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If you guys do not know about the Prizepicks app, you got to try it out. You guys know me. I have fired on every single app when it comes to sports, and by far, prizepicks is my favorite. What I love about prizepicks is instead of choosing teams, you're choosing individual players. Each player has a set projection, and you either get to go more or less than that set projection. So if you're really smart with sports and you know what players are going to perform on what nights, this is a no-brainer for you guys. You guys are going to tear up the prizepicks app. Download it, give it a try. I know there's no NBA, there's no NFL right now. It's coming back soon. But don't be that person that stops firing on sports during the summer as well, all right? Olympics is on, fire on some archery or something like that. We got baseball, UFC is on, golf. If you guys are a first-time user, we got you guys on Codenelk right here. So with Codenelk, if you put in five bucks, just $5 with Codenelk, you're instantly going to get a free 50 bucks.


So download the Prizepicks app, plug in Codenelk, put in five bucks, and you're going to get $50. No strings attached. That's pretty much a free 50 bucks, guys. So I don't know why you wouldn't do that. Turn that 50 into God knows what if you get on a speeder. So download the Prizepicks app. Use code Nelk. We are back every single week. Took a little break, but we're coming back hot.


Let's get into it. How's it been with I heard you saying at your crib.


You know what? He's actually been pretty well-behaved.


Curfew last night.


It's only been one night.


Oh, what the fuck?


Yeah, we'll see after three days. You guys always say go to rehab. I actually legit just got out of rehab.


Wait, hold on. No one goes to rehab for one hour.


No, rehab meeting like this. I went for three weeks with my family. I did all my family check out of the way. But at the end of the day, we had a great... I'm actually saying this, our golf, that golf channel.


This guy must be pretty cheap right now.


He's working for eyeballs right now.


No, we're not. I don't like the eyeballs. I don't give two fs about eyeballs. He loves the eyeballs. I I don't give a fuck what I was. What are you doing this for then?


The pastor of the game?


Your friend Kyle? Let's be real. When I first met him, the only thing he said to me is like, Listen, Kyle, I love you. I love hanging out with you, but I want one thing.Your audience.Of.


Course, bro.


I'll tell you what, that's changed.




You become a good friend or what's changed here? I think that's amazing is this. I think we all agree is that when we do the golf together, it's so much fun.


Well, I mean-No, whatever.


It's so much fun.


We got Jake Paul this week. We want to do a lot more pods like the one we did with Mike, us, nick.


Don't be pointing me. We're on a 6 of 6. Our turn is over. We are up for renegotiations. We won't be on the pod. We were up for renegotiations. You couldn't have had a better-This podcast-you could not have had a better deal-if we come back.


Than what you had last time. So I'm not sure how to make that happen.


The last deals are-I'm actually curious.


There's no way to pay Bob. Even with the golf shit, I'm like, damn, you know what? I'd love to find a path for Bob to financially benefit off this. But how does one find a path to paying Bob Mentherey when nothing is ever enough?


Well, here's the deal. I think you keep milking him for everything we can.


That's the only... If he doesn't work for free, it's not enough.


I think you're in a good position. I think that what we show today is this. We obviously are very big fans of what you guys do. We enjoy our company. This is episode 6 of 6. I'm excited to see what the future holds here. Obviously, the golf is the thing I'm doing. We're going to be having Dana. I want to take over your golf channel.


You're amazing on the golf blog.


Yeah. I love playing golf. We played today so far, so good. We actually... Think about this.


I don't even get invited to those anymore. It's so crazy. Because you don't show up. I got to start doing more shit like you. Just say.


Me and Bob were talking about this. Steine, he's the guy that you have to ask him not to do something to make him want to come. If I'm like, Steine, you want to stay at my house? He's like, No, I want to get my own hotel. Then when you don't invite him, he's like, What the fuck? Why didn't you invite me? Why didn't you let me stay at your crib, bro?


That is 100% accurate.


Guys, it's episode 6. I don't give a. Kyle is tight, which makes him a great CEO.


Yeah, no, I'm not going to lie. I just said dinner with Bob.


Kyle was very tight, which is fine.


I'm not tight at No, wait, Bob.


Very tight, but it's okay.


Bob, chill. We were just at dinner and he was complaining. He's like, I got us on this million dollar golf course. I wouldn't tip the caddies. That's his words.


He said he wouldn't tip the caddies. I'm sorry. You're wearing my Balenciaga hoodie, too.


I have no clothes. I want to say this, though. I want to say that I believe that I could take blindfolded your full sin golf channel with Salim and make it the biggest golf channel in the world. I think that we just got a residency. We just won. Kyle and I played a huge match today.


We went 20K off Cooz.


That's That's what I heard.


He's coming in right now to wire you the money on the spot.


Which is crazy because I would love to be there. A couple of weeks ago, we saw Cooz together. We asked you.


You said what's going on.


We didn't say we're playing with coups.


I didn't know.


Mr. Free Labor hooked it up.


You can't just come out and play with the boys. You can't just come out and play with the boys.


Something about this guy working for free. It turns into somebody different.


He won't come golfing with the boys. He needs an NBA player there to come and go.


So basically what we did-Let's spice it up.


Coming off the Bachelor video, this guy's-I was on the flight here in a red eye.


The only flight I could get to get here, I'll do whatever it takes to get to this podcast as a good employee.


That was another thing, too. We're on a call on Stein. He's like, Bro, we got to be like, grinding more and shit. Then I call him like 30 minutes later. I'm like, All right, Jake Paul's in. He's like, Tomorrow?




He'll be on a piece of blowing Jake in a moment.


Hey, listen, I got on the flight, but it's crazy.


Oh, wow. You got on the flight. Don't forget what you came from.


All I could think about on the flight, I was like, tossing and turning. I'm like, Bob was suing this guy six months ago. Should I be friends with him? Should I be friends with who do I side with? Choose your sides. Why is he doing like that? Because I don't get it. Choose You can get yourself a lawyer. I'll ask you to please stay at my home, come over for Thanksgiving. And I don't know. Now my mind's because I don't know who to trust, what's going on. Pay me my money. That's all I can do. Yeah, no shit. I'm going to spit all over your face. Pay me my money, Kyle.


Yo, Bob's taste was so red in that video, bro.


You're lucky, by the way. You're lucky, Mr. White. Call me that day. I'm not going to get into that. We're done. This is episode 6 of 6. This comes with closure, all right? We're not getting back in this. Mr. White, personally, picked the phone and said, Bob, listen, I know you have them against the ropes.


This is bad.


This is going to be bad. We're doing this little-That's for sure how I knew. We're doing this little rinky ding drink called Monkey Boms, whatever it is. I can't partner with them while you're suing them, so please drop the suit. I said, Jesus. I said, Mr. White, I have millions and millions. They owe me. What do I do? Dana said, You need to drop this, but I'll ask you nicely. I said, Mr. White, I will comply. That's why we dropped the lawsuit. Very accurate.


But we have a roll.


Thanks for being a good guy. For instance, you look at this golf channel, you got Salim with some girl, a kid named Chaffee or something on there. You got some like, I love Freezer Chaps.


What happened to your golf channel you're going to start? Why don't you just start one yourself?


We're just going to come in and help. We don't want to do that. We just run shit.


Mia, you want to hop on here for a sec? No.


Who's this?


I sat down for dinner. Me and Bob were going to have dinner, and then Mia came out of the light from an angel. And I was like, Yo, what are you doing here? She's like, I know Bob.


And I was like, Oh, me and me go way back home. We do.


Wait, so who invited you to dinner?


Bob did. We go way back.


When did you... Wait, you got to Miami when?


Was it the FBI here, guys?


I got to Miami today. You said Stani knew her, though. When she walked down.


She was family with me. Don't worry about that. We're family over here.


I don't know if it was a family affair.


That was a quick fly out from LA. We were on the same flight, me and her, actually. Practically, yeah.


No way. Yes. No way. That's amazing. Mia has been a long-term friend, long-time friend for a while, and obviously, just a great person overall. That's what we do, Steine. We hang with good people.


Bob just was like, Hey, come out to Miami. How did that go?


No, Bob was just sweet. He was like, Hey, you should hang out.


You're a sweet guy, right? Yeah, let's do golf. Yeah. Okay, cool.


You play golf?


Yeah, I've been learning. So that's why he reached out to me because he was like, Hey.


They get on the full-send golf method. See what they're doing right now is-Get on the full-send golf method. I like that.


You always put the fifth of this podcast, too. You don't say shit.


Maybe pop on the full-send podcast. I like that.


