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Alright boys, welcome back to another full STEM podcast. We got MPJ Michael Porter junior on the pod today. Guys, I'm absolute beauty you guys. If you don't know about prize picks by now, I don't know where the you've been, you've probably been laden in a cave. Prize picks is by far the best app to fire on sports. There's no question. I have tried them all.


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Let's give them a fight.


MPJ in the house.


Big win last night.


Huge win. Did uh, did you guys do coach prime?




Thursday. Thursday.


So you're out here till Thursday?




Got you.


How do you, how do you guys know each other?


Yeah, we literally met at a restaurant the other day cuz he had all these baddies sin with him.


Yeah. So. Whoa, did he.


Did he pay you to say this or some shit or.




I'll tell you what happened. I was surprised how we hit it off. I was after the sketch pod me and Sketch went to the nice guy, and we had five, like, our most fire lineup we've ever had. And sketch saw him walking. He goes, dude, that's Michael Porter junior. And I was like, oh, shit. And you can't. You walked over to the table. You remember you said to me and him, what? I said, like, these chicks with you two?


Yeah, these y'alls.


And then. And trip his ass was there. And I was like, yo, we're low key.


Deed you up.


Wouldn't let you get to the table.


Yeah, he was protective over that one. I boxed you out, but I didn't even know who sketch was.




Because I'm not big into the streaming world or anything, but, um, bro, on my tick tock, like, I just downloaded tick tock probably a week ago. He's all that comes up on my TikTok.


Yeah, he's everywhere.


Yeah, everywhere right now.


But, um.


No, we ended up going out with us the whole night.


Yeah, we had a good night.


We definitely. I got stuck with the bill. I don't know how that's possible. I remember signing the bill. Make a year.


Yeah, I would have definitely split it with you.




If I would announce. So sorry, bro.


Who made who lay better groundwork on Trevor's house?


Dude, I was playing defense the whole. Couldn't get within two or three.


I couldn't even talk to her, bro.


Yeah, but, no, that was a fun time. How's the series, bro?


Yeah, I mean, yesterday's game was obviously crazy. I didn't. I was looking for you. Where were you sitting at?


On the floor with the away bench.


Okay. Yeah, no, I mean, it's going good. The Lakers are great team. They were up 20 yesterday. We came back second half, and then Jamal, obviously at the game winner. But that was a big win because going to LA tomorrow, up 20 is a lot different than tied up one. One.


So, yeah, you had a big came, too. I was going to say, I've never seen you play live. Yeah, but you have, what, top three jumper, you think? In the NBA?


Yeah, I would say, in my opinion, me, steph, I still think Clay's up there. I knew he had a tough. A tough little into the season, but his jumpers, picture perfect, I think. D book, amazing shooter. Who else obviously got like, Katie. Katie's in there. Tough shot maker.




And it really. I think Jamal, you know, the way he hits shots is impressive, too.


I feel like he was playing kind of slow, and it was kind of on you to step up.


Yeah. Yesterday, Jamal, he. That's that's one thing that I respect in a player is like, Jamal was missing shots all game and then in the fourth quarter, you know, with five, six minutes left, he took over and, you know, hit the game winner. So if you can like have a bad game all game and still kind of have the mental strength and the confidence to keep shooting, that's like a sign of a great player.




How do you see the rest of the series playing out? Because you guys came back from 20, right?


Yeah, we came back from 20. That's definitely a heartbreaking loss for the Lakers. But going to LA tomorrow, I mean, hopefully we can sweep them again, but like, they're a really good team. Yeah, it's going to be tough to sweep those guys. You know, LeBron, one of the best players ever. They got a lot of pride over there and. But we'll see how it goes.


What's your thoughts on what LeBron said about the replay center? Did you see that on the podium?


Yeah, I did see it. I'm not really on instagram, but I think I saw it on like my ESPN app. Yeah, and he said that it was a foul. I don't know cuz he's looking at it from their perspective. I definitely hit Dlo like a little bit, but the ref said it was like marginal contact. But yeah, it is frustrating when. When, you know, cuz you used to not be able to challenge calls in the NBA. It was just like live time. The refs had to either get the call right or not. But now that they have the replay center, when a ref does miss a call after like, watching it from every angle, that's frustrating. It was, it may have been a foul, but it was, it was, it was barely any contact.


I don't know. All the old players always say like none of the, none of the players now, none of the new guys like fear playing LeBron, does it hit you different when you're actually like, knowing you're going in to play him at this point in his age?


I don't think the word is, is fear. Like, I don't. I don't fear playing anyone, but I think people still have like a healthy respect for that dude, you know, because he is like the epitome of like greatness in the game of basketball. But I think, like, when you talk about LeBron maybe ten years ago, who just the whole game, not even. Not even ten years ago, five, six years ago, just the whole game just at you and didn't have to play in spurts, you know, right now I think he's kind of playing in spurs. He's trying to take over the game late fourth quarter, you know, but, like, five, six years ago, when he could just do that all game jump from the free throw line, that probably was a little different, you know, I didn't really see him during that time.


I mean, you guys match up so well against them. Jokidge seemed like he was a little frustrated last night. Ad pretty putting up. I think Ad had 34.


Yeah. Ad was hooping early on in Joker's career. I used to think Ad was, like, the perfect matchup for him. Ad always gave him a tough, like, a tough night defensively and offensively. But Joker's continued to get better and better. Probably going to be the MVP again this year. And no one really, I feel, like, challenges him anymore at that center position. Joel does a little bit. AD is obviously very talented, but he did get cooking last night. He had 32 in the first three quarters. And then we switched. We put Aaron onto Ad and we put Joker onto Rui, and that kind of slowed Ad down a little bit.


What do you think about him not being a finalist for, like, defensive player of the year?


Let me think. Who's the finalist? Is it Rudy Gobert? Ad's. He's a presence for sure, but I.


Can'T believe you guys came back down 20, bro.


You know, he was pissed after that shot in the post game interview.


Who? Ad?


Oh, yeah. He was.


All, the whole team of the Denver Nuggets. Like, he was on, like, just. He was on your guys'bench.


I know.


I know.


He contested the shot and fell back on the bench. Then we're all, yeah, I know he was. I know. He was mad.


He was hot.


Are you guys Lakers fans or what?


Do you guys NBA fans?


I'm Raptors. I'm from Toronto.


Oh, really? They're weak right now.


I know.


They suck, bro. Man, I mean, we had, we had our time. That's it. That's probably gone.




When Kawhi went, got y'all a champion.


A lot of shit going on in the six right now.


What else?


The rapper, everybody.


Oh, yeah.


What are you guys even following that?


The rap?


It's crazy, bro.


I've just, like, listened to the, to the diss tracks. I know. I listen to Drake's, then I listen to Rick Ross.


What do you think of push ups?


I think it's fire.




So hard.


It's gonna be hard to beat Drake and, like, a rap beef.


I watched this video on YouTube, too, where this guy, like, breaks down every line.


It's really.


That guy's so, like, deeper.


Yeah, yeah.


He's so.


He's really, like. Like a lyrical, like, putting stuff together crazy. I listen to Rick Ross's diss track back to him. Did Kendrick come out with one yet or. No?


Kendrick's been quiet.


What's good with J. Cole taking his down? My loved it. You know how everyone wants to, like, insert themselves in the beef? That's not involved?


That's cuz J. Cole, I think he kind of. He's kind of above diss tracks to me. Like, he's not petty like that.




Even his brand, that's not his, like, who J. Cole is. I don't think Drake on the land is a little petty.


Yeah, Drake wants that.






Thanks for supporting him.




The six needs you, bro. You're second behind him.


No, I mean, I hope Kendrick comes with some shit, but he's been quiet.


