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Alright, boys, we got a cool roundtable boys only episode today. Before we get into it, if you guys have not tried the prize picks app and you like firing on sports, you have to, have to, have to try it. Alright, you guys know me, I love firing on sports and I've tried so many different apps. Once I tried prize fix, I fell in love with it and we partnered up with them. Instead of choosing teams, you're choosing individual players. So you go on the app and each player has a set projection and then it's up to you. You either go more or less than that set projection. So you choose a bunch of players, stack them up, and then the more you choose, the more that your pick is going to multiply. If you guys are smart with sports and you know what players are going to perform on what nights, it's a no brainer. Download the prize picks app. Give it a try for first time users. If you've never tried the app, we have you on Codenlc. It's going to get you a 100% deposit bonus. Download the app for the first time, plug in Codenelc and if you put in $100, you're going to get the $100 matched.


Easy money. Take advantage of that code boys. NBA playoffs is on. NHL playoffs is on. Baseball champions League and. Right. A lot of sports on boys. Download the prize picks app. Use code Nelk. Let's get into the pod.


Mikey, when you see this house, bro, I mean, you think this is nice?


It's nicer than this house?


Yeah, I don't think it's nice.


I don't even know where they tell this house is.


I was.


This house is sick.


No, it is a crib.


It is amazing.


Wait, I was telling them it's the Demelio's old house.




I was telling them you were flexing on me. Telling. It was the D'Amelio's old house, dude.


By the way, I was not flexing.


You were flexing it. He called me and he's like, yo, it's the D'Amelio's old house. Like, their Netflix is still logged into my account.


Oh, no.


He's like, I took a photo and dm'd it to Dixie.


They're not gonna live in, like. So I was kind of like, letting him know, like, what to expect.


Did you say anything about the Netflix, though? It's hilarious.


They're logged in. I got all their logins.


What are they watching?


I don't know.


I honestly didn't really look at that.


What's on there, like, currently, like, still watching. Did you check that?


You probably clicked all the. Continue watching. And, like, no, I didn't notice.


Or, like a year or four and what.


And also, why do. Why are you here? Why did you come back to. Why did all. Why are you here? Why are you. Me and Brad have been holding down the. Hold on a second, buddy. We'll get, you know how much love I've. I love you, but just, you just.


Got stories and we're all, like, supporting each other.




Guy, lab Mike. This is a tree.


Get men.


Are you allowed?


I love you.






Oh, this is God crazy.


You're gonna go get mic'd up over there.


This is getting good.


All right, well, as you guys could see, we got a crazy episode today. We got Mike on Stoney, me, we got Nick, and we got Brad on, obviously.


Was that ri. Did that really. Is he. Is that him? Yeah. Really? Bob manner?




That's not a clone.




We just thought we'd go for a complete shit show episode. Just get a bunch of the boys. We wanted to do this for a while. Like a roundtable type episode.




Which I think we should do more. So.


I love this.


You guys should do.




You, Bob and Brad, you a pod, I think.


Who's the.


Who's the. Are you the oldest out of you three? I would assume I'm older than everyone, but Bob's 37.


Yeah, I'm 39.


Yeah, he's oldest.


I'm literally Bob.


Like, the. The old heads.




Old head.


Bob is like, when I see Bob, it's like seeing myself in 2004.


Okay, so we know where you were at.


You are. You're like Mike 2.0.


This is gonna be, huh?


Yeah. You are.


I. That. That, to me, is a compliment. No, I know that. I love his content. I've told. I told him this in Vegas when you told me the number to bet on, and it hit for, like, 4k.


Making my not right.


And some of it went back to your audience, but I told them that. I said, dude, you're mixed. Content is very. It's very good. It's very fast paced. It's exactly within the vein. It's what YouTube is missing. And I think to tell me that the baton potentially was passed to him would be a compliment.


Nick's killing it.


I think he's an incredible creator.


You obviously have a good team, too, right? Like, you're always posting Alex. Like, yeah, he's doing all nighters, too.


Honestly, it is a team. I definitely cannot do it on my own. Alex grinds. Twenty four seven. I don't think he's had a break in a year and a couple months. James, my producer, I mean, everything we just post every Sunday. Like, we have some weeks there, you know, are as good and sometimes.


Yeah, I think you could see the, the grind from the outside too.


For sure.


Missed one week of you miss a week.


We knew once, once it started going that we just couldn't miss a week. No, not missed a week.


Yeah. That's impressive.


Dude. Honestly, are you gonna get in trouble.


For being on this or.


No, absolutely.


We used to have a little more impulsive, full send you guys back and forth.


No, I mean, I think, listen, like, we, we both came up on YouTube around the same time and I think it's always been healthy competition. I mean, it.


We dropped Trump. That was like our. Not like us by Kendrick Lamar. It was back and forth and then we just dropped Trump.


No, I think in a way, like.


I don't know, Trump was meet the grand Elon was not like, that's a legendary, legendary episode.


Like Tyson was all time.


I mean, listen, like, I think, I think from a guest standpoint, you guys have always had really top tier guests.


You see what I'm saying?


In what, in what way?


You gotta follow this guy on Twitter. It's like the most. Captain, obviously.


How have I. How is me giving kudos and flowers to somebody that are to someone whose product I respect? How is that a politically correct answer?


You don't.


What do you want me to say to him, Steinie?


Oh, like, Nick. No, dude, you want me to be honest? Just like that? Nick, you're killing it. We don't need like a five minute speech.


He didn't sleep last night.


Let me tell you something.


By the.


Way, this guy, this guy went to.


Barney's at like, which, by the way, great, good guys. Just next time you have the most.


Random guy explain the situation.


So I'm not gonna get into things.


What did you guys do last night, Stoney? Cuz I was walking in the gym at 07:00 a.m. today and I got a Facetime from Bob and him and Stiney were still up.


Okay, we were just. We got it. Like we. It was supposed to be an instant night, but then we decided to all of us get together and play poker game. They got a little I control.


You two got to stop hanging out.


Like all the time. You guys are bad together.


Oh, yeah, no, I've already know this. I got the guy. I got. No matter. I was the only guy who showed up for his 30th birthday that didn't even exist party and gave away. By the way, Petta cancel him. He gave away the bird that I gave him. God knows where that thing is and.


I gave it donate. You actually cost me money.


You're trying to protect yourself. You.


I swear to God, you could have been a father.


That's like how crazy of a gift is that?


It was insane, like, to give someone a parent to assume that. But it's also what I would expect. Mennery to give someone as a gift.


But that's also what you needed, bro. You, you're out all the time doing your shit. Like, that's.


Dude, a bird.


You couldn't last 14 hours taking care of a bird. It did live for 30 years.


I found it's every 15 minutes on Google. If you google it, it shits every. Well, I woke up in my like shit.


I actually felt Loki bag cuz I slept as tinies that night.


And he definitely lived for 35 years.


He bought you a gift that will last a lifetime.


Thank you.


Very nice.




Mike got a brand new crib and.


Actually, what's funny about it, I think killed the bird.


Is that true?


I haven't been invited to Stan come by yet?


I've asked to come.


I just showed up.


Signing always starts with like, yo, you can come stay at my crib. I have three extra rooms. Then when you actually ask him to stay, he doesn't let you.


He's like, oh.


And then he'll flip it on me and be like, yo, you haven't come to my crib.


I love Steiny. I think he's hilarious. Funny guy. He is the worst.


Well then why the.


Get the suitcase. Get it.


That's fine. Get the suitcase. But here's the deal. You're a dead man. I can't talk about it. He's just. He's a idiot. I'm sorry. Full set. People who want information.


He's a something last night that happened.


It's a build up.




Yeah, it sounds like a lot.


So anyway, let's.


We got a lot of mics.


