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All right, guys, the world is becoming a crazy, crazy place. You guys know me. I live in the USA. I love living here. I've built multiple businesses here. I personally feel very, very blessed to live in America. I know a lot of you guys, like me, are not happy with the way things are being run right now. The border is going crazy. Prices and inflation are through the roof. I hear this stuff from all the time when I meet you guys in person. That's why, guys, I am pumped up with sendthevote. Com. Sendthewote. Sendthevote. Com is a pro-america, pro-freedom organization that's going to make sure you're registered to vote and your vote is going to count. This is not about being Republican or a Democrat. This is a non-partisan organization. This is just going to make sure that everybody's vote is counted and nobody is left on the sidelines. You can go to the website and it's going to tell you everything you need to get registered. Send it to everybody. We need to make sure that everybody pro-america is registered to vote. If you guys are not registered to vote or you don't know how to do it, go to sendthevote.


Com right here. Really, really easy, really, really simple. I'm telling you guys, this is our last chance to make a difference. And you guys have a voice, believe it or not. I know you're one person, but you got to encourage everybody around you. That's why we're doing this. Sendthevote. Com. Let's do this, boys. This is our last chance.


We want out, we want out, we want out, we want All right, boys, we have a massive, massive episode.


We have the future vice President of the United States, JD Vance, on the podcast. Before we get into it, if you guys do not know about the Prizepicks app, you got to try it out. You guys know me. I have fired on every single app when it comes to sports, and by far, Prizepicks is my favorite. What I love about prizepicks is instead of choosing teams, you're choosing individual players. Each player has a set projection, and you either get to go more or less in that set projection. If you're really smart with sports and you know what players are going to perform on what nights, this is a no-brainer for you guys. You guys are going to tear up the Prizepicks app. Download it, give it a try. I know there's no NBA, there's no NFL right now. It's coming back soon, but don't be that person that stops firing on sports during the summer as well, all right? The Olympics is on, fire on some archery or something like that. We got baseball, UFC's on, golf. If you guys are a first-time user, we got you guys on Codenelk right here. So with Codenelk, if you put in five bucks, just $5, with Codenelk, you're instantly going to get a free 50 bucks.


Download the Prizepicks app, plug in Codenelk, put in five bucks, and you're going to get $50. No strings attached. That's pretty much a free 50 bucks, guys. I don't know why you wouldn't do that. Turn that 50 into God knows what if you get on a eater. Download the Prizepicks app. Use code Nelk. Massive, massive podcast. We are back every single week. Took a little break, but we're coming back hot. Let's get into it.


You know it's a big pot when we get out the sheet, right?


Yeah, the sheet.


That's how you know it's a big pot.


I like The Sheet.


You guys excited? How crazy is this?


I'm high for this one. Very crazy. I'm high for this one. You told me and I was like, damn, I can't miss that.


You can't miss that one. I'm on the flight.


It's been a minute since we've done an episode. We took in a little bit of a break.


Last one was Will Smith.


Last one was Will Smith. So we ended off with a bang, and then when we take a little break, you always got to come back with a bang. Yeah, this is fire. Jd Vance, probably the future vice President of the United United States. It's pretty crazy. I don't think he hasn't done... He hasn't really done much interviews. Definitely no podcast.


Yeah, I haven't seen him on any podcast. No podcast. I just see him on interviews on mainstream media.


Which is pretty crazy that he's coming to sit down on a full-sum podcast.


I don't know who sets these up, but goddamn, they're doing a good job. Shout out, John Chahiti.


Fresh cut.


Looks great.


You look great right now. Yo, Brad, I have action. Do you think you could just thank John for setting this up?


John, thank you for setting this up.


Let's go. I just want 500 bucks.


Let's go, baby. I don't think you could force me to do that.


No, it's all good. There was no rules.


I wasn't sure who did it. What the fuck? I don't know.


It was a collective effort between me and John.


Stiney's not that excited for this one, though.


Yeah, he showed up in just a plain white tea.


Stiney only gets excited for content that he knows the chics are going to like. Yeah, exactly. It's so true. He just thinks, All right, clips, TikTok, Girls are on TikTok. I'm going to get more cuis.Dude.


That's so accurate.That is not accurate.


Bro, it's super accurate.It's.


So accurate, bro. You know it.


Your content is based around girls. It's fine. I'm not mad. No, nothing.


That's why if like full-same golf gets a million views, he's like, I don't really want to do that because it's just all guys watching it.


Did you ever take any of those girls for real from the Bachelor or what?


Yeah, I did. I'm going through it with one right now. It's a touchy subject. The one that one. Is it really? Yeah, she cut me off.


I wonder why.


Why do you think?


Your commitment issues, probably? Yeah. I get that.


Trust me. Yeah, I get that.


You're a big watch guy now? That's what you do? Huh? You're a watch guy now?


Is that a new piece?


Yeah. She cut me off. I woke up, drove straight to timepiece and bought this. I swear to God. Not to sound like a douche, but I needed some temporary happiness.


It makes sense why your content's that way, too. Related to the girls.


So what's new with you? Anything? A lot. No spiritual bullshit, just What's actually going on with you?


No spiritual bullshit? What's actually going on with me? Yeah. Right now, I'm focused on the gym in Miami. So that's my main focus. When's that? It's probably going to be early next year. Yeah. With the first few months. That's close to where you guys are actually living. So it's going to be fun, man. That's sick. Are you going to move out there at all?


I'll be 50-50.Yeah.


Me too.For taxes. Did you ever fight Bob?


Did I fight Bob? They got in a huge argument.


Again? Dude, full-sync.


You just always get in. Is it just a thing?


Well, he brought someone that... I mean, the girl, right? She's so good at golf. Well, dude, we were supposed to get Steiny to play, and that was going to be our plan or whatever. But she just totally wiped us out in the full-sync golf video. It'll come out soon, but I got really heated off that.


I got to come do that video with you.


Yeah, you should. Bodybuilder plays golf.


I'm not good at golf.


It's a boring game.


It's a boring game?


I don't have the patience for it.


Do you want to do a thank you to the fans?I did one.Before the pod starts?


Yeah.for what?I have. Did you not see the last one I did?


No, I saw it in your video.


That was from the heart. I'm not going to do it when it's not meaningful.


Wait, thank you for which part?