She's got some good funny stuff. Thank you. Content that you do, a little roll out of bed with women and stuff, whatever the fuck you do. What is up with your reels, by the way?


The ones that do big views?


I think you're finally accepting. I think you're doing a better job of knowing your role.


I see. I'm not going to lie. I love you, obviously.


I'll be honest.


But your shit sucks, bro.


I don't give a fuck. That's the difference. I don't care.


You do, though.


I don't.


You feed posted a wrestling match with Salim because Salim was talking.


You posted it three times.


That was one of your biggest videos.


You feed He texted it three times. First of all. Bob cares about social media more than us.


I know, and he's like, I don't give a...


I love to communicate with people. I just like to just talk.


No, you love numbers, bro.


Yeah, but you throw shade and it's like, dude, I'm actually doing pretty well.


I was actually just... I'm I'm throwing shade. I'm saying that I was asking.


I used to be your assistant, and I became your father. Yeah, you're my dad. It's all good, my boy. You're my kid. I love you. You come, you stay in my house whenever you want. I got your back.


Thank you. Your sister, by the way, and I've been talking.


She's probably looking out for that make a wish, kid.


You You have no chance with Rachel, bro.


She honestly, she thinks, well, we all know that doctors and scientists are still looking for what to diagnose you with, and you have something seriously loose in there. But she has some empathy for you, and we're always here for you as a family. I know Kyle's here for you, too. I'm sure Mia flew out.


Anyways, Jake Paul is coming in today. It's going to be a really great interview. I hate the fact that this podcast used to be something great, and now, right now, it is crumbling in front of my eyes. We are on episode 6 of 6.


Rob, you literally were involved in working hard for one month, bro. A month and a half. Then you went into, I'm not paid enough. Thank you. You guys are flabbergasting me.I don't want to say anything.I.


Do all the work. I don't want Judge Nagel flying in the room again.


No, that's the truth.


That was the greatest of me and Kyle were You put in two months of hard work, and you definitely helped this podcast get off the ground.


But then you went... I don't give a fuck. Typical Bob roller coaster.


No, he put longer than two months. But then he just tapped out.


Yeah, you tapped out. You owe me this. Yeah.


I'm gone. The past is the past. All we can do is look forward.


The best thing you've ever said. There we are. Yes, the past.


We're all back together, man. Here we are. All right, Mia.


Whatever it is.


Mia, you're good, honestly. Thank you.


Thank you.


Yo, yo. What up?


What up? What up? Rapples on your success.


How are you doing?


Did you cancel my package or what?


Your AI one, we made it. But it's really hard to make them, and it costs a lot of money. So we made 15 of them.


I know. Jesse got one, too.


But I don't think he got an AI one.


Oh, he didn't? No.


Oh, shit. He got the AI one for you. How do you decide who gets the AI one?


How did you guys do that?


Basically, it was a long process, but Me and Brandon over here did it. It was first writing the scripts, and then we just had a company, and he recorded all of them with his mouth and voice. Then the company had to just put their looks on top of it and then change the voice. That's crazy. But it took quite some time.


How long you've been plotting on the W launch? When did you come up with the idea to do it?


Basically, Basically, this was an idea from four years ago. Just two years ago is when I fully started to put it into motion. But I've been wanting to do this because four years ago, I went to the CVS and I was like, How the fuck does Ax and Old Spice still have 16 feet of shelf space? There's no other options. I don't want to wear Ax. I don't want to wear Old Spice. None of these other brands speak to me. I believe I can make a better product, something that represents something and something that's cool, new, and fun. That's really where W and just the idea of W in the chat, winning a whole brand around that. It's been going really, really well.


Ax, 10 years ago, had the most lit commercials of all time.Ax.


Was sauce in grade 6.Den.


Years ago, though.Exactly.Ax.


Was sauce in grade 6.Yeah, exactly.


Then you grow up in it.In gym class?




It's going crazy.


In middle school, if you were wearing that, you were set.


But what's crazy is they still do $2 billion a year just straight Because there's not many other companies that I know of that are mainstream in that space, right? No, exactly. And that's why it just comes down to a content thing, making it fun. I mean, same shit with Happy Dad, everything you guys are doing.


How do you know when it's doing well, though? How do you know?


Walmart basically indicates. They're super happy. They're like, This is the best brand launch we've ever been a part of, and the numbers. So we did the biggest launch in Walmart history for this category. So just pacing against other competition, other celebrity brands in the space, and just the sales data. We'll do $50 million this year, which for year one is absurd. Nobody does those numbers.


With your name attached, any product is going to do well. So it a space that was open that not a lot of people were touching?


It's wide open. Because Axe's strategy, no offense, but they're doing stupid-ass TikTok ads. Same thing with Old Spice. What is an Old Spice? What is the Ax anymore? We're just differentiated, bringing on Sean O'Malley, Ruby Rose, more names.


You should bring on Mennery. You should do a Mennery's hotel room.He's.


Cheap right now.He's cheap right now.A Mennery's cent?He's making a comeback. You're getting it for cheap.I can tell you right now.We.


Should do a Menthere's cent.We're rolling.


Why does it Why does it take four years to develop the product?


I had the idea four years ago, and I knew I wanted to do it, but I put it into the works two years ago. But I self-funded it, hired the whole team, and did all of That's where it took some time. But then also product testing.


Yeah, tell us about that.


Getting the formula, right? We were vitamin-infused. This is actually mood-boosting technology. So scientifically, this boosts your seroton levels.


It smells good. I'll give you that. It's great.


Thank you. Then for the deodorant, making sure it worked really well, but taking out as many as many of the crazy chemicals that were sprayed on the there. Is it safe to spray? Yeah, put it everywhere.


So is there an immediate... The competition is already Ws out there. Is Ax and Old Spice competitive already?


Yeah, I can't say who, but people behind the scenes are pissed off. We're already eating their lunch, basically, and there's some drama already. But it's like, you guys have been running the game for 30 years. Chill out. It's not that serious.


How do you get super rich off that? What's the exit strategy?


Yeah, we'll You can't lie.


I have to just be completely honest on not being a dick.


I'm saying like you said. You want to break it down?


It starts with sales. I was going to lie. What do you mean? Don't lie.


I'm saying, shoot it straight. I don't know how this... It's been a while since he's not yet.


I don't think he's going to lie.


What's the exit strategy on that?


Well, I think first and foremost, we're just getting started, and we want to take over the whole bathroom. So we have so many other SKUs coming out. Hair clay, hair gel, shampoo, conditioner, face wash, the whole nine yards launching soon But I love this brand. This is my baby. I came up with the name. I came up with everything to do with this. The formulations, the scents. And I want to build a long-lasting company.


Yeah, but how long does that take to get a big payday for people to know?


You're ready to exit in a month. You're so focused on the money immediately. He just launched. This guy would exit.


He's ready to exit in a month.


I'm curious. People are curious about that. So when you get a big check, then how does that happen?


How do you pick the people? You have Ruby and Sean. How do you assemble the perfect team to market it?


It's super interesting, but I compared it to creating Team 10, which was differentiated personalities who can do different shit, but they're all the best in the world at what they do. So Logan is a part of it. He's WW, Sean's MMA. Ruby is the rap industry and just looking like a model online. And then there's other names that we're announcing, but my girlfriend, Utah, world champion speed skater. I'm obviously boxing. So just growing the whole dream team together. And I think I can say we have Livy done. So she's a part of it now, and she's obviously sick in gymnastics, MLB, all that shit. So really just creating that dream team, and also people who really saw the vision. We talked to a lot of people who weren't as passionate or don't really get the business side of things, but all of these other people fell in love with it, saw the vision that I had, and really just wanted to grind and hustle. It's more than just posting a certain amount of Instagram photos a year. It's like, no, they're actually a part of the whole.


It's really easy for you to market in the boxing fights, too, and shit. That commercial that you guys did before the fight was absurd.


Thank you, man.


Did you guys pre-filmed that?


Yeah, it was pre-filmed. That was jokes. But that's what we're trying to bring to the table is differentiated shit like that. And that's where acts lost their touch. They don't really do any funny, different shit like that anymore. And we were like, Okay, we have a 30-second commercial slot. We're not just going to do some standard shit here. Let's do something where we can trick the audience and the joke will be on them. It's going to be funny.


So the people you got to take down. You got to take them down.


Yeah. I mean, it's not really about taking them down. I think we have a better product and a better mission, a better name, everything. But I was a fan of Ax. It's just old and outdated. I genuinely wanted to offer better products, which ours is. No parabens, no artificial dyes, no harsh sulfates. And so what you're putting on your body actually matters. And that's really what we wanted to bring to the table.