Who are you nowadays?


You're Bob. Bob.






Wow. This room is open. Anything? What does this turn into? The view? I thought there's a full time mics.


You have two mics.


You better.


Nothing else?


Yeah, you know why? Yeah, so he's got the mouthwash. So. So here's the deal. This is the situation behind this. I, uh, we did, this was no fault. This guy's gonna insult is my shit doing here, bro?


This is actually real.


Yes, he's.


This is not. I am not in a good mood today. I swear to God. I love everybody. I am not in a good mood. So everybody can come at me all day.


Question with all jokes aside.


Yes, Michael, you can go ahead. You have the floor.


It's not a question. It's actually a statement. Okay.


Make your. Make your escape.


So the reason we all brought you here today.


Oh, God.


Is because we wanted to sit you down and talk.


It actually is.


I love it. Well, that's. That's great. I really appreciate the concern.


Bob's mother.


Um, Bob.


Bob's mom, she's a little late, but.


A heartfelt moment, you know, obviously what I do is this, like some people could say, like, bob, you get a little. I control. I do. I'm a little reckless sometimes, but.


Are you doing. Are you doing drugs?


I know. I actually don't touch anything. Yeah, Mike, I read your. All right, I got it.


But I'm just saying I used to smoke crack.


Oh, no.


I'm saying, like, we could talk about this.


No, I do know. I do no other drugs. But I do have a tendency sometimes if I really need a hyper focus to take a little bit more prescription than I should. So we'll work on that. Okay, guys.


I mean, I'm not judging you. I was just curious as. Because I went on Bradley show six months ago, and I made a statement there that you may be one of my favorite people to watch on the Internet.




I don't think that there's anyone currently besides people we'll probably talk about today, like Ryan Garcia, who is more unhinged, more just lost as a human. Well, I think, and I don't mean that in a bad way. I just mean it is in. The shit you do is insane.


There are a lot of people that show concern. I get that.


I agree.


I mean, I agree. There are tendencies where we get a little while. Went through a lot the past couple years, so I had to, you know.


Have you ever thought about, like a. Like a retreat? Like a five or seven day? Like, yeah, your phone down. You just go and, like, actually, like.


I just bet him for golf, if I won, he had to go to rehab, but.




Well, we have a retreat coming up, actually.


You win.


We have a retreat.


We lost the second match.


Yeah, exactly. Amy Winehouse, the final. Anyways, I'm not being, like, in hyper denial. I'll be the first one. Admit, like, yes, I'm like a wild man, but at the end of the day, we do have a retreat coming. We will be in Canada, and everybody shall tune in to the stream because you want to see real high state gamblers play. I will not drop the site, but go now because we need the money. So sign up and do all that.


You know, actually, now that I think.


Of it, exactly what you're going on a gambling retreat.


That's very big, dude.


Anyways, Brad.




See you.


I'm just enjoying the show.


Six mics might have been a bit. It was a lot trait.


I'm trying to be calm, trying to do right. Honestly, this is kind of goes back to the Ryan Garcia and the Logan Paul thing. I had a crazy idea. Okay. So they've been beefing. There's like, there's lawsuits you probably know more about than I do.


I was about the same.


I think that this would be. That could be the greatest play ever in WWE. I think they just need to settle it. Think they need to settle it either.


You see the video that Logan made today where he said Texas has mutual combat law, where if they were to fight outside the courthouse, if it's an agreed upon, mutually consent to two combat, they can just fight in the street there and it's legal.


I'll take the winner. Yeah, I'll take the winner.


Bread. Bread. I want to stick on this.


Is that real fighting and not far.




I just thought, like, this could be the craziest way in Wwe. Like, they could do some crazy shit.


You do. You asked, how many people do you ask if they could be in a street fight? I mean, 100 people in you, actually, but you've never been in one.


He's not.


Never been.


Okay, well, not since you asked. 100 people.


Bradley's gonna get mad. I can already tell is he's already getting kind of.


Are you. Are you cool with Ryan and Logan?


Are you?




Okay. I saw you and Logan had be for a little bit.


Who hasn't Logan gone back and forth with, like, like, at the end of the day, let's be honest, like, he's. He's been at it with every person I have a real.


He always takes shots. He takes little shot. He was taking shots at us a lot, too.


He takes shots. He also has to defend against a lot. Yeah, he's under. He's under the gun constantly. He's like one of the most hated people on the. In the world. You know, I just figured, like, it.


Would be like, you know, the KSI thing they made prime after, you know.


You want to fight Logan and then start her hydration.


No, I thought him and Ryan could do something.


What do you guys think about what Garcia's like, his mental state?


Oh, it's so entertaining.


He's. I think he's fine. I think he's fun.


He's fine.




You're stupid.




Listen. Yes.


I'll tell you, I think that he embellishes it on the.


I think.


No, he doesn't. He doesn't.


When we were with him, cow, he was fine.


Bradley, we talked about this before.


I think he's playing the game.


We had him on the pod and he was after the pod. He was completely chillin to a bob.


Playing again. No.


Absolutely, yes.


Guys, first one. And I hope you all knows the room. I don't give to such a lie. I don't give two about the fame shit, the clout. You such a liar, brother. I don't give a text.


When you said everything I do was viral yesterday, bro.


I think that. I think. Did I say that exact words?


Yeah. I could show you the time.




That you do care about it.




Okay, my question, where do you draw the line when someone proposes to be or is supposed to be a ultra christian proponent, someone that, you know, believes in doing x, y and z, and then it's a complete and utter walking contradiction of that.


I love that you said that. I love, you know what I'm saying?


Like, you don't have to. You don't have to ask, like, is it all fake or whatever, but right after some semblance of creating a. An image of himself, then when he posts about Christ, he posts about religion, he posts about how Christ will save you. But then literally in the next tweet, it's, I'm marrying this. I'm this all for click. So. So that's fine if it's all for click.


A lot of.


A lot he gives a.


But that's what I, that's what I.


Start to sigh with, like, thinking, Ryan, Ryan. Ryan's a good friend of mine. Whatever. But when you start to, like, fire shots and, like, he's just, like, reckless, like a McGregor.


Mike, what are you saying?


A lot of this is very.


Yeah, apologies. I'm sorry.


I think it's great. He's. He's now like one of the biggest. He always was, but he's one of the biggest names in boxing now, too. Well, like, everyone's gonna put trouble.


Not like, I don't know. To me. To me. And this has nothing to do with LP or anything because I've gotten into it with Ryan before too. I just, it just seems corny to me. Real corny to me. Like, it's just so, like, it's so, like, it just is like, it's like, it's like this unending flow of twitter about. About started with Bohemian Grove, then went to. Then Jesus. Then if, if you like that low hanging, just stupid fruit.




I feel like he's trolling. Cut. Similar to how, like, Andrew Tate.


Yeah, I agree. I agree.


And also he should pause a little bit.


Stuff is intelligent.


Yeah, but it's lately, have you seen it?


He says, wasn't with the girl. Shit, like when you. When Tate was talking about chicks and stuff. Like, saying, like, I'm. If I have an Onlyfans girl, I'm gonna take a hundred percent of her earnings. Like, he's obviously not doing that, but he gets people talking.


I didn't know if he was.


I don't think he was brought up.


Pay attention to shit. And that shit has me tuned in.


Okay. All right, so let's talk specifically about.


Ryan and are those tweets? Because. Excuse me. He's tweeting, like, a conversation between him and Logan, which is crazy as shit if what Logan is.


See, maybe this is, that's, by the way, maybe I, maybe I should, maybe I should preface this. Maybe that's why I get a little bit more fired up about it because we've been on the receiving end of it. Like he. Well, I think what he's ever, and Photoshop shit comes at us, comes at Logan. I've been nothing but nice to Ryan Garcia. I've reached out to him.