I did a pod the day that the assassination attempt happened. So I just did a huge thank you to Kyle Fullside, Dana White.


What did that have to do with the assassination?


That was Dana White, too.


No, just the fact that it's insane that I I have a relationship somewhat with him.


Yeah, I see.


And how grateful I am to be where I'm at. And on a day goes by where I forget what these guys have done for me. Crazy to think. Two years ago, I was living in my sister's shack.


Yeah. Now he's $25,000 a month in Hollywood.


That expires soon. Then we're back to the-That was not a good idea. Then we're back to the two bedroom in Venice. Why did you do that? Just work it. Do you see the amount of-No, it's nice. Women coming in out of that place?


I believe it, but But still, why not just buy it?


Sometimes you got to just have-$25,000 is crazy. If you do this shit and you're making money and you're having fun and you're not spending it and having fun with it, it's not worth it. I agree. I'm not like you. I'm not like you.


I'm not like you. I'm not I agree, but $25,000 is like, why not just get a mortgage? It was $20. $20, whatever. It's like a $5,000. Excuse me. That's like a $5 million house mortgage. Four.


So it's eight on Zillow.


I'm just saying. Just, you know. Eight on Zillow. Right? You buy that. You buy your... No. You got to buy something. Why are you not buying something? I don't... I'm just talking about just for real estate.


I just rather have that cash more liquid.


Yeah, but if you own a property, it's like... You could take money. There's so many benefits to that.


I have 85% of what I have in the stock market.


You don't own a home. You bought a home in Canada, bro. You need to buy a home.


But what's the difference between having my X amount of money in a house or treasury I mean, you can pull directly from the house value. Because sometimes I need... If I want to start something. Yeah, I get it. Or even bachelor video.


You can pull it out of the-way faster than liquidating a house. Not even liquidating And I don't think you pull up the value from the house. You can take a loan against the value of the house.


Yeah, but I just move a little quicker. I need to move a little quicker sometimes in that.Who.


Am I? Who am I? Yeah, I have it. I have it. No, I got him.


Dude, I got a lot of messages about that scene. People like that.


You're acting?


They loved it. I'm dead serious. I'm dead serious. I got a ton of people.


I know everyone was saying Brad was a great actor.


A ton of people messaged me about that.


You play a good agent.


I could do it.


What's up, guys? Say hello. Welcome. How's it going? Hey, John. Good to see you. Hello. What's up, guys? What's up, man? How are you?


How are you?


How are you? So are you guys in Vegas or is this just a-Based in Miami. You're based in Miami. So you just came up here for this?


What do you mean?


Of course. We're doing you and then we're doing also Dana White. Oh, nice. Okay. We're going to catch up with him. All right.


That's exciting.


But, dude, we really appreciate you coming through.


Yeah, it's good to be here. Thank you.


Future vice President of the United States.


We got to win first, but thank you. Got to win? Yeah.


How does this all feel to you?


Oh, man, it's so wild. So the biggest difference from being... Because I'm a senator right now, so you're still in government a little bit, but the biggest difference from where I was two weeks ago today is you have a Secret Service detail, which you see these guys all floating around in the background. It just totally changes everything. I went for a walk with my wife this morning, and there are all these people just walking by like, Oh, was that JD Vance? They wouldn't notice me beforehand. But the reason they notice you now is because you have 15 people following you around with guns and bulletproof fests. We're done being anonymous, basically, at this stage in our lives, but we're having a good time with it. I mean, it's cool. We get to fly around our nice plane and get to meet a lot of people, and we're having a good time.


How is it having the Secret Service around all the time?


Well, it's weird because there's no... Like I said, you're not anonymous anymore, right? But there are all There's weird little ways where they're just part of your lives, and they're great people, right? I haven't met a Secret Service agent yet that I don't like. But for example, a couple of days ago, we were walking our dog. We were a really big dog, a German Shepherd. The A dog goes to the bathroom like dogs do. I look back at the agent who was on the detail, and I'm like, Is this the thing you're meant to protect me from? Her eyes got real big like, Is he really asking me to pick up dog shit right now? Of course, I wasn't. That would be a totally ridiculous thing to do. But it's just there. Think about it, you always have somebody part of your life now that's following you around, and that's just a totally different vibe.


The secret service they pick up for you? No.


That's a huge perk. They probably would if you asked to, but I feel like that'd be a really nice thing to do, to ask them to pick up after your dog. No, I feel like if they're going to take a bullet for me, that's enough. I can handle the dog.


It's pretty cool, too, because I feel like, are you the youngest vice president to ever run?


I think so, or at least maybe not in the history of the country, but I'm certainly in our generation, in recent history. I know I'm the first millennial. I'm 39 years old. I turned 40, actually, a few days, which I'm very depressed about.


When's the 40th?


August second, which I think is Friday.


What's good for the 40th? Are you Nothing anymore, man.


I've got people following me around. I can't do anything fun. We're going to go to dinner with my wife and a bunch of friends and go swimming afterwards. That's about as much excitement as we can get into now.


That sucks that the 40th lands on the VP run.


Yeah, that's right. Well, it's funny. All my buddies who are... Because we're all similar ages, they all have 40th birthday parties, and they're going to doing stuff fun. I actually had a couple of friends who came out to Vegas a few months ago, and they're like, Come out to Vegas with us. I was just like, No. Unfortunately, that phase of my life is over. Yeah.


You said it's August second?


August second.


I don't think we're doing anything on August second. We love to attend.


I think I'd get in a little bit of trouble hanging out with you guys on August second, so I should chill. By the way, this is your guy's brand, Celta?


This is our Celta Happy Dad. Okay, nice. That's exciting. We just became the number four Celta Nationwide. Congratulations. We just passed Bud Light Celta.


You guys started this?


This is your business. Started it from the ground up, yeah. Okay.


Can I steal a pack? Is that all right? A hundred %.


We'll load up the plane with some.


We have to be careful, though, because I can only take $75 in gifts or something. So you have to tell me what the retail price is.


That's a thing?


We have to come under. Yeah, you can accept small gifts, but nothing big. Yeah, so that's the thing.


As a VP or just in politics?