Yeah, I think, too, it's a completely new wave of marketing. Like, Ax, you'd see it on TV. You wouldn't know who the actors were or nothing, and now you have powerful influencers. So it's a new wave of pushing the product where Ax can't compete. Old Spice has athletes, but it's different.


They're a giant yacht ran by 60-year-olds who are out of touch.


Who could make more money? Him exiting Happy Dead or are you exiting this? Who could make more? Who's set to make more money? Because Happy Dead is a monster. Whatever you attach yourself to as a monster. So I'm just curious, who's going to make more money?


Man, I have no idea.


We're probably right in the same ballpark.


Yeah, exactly. I just don't know the money stuff. But when you play in these ballparks, these can be multibillion dollar conglomerates. I mean, you look at Prime sitting at $5 billion in value right now. But It could be even bigger. You never know. I mean, you look at there's so much market share to take between AX, Old Spice, and Degree, which are the biggest three in the category, they're doing $6 billion a year. So If you can get to those numbers, all of a sudden, it's a $10, $15 billion company.


What was on the business aspect? What was the decision to just go with Walmart as opposed to not just with Walmart?


Yeah, I think they really saw the vision. The meeting with them went super, super great, and their audience is the same as mine. It's almost directly correlated, like middle of America, blue collar, fighting, male.


I know they're smart, the people that are working there, because we're in Walmart, too. I think we're in 3000. They understand what we're trying to do as well.


Exactly. They're with it.


Is your goal to get bought out by somebody? Is that what it is, these companies just come in and buy you out?


I mean, maybe one day, but I think it's just building it. I don't think that's going to happen for a very long time.


How long ago did you launch this?


These are questions people, I think, have. The average person is not used to be a Jake Paul.


There's a process that he's trying to teach you where you got to grow something before you sell it. Thanks.


Yeah, I think if we ever sold it, we probably wouldn't even want to sell it. It would be doing so good that… I mean, that's the way that you get acquired, right?


You got to answer the question.


By the way, I can't talk about Ax Body Spray the whole time either, just so you know. I'm not being a dick.


Wait, what?


I'm just saying I can't talk about body spray the whole podcast.


In one ear, out the other with this guy sometimes.


All right, boys, we're going to interrupt the pod really, really quick because I got to tell you guys about manscaped. We don't put anything on this pod that we don't actually use ourselves. I love manscaped. Their shit is the best. Their lasers are unreal. Look at the shit. This is the brand new Lawn Mower 5.0. Look at this razor. I say it looks like Elon Musk made it. This looks like a Tesla razor. It's unbelievable. I use it for my face down there, but I use it on my face at the same time, the same razor. I don't know if you're supposed to do that, but I do it. It comes with all the different things, different attachments for different lengths. This is my favorite fucking razor. I bring this everywhere whenever I travel. What I love about manscaped, too, guys, is they have everything that you just need to stay fresh from head to toe. They got the sac deodorant. So if you're getting a post-gym kill, which I personally have never pulled off yet, but I hope to one day, they have everything on manscaped. Com. So you don't got to buzz around to a bunch of different sites.


It's just a one-stop shop, all right? So we got you guys on a special deal. Codenelk right here is going to get you 20% off the entire site, plus free shipping. Boys, it's summer. You got to be staying fresh. You cannot be rocking a this full bush down below. That's some Jimmy Gamble shit. That's why he never gets laid. You can have a little bit, but you can't be rocking full of the forest down there anymore, boys. Go to manscaped. Com. Get fresh. Get ready. It's summer. Use code Nelk, 20% off the entire Our site plus free shipping. That's for you boys. Take advantage of it. We love manscaped. Let's get back on the pod.


Bob, are you back on the pod?


We're just f around. This is his last episode. This is 6 of 6, so we chose to go a little bit.


So you're on a short-term contract. You saw the whole beef. I know that's what I'm surprised.


Jake, if Kyle wants to bring this thing back to where it was in a good, fine place like it was before, when we were actually banging episode after episode.


How many pods did you try to launch in between? It doesn't matter what you launched.


It was a team. We were great. We'll figure it out. Don't worry. We're all good. Don't sit back and relax.


So Mike Perry, you picked the shit out.


I like Derek a lot. He was very respected. No, but I like him, though. He's a good kid.


No, I love Derek, but it's like you guys just are turned up off the confidence, which I respect.


I mean, we're good. I know the last pod got a little crazy, right?


That was fun.


No, yeah. Our last pod, boxing in the parking lot and shit.


I feel like I deserve a little bit more respect for that.


No, you do. But I think I told you that, no? I said that was gangster. Okay. No, that was sick as you were. No, I respect anyone who actually will fight, and you did it on the spot.


Why did he accept your money offer, though, Jake? You offer money to come fight?


I do think it's weird that you wouldn't just do it again a bunch of money, but I'm not your manager.


I feel like it was like a been there, done that, on sites a little bit. I agree with you. Money-wise, it's a smarter play to do it like that, but doing it on site like that is a gangster.


Why wouldn't you fight somebody underneath his thing and go and fight somebody to make money? Why wouldn't you do that?


Why You should do that.


You need that. You're the one that's hurting. You're staying here on the couch.


I'll fight anybody. I don't give a fight.


It doesn't matter, though.


You should do a fight. I mean, dude, I'm down for anything.


Jake will pay you $2,500 to pay in order to fight.


Listen, your shit talk would be wild. You already turned up right now.


No, I'm just chilling.


You versus Antonio Brown.


No, he'd be- He would beat your ass. He'd be my brother.


I would do it in a way where... I mean, your thing is different because the MMA thing with you is something you're not doing, right? Because you're too... You don't want to do MMA?


No, I want to.


How does that really happen? Without talking shit, how does it actually really happen? What's the moves that he made?


Well, if Nate Dias would have said yes, we would have already fought by now.


Why didn't he say yes, you think?


I think there's too much to risk for him. I don't think he thinks he can actually beat me because he's a stand-up MMA guy. He's a striker. Yeah. He has jiu-jitsu or whatever, but it's just too much risk. Imagine Jake Paul beats Nate Dias in MMA. His legacy is tarnished. Is that worth the $10 million, $15 million offer? But now, I think Mike Perry could be interesting to do in MMA.


What do you think about? Nate recently said, or I saw something on Twitter. He didn't get paid, right? Yeah, he was offered or he was guaranteed $10 million. Now, there's a whole lawsuit. He didn't get the $10 million. So these are other like...


That's the name of the game, though. There's a lot of sketchy-ass people in boxing, especially that company. I'm pretty sure. Allegedly, in my opinion, you have to say that now so you don't get sued. Allegedly, in my opinion, that company still owes my brother money.


How do you avoid that, though?


Well, you just do your own company. That's what I've done because I've built most valuable promotions and we're a good, trustworthy, doing right business in the the craziest boxing, most corrupt industry. And then also not trusting people. If someone says they're going to give you a $10 million guarantee, they got to really back that shit up. You want to get on the mic? Oh, what up? Kuz. What up, bro?


How are you?


I heard you kick the L today.


Man, let me tell you about how I'm going to stand back to this.


No, don't even bring that up. I bring fair games. I did not. Whose dog is this, by the way? Is this yours? Oh, wow. All right. Is There he is. No, we got Kuz, unfortunately.


Kuz in the house. Happy birthday, once again, too.


Happy birthday. Happy birthday, Kuz.


It's my birthday.


He got ran.


We're having a night tonight. We had a great day. I wanted to ask you something, actually. What? At the White Party?


Here we go. This is an exclusive one view. I know you guys talk about it. We'll sit out for a little bit.


I don't know how I got home, but something remembered that you helped me or something. But I don't really remember, though. It was super late, maybe. Yeah, it was late.


Were you guys in there?




Wasn't that a week and a half before the fight?


Yeah. Really? I was on some Jon Jones shit. No, but you had a blast, though. It was great. It was amazing. That was your first time, no? Yeah. Yeah, it was lit.


Oh, you're a white party vet?


I'm a vet, yeah.


But Ruben had been-We couldn't make it this year. I just want to make it clear.


But Ruben had been inviting me for four years, and I could never go because of fights. And I was like, Fuck it. I don't give a fuck. I'm just going to go.Right.Figure.


It out. How was the white party?


It was great. It was a vibe.


What's it like for people? What can you say?


Honestly, you're just talking to hell of people, and all of a sudden, five hours goes by because everywhere you turn is a familiar face, and you're just having good conversation. I would say it's more networking than the party until... Are people getting up there? But it's till 5:00 PM to 5:00 AM. So it's like a full...


How to guess me. Wait, because how many-I think a lot of people got super fried this year, though, and left early. Yeah, for sure. How many years have you been invited now or attended?