You're a nice guy. You're a really nice guy, Mike. I want to say that I appreciate you actually are. I want to be honest with you. You're nice guy. Go ahead.


But I've reached out to him multiple times and asked him, yo, like, are you good? We've talked. We've talked on live. We talked off live. I've had mental health conversations with him a million times.


He has that with me.


Calls out in a lot. That's entertaining. Like, it's crazy, but it's.


But you don't own a share of a multibillion dollar corporation that is being affected by the lunacy that's coming out of this kid's mouth.


But I saw what Logan said today, too. He said, I mean, prime's a target, and that's what's gonna happen.


It is. It is fine. And it's fine coming for happy daddy.


You already tried that, actually.




Garcia. Garcia's a little better than you.


Well, here's yo. We get like again, don't break Dane in the room. We let you out the hook, I'll tell you that. Oh, my God. We let you have a look at a bit like goodbye.




Those text messages, it is crazy to say the stuff that is said in. To post it, right?


Like, he like, photoshopped a text message that Logan said, like, what was it? You're gonna end up like the kids in Gaza.




It doesn't matter.


No, I know.


I don't know.


But you just put you just to a part of the world, like. Like, this is a conversation that we've had on your show a million times.




Unfortunately, the line between reality and fiction is. Is so blurred nowadays, especially now. Especially when you. When you unfortunately deal with the average iq of the Internet consumer where there's a lot of people who read that and thought Logan Paul was. Was saying, he, you're gonna end up like the kids in Gaza.


Which is insane.




Bro, that's not cool.


Like, like, that went through Ryan's mind. He. He fought, had a Photoshop text message made and then he was. He had the wherewithal, or lack thereof, to post it on Twitter. So, like, so, like, you can call anything entertaining nowadays. There has to be a line. There has to be a lot. You know what I'm saying?


Cuz then it's like, what are you saying? What are we doing for, like, self enrichment? Is it just about self enrichment or is it actually about, like, helping kids or helping people who are, like, hurt by this war? And, like, it just becomes weird. Listen, that's when it became weird for.


I'm gonna roll. I'm gonna roll back on all this. If you find it entertaining, if the. If the people watching it find entertaining and. And they look at me and they're like, he's being a Karen. He's being a four year old Karen. Whatever the. Watch it, laugh at it, do whatever you want. It's not my. It's not my place to call it.


No, I think when he's making up fake texts and shit, that's too.


But as far as prime is concerned, yeah. If you take. If you take shots at a. At a brand, a conglomerate and say that there are deadly chemicals in it and that people are getting whatever diseases from it, dude, you're gonna get served. Especially anybody in the streets can say.


It, but if you have a platform, someone else.


No, Ryan. Ryan Rock. And then he just adds, like, allegedly. Like, they'll just tweet allegedly, like, three tweets after and think it's gonna cover him. He's gonna get sued into the ground. If you're a normal person. But when you have a platform of 20, 30 million and you're taking these shots at a brand, you're gonna get smoked for it.


You're just lost. If he gets with the PD.


I was wondering that, too. Like, if he loses his win, his test came back again, and he said he's still.


It's just crazy how you can't even believe anything on the Internet anymore.


So, see, as bias, as biased as I'll sound, I actually don't. I'm not gonna speak on the test. I don't know if. I don't know if. I don't know if that's true or not.




I'll wait until there's more conclusive evidence. Two tests came back that said he had a low level of australian.




Yeah. In his system. And they're gonna go to hair test now. By the way, this is, like. This is so hard and nuanced for, like, an audience to understand. But I can speak against Ryan on one topic and then be on his side on another topic. That's called life. There's great areas in this world, bro. Like, he's up in some places, and I. And I don't believe he should be indicted on. On stuff until we know for sure that he. That he took those drugs.


How big of an impact does that change his fight? Like, is it annihilated?


Look at Kyle. Look at Brad.


Yeah, I went. I went to the fight with you, and you left after the first round. Took me to the fight, and then you, like, just said, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, and you left.


That's a classic memory.


Yeah, it was just a little.


But you fought.




No, no, he.


Oh, yeah, he tried to get. Dude, he tried to do a vlog with me dick and, like, try to act like I, like, can't get and shit. Like, not true at all, you know? So what I did is when he came to do the video, I was like, bro, like, I'm good. I don't need your help.


And, like, I switched the whole plane.


I didn't even show up for his yacht party, whatever he planned, and I just took.


You did an amazing job, Nick.


I know the answer is you, but, like, out of these two, who closes?


Bro, are you out of your mike? I hope you have worse.


No, no, girl, no. Girls love this guy right here. He talks, and they somehow fall in love with everything he says.


Yeah, I have the way of words. Here we go, dude.


Okay, can I tell? No. The chick to fake this dude, there's this account dming him. Biggest smoke show I've ever seen. Not even a thousand followers. Name is like Ashley loves girls underscores. And he's like one of those fake.


Only the fake is the camera scene.


He's like, dude, you think this is real? And she literally messaged him and she goes, I need to get my followers up. Like, I think you'd be really good for that. What were the demands?


Do you mind if I bring in my. You know, the guy that's with me every single day, my assistant, Noah. And he can tell you the honest truth of how many chicks. And then something like Rachel said.


I think. I think.


I don't know.


Okay, well, I also believe it, Bob. I just like, for me, like, I pass on. That was like.


That was like.


I would never say something like that. But, like.


Morning, everything. Mike, I'm running through everything.


No, he gets late a lot. For sure, bro.


Yeah, no shit.


A lot of pros, though.


Enough. Zero. I had an addiction. That was it. I like.


Who are these? I see them. You're at Barney's beanery a lot.


Yeah, that was.


I love that. Bars.


Yeah, no, but we went out. All the girls loved you. You were. I don't know what you say.


Well, I shoot game. Like low key. I don't like to like.


You put every girl you wheel on your story.


What do you mean?


How is that low key?


Amazing. Cool. Here's a story post Craig. Whatever.


That's fine.


But it's not. You can't say you're low key. You are the opposite of low key.


Everyone knows every chick you're ever with.


No, they don't. Well, no. Yeah.


Wait, Bob. I'll bet I did it for a long time, bro. I did it for a very long time.


Mike. Mike was a huge tiger on the ig.


I. Here's the deal.


It's a smart play, though. Picked up on that one, too. Ever had a traumatic would be like, yo, Mike's, he just tags them and like, they love it. Like, we got.


No. See, you're missing. You gotta get what it was for them. It was always just a good play for the content.


And the other, the other chicks see it though, too, and they're like, yo.


Bro, it was all. It was a thing for a long time.


Like actually going tag chicks, bro. Like, you're an idiot. I don't do that. I literally just low key, snipe everything. I don't know why I'm good at what I do.


Remember the chicken Vegas problem? We were screaming that was a guy.


First and foremost. Okay, where I come from, nothing against gay people or anything like that. Do not ever say that again, because we don't have a billion dollars in a basket right now. A billion. A billion dollars in a basket. Be a big basket. And the hottest chick in the world is right there, ready to go. And my boy walks in, he's like, yo, let's double teams.


Okay, keep going.


I don't mean to say that about women, but, like, you know, for a billion, I would not ever be in the same room as a. I'm double.


Teaming with my boy for a billion fast.


If it's a dude, what the.


No, no, wait. On a dude.


They said it was a dude. It was a dude. I never have either. I never have either.


40 years old. You come from a.


No, stop. Why does everything. Guys, real quick, pull the room. Wait, yes or no, Brad? In a room. Are you doing it?


Yes, he's doing it.


I've done it already, yo.


No, I haven't done that. What's up? Wait, Mike. Some people out there watching that haven't done that. What is that?