Like, I didn't even know you guys were basketball fans. But overseas, like, those players, they learn a different style of basketball. So, in the NBA, it's very ISO heavy. You know, players grow up, and, you know, the day. The day and age we live in social media era. Like, kids are growing up with these mixtapes, and, you know, there's all these cameras in the gym, and they're trying to, like, show off their athleticism and all these things over there.




It's a very, like, team oriented game and, like, very, like, fundamental. So these guys that are coming from overseas, they just have a different style of playing. Like Joker, Luca, you know, like Giannis. Some of these overseas players, like, just develop way different than we do over here. And I think a lot of it has to do with kind of what the young generation values. Like, good basketball players in our younger generation, they value the social media.


They're trying to just bang on tick tock and shit.


Yeah, exactly. So I just think we just grow up different over here.


Joker didn't come out. Went to bed after the joker be outside, though. Really?


Yeah. Like, he likes to get loose a little bit sometimes. It depends on the day. Like, if you were to catch him in Miami, he's. You might see Joker out.




What about his, like, leadership? Is he, like, off the court? Is he kind of taking that role, or does Jamal jump in there, too?


He's a. He's a, you know, he's kind of a leader by example. He doesn't do too much talking. He will once in a while, but he's more just, man, he's like, when you look at Joker, a lot of people think, oh, he doesn't really care about basketball. He just cares about his horses and things like that. Like, that dude is following his routine to a t. Like, anyone who achieves greatness in any area, like, there's a reason for it. And Joker, he every day is following his routine, getting his treatment in after games. He's going upstairs and lifting. So he. He probably is one of the most disciplined people that I know. So I would say he's more of a, like a lead by example type of guy.


Yeah, yeah.


Wait, what's your contract again? Remind us.


My contract? Yeah, like, money wise? Yeah, I sign a max contract. So you're making 30 a year a few years ago. Sign a max contract? Yeah, about 30 some a year.


What's that feel like? Just seriously, I'm actually curious.


Y'all got money, man?


Not like that.


How does this podcast do? Since we want to count pockets?


Deal. NBA.


Is this, like, your guys main source of income?


There's a few.


There's a few.


Really? What's the other ones?


Tiny still got, like a. Just above entry level. He's trying to renegotiate mama.






So, you know when you get that rookie on their three year for cheap.




They perform like that. Max deal player. That's where I'm at right now.




Yeah, yeah.


Make money, bro. It's a. It's a. It's obviously a cool thing to have somebody, but I always tell people like that, like, I'm no happier. Like, I'm no happier because I have a lot of money than I was when I was then when I was broke. I mean, there's things you can do, experiences, but you still get used to those new experiences, and it takes more to, like, excite you or whatever. The best thing about having money is being able to, like, take care of the people around you, I would say.




Yeah, man, I forget how I came across your guys's podcast, but I was wondering, how do you guys get these people that you get on your butt? Who's the ones with the connections to get? Cuz I think I watched the Donald Trump one. That was you guys, right?




It's a mix, elon.


It's kind of like a team effort, really.


Yeah, but, like, what's the process of reaching out to these?


Honestly, it could happen.


Just like going out.




Yeah, we've done that stuff like that.


We're boys with Dana White because we do a lot of show with the UFC.




So he was the one that got us Trump.






That was a. That was a big interview, huh? Yeah, because they tried it. They pretty much try to, like, like, shut trump up.


Well, they deleted the pod we did with them.


Oh, did they? Yeah, like, and you don't know who deleted it?


YouTube, just.


Cuz. Why?




Why do you think they tried to, like, completely shut Trump up? Like, all together, delete his Twitter, everything. Like, what happened to freedom of speech?


I know it's. And he.


It's because in the interview he's like, yo, they're gonna delete this. They're not gonna let this stay up. And I was like, no way. I didn't believe them. But then we put it up about like twelve mil in 24 hours and they deleted it.


It had 12 million views in 24.


Yeah, I went, like, nuts.




Was that your biggest one or was the elon.


Elon's the biggest, but Trump could have been if it stayed up.


You guys. Can you put it up anywhere where it would stay up? Like, isn't there other place?


I think we put it on, like, twitter and, like, rumble and shit like that.


But YouTube's the best option, honestly.


It was dope, honestly.


Because he, like, a lot of noise.


He made him remember us.




Like, then he went on Fox News and, like, shouted us out and, like, shut us out every time we're there at, like, rallies and shit.


Now sucks though, that they deleted. It's why I don't understand that.




Are you think. You think he'll win this year?


I don't know. I don't follow politics, honestly. I mean, who, like, I is going to be him and Biden. Those are going to be the final three.


Our answer. You're already paid, right?


No, that's one.


That's one thing about me. People already know I got my own podcast. I don't really have a crazy filter. Like, if y'all really want to talk about stuff, like, I would talk about it and share my opinions, but in terms of politics, I think it's two sides of the same coin, bro.


Yeah, I'm curious on that. What made you want to do a podcast?


Like, I. You know, we live in this cancel culture these days and it, like, for us athletes or anyone who has, like a, like, any type of following, you might put out an Instagram picture, like, even like a Twitter, whatever it is, and. And they'll take, like, like, if it doesn't agree with, like, the social norm or, like, the social, like the, like, the what they're trying to push or whatever. They'll, like, cancel you or whatever. Although, take a clip from an interview or, like, a caption you put or a Twitter post, and they'll just crucify you if it's not what follows, like, the social norm. So, that happened to me a couple times in different situations, and then I was like, if I have my own podcast, I could talk about what I want to. And I can. Like, it can be an open. I think that open conversations, even if it's about delicate subjects or, you know, like, I think that's important. That's why I respect you guys, because you guys get out here and ask questions that some people might think, oh, they shouldn't ask that. Or the person on the podcast, they might get canceled if they answer that in an honest way.


But, like, why can't people just talk openly about stuff? You know what I mean? So, that's kind of why I started the podcast. I'll have to get you guys on it, though.


What's it called?


Curious Mike.


Curious Mike put it in the description.


Right there. That was an example of, like, an NBA player probably shouldn't have a porn star on their podcast, you know? But that's what's unique, though, for me. Like, I didn't want to be another athlete podcast where I'm just getting normal other athletes on. We talk about basketball all day. Like, I wanted to get, like, I wanted to try to touch different areas of life, and I still, like, have a lot of ideas of different things I want to do on the podcast, but just touching different areas, having open conversations about whatever it may be and. And let people talk about it how they will. Like I said, I've never been one to really worry about being canceled by whoever.


Did you learn anything you'd want to share with us from Lana?


What did I learn from Lana, man? Well. Hmm. She's actually a very sweet girl, I would say. Like, I think some of these girls that do the thing, but then they. They, like, regret it.


They turn into feminists. Pretty much.


Yeah, they turn into ultimate feminists. But, like, when I was watching it back, like, as much as I watching.


Back, like, the potter.


Like, I was watching. Not her videos. I was watching the podcast back. Some girls do kind of get coerced into this or whatever, but the onlyfans thing is weird to me because. Understand why girls do it. Because they make bank.


Like, onlyfans.


Yes. They make bread, bro. Like, they make more money than they would ever make doing a regular job. And all they got to do is have their management post pictures that they probably would post on Instagram, and they're.


Not even the ones typing back.


They're not even the ones talking to these dudes on onlyfans, and they're making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month.


The craziest society, though, it is, because now girls soccer.


And you pay for that shit.


No, but what I'm saying is the girls that are out there working hard and, like, we need to do those jobs, then you have other chicks taking pictures, making real bread.




So now, like, more. More people are gonna. Why would you want to have a real job?


You golf at all or. No, bro. You know what I noticed? Cart girls used to be so hot on the golf course. Like, every time you go to a golf course, it was like the ball and job for a girl was to be a cart girl.




And now I noticed they're all dust because they all just the onlyfans, I think.


Now, the other thing is, I don't think that always.


That's my theory.


Like, a lot of these only girl onlyfans girls, they're not even, like. They're not even really like that. And, like, in real life, they're not gonna. They're not super sexual. They're not, like, I know, sluts.