I think this is like my third.


Three in a row? My three, yeah. I got one invite, and then I got axed.


You didn't get invited? When You're fucking lying, bro. Bob, you did not get invited.


Ruben and I are very tight on a level of different things.


He's the one who introduced us.


Yeah. Michael has always been a dear friend. I went once, and that's fine because I know my spot. I think he bought you. I went with Saquon, and we just vibed out. It was good.


You did not go to the white party, bro. It was Saquan.


The first year, me and my sister. My sister, me and Saquan.


Where was it at?


I think it was in LA, I think, or something. I don't know what I went to. I don't know what it was. Gucci Mane was there. He didn't like me at all.


Who was some of the most famous people there?


I would say Jay Z. He was there, right? Yeah, he was there. I took a picture of him.


If I saw Brandy, I'd go crazy. Him, K?


Him, I want a picture with you and her. Yeah. Like a prom pick, almost.


You know who I saw was-You got in trouble for that one.


Emman O'Leary.


The Shark Tank guy? The Shark Tank guy. But I had a RM on. I had the Le Mons on, and he looked at it, he was locked in on it.


That's the guy that does the Shark Tank. Exactly.


Oh, he was wearing two watches. But then I was like, You're a big fan because I love watches. And then I go, Yo, so what's on your wrist? And then he just goes like, pow. Just like this both times. He had a I have a trash skeleton on and an FP joint. But two watches is insane.


How competitive is it there?


I mean, bro, you're super.


You got to bust out your nicest watch, your most rare shit there.


Because Jay, he's wearing some crazy shit.


Yeah, I saw he's wearing a $3 million watch.


How do you when you get there, though-That is a flex off. When you get there, you know how people that are big names, they like to show up and be like, late, like fashionably late? Who's Travis Scott, just the first one there, and nobody else is there.


Everyone just pulled in.


Who pulled up It's two pulled up first.


Everyone was there early. It's an early thing. Everyone just gets there. I didn't think it was weird or people had egos or that competitive or anything. I think everyone was nice.


Is there a Smash Room? Not to be whatever, but is there a place where it just-Yeah.


What do you guys think about the comparison to the ditty parties? I think it's funny.


Michael's main room.


It's also like-Bullshit.


It's just a jealousy thing. Yeah.


It's like, okay, everyone just wants to link up and have fun. Everyone to chill out. But people on the Internet just take things wild and run with the conspiracy theories.


But he does do a good job. Michael puts together some cool- And nobody has security.


That's the thing, too. You're around all these people.


He's got snipers in the trees, though. Yeah, for sure.


But individual people. You know what I mean? You can walk up and approach anybody.


Well, that's not true, actually. That is not true. Because I got in trouble. What happened? No, I just had a run in with Gucci Mane once and then a couple of other guys. So I didn't really... Michael At the party?




I just Obviously, I get to another level of fucked up.


How'd you approach him?


I just tried to be a little bit hood, and he didn't really think I was. So he shut me away.


That's probably not the best way to approach it. You're living in a learn. You're living in a learn. Yeah, what's up, bro? I'm from an OTF, whatever he is. Oh, my gosh.


Shut the fuck up over here. This guy. Mike Perry, he was easy work. You got to get better guys. I'm getting sick and tired of you watching. I'm not being a dick either. I think the rest of the world, I speak for him. You got to start fighting bigger guys.


Well, I tried to. I want Canelo. I want all these people, but At the end of the day, they're not signing the contract. But Mike Tyson is a bigger guy.


How do you feel when Tyson has this whole health issue? Motivation-wise, are you like, Mike, maybe this guy is not fit. He's too old. People are going to start talking, whatever.


People are always going to have something to say, but we're not Mike Tyson's dad. If he wants to do the fight and he feels healthy enough, and he's the one that wanted to be a pro fight, and he's been doing this his whole life, then why not? If he's down, I'm down.


You should make it one round. That's it with him. You can't go and fight a six-year-old guy and make it seven rounds. You're going to fight him one round.


How many rounds is it? I agreed to whatever rules he wanted to, though. You have to remember that with Mike Perry, you can sit there and talk shit. But at the end of the day, everyone before the fight was like, Why are you doing this? This is the biggest mistake. He's a champion. He's going to be the one to end you. He's in his prime. That's everything before the fight. But then when I them up, they want to discredit me. It's just a wishy-washy sport. Obviously, people are going to try to sit there and be like, Hey, you didn't do this. You needed to do that.


No, that was an impressive win for sure. You fouled them out.


With Mike Perry?




How did your BKFC champion though?


No, Jake was all over him in the fight.


But he knocked out Luke Rockhold's teeth, beat all of these champions. And then it's like, Okay, Just because I make it look easy, then people are mad about it.


Alex Pereira would be a good fight.


Exactly. But this is what I'm saying. But then I call him out and people are like, Jake's crazy idiot.


He's going to get killed. That goes through Dana, right?


And I'm like, Yo, what do you people want? You know what I'm mad about you the most? It's like you do this every fight, and it's the same reaction, at least my outside looking in. And it's like your self-confidence is just so dope. But it's like you're passionate about this. You could see it. You could feel it. You train. I know you. You know what I mean? Yeah, no.


I think that people's opinion is like, he's calling these people out because he knows it'll never happen. He calls out Kuna Lo. He calls out Pereira because he knows it's not going to happen.


You don't think it'll happen? You're friends with Dana. Tell Dana, bro.


Well, I don't think it's possible, right?


But why not?


Because he's in his prime.


But if we're going to sell 2 million pay-per-views, this is a business at the end of the day. The reason why Dana let McGregor-I don't think they care about a quick buck like that. Do you think? I think so for sure, especially because I think the pay-per-view numbers in this industry are going down. There's too much illegal streaming, and it's just a tougher business now. I think the UFC is always looking at long term as opposed to one big fight, right? Yeah, but I mean, if Pereira is selling 500K pay-per-view buys, and then this has a chance to do two, three million, that's basically six fights. So I see both sides of it, but I'm down. And at the end of the day, I'm going to call this guy out because when I beat him, they can't say weight, they can't say height, they can't say old, they can't say any of these things. And so I want the toughest competition in the world. And by the way, I'm still going to fight boxers. I'm still on a path to world championship behind the scenes. And the WBA wants to set up me versus Julio César Chávez for the WBA belt.


So that could very easily be a world Championship fight right now. But I'm four years into this, and everyone is like, do this, do that, do that. I'm like, just relax, deep breath, everyone. I'm going to get to all of these things and fight all the hardest people and challenge myself. And if I lose, then I lose. But at the end of the day, I'm not afraid of anyone. And so people can hate. And I understand the hate. I understand them being mad and stuff, but I'm just trying to fight everyone that they've put in front of me.


What about Jon Jones?


In what? In boxing? I would do it. Yeah, I would do it.


He would have the upper hand. I'm so mad. Jon's not fighting anymore. Why isn't John Jones fighting anymore?


Injury. He got injured. He's back soon.


He's only had one fight now. He's fighting at the end of the year.


Oh, is he?


I think the main thing is when they look at Pereira, he's the face of the UFC right now. So it's like he would take that leap out of being the face of a whole organization, whatever, UFC, and then he'd go step into boxing and risk his whole career over. Exactly. So the call out for him, it's like, Why would I do that?


But who do you want me to fight?


Pereira is good. Who is on the hit list? Who's five people?


Yeah, I mean, Pereira, McGregor, Canelo, KSI, Tommy Ferry.


Why doesn't the KSI fight happen? Like, actually.


It's honestly the difficulty in-It's weight?figuring out the weight.


So what? He wants to fight at a lower weight. You want at a higher weight?


Yeah. We both agreed to 185, but that was 18 months ago. And so now it's like-What'd you weigh in for this fight? We're both heavier. He's walking around at 205. I'm walking around at like 212. So he wants it at 185. I couldn't make 185 anymore. So that's part of the issue. I'll never fight again. The lowest I can make is 195, and that would be difficult. So it's figuring that out. But I've agreed to all of his other terms. I said, You could be the A-side. We could fight in London. Anything else you want. Just compromise a little bit on the weight. That fight would be crazy.


The build up to that would be crazy.


How much is Logan involved in that, being his partner and shit?


Well, Logan doesn't want me to fight him because- It'll cause No, because he knows I'll win, and it's a bad look for Prime. But he does. He's like, I don't want you to, but I know you have to, so you should do it.


When you negotiate with Tyson, right? You have the upper hand in every probably contractual thing that you do with anybody else. But Tyson is probably somebody you have to give the upper hand to, right? What was the split between you and Tyson's fight?