Well, no, not even. Not even necessarily. Okay, let me ask you this question, cuz. Here's a scenario that my nice pivot.


Off your little session.


Now, wait, is it just to be homies or. What's the point of doing that? No, man, we're bros. Oh.


See you on my side.


I've never done that.


Boom, though. I swear, bro, because I would literally.


You don't have to touch the. You just like.


No, because, like, it would be there. It would just be, like, weird. Like, do you watch, Bob? No, I don't really have to.


You never watch?




Never jerked off?


Of course I've jerked up. Okay.


Where are you going with this?




Oh, I've said about probably, like, three in my life, but it was never, like, unsolicited. It was always like, we're talking nerdy.


You know what I mean?


Like, I don't feel good about your.


Your size.


Oh, my God, Bob.


No one talks about their on this guy.




No, I'm not talking about, by the way, first of all, way too much talk in this room. But I'm saying we're good.


Getting really defensive.


Can I ask you. Bob, can I ask you one question?


What if I was ten girls on the phone?


What if it was anything to me, bro?


Stop asking. What then? Go ahead.


What if it was more than one girl?


What you mean, like, what if it.


Was more that, like, okay, and me. No, no. What if there was, like, three girls and, like, two guys, and it was kind of like, everybody knows having a blood. By the way, by the way, by the way, by the way, if you were coming from a place of, like, supreme morality and religious reasoning, I would. I would have already backed off, but you're a lunatic, so I'm curious why that is. Where you draw the line would do.


It for sure, dude. Anyway, I feel like Bob's the one.


On one connection guy. Like, he, like, you like having that one on one.


Story stare you down the whole time.


Yeah, but that was back in my.


Old let's die, let the boy wash.


This is crazy, man.


Yeah, that word. What does that mean to mean? Like, is people talk. Your little 14 year old friends talk.


Is when you like to watch your girl get another guy.


No, what happens when my girl gets, like, all my buddies and they pull him out of the house and hit him in a van and. Sorry, what?


We talk about crimes.


He has, like, shooters, bro. He hasn't. He is nobody, bro.


It was round one, and you left the boxing match, and you thought someone was gonna shoot you.


No, I'm saying he thinks he has guys like that out there that will.


Ties, money says, let me guess this. Who's at that car game? I do not mention names, but, yeah, you had to say there was one man sitting by. It was pretty dangerous.


Oh, yeah.


I was gonna say, um, Garcia. So do you think.


Now, who do you want to, more than anybody in the world right now that you have it? I know it's weird.


Yo, you don't have any words of advice or something you could tell this guy? I mean, I need more time alone.


There's a reason why I keep aiming everything I have back at him, bro. I cannot. I said, I said earlier, saline may be the hardest person in the world to figure out, but Bob might have a beat, bro.


Bob you, bob you. Well, I'm, like, just a low key, really, really nice person, and I just sometimes couple on. So that's it.


Is that so? If you, if your tombstone got printed today, God forbid, would you say that? That would be the, the script that was on it, the nice guy who happens to just cup a lot? Is that what you probably.




You are a great guy.


Don't. That is a horrible thing because that's kind of pivoting away.


No, you have a good heart.


No, but some people think he's a bad guy. He's not a bad guy.


You're not a bad guy.


Good, good.


You're a good guy, dude. For real.


Yeah, he has a good heart, but sometimes he just.


That's blind Chris Farley and Tommy boy. Have you guys seen that movie?


But that's not a good comparison, I don't think.


Not from a weight standpoint, but just as his, like, demeanor.




He's Billy Madison, bro. I wanted.


That's back to Garcia. Go. Go.


This. I think we got to talk about this honestly, because I really want.


Brad and I was one girl.


I really want to know, and I. This is the last they all talk about who's one girl right now. Snap.


I have a cuban girlfriend. It doesn't matter. This does not allow me hall passes. If I even answer this question out, there will be a bullet will come through that window. And three. Brad knows.


I don't. I don't.


Wait, how's your situation? Like. Like, okay. Is there any, like, jealousy or how are you guys dating? So.


Yeah, also, you're back together, apparently.


Sorry. Sorry. Whatever you're comfortable talking about.


Yeah, yeah. I don't know what we would call.


We're, like, together, but you live together, right?


Oh, man. We're, like, together, but not.


Got it.


Like, but, uh.


Is it. Is it. Is it chill? Like, is there any animosity or is it all very positive?


It's positive, but yes. If I talk to any girl or I comment on something, I'm hearing about it, and, you know, I'm very protective of her, too.




Competitive. If I go do something, she does it ten times bigger. Does that make sense?






Well, girl, by the way, girls like that are. A lot of times are like that in general.


By the way, I went over this with you. I had no idea. I had no idea. My life. I don't pay attention. I don't watch shit. So I. Nick called me the plane. We're flying to the fight, and Nick's.


Like, dude, no, we're not flying to a fight. You told me on the podcast. I already knew about it, but, oh.


I had mother's life. Like, by the way, like, I just dm everything, so I wasn't offended.


Girl, you can't make.


Not yet. I gotta get through little never.


That was a planned move.


You live in a content world.


No, because, dude, I.


She said the same thing, bro.


I had no planned attack.


I actually believe him that he didn't know.


I never move on my chicks. I would never move on any. I will never or hook up with a girl that has a husband or a boyfriend. Never, ever touch him because you're just.


I didn't take it.


Do that shit, and I don't want to be a part of it.




Sounds like you've dealt with a little bit of that.


We have had some problems in the past, but we are. We have. That's why we're going running it through a cycle.


Is she out the game?


What does that mean?


Like, is she still.


Oh, just doing. No, she's not.


That's what I want to talk to you about.


Out. Come out completely with. No, I got this one. You got what? He's going. Shit.


You had one.


I'm not gonna be really.


I could speak on this or at least ask the questions.


Well, we started dating. I mean, I was. I could never date someone I don't support. I can never date someone who's doing that.




And I think she was at a point of her life of going through a very tough time, and she wanted out already.


Cue the violence.


And we kind of went through all that shit together. Like, I don't know.


Did you. Did you ever have a problem with the audience feedback or any of the stuff that was said?


Well, that was something I've never experienced before. It was crazy.


And I promise you, my. I promise you, mine was probably five to ten x, bro. Like, it was. It was.


I'm sorry.




No, dude, that's where my life.


I don't have to say nate.


Like, bro, I've had people sorry, guys once.


I love Mike like a brother. I don't pay attention to his love life.


I'm sorry.


I don't know if you went through this amazing, but, like, the online stuff was one thing. But, bro, like, I've had shit happen in public. I think people waiting outside because she.


Probably has, like, she probably has, like, stalkers and shit, bro, I had five.


Guys waiting to fight me outside. Tao once.


I remember that.




You know, we were at dinner, and these guys came up and like, yo, can we get a picture? And she's like, I'm with my boyfriend right now.


We're out to eat dinner.




And they're like, oh, come on, please. And she's like, no, I don't want to do a picture right now. They go back, they leave, and they yell in front of the whole restaurant, Skybrew, your boyfriend's a. And I'm like, 30 minutes later, we leave, and five guys are outside waiting for me, ready to, like, press me and I got. I had to get in his face. I'm like, what do you want to do right now? What do you want?




All his friends backed up except him, and he's, like, just talking. I don't know. It's crazy. Like, that. Those are things. I'm like, damn. Like, you really have to man up and, like, that's it for you, bro.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, bro, when you look at any of these people that are saying.


You ever have a situation like that?


I've been through every situation.


Yeah. Any stalker.


I will say this. I will say this.


People that would show up at the house and throw videos of them over the fence at Logan's, like, when. When Lana was there, like, it was. We went through. Bro.


No, yeah, do.