Yeah, I know.


They might do only fans, but they might not even be a. You know. I mean.


You know what's funny about that is, like, an assumption I think every guy has is if you see, like, a star in person, you amount automatically assuming.


You can hit it, like everybody's talking about, man. Did you. Did you hit Lana after the interview? Da da da da da. I'm like, I don't even think Lana really gets around like that.




You know what I mean?


Like, yeah. Yeah.


Would you ever take onlyfans girl seriously? Like, in a relationship?


Man? I've gotten this question because I have, like, not talked seriously to some only fans girls, but I know some, obviously. And I don't know. That'd be tough for me, bro. Any girl that's making. Any girl is making money, like, selling pictures of herself, not for. I don't think that'd be for me.


I can't be doing feet pics.


I don't think I could do it.


Like, because for a marriage.


Like, I don't think for a marriage, bro, because everyone's seen, like, my girl. Like, but I also don't want to be judgmental because I know I've, you know, done some things in my past, but I don't really. But at the end of the day, like, a girl, like, if you would take care of her, she probably would quit onlyfans and.


Yeah, but.


But what about the past?


Or, like, the past? I talked to people about this. To me, there's some things that girls do this kind of unredeemable, bro.


Like, I forget what are some of them?


I think I was.


No redemption.


I don't want to say unredeemable, but in my opinion, like, I wouldn't wipe a girl if she has too crazy of a past. Like, like, for example, I think I saw podcasts. It was like, Andrew Tate and Brittany Rayner.


Oh, yeah.


Oh, God.


And she was like, you know, she obviously has a past. She's written a book about all the stuff she's done or whatever. And it's like she was asking why. It was pretty much the conversation on that. Like, it. Does past matter? And for me, it's like, okay, but you're 30 some now. Now you want to relax now you want to chill out from all that stuff. But you should have chilled out when you were, like, 22, 23. You would. You would have been a wife by now. But now dudes have seen everything that you've done, and it's been public, so it's going to be hard to forget that. But some dudes don't care. Like, there's someone out there for everyone, man. And if that's your cup of tea, that's your cup of tea. Like, I know you don't care. You don't care about a girl's path.


I mean, no. Depends what marriage is different, but one night thing?




Yeah. That's what I'm saying. When it comes to marriage, it's a.


Little different from the guy trying to.


Steal my chick, telling what chicks are, like, there for the wrong reasons and shit.


I thought I was, but then, like, I think these girls are getting slicker and slicker, bro, because they have, like, some of these girls are really talented at tricking people, and they'll put off this image. Like, they're like this wholesome good girl, but then you'll hear some wild stuff about them. And I see it from the other side, too. Like, I'm around people and things like that. That, like, some of these girls that have boyfriends and have husbands or whatever, but they're still partying. No, not even like partying, but they might be in your DM's or whatever, whatever it is, like, but they come off like a good girl. So I see it from the other side, too. And I don't really trust these. I don't really trust these. These girls.


Like, I don't.


It's gonna take a lot.


They can also be so nice in person. And then you go to that Instagram, and it's a whole different character.


Yeah, Instagram has ruined it, too, bro.


Why aren't you on? Ignorance.


I go on and off. Like, I'll get on, but, like, for me, social media doesn't make my money. Like, yeah, I can make more money if I was super consistent.




But I make enough money playing basketball. And for me, like, social media has a lot of cons, so I think the cons for me outweigh the pros. But for most people, it's probably the other way around.






What are the cons for you?


That. I mean, I have thick skin and things like that. But when you're an athlete, bro, and you play 82 games every single night, you're disappointing someone because someone's betting on your under, someone's betting on your over. So every single day, you're getting comments, you're getting DM's.




Yeah, that's one part of it, but I. That's not the part that really bothers me. It's, um. I just think, like, overstimulation of your ear. Like, I don't even get on tick tock that much. I just think. I don't know. There's a part of it if just being on social media things, it's a dopamine thing, like being on your screen, being on your phone all the time. I try to take a step back and be more present. That's just me.


Yeah, well, no, it's bad for you.


What are some other things that you do do off the court just in free time?


Right. I don't do too much. I. You know, I have seven brothers and sisters, so I'm always on the phone, kicking it with them. I'm a homebody, for sure. I'll go to, like, dinner and stuff with a couple friends, but I don't do too much. I watch shows. I read a little bit. Yeah, I'm watching walking dead right now. But overall, I'm on the last season, literally, like, twelve seasons, and it's taking me years because it gets stagnant. That show gets stagnant. And then if you push through, though, like, it gets better.


I used to watch it, and then.


It was just like, yeah, it gets kind of boring for a little bit. What do you guys do in your.


Free time, bro, we're always on the road, we're always on work. Bro.


Really? Yeah, just doing this.


We got a bunch of different channels. Like we got the Nelk channel. That's more like a vlog lifestyle. Like pranks. So we were just shooting that for six days in a row.




We were in Miami, then Nashville, then Cancun. And then we just had to fly here. Okay, now we got to do the pod. So we're stacking three pods this week.


What was Cancun? I saw cuz I just.


We did the bachelor video with Steinie.


Oh really?


It was like, you'll see it.


That's one with all the girls.


Yeah, found, we shot, we got.


How do you find these girls, bro?


Same way you do.


What do you mean?


We know the same girls.


I know we had 25 chicks, they flew into Miami, 20 rented a mansion and we. And we did like six days. We took them all to Nashville, then we took them to Cancun.


So does anything ever go down with these girls? Are they just props?


It depends on the situation. But like I have to. The more and more I think about it.


He did find love, right?




Well you gotta watch the seat, but yeah, bro. Like I'm not gonna say the name but the burnett that we both know. Yeah, that you've slid on maybe like if you're not slid off, if you're not good enough for her like that scares the shit out of me cuz I'm also dming her, you know who's.


Not good enough for?




You don't think I'm good enough for.


Well no.


That night, like she had told me like oh, he had dm me and that's when I had to play.


But we chatted on DM. It wasn't like I just DM during. We didn't talk.


But I mean for you is it just the easiest thing in the world?


No, I mean there's some girls that are. Girls don't really want to meet over DM. They want to meet a person. Nah, they don't, you know, they don't want to. They get a million DM's, you know?


Yeah, I just fire them.


You do say something like funny or what's your like go to I'm gonna.


Die after this pot. But usually just like what's good or. Yo, sometimes if I really wanna put in effort I feel like you would.


Come off like you would come off like a business inquiry but then use that to like get at Em was your go to.


I never dm chicks. I'm not even lying.


Yeah, but you might find a girl who you think is, like, gorgeous. And you probably wouldn't meet her in real life. Like, it'd be hard to run.


I think you gotta wait, really?


My thing is, if you don't like to go out and you also don't like to DM girls, then how do you even meet girls?




We like to go out.




Yeah. You gotta do one hanging out with y'all this summer, though.




Where you guys mostly in Miami or LA?


Mostly Miami, but LA.


Little bit of both.


Where do you spend the summers?


Back home in Missouri, middle of nowhere with my family. And then LA, like, I split my time.


Yeah, we'll pop out in LA.


I feel like you're slick with the females.




What do you want to know?


What's your go to?


You used to.


You're like, you have no wheels now.


I mean, I'll find a lot of girls interesting.




I mean, not sometimes, bro. Honestly, right now, when I do talk to a girl, um, they don't really got nothing to say. Like, I just some. I'm being serious, bro. So then I just get.


I'm just, like, trying to say, like.


There'S nothing interesting in conversations. Like, am I? And then I think to myself, like, do I really want to put an effort and bang this girl and then have those shitty hours and then bank. It's just the same overall. Like, yeah, but it's been years now.


Since you think you're asking the right questions.


I mean, it's. Every question is just stale. It's like, oh, are you from this?


Is that. So?