It's 50-50. Everything? Yeah. But we brought the deal to the table. We partnered with Netflix to do their first ever boxing event, and then we went to Tyson. So when you bring the money and the cash to the table, then you also have more power and leverage. But I'm also the A-side in the Tyson fight.


This is also Tyson's probably his last fight. I don't know.I.


Mean, dude, obviously, yeah, Tyson's not ever... He's not made... This fight might not even made this fight. Not even made it happen.


I don't know.


You actually think it'll happen?


It's definitely going to happen, November 15th. He's back to training and feeling great. So It's definitely going to happen. I think he wants to keep doing things after this, the way he looks, the way he feels. Again, he's the one that wanted it to be a pro fight. Obviously, he knows something that we don't.


How about Tommy Ferry? Do you want to run that one back? For sure. Yeah.


That's the guy to beat you.




Has he fought since KSI or no?


No, right? I think he got hand surgery. We're talking to his team behind closed doors a little bit, and that It definitely happened. I got to avenge that.


Is that something you want to run back?


Yeah, for sure. Got to do it. It was a good fight, good challenge. All of these things did massive numbers. It makes sense 100% to run that.


Has What happened? Was that your biggest fight, pay-per-view-wise? Yeah. Tommy Furie? Yeah.


All right, brother. In and out like a bank robbery. Oh, yeah. Go crazy, bro. Happy birthday, man.


We said hello. We said our best.


What? You came here to send the wire? Bob has been talking all day.


We'll figure that out later. We got it. We got it. We'll figure it out. We don't need to do it.


Okay. They were talking a lot of shit before you got here, and then they finally get scared. They shrivel up.


That's why you don't listen to that.


My bank works. They shrivel up, bro.


We good. Great seeing you guys.


I love you. We did a We came golf match today.


Yeah, we beat them. You guys won?


Yeah. Nine holes or 18.


We played nine, and then we turned the cameras off and played a money game in the back.


Aren't you about to be an uncle pretty soon?


Yeah. How do you feel about that? I I think it's crazy. I don't really know what to expect.


You got to manage two businesses, your boxing career. Now, you got to be an uncle, bro.


But I feel like it's going to be easy. What does an uncle do?


You just got to buy him dope gifts.


I'm just going to buy her a Lamborghini RC thing.For her first birthday, probably.


Yeah.uncle's the easy job.Yeah..


I don't think I got to do shit.No.




More worried about Logan. He doesn't know what to do. I'm like, Yo, what is your schedule going to be like now? He's like, I don't know. Everything becomes about the kid now. Because it's different because he doesn't have a 9:00 to 5:00. It's like, what do you do? Where do you take the kid?


That's actually the smartest thing you've said all day. I think he's right. You get a good nanny, you're good.


What do you think about Ryan Garcia's the PD thing, him being banned for life. Was that harsh or no?


That one's weird to me.


It's just overall-How does that work? Because people say it could be transferred through sweat. I saw Sugar tweet that the other day.


Well, yeah, Sugar also got popped for this, and he swore to my eyes, no cameras around, that he never did that. And they just popped because of a dirty supplement. I'm not saying that's what happened to Ryan Garcia. I don't know. But why would he take that small of a dose of a steroid or whatever it is on the week of the fight? Because the only test he popped for was the one the day before the fight. You wouldn't just start taking a steroid on fight week, you get tested the whole time leading up to the fight. So you would have been popped in one of those tests in camp. You get tested randomly. They show up whenever. So why? Hi, I'm Ryan Garcia. I'm going to take a minimal dose of a steroid on fight week. That's not going to do anything.


And it tested super low?


Yeah, barely, almost below the legal amount. And I'm not saying he's in it. He popped for It is what it is. He's guilty, but it is weird. It is fucking weird. And the whole thing with like, and I love Devon Haynie, and he's probably mad about me saying this, but it's like, he's also Super close with the guy who helped found the drug testing commission. Yeah.


I also want to say.


I don't know. I watched the highlights back. They're literally like this.


Are you defending Ryan?


No. I'm saying it's weird.


I watched the highlights back and it's like, bro, if you get those shots in, whether you're on some shit or not, you're probably going to fuck your opponent up.


That's what I'm saying. I value the truth. It's just me being honest with how I feel about the situation. I don't feel well. All of it doesn't really make sense to me.


Has your credibility from your last fight? You said you fought two fighters. You fought Tom McFury. Have people respected you more as you go, or is it still always this guy needs to fight somebody real?


I don't really know what the public sentiment is, and I don't really care because I'm only four years into this. People who've been doing this for 20 years, they're comparing me to that, and I take that as a compliment. But regardless, when I become a world champion and multiple-time world champion, then what is anyone going to say after that?


For sure. Yeah, I will say I saw McGregor tweeted something about Mike Perry is going to be your ass.


Mcgregor I'm not sure.


He says, Yo, Mike Perry, you're fired.


Right? Yeah, exactly. This is what I'm trying to say. Before I fight these people, it's Jake's going to lose. This is a mistake. What the fuck is he doing? Why? Shut the... And then I make easy work of them. And then it's like, Dude, you fucking suck. You won't call out anybody else. What are you doing? You're too heavy. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.


I'm not going to lie. I'm surprised that McGregor hasn't really-He'll never fight me.entertained the idea of fighting you. He'll never fight me.


He's still under contract, too. Okay.


But he'll never fight me.


Why do you think that is then? If he'll fight Mayweather and Mayweather is close to prime-I'm not going to lie.


At this point, I think Jake would beat McGregor.


Why don't you think- I might get flack I'm not here for that, but- But if he'll fight Mayweather in his prime and he'll make a huge money, whatever, why do you think he'll never fight you?


Because losing to the greatest boxer of all time in Floyd Mayweather doesn't hurt his career, and he makes $200 million. Losing to Jake Paul, that's why Nate Dias won't do MMA against me, 100%. And look at Nate Dias go toe to toe with Connor, standing up, exchanging shots back and forth in multiple fights. And then I just beat Nate Diaz his ass. He doesn't land a single punch.


The gloves are a big difference, though, right? The gloves compared to, obviously, MMA.


This is a funny US and I bring this up is everyone thinks the smaller the glove, the more powerful the hits are. And it's actually the opposite because if you have a one pound weight swinging in the air like this and I hit you in the head with it, you're going to get hooked up. Versus if I have four ounces swinging around like this and it hits you. So the weight on the end of the glove actually creates more momentum and force, and it's actually a bigger impact zone. So it causes more blunt trauma over the head versus the more precise, smaller gloves. So there's benefits to both. But that's why you see some of these guys come over to boxing and they can't take the hits because there's bigger blunt trauma. It's like getting hit with a sludge hammer, or if you get hit with a screwdriver, the screwdriver is more like a stab and more in a small zone. But the sludge hammer is going to crack your skull.


Let's see how much sugar is in the leading Hardiced Tees. The competition has 20 grams of sugar per can, and there's 12 cans in a case, which comes to 240 grams. Let's measure that. So 69 sugar cubes per case. Instead, Happy Dad Hardiced Tea has 1 gram of sugar per can or only 12 grams of sugar for the entire case. That's only three sugar cubes. Drink Happy Dad Hard Ice tea, and don't feel guilty about it. What's the hardest you've been hit by who?


Probably Tommy Furie.


I thought Woodley caught you one time.


He did. That was probably the second hardest hit. Probably Tommy Furie with the uppercut.


Were you dazed?


Yeah, I couldn't see shit.


At that point, you just took a pick up and...


But that's part of fighting.


Do you feel like a chip on your shoulder when you see all these UFC fighters can make... Like Pereira, he's come up, has been very recent. All these UFC fighters can go 0-100 really quick. In boxing, you rarely see that now. You're putting boxing, it seems like on your back.


No, for sure. That's where I applaud the UFC and what they've done for MMA as a sport. Their promotion, production, all of their shit is amazing. People think I hate-UFC is fine, though.


The best.


No, people think I hate the UFC, and I don't.


I think Dana's hurt by... I don't know if he's hurt. I love Dana.


Yeah, but also I didn't... Kata is the best guy. But that's what I'm saying. But I also have a lot of respect for His RNC speech, bro, was amazing. We agree on so many things, and I think he has a great side of him. I'm sure we'd be friends, maybe in this life, maybe in a different life. I just want fighters to get paid more. That's it.


How do fighters get paid right now? What's the basement of them?


12,000 to fight. Even if they fought four times a year, that's not enough to support their family.


But you also get the purse, too. If you have the fight of the night, in the beginning stages, when you first sign up, it's all on you, too.