When you're.


When you're, like, probably, like, a people person that was, like, obsessively, like, there is no.


You're sick of audience, you know? And this was a different time. I mean, like, things have changed a lot, too. Like, we've entered a new era. Like, at the time that me and my extra dating, like, it was still, like, adult content was still cool and accepted. And now, like, because of. And by the way, like, I'll say it here, like, you know, in a good way, it's become kind of not acceptable anymore. You know what I'm saying? I think people are pushing young men to give it up, to stop washing it, to stop.




I think that's a huge thing between me and her. That kind of made us, you know, whatever. Cause I don't support it. I honestly, I'm not a watcher. Like, that was never something I supported or into. And a lot of, you know, she still does. Of. And, you know, the soul. There's just things that we don't agree on there. But the whole time, we were completely loyal. Like, she support me. I still support her. She helps me still. I help her.


But I mean. I mean, the funny thing about it is, I bet you like. And I don't know you that well, but I bet you like me. I bet you she's. I bet you she is obsessed with you, bro.




I bet you she. And I mean that not a bad way, but I bet. I bet you she just loves you so much.


A great guy.


Times, bro, they need someone to, like, show up, you know what I'm saying? And not be a piece of shit and not be an asshole, not be a scumbag and, you know, like, be willing to empathize with the darkness of their past and why they did some of the things.


You're getting a little too much now, though.


She's. She's a one of a kind girl. I've never met anyone. Like, she doesn't need anybody. She doesn't. She's not like that. But I think when her and I came, each other's life at the perfect time, or both of us were kind of going through shit. It was just like a bond that I couldn't even explain to you. Like, it's really. It's real.


The third thing is actually, though, you get a little addiction to it. You get like. Like, if you get, like, I've had recently, like, I did hang out one night, and then what happened was I had a great night with her, dude. I got addicted.


That's close to spicy.


What I got you. Relax, dude.


Bro, I'm not. I'm not gonna lie to you.




You know that.


I know. I know yours. I know you're talking. And I have to watch all this from the hot.


The hot one guys.


Yeah, actually, I'll give him this. He was getting a b to the escrow.


What are you talking about?


Stop trying to guess you up.


Make you guess me.


You girl got robbed by the hot ones guy.


Damn, that's crazy.


Somehow it's like, tied you thought ones guy was first.


No, but the crazy thing about hanging.


Out would be the worst. Guys to.


Dude, holy.


To get at your girl. That guy's got a pre. Like the one. One of the guys right here. Like, your girl comes home, she's like.


It has happened.


Bradley Martin.


No, Brad would be that bad.


He's a big dude.


Yeah, I'd be fine.


Say anything.


No, but Brad would never do that either.


I would never.


Anyone, Dana white.




No, I do. But I do do data.


White tag my girl. We'd have issues.


You guys have issues. Anyways. Yeah.


No, no, no. Dana and I was good. He just knows I'm a little bit certifiably insane. I facetime 40 times a night. Like, I don't understand how he's unblocked me yet. I do it just for like, cuz every time I always tell Dana, I text him. I'm like, dude, I'm with Tom Hanks and Barack Obama. Pick up and I'll just. And I'll just be with like 20 mega UFC fans.


But wouldn't he not pick up if you said you were Thomas? No, like the two biggest conservative enemies.


Just pick up when he's bored.


He doesn't. He doesn't really pick up anymore. Like bro. I let him know. I'm like, bro, you got us. Like, don't do that. You have to pick up.


Steve told me, you guys, he called me one time, and he's, like, so sad, and he's so scared. He's like, dude, me and pop FaceTime. Dana, 47 times.


No, that was the day that we had truck. I won't go back to it. We get trump, me and him, face over 47 times a row.


Well, no answer, though. That's a little excessive.


48 picked up. And guess what, Donald? Their platform memory.


Yeah, listen, bro, you've had, what? You've had more ultra. I'll say. No, no, you've had more. You've certainly had more ultra guests.


Wrestlers now.


No, no. Well, I'm not talking about nowadays. I'm not talking. I mean, listen, we've had Schwarzenegger. We've had Kevin Hart. We've had, you know, massive, you know, a list celebrities as well. As. Well as athletes. You know, like, we did a show with Durant. We've got, you know, we just did Patrick home named run. A lot of really good shows. But you. You've had some real, like, moments.


Yeah, we have. Really big one. You know, obviously, as creator of the full set podcast, I want to say that obviously, we've done extraordinary work. Mike, I'll take it from here, Kyle.


This guy still has that in his IG bioway.


Who got this? Who got those big guys?


Which one.


Got Trump?


Trump was all Dana and no one else.


That's it right now.


You are insane if you think.


Ladies and gentlemen, I've got Trump. I've got Trump.


Thank you.


You there?




This is the route to Trump.


I'll tell you.


Sit down.


Sit down. I'm not.


Sit down. I don't.


The president of the United States.


One at a time.


What Bob thinks.


Bob thinks that he had any. You didn't have 1%. You didn't have 1% influence on Trump.


Disrespectful. Do you want the real E. True Hollywood story right now? So me and Steve will do it. Or in a hotel room. Okay. I have the second. Cause I'm convincing Kyle that dude the.


Secretary of defense had nothing to do with.


He doesn't let me talk. He doesn't let me talk.


Sorry, Bob.




Oh, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.


Thank you. Go ahead for the floor, your honor.


Let's hear this.


Steve will do it. And I are sitting in a hotel room. It's three in the morning. We are lit. There is five females in the room with us. We're chilling. I obviously, once again, back to the addiction problem, popped a orange salmon bomber, which is a. Which I did. Okay, so three in the morning. I always wanted to convince Kyle, let's stop doing these little tick tock guys. Like, let's hit mainstream. Russia just invaded Ukraine. Hold on. Russia just invaded Ukraine. Let's make some relevant shit about that. So I said, let's get a very cool guy that I know in the CIA and another guy that the secretary of defense, who I had coming in pretty much.


Okay, right there. Just stop there.


I'm letting him speak to.


Why did you have the secretary of defense coming in?


Because, like, let's stop talking about Ryan Garcia.


Whatever. Let's talk about real shit like Trump is. I want to know how you got.


So he thought of the idea.


No, listen, so, so far to have Trump on the pod, obviously.




God, I don't.


Hold on. Just say, tell us how you got.


Then we go to this. I. After I took that stupid fucking thing, my brain goes crazy. I get crazy. Which it does have its benefits.




I. I tell my stories of my pace. I'm an old man. Been doing this for a long time. You will respect the godfather.


Go ahead.


I said, steve, get these girls out of here. Close the blinds, put on rap music. I'm gonna get the president states, and I swear, my mother's life, may she die of cancer. Okay? And Steve will attest this.




Steve will do it in here.


I'll call.




What that you faceTime, Dana? 40.


But wait. But wait. No. The idea. I believe that you guys would have got trump at any time you want.


Dude, it's not us, guys. It was literally Dana white.


Wait a minute.


Like, there's no one else that was invited.


Just called you out of the.


Blue, proposed the idea, and possibly Bob.


What Bob did was said this would be a good time to have him on. That's all he did.


Oh, my.


Did not in any way get Trump. And that's disrespectful.


Dana pulled the trigger to Trump, but you did. You know, what I said is, let's get Trump.


All right?


I start testing.


He gets false, he gets 5%. He's saying, no. You know, you get.


No, he gets 5% idea.


So stop. That's the idea, dude. There was an execution.


Well, we always wanted to do.


I hit Trump from every area I had. Donald Trump.


Don't forget, we had already been on Air Force one and met him a year before with Dana. And we were supposed to do the pot at that time.


Wait, Air Force one came before that?


Yeah, way before that.


Air Force one came after I took you boys on their.