I try to switch it up, but then when I do switch it up, it's like they don't got nothing to say. Like, not really. You know what I mean? It's not.




I don't know. I'm a deep thought of person, so I like asking, like, really just, like, deep questions and shit.




But, like, not in a bad way.


Off the, like, off the jump.


Not off the jump. But, like, I like to get into interesting things. Like, I mean, rather than just stale.


Questions, not be surface level.


Yeah, but I mean, if I do find a girl attractive.




Out, you know, I'll put in work a little bit.


She gotta be blonde, right?


You gotta put in work and then pull back.




But you gotta pull back more than you're putting in work.


So it's. It's like, it's such a pull and take.


Yeah, it's pull and take. And then it happens.


It happens.


Like, I'm not a guy that's gonna be like, like, wheeling, like, all.


Like, what's get.


Like trying to get, like, if you not what it buy.




You know, but if I really like you, then I will. You know what I mean?


But it's a tricky dilemma. It's a tricky dilemma these days. It is, really is because you can't trust them, right? Yeah. I saw a clip the other day that I thought about it. I was like, yeah, that's true. You might find a good girl, but you would never know because she hangs out with a bunch of. With a bunch of hoes, and they're all in the same group, so you can't differentiate between the two, cuz. Yeah, it's just hard.


They are who they hang around.




It's simple.


So on the women topic, what do you think about the women's basketball? Kaylan Clark? I saw. I got a Nike deal for like 20 m's, dude.


But she's. She's cold, though, bro.


Like, your honest opinions on her because.


Some people never watched, like, her play until the tournament.




And I was. And I was actually, like, in shock how good she was.


Yeah, me too.


Like, the way she moves and then the range she has, like, she's like the female. Steph Curry.




Let me not say female because I said female on a podcast before and all these girls killed me. These feminists. I guess it's women. She's one of the best women I've ever seen.


They get mad at me.


When you got mad at me for.


Saying female, they said, I don't know the correct term this day is woman. Huh. I couldn't believe it.


But, yeah, women are starting to hate men, and it's probably because male is in female. You know what I mean?


I thought female and woman was the same thing.


I guess man's in woman. I don't know, brother. Shit's over my head.


Can you believe that? They got mad at me for saying, that's why.


That's wack.


You think she'd be in a three point contest?


Nah, but it'd be good. It'd be close. Yeah.


You're about Sabrina.


That'd be. That'd be close to. I mean, she. She can shoot, bro. Did you watch the three point contest? She didn't miss, like, her 1st 15. That's pretty crazy. I was gonna be mad, too, if she beats death, bro. I didn't want to.


Do you literally shoot the most contested shots I've ever. What's the nickname they call you? Never.


Yeah, man. They sound swing the rock.


Never swing the rock.


Michael never swing the rock. Porter junior.


But, I mean, there's lily guys arms in your head, and you're switching 610, though. I know.


So people think it might look like a bad shot, but I don't see that. I don't see that.


When's the last time you've been blocked on a three point shot?


I think Derek white blocked my shot when we played Boston in Boston, but it was like, he blocked it from behind. Like, he. Like, I was come off a screen. I had it, like, right here, and he came from behind a block, but.


Right in your face to know, yeah, that's not happening. You're confident, so you would agree.


You just have the full green light. You can shoot the rock whenever.


I just feel like I can make tough shots, so it doesn't feel like a bad shot to me, but I might look at it later on, on camera and be like, oh, I see why they call me Michael. Never swing the rock.


Who do you think are some of the better defenders you faced or where you been have shut you down, man.


I don't like when those, like, not short dudes, but, like, the stockier guys at, like, 6465, they can just get up underneath you and, like, lou Dort, he's a good defender. There's a lot of good defenders. I think I never realized how good of a defender Rudy Gobert was until I played them this year. And, like, what makes the Timberwolves so good is they have good on ball defenders with Jaden McDaniels, Anthony Edwards. But then if you beat those guys, you just have Rudy right there. Like, they're a tough team to beat. Yeah. I think Phoenix and Timberwolves are about to play in a little bit, so they whooped him. Yeah, I think that'll be a good.


See, Anthony Edwards is a baller, huh?


Yeah, he's a. Yo, like, too cold. He's really crazy, bro. He's a crazy athlete.


Yeah, he's the best.


Like, he's so explosive and athletic and strong, but then he also, like, has footwork. Like, he's. He's nice.


Yeah. Yeah.


I think MJ just complimented him something.




They said it's MJ son.


Surprise. Yeah. Yeah.


Everyone thinks it's MJ's son.


You watching, like, other games during the plot, like, when you're put in the playoffs, are you watching, like, other playoff games? Yeah, yeah.


I don't really want, like, in the regular season, if I'm not playing, I don't watch a ton of games, but in the playoffs, I'm locked in. I'm watching as many games as I can.


You don't do too, too much talking out there either. I noticed you're pretty quiet.


Yeah, I'll be chilling.


Just don't want to get involved in that.


No, I could, I just don't. I'm not worried about like, I've never been a super big trash talker. Yeah, I don't do too much.


There's no one that's ever upset at you, like, on the court where you broke the nugget.


Right now, I noticed the Nuggets. The Lakers talk a lot, bro. The only guy that talks in the Nuggets is Aaron Gordon on our team.


Yeah, sometimes we have a pretty kind of like even keeled team. We don't do too much talking. I wouldn't say.


Yeah. What?


The Lakers are chirping a lot. You heard them chirping.


I mean, I hate to say I'm a die hard LeBron fan, but like, bro, he says something after every possession to the refer to somebody. Yeah, you can have your opinion on that. You don't have to say anything. But I was like, surprised. I was like, bro, every possession, every. Every take, he's got to say something to the ref.


Yeah, yeah.


There's a few dudes that complain to the refs a lot.


Alright, boys, sorry to interrupt the pod real quick, but gotta let you guys know about manscape, alright? I don't advertise anything on the pod that I don't actually use. And I love manscape, alright. Everything they got on the website is designed to just keep you fresh from head to toe. They have so much different shit. It's a one stop shop. You don't gotta go to a bunch of different websites. I love the razor so much. It's fire. I use it on my sack. I use it on my face. Don't know if you're supposed to do that, but I do it anyway. It literally looks like Elon Musk made this razor.


It looks like a Tesla razor.


This thing's incredible. It's got all the different trimmers too. You probably keep your bush pretty tamed, right? You don't let it get out of control, right?




But if you did, like, gambles, it's got the ones for like, the forests. Or if you keep, you know, if you stay on top of it, it's got the different measurements and then they got so many different shit. Like they have ball deodorant. So, you know me, I've been dialed. I don't really wheel or get girls, but if I was to go to the gym and I got a call to get a kill and you don't have time to shower, that's when you grab the ball deodorant, throw it on the sack. You know, it's not as good as a shower, but it's great for emergencies. And then they got the crop soother, too. Boys, you can't be shaving the top of the bush and then leaving the sack hairy, too. That's just dust. So shave the balls, and then after that, use the crop soother. Toss it on the little boys down there.


They're gonna love you for it.


You could probably toss it on your face, too.


Honestly, that shit's fire.


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Love that.


It's free shipping, too.


Thank you.


Manscaped. I love manscape, personally. So let's get back on the punch.


How do you think Brownie junior will do in the NBA?


I didn't get to watch him in college, but he has the genetics to obviously develop into a good player. I think he's still probably a little raw. And then people forget he had that whole cardiac arrest, so he was coming back from that. I think in the NBA, it's not always the most talented guys that make it. It's the guys who can, like, find a role. So, like, you know, there's a ton of talented players that never make the NBA. Cause they're ball dominant players. They need the ball in their hands to really, like. Yeah, do well. But if you can, like, find a role on the team, play defense and knock down corner threes and. And things like that, you can find a role. So I can kind of see Brownie doing that early on, then he can, like, develop from there.


He's a great athlete.