I think it's being a senator, actually. I don't think it's running for office. I think it's being in office. But I always check. It's one of these things where your life changes, where if I go to dinner with my buddies, they love it now because I always pay, because I'm never really sure if they're allowed to buy me dinner anymore. Because I I don't have to email a campaign lawyer to go hang out with my buddies. I'll just pay for dinner. Of course, they get the most expensive wine and the most expensive thing now. It's great.


I've got great friends. Was being a VP always a part of your thought where you wanted to do in politics, or was it something that It was like you knew was coming, or was it random?


No, totally random. I was a business guy. I started a venture capital firm and had been doing that for a while. The home state senator where we live in Cincinnati He dropped out, I guess, retired, I should say. And that was in 2021, decided to run for his seat. And that was the first time I'd ever been involved in politics. So I got elected at the end of '22 and have been a senator for the past 18 months or so. And then a few months ago, people started saying, I think Donald Trump may choose you as VP. And I'm like, no way. No way it's going to happen. And then a couple of months later, they start doing vetting, which is a totally bizarre experience, by the way. We could talk all the the whole time about vetting. For example, a lawyer comes to your house, asks you the most intrusive questions imaginable. My wife's sitting there, we have three kids upstairs asleep. At one point, the lawyer is like, Well, I'm going to ask them uncomfortable questions. I'm like, Okay, have at it. He goes, Do you have any secret family? I'm like, Are you serious?


Do I have any secret family? What do you mean? He said, Well, sometimes people will have another spouse, and they'll have other kids in a place Alaska. I'm like, Dude, I've never even been to Alaska.Of course, I don't have a secret family.Oh my God.


You're getting grilled by the lawyer and your wife at the same time.


Exactly. Oh, by the way, if I did, I'm not going to admit it in front of my wife right now. It's one of those questions where if you've gotten to that point in your life and you're such a dishonest person, you have a secret family in Alaska, I think that most people would just, I assume, hide it at that point. But no, I don't have a secret family in Alaska. It's all these just weird questions they ask because they want to make sure that they're prepared for the news media a firestorm. It's a pretty wild experience.


How did Mr. Trump ask you to become VP?


For a couple of months, you knew that you were on the shortlist. They were asking about everything you'd ever said and asking about everybody you'd known. Do you have any family members that might say something negative? They're just doing a basic, they call it vetting, and they're trying to find out everything. I knew I was at least on the shortlist for a little while. But the Monday morning of the Republican National Convention, that's the first day of it, we fly to Milwaukee We have three little kids, seven, four, and two. So we fly to Milwaukee, and I have no idea what's going on. And the plane doesn't have Wi-Fi on it. So it's about an hour flight, and I land, and I've got 350 messages, right? And one of them is from somebody on the Trump campaign and says, Hey, check your phone. Make sure you don't miss a call because a really important call is coming. I'm like, Oh, shit. Either good call or bad call, but it's an important call. And about an hour later, I get another message from the same person who says, Hey, You just missed a really important call.


So I'm like, Oh, no. So I call Trump, and I'm like, Hey, sir, what's going on? He's like, JD, you missed a very important phone call, and now I'm going to have to pick somebody else. And I tense up and almost have a heart attack. And the crazy thing about it is my son, who's seven, is in the hotel room with me, and he's really into Pokémon cards right now. He's going through a Pokémon phase. Are you guys into Pokémon? I am.


Back in the day, yeah.


That's a big phase right now, I think, in general. Yeah.


So He's really into it. So he's trying to talk to me about Pikachu. And I'm on the phone with Donald Trump, and I'm like, Son, shut the hell up for 30 seconds about Pikachu. It's the most important phone call in my life. Please just let me take this phone call. And he doesn't care. He's like, Who's He doesn't know what the President of the United States means. So Trump hears him and says, who is that? I'm like, That's my seven-year-old son. He's like, Put him on speakerphone. And so I do. And he proceeds, Trump proceeds to read the statement that he's about to put out making me his VP nominee. And he asked my son, he's like, What do you think about that? And my son's like, Oh, it sounds pretty good. And he goes, Okay, fine. And he hangs up the phone and the statement goes out five minutes later, and then my whole life changed. And that's how it happened.Wow.Yeah..


That's pretty wild. What was the initial reaction that you felt just from the people being the nomination?


First of all, people were super supportive and excited. You're at the RNC Convention. There's, I don't know, 10,000, 15,000 people there. And the biggest news of the week is who's the VP nominating going to be. So as soon as it gets announced, there's just this rush of your positive attention and people are hugging you. Everybody you see is back slapping you. And that's very positive, very fun. My wife, who doesn't love the spotlight, she's not one of these people who loves politics. She doesn't seek it out. She even was getting into it because people were just so nice and friendly and saying all kinds of good things. And then for a few days, I joked that I got a 24-hour honeymoon because everything goes really well. And then, of course, the media starts attacking you, which is what you sign up for and you expect it. But it's been 95 % positive. It's just been a very cool experience. And you take since he asked me to be his nominee, right? So I've been in Milwaukee. I've been to Vegas. We're going to Reno today. I've been to California. I've been to Michigan. I've been to Wisconsin.


I've been to Pennsylvania. I've seen more in the country in the past two weeks.


I just wanted to ask, when did your opinion change on Trump? Because you weren't a Trump supporter back then. And what led to that?


Yeah, it's funny because for a long time until Biden had this big debate gaffe that blew up his whole campaign, there was this thing where the media would say, well, Biden has bad memory, but so does Donald Trump. And I'm always like, what the hell are you talking about? Donald Trump remembers in excruciating detail everything I said about him nine years ago. The guy has a memory like a steel trap. I wish that his memory was like Joe Biden. But I was critical of Trump 2015, 2016. I think there are a lot of different things you could say about it, but fundamentally, it boils down to two things. Number one, I didn't think he was going to be a great president. I, in fact, thought he was a really good president, certainly the best president of my lifetime. And so when the facts change, I think thinking people should change their mind, right? I was wrong about the guy, and he was great. But there's something a little bit deeper, actually, where I learned that the media is so dishonest about Trump, that a lot of the things that I thought about him in 2016 weren't just like, You got to change your mind.


