I don't. I don't think Kendrick is a good dude. I don't think he's malicious at his attacks. I think it's just. Amen.


Let's do this better.


Let's do this. Who's the dog? I wish it was more, but they kept it clean. I mean, say what you want on wax, but don't allow it to evolve into a situation. And, you know, the artists are never the ones that it evolves into a situation. It's the guys with the people.




Those are the ones who gonna do some stupid, for sure. What, last time you ever seen two actors fight or two artists fight.


You're right.


Like fistfight actually.


Yes. Yeah.


It's always the people in the crew.


Yeah, it's the crew.




Because they want to prove to that guy did they're tough.


True. Who do you think ends up on top in that beef? Drake or Kendrick in the battle, man.


It's hard to beat Drake at anything, man. Drake is Drake, man. Drake is Drake, man. Drake.


Drake trying to get him to his game next season, baby.


I tell you what, though, I'll say this with an exclamation mark. Ain't nobody want to see Lil Wayne. Hell, nobody wants to see Lil Wayne. Ain't no, no, ain't nobody want to see Lil Wayne, period. Everybody talk about forget the battles, the verses and all that stuff, you know, it's kind of like a clean battle, right?




I don't see nobody calling the way now.


No one ever.


Anybody want that.


He's got the hardest bars ever that have gone.


No, no. But the wayne got hits on top of hits on top of hits on top of hits on top of hits. Like, ain't nobody want that.


I agree.


The way I could get the mic and don't stop for 2 hours in a verses. Like he could turn the verses into a concert. Yeah, ain't nobody trying to see that, period.


Yeah, yeah. Have any of these guys ever, like, obviously them coming here is great promotion and stuff, but do they ever contribute, like, to the program, like financially or like, we don't actually do that, but they never offer.


Yeah, it's not even a question. I would probably wouldn't even take it if they would. Yeah, it's not about that. It's about our relationship and friendship, man. Speaking of that, I think t o somewhere around here, like to comes all the time. He's here.


He's coming tonight, right?


Yeah, yeah. He was at practice today on the field. Yeah. Doing his thing. So it's all. And I didn't know. So it's always somebody that pops up and I'm happy and elated because the guys are getting to see another during hall of Famer.


What's it like having Warren Sapp a part of the team now?


Sapp is unbelievable. A bundle of energy. Loves the game, loves kids, just. He's a heck of a coach, man. He's a heck of a communicator. You got the big eyes and, you know, the mannerisms that he has. He's a Florida boy, too, so Florida boys, no matter if we went to Miami, Florida state, Florida, UCF or central Florida, whatever, we UCF is central Florida. I'm sorry. South Florida. We all got love for one another, man. Cause we all Florida boys.


Would you say they breed the most dogs?


I do. That's always argumentative to people. But I'm a Florida boy.


Who would you rank it out of? The United States?


I would say Florida.




Florida has the best athletes. Then I would say Texas has the best football. In that battle. It's Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, California on the other side.


Top five.


That's. That's about it. Top, top. My top tier. That's top tier. I said Louisiana, correct? Yes. Yeah, Louisiana. Got some dogs.


Outside of like, talent, can you tell when you're talking to these recruits, like, is there something you look for immediately? Personality. Like, I want this team, their why.


You gotta tell me your why. So like, I'm literally sitting probably right there and they're sitting right there, the whole family. And I want to know their why. Let's start off with that. Why you do this? Why you want this? Why you want to be here? Why do you play this game? And I want that why? To be so compelling that it makes me lean up in my seat and really take notice of you. Yeah, I want that. Why? Because when you talking about because, you know, I want to make money, I want to do this, I want to do that. We all have gone through a crossroad where we almost quit on ourselves. If we really want to be honest, all of us haven't had, well, we look in the mirror like, dang. But when we got somebody on the hook and on the line with us, we ain't shutting that thing down. It's like if you jogging, you know, when you by yourself and you got 2 miles or something, you may say, let me shut. Let me slow it up a little bit. But if somebody with you, let's go, let's go.


You ain't quitting on them.