Yeah, but that's like with LeBron. He got so many people paid because they could do one thing. Like.


Yeah, I mean, look at. Look at PJ Tucker.




PJ Tucker's had an amazing career. And this dude. This dude, like, good defender. He's a great defender, and he shoots. Corner three. You know, he's. Yeah, he's made a lot of money, and he's helped teams win championships because he's done those two things at a high level.




So what do you think's different about. I mean, you're coming off a championship from last year. Anything feel, like, superiorly different this year? Postseason?


I think, you know, we know we're. We're a good team. I think the difference is once you win, like, teams, they, like, they kind of like know you're good. Like you become the hunted instead of the hunter. Like we were kind of like the underdog last year. We kind of could fly under the radar. Just play good basketball now. It's like every team is preparing for us. Some teams are even like building. Building their teams around, like trying to beat us or beat Boston or whoever, like the top teams are. So it's a little bit different.




But we should. We should win a chip, though. This year. It's the goal.


What do you think of Joker's brother punching that guy?


Did you see that?


Bro? I just saw that this morning.


The guy ate it though.


Low key. And have you seen Joker's brother?




He's huge.




Why did he punch him?




They said like one of the fans was like talk. Like a Lakers fan was like talking to him. Whatever. Chatting a little bit. And then Jokers brother like came over the the bleachers and just like punched.


Those dudes don't play.


Because people be.


Saying like up shit.


But you're not gonna see like people coming out like those. That dude hit him hard.


Yeah. 610 he did kind of eat it. But they said he was like he was a little drunk so he might not felt it.


I made it easier.




You think the fans get too out of line with the players? Like they have too much freedom to say whatever they want.


Yeah. Especially certain places, bro. Like if you go to Utah. I don't know if you guys been to Utah before. All the Mormons.


Yeah. Yeah.


Brother. Racist dog.




Like, like you're looking at stands. You don't see one black person. It's all white people. And they're definitely racist over there. There's a few. There's a few going shit. But there's a few fan bases that get out of pocket. Philly, New York, Bronze talked about Boston, too. Boston's really bad. Yeah. But I mean, that's part of the game. But it's a good thing that, like if a player gets disrespected too much, you can get a fan kicked out. Sometimes players. Sometimes players like take advantage of that, I think. And if they get annoyed with the fan, I'll try to get them kicked out.


I think in this series. The deciding factor.




I'll tell you right now, I don't know if coach has told you, but it's D'Angelo Russell. Would you agree with that?


He's an x factor, but he played really good yesterday.


But that's what I'm saying. If he plays good, you guys might lose a series.


We're not gonna lose a series.


If he's on fire.


If he plays good, they have a better chance at winning. He's for them. You know what you're gonna get out of LeBron? You know, most nights, Ad will. He'll bring it. For them to win. Like, ad needs to, like, match joker in production, and then LeBron's gonna do what LeBron does. You probably need, like, Dlo or Austin Reeves to, like, really, really have a good game.




And then, even then. Even then, like, it's. It's. It's. It's tough. I mean, they got a really good team, bro. They got a really good team. I think Jared Vanderbilt's coming back next, next game. I think Christian would. He'll give them a little boost. But, man, the Lakers, bro, they hate us.


They needed that win last night.


I'm not gonna lie.


That's gonna complete them, to be honest.


Because that was us going, that's la. Like, up 20 is so much different in there. One, one, like, yeah. And then feeling confident, like, that was a big win for us.




That was my favorite win since being a Denver nugget. That win yesterday.


I think you guys could honestly, in my opinion, sweep them again based off that win last. Like, that's depleting, bro.


Like, if we get game three, like, if we go in there and get game back home.


Oh, it's just like, now we actually got away.


So much pressure.


I just want to be a fly on the wall in their locker room and just.


Bro, equipment manager, you know, they go in there and, like, make sure they're good. But he said that he went in there and they were so, like, just down after they get. I mean, who wouldn't be? Europe 20 playoff game. Yeah, and then you lose like that. But, like he said, they were. They were distraught.


So your guys. Equipment manager gets to go in there and, like, get.


Look like our ball boys and stuff like that. We're going there and, like, take care of them. And then they'll come. Like, they don't, like, go and tell us what happened. They were, man. Like, they were. They were down after that. After that, you know.


Have you ever seen the parody videos? I think Supreme Adams or something does them. Like, he's acts like LeBron after the loss, and he goes crazy. And you couldn't just hit one shot. That's all you to do. But I did notice that Bron had that wide open three at the end of the game to win.


Yeah. Missed it. But that stuff happens. He. He. He was killing before. He had those two threes back to back. Then that an. That dunk. Like, he was going crazy in the fourth quarter. Yeah, but miss shots happen. But there was just too much time. We got the ball. Coach didn't call timeout, and then Jamal came down and, you know, he got busy. Yeah, Ad was. Ad was sick after that.


Ad. Yeah.


I wonder how long LeBron's gonna be playing for.


Man. This is.


Bro, I don't know what's wrong with that guy. I don't know how he's still 21.


21 years.


He's like 40, bro. And moving like that, like, wiring, carrying an organization like that. Dude is amazing.


He really wants that fifth.


Yeah, he really wants it.


He's one. One below MJ, I think.


Yeah, the Lakers are good. They probably need a little bit more. I wonder, like, if they were to lose first rounds, ever lost the first round, what they would do. Like, I wonder who they would try to move, who they would try to.


I saw Trey. Trey young.


Trey, you know, like, one of my best friends. You know, we grew up playing AAU together.


You and Trey Young.


Yeah. Like, we won. Like, we were the number one team in the country. It was me and him, and. Yeah, we were crazy, but, yeah, he. I've heard his name going over there. That would be. He's really good. Yeah, he's really good.


It's crazy now with these AAU kids, how famous, like, Cooper flag is everywhere. You know him.




And Mikey Williams.




Like, they're 15 years old, and they're, like, actual celebrities making millions of dollars.


Yeah, Mikey Williams.




Makes money. He signed. He signed. I'm with Puma. He signed a puma contract for some.


Millions, and he's, what, 17?


Yeah. And then nil stuff. I should change the game, because now you don't even have to be. That's the thing with social media, bro. Like, in the. In the era that we're going into, you don't even have to be the best player to make the money now. Now just because of your name and that you grew a big Instagram, a college is willing to pay you a bunch of money in nil because it boosts their program even if you're not like the best player. Like, it's just weird now. It wasn't like that even when I was, you know, coming up, you still didn't get paid in college. You know, you only had a lot of followers on Instagram if you really were, like, the best players. Now it's like, if you. If you post some cool pictures and.


You know, what do you think about the dude on what his name. On Duke, he did a TikTok. Like, a lot of tick tocks.




You know, I'm talking about.


Did you see those?


His TikTok is big.


I mean, no, but he would post, like, three or four a day, and it's like, dude, what are you doing? Like, you kind of, like, personally, I lose respect for a little bit for those guys.


You're supposed to be hooping. That's the thing. That's. That's what I was saying about social media earlier. Like, if TikTok is your job or you're, like, an influencer, and that's literally your job, like, okay, like, go crazy on TikTok or Instagram and make as much money as you can, but if you're an athlete and you're doing all that extra stuff, it definitely comes off as corny.




Like, bro, like, focus on hoop and go make your money playing basketball. Like, I need TikTok.


You do your podcast, like, more for fun and just to have a platform to speak your opinion. But did, like, any of your teammates have an opinion on you doing that?


No. I mean, Joe Joker, I'm the only podcast he's ever done, you know, so that was cool. They all like it. I'm gonna get some more of my teammates on, but they definitely, like, if I. When they see people or they see, like, on Twitter, them trying to, like, cancel me or post my. Post a clip, and, like, my teammates are clown me in the locker room.


What'd you try to get canceled for?