It's just outright that was false. So for example, I don't know if you guys remember this, but there was this thing that happened in Charlottesville where a white supremacist killed this girl in a very tragic situation. And the media said, Well, Trump stood up for the white supremacist. And there was a time in my life where I would have believed the media what they said about it. And then you go and read the transcript of what he actually said. It's like, Wait a second. He actually condemned the white supremacist. Supremacist. He never said that they were very good people on both sides. What he said is that some of the protesters were good people, not like the white supremacist who murdered this girl. And you realize so much of what the media says about this guy is totally dishonest. I think once you accept that frame of mind, you start to think for yourself a little bit. And when I started doing that, I started realizing, one, he's a good President, but two, he's just not the guy. He's not the scary person the media makes him out to be.


Yeah, this is the most concerning thing I think, as just a person in general, and specifically in the United States, is like, where do you actually trust and what do you actually trust? Because there's so much backing from big companies, big tech, where it's like they're invested in one side winning versus the other side losing. And it just becomes this really weird space where you're like, what is actually real? And you yourself even admit to seeing something in some way and just taking it for what it was and seeing it change. My question for you is, as this all progresses, for example, currently, you try to Google the attempt assassination on Donald Trump, and it doesn't even come up. This is crazy. And it's like, that's one of the most concerned things.


That shit is crazy.


You type in assassination of TRU, and it doesn't autocomplete Trump.


It happened two weeks ago. And then you look at the biggest donors for the other side, we're talking about as far as the Biden-Harris campaign. It's like Google is one of their biggest donors. And that's public? That's public. Oh, yeah.


Google is the biggest donor to the Democrats. Their employers are huge, huge donors to the Democrats. I I know friends who work there. I know friends who are involved in the tech sector. Google is a straight up insane company. The people, the senior leadership, the people who run the search algorithms, it is effectively a left wing propaganda machine. And there are all these other ways you come up. Sorry to interrupt you. No, you're great. This was a thing that a couple of years ago when I was doing my Senate campaign, somebody said, type in, go in Google, can a man get pregnant? And I was like, why would I do that? I know the answer to that question. He's like, just go do You type in the Google, I don't know if this is still true, but it was true two years ago, Can a Man Get Pregnant? And the first search result is, yes, a man can get pregnant. In fact, it happens more often than people think.What?Right. It's a weird company, but it actually, you realize it controls the flow of information in our country.


But that's what's scary because most people are not going to do any research or looking in deeper, and they just take it for face value. So it's just like, where do we go from here as technology advances and as that side of things just becomes more and more powerful? How do we actually know what's real?


Well, that's a good question, man. I think part of it is you have to accept, if you're a consumer of information, that everybody's trying to sell you something, right? And you can't just assume because you go in and Google something, it's true. And you can't assume because you go and watch something at YouTube or go and watch something. Even a Rumble, you have to think for yourself. You have to assume that somebody is trying to filter their own bias and put it into something that you're consuming. And That's the attitude that I take towards news. And you just have to, as much as possible, think for yourself. I actually think it's better now than it was five years ago because, yeah, Google is still crazy. But now people are watching podcasts like yours. Millions of people watch your podcast, right? So just this movement of people thinking for themselves, I think, is a much bigger deal and has changed the way we consume information. And we just have to keep on going down that pathway, being skeptical, thinking for yourself, consuming alternative sources of information. And that's probably how you break the fever. But it is a problem, right?


Let me give you another example of Google, right? So what do you think is the biggest email client in the world? It's probably Gmail. In fact, I'm almost certain it's Gmail. I use Gmail, so I'm not criticizing. But One of the main ways we fundraise for political campaigns in our country, I don't know how they do it in Canada, but you send text messages, right? Or you send emails. Well, let's say that Google filtered 90% of the Republican fundraising emails into spam, but only filter 10% of the Democrat fundraising emails into spam. Well, the Democrats are going to raise way more money. That's not hypothetical. That is exactly what happened. In fact, we've tried to file a lawsuit against Google to try to get that changed. But there are all of these weird, subtle ways where Google and companies like it, try to control the flow of information. I think the long term solution, just one more thing on this is we have to promote a culture of technology innovation where new companies can take on the big guys. Because in Silicon Valley, the big tech companies, they're all crazy. They're all dominated by insane people.


Whereas the little tech companies, the upstarts, the Bitcoin guys and the AI guys, a lot of them are a lot more rational and a lot more independent. Maybe they're libertarian, maybe they're liberal, but they at least think for themselves. We got to empower them to try to take on the big incumbents. And that's one of the things these guys try to prevent.


All right, guys. I'm going to interrupt the pop really, really quick. I want to let you guys know about my favorite healthy snack, Bored Jerky. All right, you You guys know you've seen me. I'm trying to be a little more healthy these days. I was getting too many comments. You guys telling me I look pregnant and shit. I was staying up all night crying. Now I'm into healthy snacks, and Bored Jerky is one of my favorites. This jerky, if you guys try it, I don't even have to say it, try it for yourself, the quality of the jerky is absolutely unbelievable. I'm a big jerky guy, and this jerky is by far the best. I'm traveling a lot all the time, so I always have Bored Jerky on me when I get hungry. There's four different flavors. My favorite is the The Original. The original, the macros are fucking unbelievable. There's lots of lots of protein. It's just a great healthy snack. Keep the barrel in check. But yeah, trust me, if you guys like jerky, try this out. When you try it, you'll thank me. It's available on amazon. Com. The reviews are going through the roof.


Everybody loves it. So go to amazon. Com right now. Get Bored Jerky out to try. Keep it in your gym bags. Keep it in your backpacks. This is my favorite healthy snack. It's on me all the time. Amazon. Com Bored Jerky. Get back on the podcast. Yeah.


Is it going to be harder this time around for Google and those companies to pull the stuff that they did last election cycle?


It's a good question. I don't know. I think it probably is harder because people are just much more skeptical of accepting the narrative. I see this a lot in college campuses. In 2016 and 2020, there was a real fear of people. They didn't want to be ostracized. They didn't want to say what was actually on their mind. They were a little bit terrified of the social pressure. I just think people give much less shit about it than they did four years ago, and certainly than eight years ago. And I do think that is empowering. Courage is contagious. And the more that people, again, trust their own instincts and consume their own information, I think that it empowers the truth to come out a little bit more. But I won't present the bias isn't there, but I think it's probably less powerful than it was a few years ago.


I think people have just seen, too, over the past four years, what a shit show it's been.Exactly.And how bad Biden's been. I know, Brad, you tweeted about it, too, right? How everyone's coming out of the woodwork now and supporting Trump. I remember when we had him on our podcast near the last election.I.