Do you ever think you have like a. Or have you seen like, where you have a wrong read on a guy? You really expect him to develop and just something's not working.


You expect it to develop, but after you spend some time with him, you're gonna see what it is. Yeah, you'll see what's up. Yeah, most definitely. And then it's unfortunate because he don't get it.




And another man can't be on your timetable.




He gotta be on his.


How do you handle that frustration?


Or you just say frustrated him, he should be mad at himself, right? I'm prayerful for him. Like, I hope you get it before it's too late for you. Because this game, in this. This career, it has. It has the shot clock, man, and you got to get your shot off before that buzzer go off.




And I'm prayerful that they make it happen, but oftentimes, you may not get a second chance. You don't know, and that's the tough that you. You gotta live with yourself being an idol.




What's an idol, coach prime? I'm glad you asked. It's a guy who didn't make it, who took a left when they should have stayed right. They looked back over their shoulder and say, darn it. But if I'd have stopped drinking, boy, I'd have been something. Boy, if I'd have stopped smoking, boy, I'd have been something. Boy, if I'd have just got to practice on time and did my homework, boy, I'd have been something. I don't want none of these young men to be honest.


How much of that do you think you personally have to manage? Cause that's a lot of.


Well, you can't. You can't. I can't want it for you. Right. He can't want it for you. You can't. You. You gotta want it for yourself. I could be the best darn navigational system you've ever been. Like that navigational system. And that. That maybach ain't no different than that navigational system in that Honda Accord. Both of them telling you where to go. The only fool it is is the one who listening. That won't go. Right. True.




You can't teach people.




It's got to come for someone at.


There you go. You could try your best to give them direction. You could be that fight coach saying, left, right, left, right. Okay. Now, when he slip, you got to slip him and get out of there. Then next thing you know, you knocked out because you didn't do what the guy said. And he can't go home sad. You will. But he's like I told him, try my best.


I always just wonder, too. The nil deals are just. You see that? They post the numbers all over social media.


Okay, let me correct you. Okay, not carefully. Nil is name, image, and likeness.




Okay. Let's really break this down. What it is. That's when someone has the credibility, they have the game, they have the Persona to command a name, image, and likeness deal.




Let's talk about that. You saw Caleb Williams, right?








You saw Caitlin, right? The basketball player. Right?




You saw Juju, the basketball player for USC. Correct.




You saw shador television. Travis as well. Dorismith's wife. Who else?


You saw Livy Dunn?




Libby Dunn.


I don't know who that is. I'm sorry.


LsU gymnast. She's beautiful.


Yes. Yes. She's huge. Huge. I'm sorry, I don't watch the gymnastics. Who else?


Bronnie James. We talking about him.


That's six people. So where all his name, image, and lack this money going to. So it's not named Benjamin like this. You just name six people out of all these collegiate athletes. It's a collective. You know, the collective is. Is when you pass a bucket and everybody put money donors in this bucket, then you figure out who you gonna give it to and you associate the task with that. Like, okay, they're gonna give me. Give me a social post. They're gonna social post for this wonderful show three times a month.




In their paid. That's not nil. That's a collective. You never see them. So it was supposed to be about nil name, image and likeness, but it got shifted to the collective.




That's where it went wrong.


Yeah. That's just confusing because it ain't boosters and all that, so. Yeah.


We just named six players out of all these collegiate athletes that you've actually seen on anything.


So what you're saying, it should be spread amongst more people?


No, what I'm saying is not nil.




It's collective.




That's what you're talking about. That has changed college football. It's not nil. Nil hasn't changed college football. Collectors have.


That's a whole thing. It's kind of confusing to go, and most people don't really understand that.


I know. That's why I took my time and I tried my best to gracefully explain it.




Because that's. That's really what it is. That's what we are.




We're not in the nil state of mind. We're in a collective state. Cause you don't see these kids on anything.


Coach, have you always been religious throughout, like, since you were a kid?