There's bonuses, of How tapped in are you to the social media scene now that you're focused on boxing?


Do you see all this? There's a lot of drama every day, right? Chris Tyson shit, all that stuff.


Do you pay attention to that? What's good with that?


That's what I'm saying. Do you pay attention to that or is that?


I'm very tapped in.


What's good with that shit? Why do I know?


Because you're into that shit.


What? What do you mean?


You're living in LA. You're with all the TikTokers and shit.


Okay, that's not true. I hang out with real athletes. That's a fact. Sorry, Chris Tyson. I'm trying to think of who that is. Real quick, You know who that is? Yeah. Okay, do you want to... You tackled this one. I don't really know too much about him or her.


I don't really know.


So he was in Mr. Beast's crew, and then he became transgender?


He became transgender, and then he was allegedly, or I guess it's Have you ever been out talking to a 14-year-old.


A dude that became a girl or a girl that became a dude.


Well, hold on. The question is, are you still tapped into that whole scene?


And do you comment on something like that? I definitely see the drama and the big things that go on, for sure. I think it's funny and interesting. That's where I started, so I'll never go away from that. I love the YouTube scene. I think some of the drama is funny and shit, but I don't really care to comment on it because… You travel.


It's not my problem. No, we know big Mike's going to always go with the majority. So I was just seeing if…


You travel with security when you go out or no? Yeah. Do you ever have people with you?


Not much. I would say the craziest shit was when Floyd tried to jump me.


So that was real? Yeah. That was at the NBA? Yeah. At that time, I think it was-You got caught off guard in that one, right?


Yeah, bro. All of a sudden, there was 30 people around me. The car was right there, and then all of a sudden, I'm getting jumped, and I was like, This, I'm out. You just dived, right? Yeah, and I made the right decision.


The sprints paid off, the sprint training.


Bro, the best. I started juking people. If I would have stayed there, there would have been a video of me getting my ass beat online. They would have just started stomping on me and shit. So yeah, I made the right decision. Don't try to be tough. Stay alive and be safe.


Who do you think wins right now?


I'm not standing on business in that. That's what I said. I was like, if there's four people, I'm going to be like, Fuck you. I'll beat your fucking ass. There's 10 people. I'm so sorry. I'm going to run.


So this fight will probably never happen, but who do you think wins between you and Logan?


I would win. He doesn't take it as serious at He doesn't even train anymore.


He's killing the WWI thing, though.


Yeah. Obviously, he pissed you off when he's like, Yo, I denied the Mike Tyson fight. It seems like it's shade at you. Big bro, pass it off to little bro.


Yeah, but I mean, that's part of life. You just roll with the ebbs and flows. At the end of the day, we're super close, and every big brother and little brother goes through some shit like that. We've learned how to communicate now with each other and just to squash problems way better. It's just a process. But no one has a handbook or a manual to teach brothers how to act in front of the world stage and competing in some of the same things. He's partners with one of my enemies. Do you really dislike KSI? I guess I dislike the things he says online, but I don't know him as a person. And I know not to ever judge someone through social media or what I see online because I know how people judge me. And I'm completely different than anyone would ever imagine knowing me in person. So I just don't really care that much, but I do want to fight him.


It would be hard to talk shit to Tyson, though. You got to be careful. Tyson is just a legend. So the shit-talking is different with different people.


No, 100 %. But I don't really shit-talked Tyson. You're pretty good.


You're pretty good on the mic. They already did a talk shit, though. Thank you. I'm trying to think of who else has been good that you fought on the mic, but Nate Dias doesn't talk much. I guess Mike Perry talks a little bit. Yeah. He had that chain.


It was hard to understand a little bit.


People were saying that you paid for that chain.


His chain? Yeah. He did gift it to me. I just had him on the podcast, and he gifted it to me.


He gave you the chain if you were getting knocked out? Yeah. Oh, you have it here? Yeah. Why did he gift that to you?


He said, Because I'm never going to wear this, and he said, You beat my ass.


Respect. How much do you think that costs? I'll take it. It's not as a chain. If you're ever going to wear it, I'll wear it.


I'm definitely going to wear it.


What do you make of all this? I know you were supporting Vivek, right?




So are you still Are you behind Trump? And what do you make of all this? What do you make of Biden dropping out and Kamala stepping in?


Well, it's crazy, but Vake predicted it, and he's been right about so many things. And I don't know what's going on there. You know? It just crazy.


You met Trump, too, right? Yeah.


Crazy times we're living in. I'm seeing Trump in a couple of days from now, but definitely team Trump. And, yeah, I think he's the right person. He's an amazing, amazing President with just actual facts of what he did in the office. And clearly, this last presidency left our country in shambles. Things are a chaotic piece of shit mess. And I I want what's best for my future kids, my brothers, and my peers. It's not about what Donald Trump said on Twitter, some people not liking his personality or who he is, but what did he do for this country? He kept us out of wars. That's arguably the most important thing right now. We're on the brink of World War III, madness, chaos.


We can't have Kammero Harris, bro.


Putin and Kim Jong Un, the same car together.


Kammero Harris sucks. And no one respects the United United States right now as a country. But when Donald Trump gets into the office, there's respect. They're not going to try to do shit. They're not going to try to take advantage of us, strike crazy business deals, do shady shit. I like the fact that Donald Trump is a billionaire because he doesn't need to do corrupt shit to make money. That's a good thing. And what people forget is America is a business point blank, period. So if you put in someone who's a politician, they don't know how to run a business. That's why I like to Vivek, because he actually is a self-made billionaire who knows how to structure teams, how to hire people, how to solve problems, how to build relationships, get shit done. Same shit with Trump. So I actually like... I don't think politicians should be running our countries. I think it should be businessmen. And I could talk about this for days and hours. No, we should.


But I think it's going to be a lot closer now with Kamala, though, than Biden. Because I think you see now people I think all the left-wing people were silent under Biden, but now that Kamala's out, I think you're seeing everyone come back out. Like, Beyoncé just let her use her song for her intro or whatever.


There's a lot of weird shit going on. So much weird shit. Like, yo, this was all planned. So then Biden could- Definitely was all planned, I think.


Every woman is.


Yeah, Kamala, when it's supposed to be democracy.


I think this was a sneak attack, right?


I don't know. This just shows how embarrassing America is right now, to be honest with you. Crazy. How How did you think of your entrance on this one, on this last fight, on the chariot?


Yeah, I don't know. I saw this TikTok where it was like, this guy has no aura. That shit, it made me laugh. But I don't know. I don't really care about the entrances. I just want to fight. I picked the walkout song the day before just because I had to. I'm losing interest in certain parts of boxing. I just want to go in there and I feel like a lot of people, athletes, artists, are giving you a lot of respect, though, for what you've created.


Whether you're being the fighter that people want you to be or you're just doing what you're doing and you're creating a big name for yourself, it seems like everyone's giving you the respect at that level.


Yeah, the peers and the other people who are big in sports showing respect is what matters to me more than any of the critics or the fans because those people know know what it takes. I mean, who's sitting here and showing love. It's like people like that who behind closed doors are always showing mad love and respect. That matters to me more than anything else.


How do you like living in Puerto Rico?


I love it, man. It's paradise. Best place in the world.


You have Bob stay at your house for six months? Absolutely not. There's no chance of that ever? No. What if he posted W once a week? No, I don't care. He'll do one story a week and one feed post a month. No. No way? For free. He just lives at your place?


No, no, no shot.


I'm not value there. I've had Jake's bag the whole entire time.


I'm trying to help you out.


How was the Hawk, too, a girl?


She was cool. I actually think she's doing a great job of managing. Imagine getting super famous, and apparently She's only 21. Imagine three weeks ago, you're a normal-ass person, and then all of a sudden, you're world famous. So I feel like she's handling it really well.


She hung around, too. It didn't go away.


No. And whoever's doing her content, I feel like is doing a pretty good So we'll see. I don't know.


What's her play? What does she do?


She gets talk to us, bro. You should get one.


What does that mean?


When you spit on someone's car.


Yeah, we're not doing that. I'm not spitting anybody's car over here. Stani might, but... What?


I'll take out her.


What does she do, though? What's the play here from you two smart guys?


She's doing philanthropy stuff, which I think is really smart. Just giving back. Everyone's like, You're going to be famous for 15 minutes. And then her thing now is, I'm just going to do good with my platform for the 15 minutes of fame that I have.


I wonder how much she would have made if she dropped an OnlyFans. Yeah. Probably 50 mil in a month.


How much? I don't think it's that much.


Maybe a million a month.


No, more. No way. She probably would have made 10.