Yeah, you weren't.


Dropped you off like little school.


We're on the plane.


So we drop you off on a field trip to Abu Dhabi and I leave because I'm paranoid?


Because Dana and Trump have been friends. Obviously, we know for 30 years. Dana called him personally. Yes, Dana has told me. I'm not trying to be, but Dana has told me personally that, like, you had nothing to do with it. And that's his.


So great. So let me ask this, Kyle.


He said he did that for us and he'd never do it for you. That's what he told me.


Mister White needs to be. I'm sorry, I'm not gonna. I don't wanna keep talking about this shit, cuz I don't care.


No, but Bob, I give you, I.


Will protect and hold my ground.


What Bob was good at was, was timing. Yeah, so. So he saw the Russia, the Russia stuff was going down. And Bob said this would be a good time to get Trump to.


To Bob's point.


Wait, I was the one.


If you pull Bob the equation, maybe no one talks.


I texted Dana and said, dana, do you think Trump would do the pod? And he responded to me and said, let me ask.


Wow, you know Trump. Okay, so this is false.


Okay, go to. Go to Tate.




No, I'm fine. I'm not finishing this. He's not gonna beat me in this. So anyways, I hit up everyone.


By the way, Tate was our biggest episode. I know that before elon, so.


Okay, great final point, guys. It's very frustrating. So you're telling me that Mister White just picked out the call out of the blue and said, let's get.


I text, I texted him, man. See, I never, I texted Dana and said, do you think Trump would do.


You guys are arguing two different things. He's saying you didn't directly get Trump on the podium idea.


Steve got on the face on social media. We're joking. Trump.




Dude, no one's.


Dana made it happen. Dana. Dana made it happen.


You all.


Steve, we know that you FaceTime Dana 40 times at night. We're not denying what I say.


What did I say? I said, we want Trump now.


But I'm not trying to be. Dana would not do that for you.


I agree. That's why we passed on to you. We were the middleman, Steve.


Okay, okay, here's the real thing.


Do not with me.


Steve's gonna get.


Steve. Hold on. Is Bob the reason why Donald Trump did the full sent podcast?




No. Explain to me why you think that. No, but tell me why.


You'Re trolling.


He's trolling.


He's trolling.


He's not fair. He's strolling, bro.


Okay, anyways, let's see.


Brad, terrible. You should ask him. Hotel room.


Bob, genuinely, look at me. Look at me genuinely. No, no disrespect.


Exactly what you said.




Yes, I understand.


I don't care anymore. You just got your proof. Thank you very much.


Question, though.


Genuinely go.


I understand that. Like, maybe you did. You were the guy who's like, yo, we should get him. Let's blow him up. The catalyst.


But the question is wrong. That's not the way trumpet a time because of Dana. Because where they were moving towards. Right, but it was the perfect time because it was Trump's first interview.


That's what I said.


Russia, Ukraine, we need to go now. Kyle, you said Trump's.


Yeah, first.


But you still gotta get credit. You got to give a hundred percent credit to Dana White. And I think it's 90, don't I.


Think I give Dana such a big guess.


I'm not taking credit for it.


No, it's.


Dana killed that for me, bro. You have no pieces.


Let me ask you this.


I'm still concerned.


This is where the delusion, Garcia.


This is the delusion.


I know why you was inviting the secretary to defense to his hotel room. Hang out with horse.


Trolling. We all know that.


Anyways, seems like everybody.




Bob contributed to the timing.


I'll call Dana right now. I'm gonna call Dana right now and ask him if I was one time.


Or 40 times, please.


It just sounds like Dana White was the reason why he did the podcast. That's what I asked.


Oh, Argan rho. He's an illusion.




I need. I need to see Dana on this one.


Let me see if he answers. Yeah, we're doing a podcast. We're having a debate. Bob is still trying to say that he was the reason that we got Trump. I'm. We're trying to tell him that was all you.


That was.


He's trying to take credit for getting Trump.


Can you clarify incorrect?


Go ahead. That before whitey fucking. He can't be serious. Is he having another mental breakdown? All right, listen, Dana, here's you. You were very. You got it done. You got it done. But guess what? It's about the time Dana.


Dana did the 40 facetimes he gave you that night. Did that contribute to getting Trump, in any way, did the 40 facetimes that he gave you that night how he facetimes you all the time? He's trying to say that's the reason that you did it.


Did he get you guys on Air Force one two? Did he do that?






We got up. Hey. Nope. But go back, sir, your timelines. We got up at Abu Dhabi. And if you look at the timeline of events, sir, Abu Dhabi, Air Force one, Trump. All men are.


Thank you.


No further question. Let me ask you a question. Right. So he did the Trump deal. What other Trump deals has he done? We can't talk about it. Classified information.


Okay, thanks.


Wait, what are we doing? Part two of the other thing. Run you through the mud again. Oh, my God. Hey, you know you're mentally ill, right? Yeah.


Thank you, Dana.


Thank you. Thank you.


Okay. Thank you. Hey, listen, couple facets coming tonight. Play that much.


We'll see you soon, bro.


I love Dana. All right, moving on. What a guy, huh? Okay.


Well, we settled that. All right, guys, we're gonna interrupt the pod really, really quick. I want to let you guys know about one of my new favorite snacks.




Jerky. This is our new jerky brand that we just launched. Honestly, this shit speaks for itself. If you try it, and you could get it on Amazon, the quality of this beef jerky is better than anything I've ever tried. I'm a huge gas station jerky guy. And all the other shit. Honestly, the quality of it and the taste just doesn't compare. And what I like about beef jerky, you guys know, I'm trying to be a little healthier and trying to watch the barrel, especially before summer, for a little snack. It's not bad, man. Like, on the serving sides, it has 3 grams of fat, 2 grams of carbs, and then 14 grams of protein. The whole thing has 42 grams of protein. Little quick math for you boys there. So, yeah, if you guys are looking for, like, you know, you like to snack on shit and you're snacking on candy. Sugary shit, try out board jerky. You can get it on Amazon. The reviews are going crazy. Like I said, the quality, the product of the actual jerky itself is so good. Try it out. There's four different flavors. My favorite here is peppered.


Just because the macros are actually really, really fire barrel conscious all summer. Boys, go to Amazon now, try out some board jerky, and let me know what you guys think. Let's get back into the pod.


Can we go? Go back to Garcia first.


Okay, go ahead.


The whole pod just goes.


You brought up. You brought up the mutual combat. If there's. If there's a lawsuit in Texas and logan. Him fight. Right. That you would take the winner.


Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it.


Okay. Sit up, because I'm gonna launch something at your.


Okay, okay.


On July 6 of this year. Okay. Jorge masvidal is boxing.


Please don't mention that name in Los Angeles.


No, no, listen to me. Go ahead, listen to me. Forget all that stuff, Bob. This isn't about you. For 1 July 6, Jorge masvidal, Nate diaz.




Here in los angeles, a boxing match. Very interesting fight. They've obviously fought before in UFC BMF. Like a big thing. Anytime Nate shows up and does anything, it's. It's a big deal.




I got an offer today for you to fight on the co main event for a half a million dollars.


Not enough money.


Okay, okay. We can talk about the money, but for two years now, you have claimed 260 and we. 260 has become a metaphor for. For alpha male. Okay? 260 people, rocking around 262. Six. Yeah. You can get a co main fight for somewhere between a half a million and a million dollars. Now, not only you get paid, but you can finally show bumpstead all these guys who Alpha gorilla is in the space. I'll tell you and I'll tell you who your opponent is. If this would be the biggest thing you ever do in your life.


The problem is, I don't think Brad's gonna fight anyone his size for.


They got me.


I want Logan.


We can talk about that.


Who's the opponent?


Mike, are you open to fighting someone your size?