Watched it. It was a good episode.We.


Got a lot of shit for it. Now it's just completely different where everyone in our community and space is now supporting Trump. It's just crazy to see how much everyone's flipped, which is a good thing.


Yeah, it is a good thing. I think, especially, you guys are probably in your 20s, early 30s.


I just turned 30. Wait, hold on. Rod, are you older?


I'm 35. Is that a shot at me? No. You got the VP right here.


You're trying to take shots. No, I was just going to say, my bad. Come on, man.


Get together.


My bad.


It's 90s, 32.


This is the guy who buys you beer when you guys get older.


Yeah, he's been that guy for a while. How old are you?


Tell him how old you are.


Around 30.


Shut up, man. So So what I think is definitely true for young Americans, especially, and I'm 39. So people call 39-year-olds geriatric millennials because we're millennials, but we're on the the older side of the millennial generation. I do think, look, if you want to buy a home, it's got a hell a lot harder to do that under the Kamala Harris, Joe Biden administration. If you want to take a vacation, it's gotten a lot more expensive. If you just want to live in a safe community, that's gotten harder because there's more drugs coming across. People believe their own eyes more than they believe the narrative the media sells. I don't know how Kamala Harris can look at the country and say, Look, things are way better than they were four years ago. She just can't do that.


Yeah, it's interesting. Were you surprised by the way things played out with that, or did Did you guys see it coming?


A little bit. It's funny. The President, meaning President Trump, was way less surprised about it than I was. And I think his campaign was way less surprised about it. Because, again, I knew I was being vetted. I remember talking to somebody in his campaign in early June, and this was even before the debate debacle. And she was like, look, we think there's a really good chance that if you get picked, you're not going to be debating Kamal Harris. You're going to be debating whoever Kamal Harris chooses because we don't think Joe Biden can survive. The poll numbers were just so bad. He's just so bad that they didn't think he would make it to November. And they were right, of course. So it's shocking when it happens, even when you expect it to happen. I guess I expect it to happen, but I was still surprised when he actually pulled the trigger. He's the President of the United States. Think about this. He just sent a letter out one day and said, I'm not running for President anymore. That's never happened in the lifetime of any person in this room.


Yeah, is that even legal? Because I'm reading a bunch of stuff and it's like, didn't they just They're supposed to be the Party for Democracy. Yes. And they just bypass.


This is a very important point. I agree.


They bypass the total democratic process.


Because they sit on a side and they say Donald Trump is against democracy. But they're also now, they They held someone long enough to pass up where they could actually vote for a new nominee, and then they just picked who they wanted. So there's actually no democracy in that.


Not at all. And 14 million people, look, it's not my party, and I wouldn't have voted for him, but 14 million people voted for to be the nominee of the Democrat Party. Yes. How many people have voted for Kamal Harris to be the nominee of the Democrat Party? None. Zero. Not a single person. So it's funny. They accused me and Donald Trump of being threats to democracy. Trump is the most popular person in the party. He still ran through the primary process because that's what you have to do. You have to persuade voters that you're the guy. That's how this system works. And look, basically, what happened is Barack Obama, the Clinton family, and a few billionaires got in a room together and said, Hey, this guy's political dead weight. Let's throw him overboard. And that's really creepy if you think about it, but then you realize he's the President of the United States, and it makes you question, what is the real power center in this country?Unelected officials.If a few billionaires and a few unelected officials can throw the President overboard. I think I've tried to make this argument to Democrats is, look, if you are uncomfortable by how this process shaken out and you feel insult it as a voter, vote for Republicans.


You may not agree with us on everything, But at least in our party, we believe you should have to persuade people not try to run this corrupt process in the background.


It's weird. I don't know. It's like, these are the bad people, but they're doing the bad things. That's right.It's interesting.You.


Know what I've noticed?It is interesting. For the younger people, too, for the younger voters, what I've noticed is how big social media is played. You said you're a millennial. Yeah. So have you noticed? Has that been better for you playing in the social media? Because what I noticed, too, is whenever you go on TikTok, you scroll three times, you see Joe Biden falling off his bike. You only see negative things, right? Yeah. Anything you say now can get clipped up. That's right. So has that played a role for you?


Yeah, it has. I think just instinctively, I understand social media a little bit better because I'm the generation of social media. Facebook became a really big thing. I was in the Marines, but towards the end of my Marine Corps career, and then as I got into college. And So I think we use it more. Most politicians, they have a staff member who runs their Twitter. I don't do that. I guess it's X now, but I just put whatever I want to on X, and sometimes I get in trouble for it. But I just think it's much more important to be unfiltered and to be a real human being. You're going to make mistakes sometimes, but real humans make mistakes. But I do think our engagement is a lot higher because of it. And this was one thing that came out of the... Because I'm not a big TikTok guy, and we're starting to try to use TikTok. But not my account, but there was a ton of TikTok activity that was positive in the Milwaukee Convention because I took my kids for a walk in downtown Milwaukee. Do you guys know this movie, Forgetting Sarah Marshall?


Yeah. I watched it on the The End of the Day. It's one of my favorite movies of all time. So I'm walking downtown Milwaukee.


It's a great movie.


Sorry. What are you doing?


Are you an anti Forgetting Sarah Marshall?


No, I love it, but I think he's making that up that he watched it today. That's all. I'm sorry.


I recently just went through a break. Okay.


So He watched it with his ax. Yeah.


Oh, sorry, man. Sorry to bring up that.


Hopefully, this interview will help me get her back.


I hope you're doing okay. Let me know if I can help. So Russell Brand is the rock star in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I'm walking downtown Milwaukee with my three little kids, and Russell Brand comes in the other direction. It's like one of the few times I've ever been star struck in my whole life. My favorite line of that movie is take my eyes, not the shirt. Yeah, John Hill.




But that interaction got a ton of viral content on TikTok. And so, yeah, we try to use it. And even when we don't try to use it, I think we benefit from it because I'm not falling off my bike or down the stairs.


And I think it makes the younger audience way more relatable with you, Trump, than the Democratic Party.