I've always understood who God was, and he's always played a viable role in my life. But until I was suicidal, at one point in my life, I accepted everything, all the attributes of God, and tried to change my life wholeheartedly. So I was one of those guys who didn't want to be hypocritical, because I've seen those guys in the locker room, that guys. Hey, man, you. How you in Bible study, you was just. But I was trying to clean up my car, then take it to the car wash, which is stupid. I was trying to take a new suit to the cleanest, which is stupid. So you got to go to the Lord to get cleaned up and not get clean, then go to the Lord. That don't make no sense. So I had to go down there broken and batted and beaten, and then, like, lord, just please help me, because I need to know how to deal with this, this, this, and this. So that's how that came to pass.


If you don't mind me asking, what part of your time when you were.


I was playing for the Cincinnati Reds. I forgot what year it had to be. 90, maybe 96, something like that. Yeah, it was at the Super Bowls. Super Bowls in 94, 95, probably 96, something like that. 96, 97.


What made you get to, like, such a low point in your life?


God was calling me collect, and I didn't want to accept the charge. It's like God was calling me to change courts and lead his people and do do right. It's not that I was doing wrong, visibly, because. Cause I never smoked, never drank, never been high a day in my life, never tasted alcohol, stopped using profanity when I was 19, so it wasn't that thing, but I was women. I was more prideful. But I needed to change some things to be the leader that God called me to be. That was it. And a father that he called me to be.


Do you feel like you've had an effect on players that say that you've seen going down that same path that.


You'Ve had to not just play or people people, yeah, not just players. God would never just limit me to that crowd people, period.




Because I always want to see people make it. I want to see you guys win. No matter what you do. Now that I met you, I definitely want to see you win, you know? So I always have wanted people to just achieve the ultimate success. I don't even have to know you, but if you have, like, this badge of significance on you and I see you going through it, I'll probably dm you and say, hey, man, I'm praying for you. Keep your head up, and I promise you, man, just. Just make it to Friday, and everything's gonna be all right. I may just text you that or tweet you that or whatever, because I really want people to make it.


I know you wrote in your book as well, like, you're obviously raised by a single mother. How do you think that, like, made you to be the man you are today.


Single mother at a point of time in my life, but I did have a wonderful stepfather. And my biological father was a rolling stone. Wherever he laid his hat was his home. But I had a hard working mother who I saw work her butt off so ends would see one another, although they never met. That played a vital role in my life because I know I wanted to bless her and I wanted to retire her, and I wanted her to be all of that. Because in high school, my mama never seen me play.




Football, baseball, basketball.


Why is that?


She was working. She said work.




So she never saw me.


She never made it to one game even.


She's at work. We played on Friday nights or basketball. Played on Tuesdays and Fridays. Baseball, we played whenever. No weekends. Never saw me play. She didn't see me ball out. She probably pee wee league cause we played on Saturday. But until I went to college, she drove 6 hours to a game on Saturday and had to get back and go to work that Monday morning. So that's that why, man, like that, when you start thinking about that. But see, that explains. That's why people gotta be careful how you judge people, how you see people. Cause you never know what they've been through. So knowing that, now you understand why I built this Persona. That was prime time. Because I had to rely on me. I had to have my back. I had to be him, you know? Because there was nobody in the stand. Oh, son, you did it great. Nobody else. So I had to be self absorbed. I had to be. I had to pat myself. Amen. You did that, dog. Come on, man. You start quarterback, starting free safety. Point garden basketball team. You all stay. And you got drafted into the big leagues out of high school, and nobody was there.


Nobody was there. And I said again, and nobody was there. So when you build this Persona up, people gotta understand, is the reason everything someone does, it's a reason, man, whether you understand or cooperate or riding with the reason, that's on you. But it's always a reason. That's why you got to be careful. We got to stop judging people in this world, man. We got an opinion that we judge somebody, and we don't even know the story.


People are so quick to tear other people down now, and you don't know the story. People don't have sympathy.


You don't even know the story. You don't have no idea what somebody's going this way. You got to be careful in life, especially in cars that are light. You up there blowing at somebody because you thought they cut you off. You have no idea. That person may have just experienced tragedy and you acting stupid in a car. You don't understand what they dealing with. Be careful. And I'm serious about that. Like, people have no idea what somebody's going through. That's why I always have respect.