Cause I said. I said tranny, and I was supposed to say transsexual or transgender, I think. Same thing with the female thing. Like, I thought tranny meant transgender, and I thought female meant woman. I guess, bro, you got to be, like, really careful with all this stuff. So, like, I up for that, to be honest.


Saying train dropped out, like, once a day.


I think that was in the. It was in the Lana episode. We were talking something, and, yeah, I said the word training. I guess that's a slur these days.


Is that tough with, like, being in the NBA? Like, today come down it, like, for saying something like that or, like, I.


Mean, bro, like I said, like, I thought this. This was a freedom of speech country. People are so sensitive these days. Like, I'm not, like, trying to disrespect anyone or I just. And that's why I made the podcast called Curious Mike. Like, I don't know everything. Teach me. Teach me. Like, I didn't know that that was wrong. You know, I might get, like, a transgender person on there and be like, can you please teach me how to address you guys and things like that? Like, I. Like. You know, so my teammates, if I do. If I do. If they see something, like, going viral on twitter, they'll definitely, like, clown me on the locker room or, you know, make jokes.


You should get Caitlyn Jenner on. We had her on once.


Did you?


She's a dope trainee. She is. She's my favorite trainee.




Your favorite transgender woman?


Favorite transgender woman.


She's dope.






She's nasty.


But, like, the thing about that, like, at golf, what do you guys think about if you transition and then you want to go play, like, a male sport?


No, that's.


Well, if you want to play, it'd.


Be the other way.


Male go to the females.


Think Trump.


Trump. Yeah. Male transitions to a female, but then wants to go play, like, woman's volleyball. No, but then they're jumping to the sky, and it's like, that's.


That's bullshit.


That's the dumbest shit. Anyone that, like, I can't even believe that's.


I don't care about getting canceled for that. If you agree with that, you're a idiot.




And I'll tell you. And I'll tell you who is an idiot is the head coach of the woman's South Carolina team. Because she said.


What did she say?


That it should be allowed?


No, she didn't. There's no way. Because that means if I transition to a woman right now, then I can go play in the. In. In the WNBA in average 50.


I'm almost positive someone should fact check me on that. But she said that I would hope.


A woman's college coach would not say.


That if that happens, the women are done. Like, yeah.


I mean, over. I mean, there's no biggest lack of.


Respect for a woman is to allow.


Like, I mean, luckily, I don't think a ton of male athletes would want to transition to a woman, and. But, like, there's definitely gonna be some.




Like, you imagine if you really want.


To win if you do that.


No, no.


A full team of transgender women, they just go play. And they just are the best team in the history.


They should get them all in the same squad.


That's right.




So, so. So South Carolina, who. They just won the championship.


Yeah. Yeah.


The biggest year in women said that should be allowed. She said it should be allowed when the women had the biggest year they've ever had, and you're gonna go and have that take.


I don't know why they can compete with the men. Because of how good they were this year, bro.


The best woman to ever play could go in the NBA right now, and it would be over for. Bro. Like, the worst NBA player. Like, it could be a college. It could be a college basketball player. And they go to the WNBA, and they average 40.


I think Angel Reese would get one on you.




The Angel Reese could score on you. Caitlin, maybe?


Bro, Caitlin's cold. That's the one girl that I was. Okay, she was in a game. Yeah. On defense, she would get cooked, but offensively, like, she'll knock down some corner threes or, like, a swing. Swing three. Like, she actually would, because she can shoot from that far, you know? But, no, most women can't compete with men, and I don't think men should be able to transition and play with women. That's just. Bro, that whole conversation just. That irritates me. Like, even the fact of, like, I guess. Have you guys heard of the furries? The furries thing?




So I didn't even know this was a thing until I went to Seattle my senior of high school, and the high school I went to had the first transgender bathroom in high schools, like, in the country.


What did it say on the sign?


It was just, like, the mixed sign thing of, like, a man and a woman or whatever, but, like, Seattle's kind of, like. Or farther along with that type of stuff. So I learned about furries, and furries are basically these kids that go to school, but they think they're, like, an animal. Like, they think they're a raccoon or they think they're a cat. And they'll, like, the schools will, like, provide them, like, litter boxes and things like that, and, like, what the teachers have to.


You're lying.


No, this is a real thing.


Litter boxes.


Like, litter boxes for these kids. But, like, literally, the teachers and stuff, I guess it's respectful to address them the way they want to be addressed. That's, like, if they're. If they think they're, like, a raccoon, you have to address them like they're a raccoon.


Like, what's up, raccoon? Dude, what the fuck?




I don't know how to.


I don't know. You have to, like, literally give them a litter box and you have to treat them like they're a furry.


That's fucking disgusting. Disgusting one. Where does the litter box go?


Look into furries, bro. That's like a real thing. I think it's weird, that whole conversation. Like, I could get deep into that.


My kids not gonna be a furry. I'll promise you that.


If you send your kid to public school, though, these days, it could come. It could come back and be like, dad, I think I'm. I think I'm a cat. My kids getting home school, bro.


Yeah, that's what's. I mean, they're teaching it in school, right?


Like, yeah, like the. I don't know who's pushing is this. This agenda like this.


But I mean, I remember, like, learning about, like, the Seattle sex.


Super. Like that, though. Seattle, like, Washington is the same.


And it's weird for me, like, because not everywhere in the country is like that. Like, I grew up in Missouri, and none of this stuff was like this when I went to Seattle. Like, yo, like, this is crazy.






That's why it's weird for me. Like, I didn't grow up with any of this stuff going on.




I don't even know how we got here, bro.


I'll go down the craziest rabbit holes of random shit like that on x and stuff.


That's hilarious.


Yeah, I gotta look into that furry shit. I don't know if I believe that.


Until I look into. Bro. It's a real thing. What did you guys think of? I'm, like, interviewing you guys now. At the same time, what you guys think of the Garcia Haney fight?


Garcia's a legend.




You know, we.


Have he seen. Did he come off as he was? Actually, I never thought he was, like, super crazy.


We met him. I'm not gonna lie. It seemed like he was playing an act a little bit. Like, he seemed pretty fucking normal.


But we went to a. We had him on the pod, and then we went out to, like, a hockey game after. And, like, he cranked a few beers.


He was definitely drinking during camp. Yeah, but I think that happens more than people think.


Yes. People have a different way of preparing. Like, just in the NBA, you got dudes who will go, I don't think.


A lot of fighters are drinking during camp.


He was loose for that fight. He was confident going to that fight. Like, he knew he was going to beat Haney.


That was incredible to watch.


What did you think of it?


Like, I kind of wanted Ryan to win because he was talking so much that I wanted him to win so he can keep talking crazy and keep, like. He's talking about a lot of stuff and I'm glad he won so he can, like, if he would have lost, that would have been bad for the sport, first of all.




Because that would have been two losses in a row. And then. But now that he won, he can still be talking and doing his thing. So I'm kind of the illuminati, right?




What do you think happens so far, Devin Haney after that, though?


Oh, he's cheesed.


That's gonna be tough to come back from, right?


Yeah, it's gonna be tough. That's gonna be tough. But I don't know. I'm not huge into boxing. I was talking to one of my friends who is, and he said Devin Haney was never really like that. Like, he beat a couple people. He's not like tank, but he's not like tank.




Or one of those guys.


I hope that rematch happens. Take Garcia.


Yeah, but tank is.


I like how Garcia didn't make weight.


He didn't care about the belt.


Like you.


I have a three pound advantage now.


Yeah, he didn't care about the bell.


Did you guys in boxing, belts don't mean shit.


No, there's.


Everyone has a bone.


There's a video of Haney and them celebrating. Have you seen it on a really, like, there's a cake and, like, there's a girl being like.




And still. And he's just sitting there so awkwardly because he took the l. Yeah, but.


Yeah, 500, 500k for each pound.




But apparently Garcia also put 2 million on himself and 112 million or 110 million.


You can do that in boxing.


You get better yourself.