I think so. And the thing that Republicans, we really do have going for us is because we're so sick of being filtered, and we're so sick of being told what we're allowed to say and what we're allowed to think is Republicans are just much more comfortable with humor, right? Trump is... I mean, all these great leadership qualities. I love the guy, but he's also just funny as shit. For sure. One of the funniest guys. Absolutely. You spend time with Trump, you're like, oh, my God, this dude is off the charts funny. He's so funny. I'll tell you a story. So again, my wife doesn't love the spotlight. We're doing this fundraiser for Trump in my hometown of Cincinnati, and raise him a lot of money. Then you do photos. The way these fundraisers always work is you do a line of photos. We finally, my wife and I are the last people in line, and he gives Usha a big He's like, Usha, you look so beautiful. I'm so glad to see you. Then he's like, What do you think about politics? She gives this super diplomatic answer. She's like, Well, sir, JD really believes in it, and he really believes in public service, and I'm glad to be supportive of him.


He looks at her and says, Yeah, my wife hates it, too. It's just he's got a natural humor to him that I do think makes him much more relatable.For sure.Yeah. Is Kamala Harris funny? No.


She's just not.


Her laugh sucks, too.


Yeah. Well, more than that, it makes you feel creeped out a little bit, right? Why is she laughing at the things that she laughs at? But yeah, Trump is just... He's got a good sense of humor, and that helps him, I think, politically.


What's the worst things about Kamala Harris? It just reminded me when you said laughing, like she's laughing about not going to the border and all those interviews, which is just weird. What do you think to our audience, what are the main scary about Kamala Harris becoming President?


One is, okay, I don't actually think Kamala Harris... If you want to do this job, you should care about public policy. Policy makes people's lives better. I've never seen an interview with Kamala Harris where I'm like, Oh, she really cares about this thing, and she really wants to do this thing to make people's lives better. I just don't think... I think she just doesn't actually care that much about the details, and that's not the president you want. My thing, my biggest issue, because I think it's transformative in a bad way for the country, is you can't let 25 million people in your country illegally with no control. The drug cartels have taken over. You've got record amounts of people dying of fentanyl, which we know the drug cartels are bringing in. All these problems with the border, she is the border are, and she hasn't done anything about it. If your job is to secure the Southern border, and you've been in power for three and a half years, and you didn't do shit, you don't get a promotion. You should get fired. I think that's a big, big part of what's wrong with her entire campaign is she's trying to run away from the Biden record because she knows it's not popular.


But you were the vice President. Clearly, this guy is practically brain dead. Clearly, you were the person driving the ship here, and you were his vice president, and you own a lot of these failures. But they're a little thing. We can talk for so long about some of these issues. But I'm a big believer that we have to build more stuff in America. I come from a manufacturing town, we got to make more stuff. If you want to make more stuff, you have to have low-cost energy. Well, she wants to destroy the American energy economy in the name of green energy, which is just going to ship manufacturing to China, which is the dirtiest economy in the world. If you actually care about clean air and clean water, which I do, you don't want to ship manufacturing to China. You want to bring it home. But her policies have the exact opposite outcome. Just a whole host of things she's wrong on the policy. Something the media doesn't pick up on that I think should become a bigger issue is staff turnover goes to whether you can get good people to work in your government.


The presidency is too big for any one person. You make the big decisions, but you need people to work for you. She's 92% staff turnover. How can you staff a government if 92% of the people who work for you don't want to work for you? That's a bad thing.Meaning.


People are quitting the administration. Quitting, yes. During the last four years?


People who work for her, correct. 92% turnover.


Has there been any rationale or why that's happened?


I've heard different stories, and I don't put much stock on what I read in the media. What I've heard is that she's just at people a lot. She's mean, she's insecure, and you combine insecure with mean. You can do one of those two things maybe and be a decent boss, but you can't do both of them. But I don't know. I just know the data is the data, and she has really bad staff turnover. We need good people. I'm a Republican, I don't want her to win, but if she wins, you need good people to actually work in the government, and I think it's going to be a problem if she wins.


Going back to X, wanted to ask, what's your relationship with Elon Musk?


Yeah, so I knew it back in my tech days. I knew Peter Thiel, he's a very good friend of mine. Peter and Elon got their start in Silicon Valley together. I knew Elon a little bit through Peter. Then Elon, not all that different from me has had a bit of a political awakening over the last few years. I think a lot of us is just looking around and saying, This is too crazy. What happened to common sense? I think that's why he bought X. I actually think it was, who knows if he'll ever make any money over it. But he wanted to buy X to ensure that there was actually a place for free speech on the Internet. And he believed that was important because he recognized that people's opinions were being censored by the Googles and the Facebooks of the world. I don't know him super well, but we hang out, we text every now and then, and we bounce ideas. He's a very funny guy. I don't think the media realizes this, but something about Elon that I care about, I don't know if anybody else cares about it, but one of my big One of my things is, I think way too much of the modern economy is fake.


If you look at Google, what is Google's actual business? Google sells digital advertisements based on the search results, right? What is Facebook's business model to sell digital advertisements based on how people use Facebook. Elon is building rockets that go to the moon and Mars, right? He's building a real business. And I love that you have an entrepreneur like that who's in the old American model of Howard Hughes of, I'm going to build really cool shit that goes to space. I think it's really inspiring to people that he's not just trying to sell targeted ads to a smaller and smaller slice of the country. He's trying to build big things. He's building, whether it's solar panels or electric cars or rockets, or he's trying to connect the entire world through satellite Internet. He's just doing a lot of cool stuff. And it's harder to do that stuff because you got to deal with regulators in Washington and people come after you. But I think it's much more productive, and it's a lot cooler.


I have a question about just obviously running and being in politics. Do you take what sometimes the media says about you personally? I don't know if you saw that there was a whole clip of people calling you weird. Did you see that?


It was like a clip of like-I certainly know the Kamala campaign wants to call me weird.


Yeah, but I'm wondering why that word. And because it was clipped on a thousand different media outlets. They were all using the same word.


Yeah, I mean, I don't know if it's something they focus grouped and decided to push on us. I'm a pretty normal guy. I've got a wife and kids, and I like to hang out and watch football, and I care about this stuff because I care about the country. My attitude on this is my best guess, this is just a total guess, is that her campaign is run by a lot of 24-year-old social media interns who maybe were bullied in school, and so now they've decided they're going to do that the same thing. They're going to take that attitude of the middle school social scene and try to run campaign on it. I just don't think most Americans buy it or care, but they're certainly pushing it. I'm certainly aware of it, but my attitude is, I'm just going to be who I am. If they want to tack me for whatever they're going to tack me on, that's fine. You just got to power through it and do your thing.