Have you always. You've always thought like that?


Yeah. Yeah. I always been a kind hearted dude, you know, even if you cross me, cross me, cross me, I'm gonna cut you off, but I'm not gonna be abrasive.


Yeah, I was gonna ask, too. Cause you came from Jackson State. The hype was there, but elevates to a whole other level. What have you learned about being even bigger now with people would say pressure just.


I've always been big.


I know that.


It's just a different address.


Yeah, that's all it is.


That's all. This ain't no bigger than winning Super Bowls and playing World Series. Like, you gonna compare this to that?




You know, it's like, no, man.




No. Like, I've always. God has always put me on the stage. You know why? Because he trusts me. Because when I get to the stage, he know I'm going to talk about him. He know I'm going to bring other people on the stage with me, and I'm going to be a blessing to everybody. So that's why I always find a way to win, and I always find a way to make it on the stage because he trusts me with the moment. Like, that's what you got to ask yourself. You guys are very successful, correct?


Mm hmm.


And it's different levels to this thing. So you got to ask yourself, now, if you go to the level that you want to go to, because there's always another place called there. Right. Once you got there, you said, we got to get to this other place called there. Now we got to get to the other place called there. Okay. When you get there, can he trust you with this enormity? Can he trust you? If he can't, you're not going to make it. Oh, it's gonna be a casualty somewhere or somewhere over here. It's gonna be something. The Bible says, in this world, we will have tribulation. Someone's gonna always gonna go through a trial and attest somebody. So can you handle it? I can. That's why I know where I'm headed. So when I have a rocky, blurry start, I already know how I'm gonna finish. I don't give darn how to start. I know how it's gonna end up. And you gonna date back to this interview. You're gonna say, darn it, he said it way back. Or whatever date this is. He said it. He said what it was gonna be.




And that's not cockiness. That's confidence. Why do I have confidence? Because I work my butt off. I'm prepared, and I'm ready for the moment. So when a moment comes, I got you. I got it.


Damn inspiring.


I'm fired up.


How do you manage all this in your personal life?


My personal life is my life.




All this is part of my life. I'm built for this, man. I'm designed for this. I was made for this. You're prepared for this.


Do you have any hobbies? That stuff off your mind? You fish?


Love the fish.


Didn't you get arrested once fishing?


Yeah. Did. How'd you. Good.


What happened there?


Okay. I was in my hometown. It's good. I was in my hometown, Fort Myers. Toilet. I'm in.


Do your research.


Yeah, I'm in the pros. I'm in the NF. Nobody have asked me that long time.


I told him. I gave him that one. Yeah.


And I'm from Myers.




Five. Amen. I'm about five minutes from my house that I built, my mother. Million dollar home. All that on the golf course. All that. But it's a fishing hole right by the airport that you can't even see up in there. Like. Like, you have to drive up in there to find out somebody's in there. And, you know, Florida, we fishing is always gators around. And I'm in this little two man boat, you know, about this high out of the water. And I'm just catching them left and right. I'm killing them because it's unfished. I don't keep the fish, I just recreational fish.


Catch and release.


Catch and release.




And then the police pulled up. Hey, private property. You gotta come on in. I said, man, ain't nobody see me out here, dog. Come on, man. I was there in my hometown doing a charity basketball game.


How many times have you fished there?


Several. But they didn't know.




Cause you can't see me. I don't know how they saw me back there. Cause you can't. It's not right off the road. It's really back in there. Come on in. I said, well, man, the fish are really biting, dog. I'm telling police, the fish are really biting, man. Like, they're really biting. He's like, you gotta come in. I say, what's gonna happen when I come in? You're gonna be arrested. I said, I might as well enjoy myself. I might as well. I might as well enjoy myself. I might as well. So I stayed out there. Like, where you gonna come. You can't come out there and get me. I'm on a boat. So I fished for, like, 1520 more minutes. Came on in.


How many more fish did you catch in between?


Several mean, they were here.


So was it a skill thing or you were just in the right.


No, I was in a great. It's unfished.