No way. You won't do.


I want Logan. That's. That's been my plan.


Okay, assuming that you can't get Logan, but you get a fight that will set you in stone for the rest of your life.


Who is Mike?




You gotta. This better be a sickness.


The fight.


Anthony Ruiz.




The heavyweight box you get, bro.


But it's a heavyweight boxer.


Okay, so. But you could walk in there, you could earn money and maybe more. What if you land that one?


No, that's not smart.


Like, you're talking about a heavyweight boxer.


Yeah, you don't get.


That's not even an MMA guy. That's a boxer.


He's only getting five hundred k to probably lose.


You're talking about Andy Ruiz, right? The heavyweight boxer, Andy Ruiz.


Not Anthony Ruiz. My bad.






The heavyweight boxer, correct? Yeah.


Why the would he take his first fight against a professional boxer?


Logan's a professional boxer? Yeah.




I mean, I don't know. A little bit different.


It's different.


And Logan's, like, a bigger name, and Logan's.




Logan ran his mouth about me.


Yeah. I thought you guys squashed it.


Yeah, but still.


Yeah, it would be a step up. Like, it would be a step up.


Tyson Fury.


Tyson Fury would.


I guess technically, they're, like, the same, so you don't want to do that. Is there any. Okay, let me ask you this. Is there anyone else that you would fight on a coal mine besides Logan?


I don't. I don't know. I haven't thought of it. I haven't thought, like, that far, to be honest.


Like, I just, like, in the influencer space.


I want to do the MMA fight with Logan. That's what I want you. Because I know they're gonna eventually do the UFC thing.


Do you think that you could be Logan and MMA?




You actually believe.


Mm hmm.


Wait, how much does Logan weigh?


Have you been training a lot, Brad?


15. I don't. Yeah, I mean, you don't think you'd be better off boxing?


No. No.


Well, you have a lot of weight on him too, though.


He does have 45, 40 pounds.


It's all.


But, I mean, listen, like, listen, at the end of the day, Brad would.


Strap in and train.


Yeah. You. That you couldn't. You wouldn't have failure be.


Not if you don't have hands, your.




If you don't. If you have a weak chin, we don't know. Brad's chin. You can get hit.


And Brad's chins pretty strong. Not to mention he has one of those neck machine. I know he has one of those neck machine machine where you go like this, like, for ages.


You took off steroids.


You riled up today getting a street fight.


Just random.


Someone parking lot somewhere.


Parking lot.




Well, that's. Well, that's what talk. Well, that's what Logan would say. That would be his rebuttal. You'd be like, if he wants to meet me in the. In a parking lot, like, let's do it.


Would you do it?


Let's do it.


Oh, my God.


Yeah, I think both more about it.


Logan would probably fly him to Puerto Rico to spy.


It's not where. You would probably happen in Texas.


Yeah, but there's no upside for Logan. Really?


Well, not until.


But knowing Logan, him getting called out on a public platform, like, he has to answer it.


Calm out. Call him out.


No, he already has.






I've already said this multiple times.


Remember, like, the gladiator days when, like, there was no rules, you could fight to the death. That's that.


Yeah, well, that can't happen.


We're not gonna fight to the death.


I know. What if we create a platform that you fight to the death?


Okay, that's.


So are you gonna. How much it's like. Cuz you always get group with Logan too. Are you ever gonna, like. You think you'll ever do, like, your own show or, like, pod?


Because I think. I feel like.


I feel like you'd crush that too.


I have a question for you on that. You've been talking about that for a while.


I know now you're gonna call mad because.


No, I'm not.


No, no. Not at all.


Not at all.


Not. I do have one more. One other note before I move on to this. Would you have. Would you do a Diaz Masvidal face to face show? I know, because they said they were talking to Johnny. We can't do it, Nate. Not that we had even had it chance to, but Nate will not do anything with Logan. And I think. I think you. I think if you put them, you would need a shit ton of security, but I think if you put the two of them together and maybe even bring him. Yeah, you'll get a viral moment.




Let's do it, bro.


I need to do it like, I need to do it. Like, there's. There's nothing else to it. I've been. I've been slacking, bro.


Why, though? I don't get that.


I don't say it, bro. It's. It's all. It's all too. This is a mean you. This is me and you on your show. Like, to talk about it in this setting is like. It's too. It's too intricate, and I'm just. It's. It's. I need to. I need to do it.


Let's see.


I'm scared to do it, maybe.




Like, I'll just say it, like, flat out, like, scared.


Scared of failure.


Yeah. I have that problem in my life, dude.




There's been a lot of opportunities. I've had people be like, yo, pop on. Stand up for a night. Like, you're hilarious. Right? Like, at least try it. Come right a thing. Go under. Bobby Lee or one of these guys, they all love you. Like, come do it. And I just don't do it.


I mean, the end for impulsive. If you do that.


No, it's good. No, by the way, this is how you do. This is happening. Like, we're locations locked. It's happening. The reason it's taken me so long is because it's been. It's been a fear of mine, too, that makes sense to venture out and to. And. And, like, the other thing about is, like, people forget is I still have a very successful YouTube channel that I do every week or every. You know, it's eight to ten days, whatever, right. That. That is earning me 20 times more than what I make on impulsive. You know what I'm saying? Like, legitimately. Like, it's my main income source. It's my main channel. And so by doing my own show, not only am I doing something new, but I'm also potentially deviating from a path that makes me a lot of money, because I don't think I'll do both. I think I'm about to be 40. I'm probably gonna have to give up vlogging and give it to the. To the pros.


You guys think you'll continue with impulsive for, like, a long time?


I think so, yeah. I think so. I think as long as he's able to make time in his schedule. We've got some. We've got.


It almost seems like Logan doesn't really need it anymore, obviously. Right? Like, he's wwe superstar now.




I mean, that's his platform to push. Like, yeah, it's.


Listen, got a kid.


Unless he really enjoys it, obviously, but it's almost like he's definitely, like, almost graduated from it. Right?


Yeah, I think. I think his. His, like, fervor for it has definitely slowed down a lot, you know? And I. Sometimes I can. I can sense that, and we've also. We've also. I mean, listen, like, that show, similarly to Nelk, like, in general, and, like, you know, like, we maybe talk about this a little bit, was built on friendship, you know what I'm saying? And, like, built on unbreakable bond between the people that sat on that show together, you know? And when Logan moved to pr.


Can't replicate that.


Can't replicate it. And by the way, the audience will sniff it out. Like, the audience will sniff it out. Like. Like, we used to sit there and we used to tell these stories about the nights before and the shit that you guys thought were just talking about, like, what's.


When you guys are more, like, partying and shit.


I guess Logan.


Logan is probably single, right?


Yeah, for sure.


Was the show doing better than.


I mean, he grew up.


That's raw shit sells, though. And it's like, you know, that's why it's always being brutally honest. It's always fun to be, to be.


Hot or even somewhat relevant in this space for the amount of time that everyone in this room has. You'll be there soon. Nick is. It is a testament, bro. Like, to something like, you watch these people every single week have a come up and then a month later, you're never hearing about the streamers. They're number one streamer in the world is going on every show. Gone Tiktokers. Addison. Right. Like, this person, where are they? You know what I'm saying? Like, the testament is the fact that people still watch all of us, bro. Like, that's good.


So I felt I fell off a little bit.


But, Mike, that's the thing I don't understand about you, though. If you know that to be true and, like, your time span in this whole space, why are you so afraid of doing your own thing?