Did you see Bad Babies earning she posted?


I did see that. That was also during COVID and shit.


People are doing it more.


I'm excited for the Tyson fight, though. I can't get over that. You got to make that happen. That's going to be massive. There's no chance it's going to ever... Howhow would you see it falling through? Just his health?


It's going to happen now, November 15th. It's already ready to go.


In the first session, when you got the news that Tyson was out, how did you get that call?


My manager called me. It was devastating.


So I did a video in the rain outside your crib, right?


Yeah, just like a joke.


Well, that was funny.


How did he break it to you, though? So you got the call and they said basically Mike's out. And that's just like...


And then are you scrambling to find Mike Perry?


No, I wasn't going to. I was just like...


Is there always a plan B?


No, there was no plan B. But after 48 hours, I was like, let's keep this event alive. I want to keep training, stay in the gym. Who should we fight? And Mike Perry has been on the back burner.


How do guys go about going on your undercard? What's the process for people to get on your undercard?


It's pretty difficult. You control them? We have so many requests and so many fights, but mostly we want to help young prospects. We want big names, and then we want crossover fights, like Uriah Hall versus Chávez, things like that.


So you bring up Dana's fighter pay and all that. So what are those guys getting on your card or any of you?


We pay people the most they've ever gotten paid.What is that number?Pretty much every card. So it depends who or what their name is, but it could range anywhere from 40,000 to $1.5 million.


Are you guys giving fight bonuses like Dana does or no?


No, we don't. But we're also not a $6 billion dollar Corporation. That's my gripe with it is the UFC is making billions and billions and billions of dollars, but still only paying their fighters 12% of their income.


But there's more of a chance for them to come up through the UFC than with you guys then. Because for you, it's going to only be a one-off. Say it again. With these guys, for you I'm saying it's more upside for them. So there's more upside. When you knock fighter pay, you knock Dana's fighter pay, right? I'm assuming there's more upside for them because it's a safer place toSocial media, fighting, all that.


Is that what it takes to have a steady name? Is that what it takes to have a steady name in the business, a UFC? There's no UFC of boxing. You know what I'm saying? Is that just the split of what it takes to maintain a name in that business? Do you know what I mean by that?


No, I don't know if I understand.


There's no UFC of boxing. There's no in the league.


Because Dana says every fight is- Guys fight on your undercard, right?


And they win, and they do a great job. They're not guaranteed to be on Jake Paul's next undercard.


No, we sign multiple fight contracts. Okay. Yeah. So who's somebody that Has Ben on the undercar with you that has had that happen where they've gotten another fight?




Amanda Serrano went from making $10,000 a fight to being the highest paid female boxer, making two mil a fight. So it It just depends. But yeah, it's just different economics in different terms. But yeah.


Is your goal to eventually be like a Dana White and not to be... No. But I'm saying control a league like How about that? Have a big ass league where it's like you're...


I mean, it would be cool to do that in boxing. It's just almost impossible.


Why is that?


There's so much segregation and so many big power players, and there's also six times more boxers than there are MMA fighters because boxing has been around since the 1500s. So it's in every country, more professional fighters. So you're managing bigger pools of talent. And then to convince the top 1% of boxers to sign into a league, they're like, Why would I do this? Because I'm basically going to be forfeiting revenue.


Yeah, but Dana did that in MMA.


Because MMA was a new sport.


Mma started something years ago, and then the UFC was invented at the same time. So he was there from the start. If some boxing organizer was a part of boxing in the 1500s and created a league, then sure, he could have probably enveloped it all into one.


So you would like tomorrow, if Dana was like, All right, you know what? If you're going to say, Jake, let's go. You would fight in the UFC?


It depends on the opponent, right?


I mean, I'm signed to the PFL Well, for MMA.


So it can't happen anyway.


So all the stuff that shit-But that's not what the goal has been, though. I mean, I can, at the end of the day, fight whoever I want. But in terms of my main goal is just to increase fighter pay within the UFC. The NFL, the NBA pays their athletes 50% of the revenue, 5,050. And the UFC, again, pays their fighters 12 to 15% of the revenue.


The NFL are playing 18 weeks.


No, NFL is different. But the NBA, I think there's a lot of times you see some guys that don't even see the floor get 30 million. So it's a bad business move on their part.


They wouldn't be cutting the checks if it was a bad business move.


No, there's a lot of NBA players that make a lot of money that are not worth it.


But the UFC is the most profitable sports business, so why not share most?


But you only get to understand this. You're only on the stage for 5, 10 minutes. These guys are playing.


It's the most dangerous sport One of the most dangerous sports in the world.


You're not playing 82 games a year.


You're not playing 18, 15 weeks of the whole year. You're in camp, though, and you're not paying... Nfl players also get their coaches paid for.


All right, so then time out. You're Dana White. You're going to have the keys of the kingdom. How are you structuring fighter pay? Go ahead.


I'm just raising the minimum from- From what to what?


He's a percentage, bro.


To 50,000. Okay. That's first and foremost what I'm going to do.


That's for anybody on the undercard and anybody in the- That will only cost the UFC $20 million dollars a year, and they're making billions.


So that means that also you're going to increase the level of participation in the sport and the competition. If someone has to fight, but also work another job, the sport isn't going to get better.


Yeah, but you got to respect Dana's mentality of, you got to come here and earn it, bro. You got to come here and from work with top guys.


But even his top fighters are getting taken advantage of as well.


Shuga, Sean, stands up from all the time. Jones, all the big fighters stand up because they earn their keep and they got to that level.


Also, they're playing a game. I'm the only one that can talk shit about them. If they're in the ecosystem, they're not going to talk shit about them and be like, Pay me more. You suck. I hate you. No, you have guys silently throw shots.




And then they end up getting thrown over.


Well, let me ask this. Sugar Sean, what does Sugar Sean make for his last fight?


Not as much as he's worth. Okay. I know that for sure. Basically, the only person who's paid what they're worth in the UFC is McGregor.


What does Jon Jones, you think, get to show up and fight. What?


But what is his plan? I have no idea.Well, wait. What do you think about...John is the first to get to fight.


It's Francis Nganu getting paid 600K. Being the heavyweight champion of the world for a fight is absurd.


That must have been a long time ago.


No, that was before he left. 600k?


Have you felt like you've ever taken an injury that's... Dude, people like to say, Jake's probably had CTE. He's taking some head punches. Do you feel like you've taken any damage like that?


I mean, yeah, but mostly in sparring, it's the small shots that add up, right? But if you do the math, it's like I've probably sparred 6-700 times in the past four years. And that's an average of probably five rounds of spar, so 3,000 rounds.


Sean Strickland would be good to fight.


He won't fight me.


Yeah. He'd be good because he could box, right?


I already tried to spar him. I tried to pay him a million dollars send him a private jet to spar him, and he ducked it.


But when you make these offers with people, they're real offers? What the fuck do you mean?


Are they real offers? Is that the biggest offer you've made to somebody to spar you?


To spar, yeah. And he turned it down. Also, I offered a million dollars to spar Patty Fimblet, and he ducked it, too.


There's no way he would not accept a million dollars to spar. I don't believe this. That's insane.


There's no chance. I think he posted the DMs, too.


And then he was like, The UFC won't let me spar a guy like you. But meanwhile, he sparred Neon, who was also influencer. So he can spar whoever he wants.


Sneako. Sneako.


Sneako, yeah. What did I say? Neon would have been fine.


I mixed up. Neon is a dead man.


Do you go to a lot of UFC events?


No. No. I'm banned. Really? Yeah.


You're banned from the UFC?


How do you hear that.


You went once, right? Yeah.


I went three times, and then the third time they banned me.


Does Dana put him in the section with everybody?


Well, ask him. He's probably where you sit, way back.


I got banned after Daniel Cormier came up to me and shit.


What What did DC say to you?


I don't know. I don't know. It was like some stupid shit. You better not be disrespectful. I'll fight it like this, brother. I don't know.


After you fight, Dias, Mike Perry, is it all love after?


With Perry, yeah. I think Perry and I respect each other.


Not Dias because Dias, those guys just don't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck about anything.


What about Tommy Fury?


I have respect for him. Yeah, 100%.


What do you think for the fans, the fight that they want to see the most? Probably KSI.


I would love to see KSI. Yeah, I think that. Because I'm a big press conference guy. I love when the buildup is just like... That would just be crazy. Ksi has got to do that. You guys got to figure it out somehow.


We've been trying for four years.


Is he fighting soon? He's fighting two people, right?


I think he changed it. That shit's stupid. I don't like that. I think he got so much that he changed it to one person, but I don't know who it is.