So when I say a lure, they going crazy. They haven't seen a lure. So they took me to this little, like, police substation right at the airport. And I'm in there thinking like, this is gonna be national news. This is gonna be national news. So on the mug, should I smile? Because I know it's gonna be national news. And it was national news. And they were so worried about me canceling that basketball game that I had all my cowboy teammates and former teammates and everybody up there to play against the media from Fort Myers. It was crazy. I literally went to jail five minutes from my house, fishing.


Just for fishing. What was the charge?


Trespassing, right? Yeah, trespassing.


But nobody knew, like, but me and this dude. But I did go to jail for fishing. But guess what?


You didn't hang up the rod.


Excuse me?


You didn't hang up the rod. You got back out there and you went fishing again.


No, I didn't go back there. Never again. But guess what? Every home I've ever built, I have a lake. My own. So I don't have to ask nobody for that. That's the moral of the story. So I said, you know what? I'm gonna do something about this. So now I have my home in Texas. I have three lakes. Yeah. The home I live in here, probably about 100 yards from the house, is a lake.


That's funny. When the inmates asked you, what are you in for?


It was this little police substation.


It was a holding cell.


Had a jail at the airport.


Oh, my God.


It was an airport.


It's a holding cell. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I haven't been accident in years. I appreciate that, man. Thank you.


You still fish a lot?




Fly fishing out here?


No, I don't. I don't fly fish, Travis. Fish when I fish. Yeah, but I don't fly fish.


You play golf too?


It was good, wasn't it?


You golf?


I don't play golf. Game is too slow. I need action although fishing is peaceful and relaxing, and I love the calmness and the serenity of water.


Do you fish with Travis, too? I see he fishes.


Yeah, Travis fish with me. Let's get this.


Yeah, that gets competitive.


So you be catching him and you be.


Oh, no, both of us. Travis loves the fish as well, but I'm the older gentleman, so he's. He was at my crib when he caught a monster out of my leg, man.


Oh, my God.


He got a forgotten man.


How much did that weigh? Do you remember?


I don't know. We didn't weigh. The fish was huge. Yeah, I've seen out of my leg. Yeah.


Did that bother you?


No, no. I want my guys to be successful.


You gotta let him have one, right?


I want my guys to be successful, man. Yeah. That's funny. That's a good question. I've been accident a long time.


Kyle, research for guard over here. All right, well, I mean, both your sons probably not going to be here next season.


Yeah, it better not be.


So what's. What's that look like for you?


It looks good. It's going to be tough because I don't know if it's going to be tougher on them or tougher on me because I've coached them their whole lives, so I know I'm going to get those phone calls. Dad, look, this is what's going on. A. Dad, can you. But I pray. I pray that I've trained them as men to be able to handle all those trials and tribulations that they gonna endure on and off the field.


Yeah. You think that'll be difficult to, since you've coached them your whole lives, to just get into a new system, new guys telling them what to do them.


No, because they're dogs. They're dogs. And they're gonna. It seemed like every year we've had a new system and new coordinators at different spots that we've been high school as well. So. No, and they're smart. Both of those young men are smart. Now, Junior is gonna stay with me. He's gonna stay with me to do all the social media here, so he's not gonna dip on me. He's gonna stay.


Good son.


Great son.




Tough for them at all being, like, famous and, like, going to college. Like, do they ever have struggles with that?




It's so different now, social media.


Yeah. But they've always been notable.




So they've always understood the dynamics, and I've always tried to make them aware of, you know, the time and the place and the thought process of every situation, if they're in this situation, this is what you do. If you. And this is what, this is what you do. The best thing to do, the best advice to give people, honestly, is the gift of walk away. Certain people, you just got to learn to have the gift to walk away. If something happens, something goes down, man. Just walk away. Don't get the last word in. Don't fight to be seen to be here, man. Just walk away. And you're gonna live to see another day if you just walk away.


You gotta prepare for that, right?


Yeah. Everybody's not built for that because everybody. You want to say the last thing.


It's like walking away from the game, too.


You gotta walk away.


And it's never a w if you're at that status.


It's two things. You walk away from the. As you're older, gentlemen, you walk away the game. You walk away from the game or the game walks away from you.