She's been attacked for a lot, too.


Yeah, it's funny. It's like the people who call me weird want to give hormone therapies and sterilize nine-year-olds. I think it's a lot weirder than me just living a normal life with my kids and my wife. But This is what they do, I think, is they latch onto a message and they try to sell it even if it's fake. And I think, again, to go back to something Trump said, we were talking about Trump earlier, is Trump's superpower in politics is he just doesn't give a shit. He doesn't care what they say about him. He's going to be himself. He's going to tell jokes. He's going to say things that drive some people off a wall. But then we actually listen to what he said. He's like, oh, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I think that if you're going to be in politics in the social media age, you've got to have a thick skin and just do what you need to do.


And they'll dig up anything from your history.


I've learned that the hard way the last few days, man.


Let's see how much sugar is in the leading Hardiced Tees. The competition has 20 grams of sugar per can, and there's 12 cans in a case, which comes to 240 grams. Let's measure that. So that's 69 sugar cubes per case. Instead, Happy Dad Hardiced Tea has 1 gram of sugar per can or only 12 grams of sugar for the entire case. That's only three sugar cubes. Drink Happy Dad Hard Ice tea, and don't feel guilty about it.


I have a question about that. Before this question, we were talking about the sterilizing of kids and all this stuff. What do you think the actual purpose of that shit is?


I don't know, man. What would the It's funny. I had a friend from law school. I got into a big argument about this with a few years ago, and we're basically not friends anymore, which is sad because I love this person. But I think part of it is these people think that everything that's different about men and women is, they use this word socially constructed. It all comes from culture. It's like, we all know this. Men and women, yes, some of our differences are cultural. Some of our differences are just basic biology. I think they're so uncomfortable with that. They try to biologically change men into women and women into men, because if you can get rid of the biological differences, then you can get rid of all the other differences, too. I think you guys know Tucker Carlson, right? Yeah. Tucker and I have talked a lot about this, but men and women being different, to me, is not a bad thing. It's a source of one of the coolest parts about being a living, breathing human being in the world, right? Is women think about stuff slightly differently than men do. And that is a good thing.


And we shouldn't try to destroy those differences in the name of equality. We should give women and men equal opportunity and equal chances. But sometimes people are going to make different choices, right? And that's okay. And because men and women make different choices, that's not an excuse to sterilize kids, to try to turn a girl into a boy or vice versa. But that's what they're doing. And the tell on this stuff, I really didn't care about this stuff until a few years ago. I think maybe being a father changes your mind a little on this stuff. But the tell for me was when they started saying, Well, this stuff is totally reversible. If you give hormonal therapies to a nine-year-old kid, that is not totally reversible. I mean, these kids have bladder problems and other stuff that's just gross. Why are we doing this to our kids without any real confidence in the science? It makes you realize, frankly, a lot of the public health establishment in this country is pretty deranged.


It's also a whole nother... I don't think people even recognize this. It's a whole nother a revenue source for Yes. That's the pharmaceutical industry where it's like, they're making it like, I forgot what the word is when you can get your insurance to pay for something, where it's like, if it's a life, you need it, they're making it likeIt becomes reimbursable. Exactly. So it's like people don't even recognize it.


That's dark. Where now it's-Yes, that's the exact right word for it. It's dark. I mean, dude, one of the things I actually agree with at least the old school left on is you got to be careful about when big corporations use financial incentives to control the government. You don't want people getting rich because they passed a law. You want people getting rich because they make products that people need. So this is always a criticism that the old left made about American health care is, you don't want to force doctors to give people something just because it's going to make some pharmaceutical company rich, right? That doesn't make any sense. And yet we right now are giving kids hormonal therapies. Pharmaceutical companies are making billions of dollars off of this shit. And none of us are looking around and saying, wait a second, is this good because they're making money off of it, or is it good because it's actually in the best interests of these kids? And that is something, again, the Democratic Party of 30 years ago would have went wild over this because it's money intersecting with medicine in a way that's really bad for human beings.


And now the only people talking about it are Republicans.


It's weird. I saw the Gavin Newsom pass that bill recently about how if a kid wants to become trans at school, they don't have to tell the parents. Which is sick. Which It blew my mind to even hear something like that.


Yeah, which is sick because all of us have been teenagers before. All teenagers go through our awkward phases where they don't exactly know what their place is. People go through emo phases or they dye their hair black. Every kid goes through some developmental phase where they're confused. And what this weird movement is doing is encouraging people to latch onto their insecurities, not tell their parents about them. And then I haven't confirmed this, so check my facts here. But I've also heard that in California, if you're a parent and you think maybe it's a little crazy to give your 12-year-old hormonal therapies, you can be at risk of having your kids taken away. I'm a father of three. That would make me go, Absolutely. We're moving to the hills. Keep your hands off my kids. This is crazy town.


But also another level to that is in that bill that you're talking about passing this, it's the gender affirming care. They don't have to tell the parents. So the kids are just talking to some random adult about how they feel a certain way. Absolutely. And that's even beyond what you're saying, even more concerning because it's like that human being could have completely different biases. So they're going to input them on whoever the kid is telling them how I feel.


And not just biases. I don't trust some stranger to talk to my kid about their sex and their gender. Period.


Whether it's that or just the normal shit. It's like, why are you just not talking to kids about fucking math and school shit?


Yes, exactly. And By the way, we're falling behind in math and reading. So our leaders are trying to convince our teachers to talk to kids about gender reassignment when they're 12 years old. Meanwhile, we don't do math as good as we used to. We don't do reading as good as we used to. Maybe we should focus on the shit that schools are actually supposed to teach kids. Again, it's common sense, right? Yeah. By the way, that's their view is that we should be teaching kids gender reassignment, and they think that we're weird. It doesn't make a lot of sense.


Do you see all the Olympic stuff?


That was bizarre. Oh, man, a ceremony. That was so weird.


It's just a slap in the face to Christians and anybody who has, I would say, esthetic sense, right? It wasn't just weird.


I think all religions.