Have you been able to tune out your emotion? Let's say, Logan fighting Dylan. There's a lot of bullshit there. You fighting these other people saying crazy shit. Do you tune that out? Is it all part of the game?


I mean, nothing could be as worse as that, though.


Do you get upset when you see that shit? Yeah, that was crazy. That was. So does that personally, does that emotionally affect you?


Like, wow, for this man. I've never been that heated over a fight, to be honest. I've never gotten riled where my emotions are affecting me. I think it's all funny. Also, I like when people talk shit about me and say, I'm balding, or your nose is crooked or you're fat, or whatever they say. I think it's funny. I also like the buildup. I want them to talk shit.


How important do you think it is to be able to talk shit in somebody's head?


It just depends who the person is. But honestly, the good fighters don't feed into that shit.


They always talk about McGregor McGregor and Aldo, how McGregor has gotten Aldo's head in Brazil, and he was able to beat his ass or knock him out.


But then he talks shit to Khabib, and Khabib just squashes him.


Right. Well, I think it's based on- You don't want to talk shit to the wrong person, right?




It just depends on the person. If I know I can get in someone's head, I'll try harder. But most of these guys are at a high level, so they're not going to feed into that shit.


Do you bet on your own fights?


No, I haven't.


That's actually a good question. I'm curious. Because Garcia said he bet two million on himself, right?


Yeah, I think if I were to fight someone like Pereira and I was a big underdog, then I would bet. But we'll see.


Can't wait to find.


I'm surprised you don't do that.


The odds are always shit.


Yeah, I guess.


Have you been a favorite in every single fight?


Besides Tommy. Tommy, yeah.


You were an underdog going into Furie?


Yeah, and Nate Robinson. But then after I knocked out Nate Robinson, then I was never an underdog again.


The Furie family is nuts, though. They talk. Doesn't the uncle get involved in talking shit? The dad.


They're wild.


But they know what they're doing, though. Yeah, they're marketing.


Yeah. He's hilarious, John Fee. Dude, I don't get it. If you're making this much money, boxing, how the fuck do you focus on your other side businesses?


Why not? He has all these eyeballs. Everyone's watching the fight and it's a free free W ad.


No, I get that. But I'm saying, how do you pay attention as a CEO to be like, I got to take this call. I got to do this.


I'm just in my prime and I'm young. When I'm 32 and have kids or something, then…


So is there a goal is what I'm saying?


Yeah. I want to just be able to be fully, fully financially free and live off of that.


By what age?


Probably 32.


What's the number? Is it a question?


I think-Yeah, what's financially free?


I think having a billion liquid.


A billion?


Yeah. What's the total you've made so far of all your fights and boxing?


Man, I don't even know.


Bob is such a numbers guy, bro.


That's crazy. I generated 300 million in pay-per-views. Wow.


That's crazy. How soon does that check hit after the fight? Or when do you get-Each one is different.


It depends. It depends on if there's a guarantee or if you're getting off the pay-per-view back-end. Sometimes the pay-per-view back-end won't hit. They'll still be getting in the data a month later.


Who's the smart guy that you trust that does a lot for you?


See, accounting takes time, many.


Are you guaranteed? Are you guaranteed money every time? Or you say, I'll take percentage of pay-per-view?


Yeah, you're not always guaranteed money.


Do you think when it goes to Nate Dias and Masvidal, they made a mistake by being like, Yo, this money is up front. It might never hit.


Because of who they were getting it from. If you're linking up with Joe from the block and he's like, Yo, I have 10 million dollars, guaranteed. You're like, Who are you, Joe?


What's the safest company to rock with?FullSign.






How much for your area? Zone, Netflix, ESPN.


You probably had to go through your fair share of it, Dover, along the way, right?


No. No.


So who does that for you, though? You have the brain not to be... Do you have the brain to be able to do all those deals? Somebody has to do it for you. So you have agents, managers, all that?


Yeah, I have the best fight manager in the game. Who is that? Nakeesa Badarian. Who else is he?Former UFC. Nice.


Who else do you work with?


Amanda Serrano. He's my partner and MVP. Nice. But... What's the dude's name? He has an extensive business background.


What if you ever called out or fought Pacquio? Is he still in the fight game?


I guess he was 4'11, is he?


No, but he's in the same weight class as Mayweather and Knailo.


I think they wanted to fight.


He's 140.


It's too light.


Yeah, I don't know.


Is he present? You know, the only guy that ever had Mayweather startled in the second round.


Shane Moseley? Yeah.


That was the last good boxing fight, I'd say.


You guys had a following on you and him, right?Me.


And Shane Moseley?Or Mike Trippen. No. But he trained you for a bit. No, he was just in my camp recently. I'm going on his podcast soon.


Wait, so boxing, I don't get it. So if you and Ryan Garcia fought, for instance. What's the weight difference there? How much does he weigh?


He walks around like 180, I think.


But that's not because he's got hands, right? Ryan's got...


I think me versus Ryan is an interesting fight.


That'd be a great fight. Yeah. That'd be a huge fight.


He's banned for a year, but I'm down for that fight.


You could probably do it in a different way. If If he's banned for a year in that thing, can you move him to another program or something to fight under?


We offered Ryan a fight for MMA at the PFL.




So we're seeing what's going on.


Do you have a deadline you have to fight in the PFL by?




Do you have a certain amount of fights?


Open-ended. It's as much as I want.


So you don't even have to.


I don't have to, but I want to. I'll make it happen.


Who's called? Is it people have been calling you out? Like, random people that don't make sense? You just laugh at?




Obviously. Yeah.


Yeah. Who's somebody that's called you out that you just laughed at?


I don't know. Some reporter kept on trying to bring up some person this past fight week. I don't even know who they were. Some WEE guy.What makes you acknowledge them?They hit up my mom somehow. I don't even know.


What makes you acknowledge them when you're talking shit online? If somebody talks shit to you, what makes you see that and be like, I got to acknowledge this?


What he's saying is I saw after you fought, Luke Rockhold immediately calls you out. Maybe on Bell, but I'm just saying, do you pay attention to any of that?


Or you just- No, I didn't see that. But he got his teeth knocked out by Mike Perry in one round. I literally just would look at that. You're your buddy Rockhold? Rockhold's.


Nobody pulls chips better than Rockhold. Rockhold is a sly man when it comes to chips. Rockhold is a sly man when it comes to chips. Go straight to calling you out right after your win or whatever. I'm just sitting there like, Would Jake ever fight Rockhold? Would he fight Levy on Bell? No chance.


Yeah, it means a lot of these people are just light work. It's like, I want to do fights that bring credibility and numbers and that they I have a real audience behind him.


You got to call it Jon Jones. You got to fight Jon.


I don't think Jon Jones is the one. I think Pereira is a way bigger draw.


In boxing? Yeah. Beat Jon Jones? Yeah.


Jon Jones, isn't he? I don't know, actually.


He's a big boy. I'm sorry. I love you, but no chance. Jon Jones?


That's what everyone says every time, brother.


I know.


At this point, it's like a broken record.


Bob, are you a hater or are you a supporter? Of who?


Jake Paul. I love a Jake's done. I think he's crushed it. There's no big difference.


Because you've been talking a lot of shows. You can't say it as crazy.


I don't like the shots of Mr. White, but at the end of the day...


Mr. White doesn't answer your calls, as we know.


He's had it on Do Not Disturb for a little bit. We'll be all good. Don't worry about it.


It's been good, right? We're good, yeah.


I was like, damn, we're going long. Yeah, this is good.


It was crazy. I think this is the third time. You're the fucking man. You're wrapped on your win. Thank you, Stein.


This is the third time you've been on, right?


Third or fourth, maybe. Third or fourth.


No, we love getting you on, though. Every once in a while, we got to do this. It's always dope. A hundred %.


Are you picky about going on certain shows and who you fuck with?


I mean, not really, I guess. But I don't really go on other people's pods. Just you guys and Impulsive, and that's really it.


Hell, yeah. Yeah, I got to say, too. You're definitely one of the coolest guys.Thank.


You, bro.Yeah..


Jake's always been supporting us since day one.I.


Appreciate it.No, you guys are the best, man. I love all your content. The Bachelor shit was hilarious.Thank you. You guys crush it, man. I'm super proud. Happy dad. Everything you guys doing on the business side. We have the same lawyer.


Oh, yeah, Michael.Shout out, Michael.He's.


Looking pretty good.


Mr. Henry. We've had our conversation with that man. I'll tell you that much.


He must be pretty good.


Michael is the go.


We've met the lawyer.


All right, thank you. All right. I appreciate you. Let's go. Thank you, man.