Yeah, see, you can't do that any NBA. No, well, you can literally do that in boxing.






So you can. You can bet that you can put a bunch of money that you're gonna lose and then lose.


You can't lose. You can only bet it to win.


Oh, really?


You bet on yourself to win.


It's also individual sports.


Then that's. That's fine. Yeah. If you could bet on yourself to lose, then there would be the. Some weird stuff going on.


Do you watch UFC or any other?


No, not really. Not too much. I don't watch. Not too much.


Just the NBA games. Who do you think's the scariest team besides, you guys are now I would.


Say, you gotta say Boston or I'd say in the west. In the west, I'd say Minnesota. It's like they built their team to try to like, compete against us almost.


How do you, like, how do you look at that team? And I'm not taking anything away from them. And then look at like the Suns and the Clippers and like, they're not ahead of the timber.


I know. I would think that they would be.


With the amount of style paper, right.


I would think that like sons and those teams, I have Katie block and all of them. Right. Would be the best.


On paper, NBA is different because it's like, it's not about having the most talent. Like, we've seen talented teams on KD, James Harden, Kyrie over in Brooklyn, you saw, saw like some of these teams, they just get a bunch of talent. That's not really how it works. You have to have like cohesive, like cohesive guys that work well together. Like, I think the Timberwolves, I mean, they do have three all stars. You have ant, you have cat, you have Rudy who's been an all star. But then like Jade McDaniels and, you know, Nas, Reid, like, this is a really, really, really good team. Phoenix, they're obviously really good. They have the talent to beat anyone. But you got, you got a lot of guys who do like similar things. Like Bradley Beal, he was a leading scorer, but him and book are both the same position. You don't really have a point guard. Right. So they, it's going to be a good series because they have, bro, Phoenix is so talented, bro. They, if they start hitting shots like, they're tough to be.


They don't have that facilitator.


No, like they.


Chris, imagine putting no offenses but like Joker.


Yeah, Joker. But they need a point guard, I think because right now Devin Booker's like their point guard, but he, that's wasting too much energy. He needs to be off the ball and can just focus on scoring.


You remember that era, though, of like big threes and then just like everyone teaming up together.


Yeah, but even then, like, those big threes were different. Like Bron D Wade and Chris Bosch. They complimented each other. Yeah, because they all did different things. Like LeBron kind of wanted to pass more and he wanted to get D Wade going and, and, you know, then you had Chris Bosh or like a same thing with like Kevin love when they had Kevin love. Another big three. Who was another big three?


Like Darnett, Allen and Pierce.


Yeah, them, they're just, they complemented each other or, like, who else?


Katie, Steph.


Yeah, Katie, Steph and Clay and them. Like, they all do different things. Then they have Draymond, who all Draymond cared about was getting his scores open. Looks the Suns don't really have a guy like that right now. Yeah, but there's still, there's still a problem, though.




What about the Clippers?


I think clippers are tough, bro.


They're very James hard. And people were hating on James Harden.


I think he's one of the best scores all time.


But I, I'm sorry, but if the Clippers do get on, I don't see anybody being a seven game series. That's just my, I'm sorry. You probably heard this a lot, but.


Do they Clippers a cold? But it's cold. Is Kawhi healthy, though? I don't know. I don't know what his injury is. Yeah, he is. They're nice.


I mean, defensively, though, too. Like, that's seeing them like shit. Russ is a great defense, you know, I mean.


No, they're cold. I think. I think we got a good chance of going back to back.


I feel like they're harder to beat. This may sound stupid. They'd be harder to beat than the Timberwolves.


That I think they'd be equally tough to be.




The Timberwolves had the number one defense in the league and then, and is just a problem. Like a crazy problem the Clippers have kawhi. They're, they're tough, too. It's good, bro. This is like one of the best playoffs.


I'm excited.


In recent history. I'm about to go watch these games after this.


Who's playing right now?


I think it's Minnesota Suns. And then later on it's Mav's Clippers, I think.


Who do you think you're closest with on the team? Off the court?


I'd say Aaron Gordon. Super chill. Do y'all would love him. And then, like, some of the young dudes, like Peyton Watson, julian Strother. But I'm cool with all of them, man. Like, me and Joker have got cool over the years. Me and Jamal, I'm cool with, you know, KCP is one of the coolest dudes ever, but we just got a really dope team, to be honest. And when, when guys come to our team from other teams, they always say, like, the locker room is way different in our locker room than other teams. We got a cool team.


What do you think about that? Just how everyone gets along well.


Yeah. And just like personalities. That's the other thing about the NBA.




You wouldn't. You wouldn't even believe how much personalities, like, in the locker room affect winning and affect chemistry. Like, if you got some dudes who don't really rock with each other, bro, that directly correlates to how good your team is, for sure. Yeah.


What, you smoke?


Yeah, I've been in Colorado in a minute, bro.


You got that? You got the gas on you?


The altitude? Yeah, dude, but the altitude hits you like crazy.


Nah, bro, you've just been. You just been wiling, bro. You need to get some sleep. Girls on your sad.


Yeah. Yeah.


The last six.




The last six days were pretty crazy.


Where's our girl at the right now?








What's she doing out there? She thinks she probably messed with.


Sponsored trip, dude.


I messed with some prince. Someone like an egyptian prince.


She's into. She's Dubai, Egypt, all over the place.


I saw her posting, like, at Chris Brown vapes. Like, hashtag Chris brown vapes. Yeah, that's who we got beef's going on to. Do you see that? Chris Brown Quavo?


Oh, yeah, that's. That's. Chris Brown talked crazy to quit. Why? Are they mad at each other? No, bro. This is the thing, like, Quavo's with. I think all these rappers be hitting each other's girls, so then they get mad.


Yeah, no, that isn't.


That what it is gotta be happening. But, like.


But they all.


That would make. I see why they're.


You think all this beef, like, it's like, even the Drake shit.


They said Drake and future. Like, that's what.




Yeah. Drake mentioned John Moran. I know that's over a girl. I think it's literally all over girls. And we were talking about this in.


I think he tried to get at his chick, who I think he tried to get at the weekend's chick long time ago.


This is the thing where we were talking about this in the locker room, because, like, there's a difference between getting at the same girl. If your. Your boy doesn't really mess with the girl, she's just like another girl. But if. If it's a girl that, you know, your guy really.




Messed with at one point. That's kind of crazy.




To me. But some of my teammates were like, nah, bro, these girls are for the streets. Like, who cares? I'm like, nah, bro.


But everyone also might just say that.


But they really, you know, when your.


Boy asks you, then you're like, bro, I don't even really like her, but deep down, like, they liked her the whole time.




You know, but, you know, if your.


Boy, like, really likes her.




You should know that.


Yeah, well, there's got to be a set of boundaries somewhere.




It's getting out of hand.


I literally think that's what all this beef is about. Wait, so who Quavo dates?


I think Quavo's with Chris Brown's ex, Karrueche.




Oh, so that's why he's mad. Yeah, he talked crazy.


Brown said he smashed sweetie while he was.


While she was with.


What the fuck is going on, bro?


But the thing. The thing is, like. Like, you can't get on a diss track and say, I want you to die. Like, Chris Brown said some. He said something like, yeah, like, that's wild.


That's unnecessary.


Probably like, I was listening to.


Okay, like, it's a hard bar, though.




Going crazy. Like. But then he said. I was like, bro, come on, dog. It was Quavo's track a good. Was it good?


I haven't listened to that.


I thought it was.


I've been listening.


Yeah, I thought it was kind of weak. Chris Brown went in and then.


Yeah, Chris Brown went in. Drake went in.


Drake went in with the. Taylor made freestyle to right.




Drake dropped the second one.


Oh, did he?


He put, like, the AI. Was it poc and AI? Snoop?


Really, bro, that AI thing is crazy that they can make. You can make a rap song. AI?


Yeah, it's insane, man.