I watch this thing and you want the Olympic opening ceremony to be beautiful. You want it to elevate the human spirit. And it's just this creepy thing where people are dressed up as these little nymphs doing the last... I was grossed out in my house.


Some guys' balls What's the purpose, though? Do you think they do it to cause... We know this is probably going to get more attention?


Yes, I think they do it to call shock. And that's why I try to just ignore this stuff. I saw the Olympics opening ceremony for a couple of minutes. I turned it off. I try not to think about it anymore. But yeah, this is the thing that I feel like the idea of art in its best form, and I'm not an art guy. The first time I ever went to an art museum, I think it was when my wife made me go. But at its best, it's uplifting the human spirit. It's It's showing you beautiful things. It's making you think of what's possible. Whatever this is, it's not that. It's just shocking people to try to draw attention, which maybe works for social media clicks, but I think it makes our whole society a lot darker.


I know you're against a lot of wars and stuff. What was it like when you were serving in Iraq?


I went in to the Marine Corps in 2003. My grandma had six grandkids, and three of us enlisted the United States Marine. So it became a family tradition thing. And I wasn't an infantryman. So the grunt, as we called them, had much more direct access to danger than we did. And in Iraq, what was so weird about it, the two things that really stuck out is, because sometimes you're just hanging out and mortar a rocket fire starts raining down, and you've got a shelter in place, and you're like, What the hell are we actually doing here? Shouldn't we go out and get the guys who are shooting rockets at us rather than just go hide in a bunker every time they fire. That was one thing. The second thing that was really weird is they had me do security for the Iraqi poll workers because you guys are probably too young to remember this, but 2005 was the big Iraqi parliamentary elections. You remember where people stuck their fingers in the ink and then raised their purple finger to show that they had voted? We were doing security for those poll workers. And what was so weird about it is a lot of American leaders had convinced themselves that we were there for democracy.


We were there to bring democracy to Iraq. And even the poll workers didn't give a shit about democracy. They just wanted to live in a safe place. They were pissed at America, but they weren't pissed at America because we were more socially progressive than they were. We gave rights to gay people. That's not why they were pissed at America. They were pissed at America because we were the strongest country in the world, and we couldn't keep car bombs from blowing up in their markets, and they were just pissed off about it. And I realized all this high-minded bullshit you hear from American leaders about spreading democracy to the world. If we actually want to help the world, we should make it safer and have there be less killing. That is the best influence America can have in the world. And by the way, that is a huge difference between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris wants to send State Department dollars to people to do trans pride parades overseas. It's like my attitude is, if you want to do a trans pride parade, that's your business. But why do American tax dollars have to fund this stuff?


Donald Trump's attitude is, I want to use American power to try to bring peace to the world. That sounds a hell of a lot smarter to me.


Yeah, the foreign policy stuff, I just feel like Trump does such a good job with that, with dealing with all the world leaders. Right when Biden came into office, obviously, the Ukraine-Russia stuff started. Iran's getting out of control.


The Israel stuff started, right? They attacked, killed over a thousand people. It's like every hotspot in the world became a war zone, and Donald Trump had it under control. This is, by the way, I think one that the liberals, they're just wrong about it. This is not a statement of opinion. This is a statement of fact. I've sat in classified briefings, and I'm not going to give anything away. I'm not going to give state secrets away here. I don't want the police to knock down the door. But world leaders were terrified of Donald Trump, right? And there's something to be said for actually having a little bit of fear in people, right? It created deterrence. Of course. They were terrified that if they did something crazy, Trump would whack the shit out of them, and that kept a lot of bad people in line. That is a fact. When liberals say that Donald Trump's foreign policy was erratic, well, if his foreign policy was erratic, why did we have so much fewer war all over the world? It doesn't make an ounce of sense.


Yeah, I was at the RNC, too. One thing that was really tough to watch was when they brought all the Gold Star families on stage. I obviously knew what a shit show the Afghanistan pullout was, but just hearing it from those families was really heartbreaking to hear all that stuff.


It's so heartbreaking. These are really the best of us. When I started the Marine Corps, I heard a colonel give a eulogy for a Marine of his who was killed. He put it in this way that I thought was... Because he's a tough guy, but he put it in this way that I thought was really, really beautiful. He said, The people who go and die for our country, they're not the kids who didn't have opportunities. They're the smartest, the best-looking, the most patriotic. They're the very best of us. Losing 13 of those kids for nothing, just because a pure stupidity from our leadership is the most... It's maybe the most ridiculous mistake of the Biden administration. And Kamal Harris ought to own it, but of course, she doesn't.


And just how he never mentioned their names, and during the ceremony, he's looking at his watch. It's actually hard to believe.


It's really sick. It's really sick. And you realize the guy... Biden, people try to say he's a great guy. I don't know him super well. I do not think Biden is a great guy. I actually think Biden is a bad dude, and we're just seeing him fall into mental disrepair. But he was never a good dude. He was always what you see, the guy who lets people die and then doesn't mention their name and stares at his watch when you're trying to memorialize these guys. That's just, unfortunately, who he is.


Well, I think you got to get going to this rally, which I think we're going to come with you. But one more question, who do you think that is going to be the VP on the other side?


I don't know, man. There's a lot of rumor that's going to be this guy Tim Walsh, who's a governor from Minnesota. I don't know anything about him. He seems really angry. There's a lot of talk is going to be this guy, Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania, who I've seen this couple of clips of him talking. He talks like Barack Obama. It's like if I did try to do a really bad impression of Barack Obama, that's what it would sound like, is this guy, Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania. Really? Yeah. Go watch a clip of his and tell me if you agree with me. Then there's a bunch of other of the names out there. My attitude is it doesn't really care as much as this is, it doesn't really matter. As much as this has hit to my ego, people are going to vote primarily for Donald Trump or for Kamala Harris. That's the way these things go. And I think my job over the next few months is to just drive home the message that Kamala Harris has been a bad vice president. She'd be a worse president. And that's the message I'm going to take to the American people.


Awesome.thank you so much.Thank you. We're going to be using our platform to tell everyone to get out there and vote for sure.


That's one thing. Because we know there's a lot of enthusiasm, but everybody's got to go vote.


Awesome.thank you, guys.Thank you, guys. Get out there and vote for Donald Trump.Thank you guys.Thank you.