Wow, that's deep.


You gotta be prepared for that. I'd rather walk away from the gang for sure, than the gang walk away from you. It's like a fighter.




He's still out there in the ring, and the fighter walked away from him, but he can't walk away from the fight and that, and you get hurt and you hate to see that, man. Yeah.




Don't let the game walk away from you, boys.


Nice. You gotta be good enough to walk away from it, too.


That's right.


So do you have any comments or, like, anything that you see just in today's game at the NFL level? Back?


It's a great game, man. We're over protective of certain parts of the game, especially the quarterback. But the quarterback is the. We talked to the kids this morning, but he's a half a billion, not a half a quarter of a billion dollar product.




So you got to protect it. We understand that, but the game is just over protective right now, and it shouldn't be. It's still football.


Yeah. There's some new tackling rule. What is that? It's crazy.


Yeah, I understand. What? I can't recite the terminology. It's almost like they're falling with them and they tighten something like. Like that, which looks like. I haven't heard of that. I haven't even heard of that.


Do you think that with everything they're doing, it's making the game safer or.


The game has to be safer because they're measuring the influx of kids playing the game every year.




So that enhances the safety rules. Because if you have a kid that's declining, okay, you gotta do something about that. So the parents feel safe, so they put the kids back at the game. So they measure all that kind of stuff. The NFL is the number one product in professional team sports, and they don't play by that.


And you said you'd never coach NFL, right?


No, I don't want to coach the NFL. I have no desire, no ambitions.


What's the reason for that?


A bunch of rich guys don't want. You know, it's hard for me to want to give a speech and motivate a guy who's got money. Who's you getting paid to do this? Yeah, right. You should want to do this. This is your occupation. I hate to say job, because I hate anything. To me, I just told the kids, the definition of a job is a commodity that pays you enough to make it to working back, and you pay your bills, but you have gas. That's the definition of a job. The definition of a career is something that you go to daily, and you're happy, you're excited, you're elated. It pays you more than enough to live the life that you desire to live. That's a career, and that's a job. And I asked the young men this week which one you want, because the way you practice, some of y'all practicing, you want a job, and they gonna tell you what time to show up, what time to go home, and what time to be back. That's a job. This is a career. You're like, you guys, come on. You doing your thing, you dictating your own schedule, you having a good time doing what you do.


Whenever it becomes work, it becomes a job and not a career. I like careers.


Yeah. Awesome.


I don't like jobs. What will you guys tell our recruits, man? We got a recruit meeting in the same room in a minute. So we have recruits from all over the country. Like, we have probably 20 of them this week.


I mean, just from talking to you, it's been motivating. So I'd say it's an incredible opportunity for them to. I mean, you just have so much wisdom. So you provide so much more than clearly, like a typical coach, you know? Like, you have that real life experience that's probably just so hard to get from other places.


Yeah, obviously.




Hey, man, I pay to hear this every day.




I mean, a lot of wisdom. Like Kyle said, man, ghosts go buffs, man.


I think, honestly, you get. You get this opportunity, and you'd be surprised. There's people that would be surprised on what it could amount to more than what you believe it could. Like, he gave me an opportunity probably, like, two years ago as an assistant, and it became something way more than I thought it'd be. So if he put in the work, you'd be surprised what could happen.


You know what I tell all the parents and the kids that come and sit over there, and I'm sitting right there. My coordinator sitting here, and the positions coach is sitting there. I look at the parents, and I. And I say, look, we're in a situation right now where you talking to a man that have sat in every seat in this room. I've been the parent, I've been the kid, and now I'm the coach. I know what you think. I know what you think, and I know what I'm gonna say next. Cause I know how to make all of us successful. It's on you what you wanna do.


Mm hmm. There it is. It's on you, baby.


And what other coach has been arrested?


That's God's dream.


What other coach has been arrested for fishing? Like, come on.


You're badass. You're in a fishing. That's a fly fishing suit, is it not?


I'm a fly fish.


Yeah. My bad. There you go. Yeah. Yeah. All right.


Thank you.


Thank you, man. Appreciate it.


Thank you so much.