Ask elast. Elon, like, how we prepare for this.


He's scared of it. He says, really thinks it's a real.


There's got to be. I think there's gonna be guys at the elites at the very top are gonna know how to handle it, and they're not gonna share with everybody, and then it's over.


Control it.


For sure. Yeah.


I'm building in a crib and an unknown location. I'll let y'all know. But I got a bunker.


Add some sort of value to it.


When do you think you'll have to use it?


In my humble opinion? I think the world. It's wraps in the next ten to 20 years.


Yeah, I think I was gonna say ten.


Once AI gets 20 years, and then you can't tell the difference between reality and simulation or, like, you know, the video games you can, like, go into. Like, I think all that stuff is in the next 1020 years. Look how quick.


Look how quick.


Phones, like, progress, too, right?


Like, could you even, like, picture? Okay, this is like an iPhone 15. Can you imagine, like, an iPhone 13.


Like, the Apple vision Pro v ten. Probably be, like, a contact.


Those kind of fell off, though, huh?


But that's v one. That's, like, the first. Like, imagine the first smartphone compared to imagine the first phone is right. Like, the phone. Now.


I'd bunker down, trip his ass to other chicks, and we could bleep it. But, no, I shall love it. Amanda, that option is out there 100%.






Not a bad life.


No. Hell, no.


Yes. I got the bunker going on.


Apocalypse can't come.


I'm gonna have to fake something. Yeah. You stay focused when you go to LA, when you're about to go to LA for these two games.




You tempted to leave that lot?




Keep the ig off.


We got the summer to go crazy. We'll be kicking it this summer some, but, yeah, in the playoffs. I'm locked. I'm not leaving the hotel. I mean, maybe to go get some food, but, no. Can't let these girls drain you, man.


I suck the life out of you, man.


Will there.


I'm kidding.




What do you think? What are you gonna try and improve on? I mean, dude, you're such an insane. So would you say, like, your comparison to KD Rob had?


I've had three surgeries, though. Like.


Yeah, and we didn't talk about that, but I know you played. You had a short season at Missouri because of that.


Yeah. You know, growing up, I was, like, the number one player in the world.


I remember when I was growing up and that you had all the hype, and it was crazy when you got hurt.


Injuries is crazy, bro. But, I mean, now, like, falling to the Nuggets and being in this situation and kind of adapting my game to play with these guys, it's an ideal situation, and I'm gonna keep trying to get better, but injuries are, you know, they're tough, especially the ones I went through. So, you know, I'm blessed to be able to still be able to hoop at the highest level against the best players in the world. And luckily, I'm on this good team, and hopefully in a month or two, we'll be talking about, you know, back to back champion. You know, that's the goal. So I can't complain at all, bro.


They got to give Joker MVP. You think he'll get it?




Think they'll give to SGA?


The reason I don't think he'll get it is because he doesn't even really want it. Whenever the MVP conversation comes up, he's always like, yeah, I'm playing pretty good basketball, but there's a couple other guys that deserve it. He doesn't care all about that stuff. You know, you should watch the podcast that I did with him.




Yeah, he. He's, like, a smart dude. Like, his outlook on life, like, is. Is different, bro.


I'll say.


It seems like there's not much ego in the locker room. No, everyone's there for each other.


Yeah, for sure.


That's definitely not in the Lakers.


Yeah, but that's partly because of, like, the type of guys that, that's why they do. Like, before you get drafted, they do interviews. Like, they'll interview, you know, the players and, and that's a big part of it. You wouldn't think that you would walk into an a room with, like, all the presidents and the GM's of these teams, and that would mean that much. But they care a lot about, like, your personality because they want to, like, mix personalities.


Yeah, that's actually interesting. I don't think I've ever, ever heard anyone talk about that. What. What's that process, like?


Yeah, like, when you're a young dude going to, like, rookie, the rookie, the combine and things like that. Like, all the teams will be there, and then the teams that are looking at you, you'll have, like, interviews with them, and you'll go and, like, sit down and talk to the front office guys and, like, I didn't really realize how, like, how important that was to these teams. But then I heard, like, you know, Tyrese Halliburton, he got drafted pretty much. It was a lot of, it was because of his talent, but, like, I heard, like, he had, like, one of the best interviews ever, and so they really liked him as a person and, like, how he could fit their team. And, you know, then he went to Sacramento and they loved him, and, you know, he turned out to be an amazing player. So they care a lot about personalities because, like, you got some talented players who just. Yeah, just, it doesn't work. You know, they might have too much of an ego. They might not have the work ethic. They might think they're better than they are. They might not be willing to accept a role for, like, the greater good of the team because they've always been the man.


You got to think every NBA player at one point in their life was, like, the man. And now you're in a league of all these alpha dudes who think they're the man. But maybe, like, lowering your ego and playing a role will help you make millions of dollars.




Some players can't do that.


Yeah, no, I was. You can just watch sometimes and tell and be like, if you're playing at this level and it's this competitive, but there are guys out there that just.


Don'T give a. Yeah.


Even about basketball.




And it's just so crazy to think, like, just being that athletic and having that much talent, you don't care to win. You can never figure that out.


Yeah, man. I mean, some dudes, like, their passion for the game kind of diminishes. The NBA is hard, bro. It's 82 games. Some dudes want the long summer.




You know, they, like, if you. If you didn't make the playoffs, you got to be done last week, and you get to have the whole summer to go chill and do whatever you want. But for, you know, the good teams, you playing another couple months. The summer short, bro. Like, our summer was short last year. Like, you know, it was. And then right back into the season, like, we're tired, you know?




Especially when you win, too.


There's probably a lot more when you win. It's a lot of stuff going on, bro. I went to Taiwan shortly after we won, bro. And, like, the love you get after winning a championship, like, is crazy. It was dope, bro. Like, they were waiting for me in the airport. Like, I landed, and the whole airport was filled with people. Like, I didn't even know I had that many fans.


How'd they know you were. Was it all you guys, or you just went.


No, it was just me. I was going out there for, like, a couple. Like, an appearance. Like, I had one dude set up, like, a little appearance for, like, some money. So I went out there, and, like, a bunch of Taiwan people were in the airport, like, waiting on me. It was crazy. And they all watched the championship. Like, it's crazy. It really is. Like, the NBA is, like, a worldwide sport, and when you win, it gets even crazy.


Igs go up.


Huh? Huh?


Ig number goes up.


Like, yeah, yeah. Like, if I've deleted my instagram so many times, if I would have kept it up, I mean, that probably would have been good for my brand, but.


Girl, stay out of the comments. You don't need to read no negative shit. Yeah, I could see one getting to you. And then you, like, pacing around the. Pacing around your penthouse, thinking about it.


When people say, don't care about people's opinion, like, I'm sure when you guys release a podcast and people are just talking crazy about you guys, like, that's not cool to anyone. Like, people act like if you have money or you have a whatever, like, you're a robot, but just human still, bro.




How weird was it not seeing the warriors in the playoffs?


It's been a long time. It's sad, but, like, it's just sad seeing kind of, like, the end of an era, it seems like. And then clay, like, looking at the court like, that was, like, sad.


What's going on?


Yeah, that was sad. But, I mean, Steph is still Steph. I mean, who knows what they'll do? I'll be interested to see what they do next year. But when you ever see, like, an end of an era like that, like, that's what we grew up on. You know what I mean? So it's kind of crazy.


Yeah. Yeah, it is pretty. Damn.


All right, dude.




Nah, dope. We touched some good topics. Definitely some cancel worthy topics.


Yeah, cancel us on twitter. We'll be waiting. Right.


Man, I appreciate you guys having a championship.


We'll pull up to the party and.


Yeah, let's do it.


For sure.


Wait, what's your part called again?


Curious Mike. Yeah. Go check it out.


Check it out.


Podium interview, guys.


Let's do it. All right, bro.


Thank you so much.


You already know.