Brad? I honestly, it's, it's, it's, it's deeper than it's. It's a, it's a deep rooted issue that I have with myself that I'm, that I'm working on. I really am. And I've made, I believe the thing that woke me up to the potential of the show is when, by way of multiple conversations, including the one that I just had on George Janko show. Yeah. I was woken up to the impact that I could have on people that suffered from the shit that I do. You know what I'm saying? And, like, now, when you put something like that in somebody's life, if I turn it down now, I'm a bad person now. I'm not doing the work that I should be doing for the community. You know what I'm saying? So I think my show is going to have a lot of. A lot of impact.


Speaking the community. Great. Speaking of the community, I just want to say hats off to Kyle for going to tornado relief with me.


Did you get bullied out of that by Nino?


Out of the video? Oh, no. I'm friends with nine.


Oh, no, that was escape goat to get out.


No, I'll tell you, I did nine oh. And I have a good relationship now.


Right as we were getting deep.




F four.


Tornado come at you.


That's why Jimmy gave us have the biggest real talks. And men are just.


Like, I don't.


Know, like, how much did we talk about Tornado?


Yeah, it's got to get deep eventually, right?


I think. I think the impulsive stuff was interesting.


But I mean, but, bro, how's your relationship? I mean, the guy's married now, doesn't even live here.


Yeah, I mean, it's, it's definitely not what it was, you know? I mean, he lives in pr, and, and he certainly, he certainly a lot more closed off now that he's, he's entered a bit of a, I can't believe he's still doing a list, you know, status. But, but listen, like, at the end of day, like, that's my brother. That's a dude that, that introduced me to a life that, that I would have never, I wouldn't be in this room. I wouldn't have put out a book that saved lives. I wouldn't have made the money I've made. That dude put me on. You know what I'm saying? Like, I'll be, I'll be loyal to him for the rest of my life. And honestly, like, I get all kinds of shit, like dick Rider and all this stuff all the time, but, like, bro, like, a lot of people don't know what loyalty is, bro.


There's no denial.


You've been extremely loyal to him.


I'm like, bro, like, you go, somebody puts you on like that, you go to war with that person, bro.


Say that one more time. Please indirect it this way.


I would, I mean, I would, I would say, I mean, I honestly, and, like, it's not always pretty, but, like, like, there's a lot of, there's a, a lot of shit, bro. Listen, Logan's double lot. He's made mistakes. We've all made mistakes, you know what I'm saying? And, and there's also been a lot of Internet created mistakes on his behalf too. You know what I'm saying? Like, like, if he didn't correct if he didn't correct what happened a month ago, the world would think he put out a drink that has deadly chemicals in it.


What was the whole thing with, with George saying he didn't get paid, but he actually got, got paid? Because I saw he made that rebuttal, like, sort of tick tock. George said, come on, the pod, we could talk about it, but, like, when I saw it, I just saw him say I didn't get paid. And then Logan broke down how much he got paid, and it's, it's kind.


Of like, I think, I think, like, yeah, like, George, George is obviously super passionate, and a lot of stuff happened that, like, has upset George. And, and by the way, I've been there myself. Like, you, you, you try to talk about a topic that happened, like, two years earlier, and maybe you misspeak on this thing or that thing. Yeah, but, yeah, George worked for a little while and didn't get paid. I worked for a little while and didn't get a percentage of the show, right. Until we did. And then we started making great money. You know what I'm saying? And not only making great money, but also, as you know, it's a, it's a spark for your career. Like, I'm not, I'm not Mike from the night shift. Sometimes I am, but for the most part, I'm Mike Malak, the coast. Impulsive.




You know what I'm saying? And like, bro, that sets you up for life. Like, like, I mean, dude, like, I'm not, listen, if, if somebody does some shit, that's, that's, if my partner was diddy, I wouldn't be here.




You know what I'm saying? I'd be gone. I'd be gone. There's an end to loyalty, but he's been, he has been, he's made some mistakes, but he's also been railroaded by people that hate, for sure.


That's obvious.


He's one of the most, he's one of the most hated people on the planet. He's the, he's the epitome of an all american douchebag that people do not like.


What would you say the greatest thing you ever learned from working for Logan Paul is and also the worst trait you've learned for working for Logan Paul?


Damn question.


Good question. Let's repeat that one more time. What do you think the best trait.


One of the best. One of the best things he, I've learned so much working alongside him. But what the best things was, was a big thing, was to avoid, to avoid speaking in absolutes, like, bro. Absolutes are rare people. It means, like, to say something's just simply black or all Democrats are idiots. All Republicans are idiot. Like to speak in absolutes a lot of times ends up making you look like a fool. So he trouble sometimes because I'm offensive or whatever, but the, there's a lot of nuance in the world.


So he plays neutral a lot so he doesn't get in, you know, he doesn't lose the audience.


I don't think that's why I think way more opinion. I think what happens is, I think what happens is you'll find if, if you speak in absolutes, you'll find yourself being proven wrong quite a bit. Because absolutes are rare. They're not as, they're not as significantly abundant as people believe they are. So when somebody comes with real proof, you can say anything you want in the show, you can make an absolute statement right now, but someone out there has that what you're saying is not true. You know what I'm saying? So that was one of the things I learned was to be cautious of speaking in absolutes.


I wish you did take an opinion more. We've talked about that.


Yeah, we've talked about it. What do you want me to say? What do you want me to say?


Not always play the middle ground.


Yeah. I say he's calling you.


They just say.


The question you want, and I'll just. A crazy, wild, answerable question.


Ask him.


And the reason I said is just because when I, like, read your tweets, you sit your. You're a smart guy, but you never have an opinion.


Ask me a question. Always fiery opinion about.


I'd have to think about that Brady tape.


I think. I think. I think he's super smart. What do you want? What do you. What? So. So, Salim. Salim. Salim. I'm gonna just say this. Unfortunately, when you unfortunately ask a question and want to say yes or no.


Come here, buddy.


Is that who you want?


Would you generally have a beer with Andrew Taylor?


Well, I probably wouldn't have a beer with him, but I would.


No, but, like, just like, would you.


Actually smoke a cigar? Smoke a cigar?


Absolutely, 100%.


Like, would you actually, like, have a good time with him?


Probably, yes.




Because he seems like he's an effervescent, upbeat enough individual that if we were to sit down, we probably would make jokes. We probably would talk about life, which we both have an abundant experience in, and we probably would have a good time together. Yeah, absolutely.


Do you think that, like, most of the things that, like, you know, people ask you and everything. I don't know. Do you think that you may be giving off the politically correct answer? Sometimes?


I generally ask, sure, but I. But I think people have become used.


People like, I just want to know from you.


Yeah, like, well, you first. You just asked me what people.


No, I know, I know. I'm saying that whenever you do get questions from people, all right, or. Or just any podcast. So you'd be on. Do you think that most of the answers that you do like, answer, like, do you think that you're actually giving your honest opinion? This is Ace talk.


I think that anytime you ask someone a question and they give a nuanced, long winded answer, like the one I'm giving to you right now, I give.


A lot of winded.


And maybe that's part of the problem. I know I appreciate this conversation.


I'm gonna be honest. I don't. I don't know. You obviously like that much, but, like, I really actually want to ask that. Like, I feel like a lot of the times when someone asks you a question, like, you.


Sorry, Mike.


We all, like, I could tell you, talking paragraphs like, you talk.


So I'm on a podcast.


Like, it's like we're so redundant.


It's like, it might.


Can you like this guy from talk?


Well, it's on one life, so it might, you know, so it might seem.


I really want to ask that.


So it might seem redundant to you. So I produce answers that are like. That are for people that are above a certain iq level. And that's not to say that you're not, but shade.


That shade.


It's funny, but I'm just saying. But I'm just saying if the answer. If the answer goes off, if the answer goes over your head, you may have answered a little bit taller. I'm getting, like, nuanced answers. You asked me a question about what I would do with.


And I needed it.


Here it is.


In redundant paragraphs. But if you actually break down what I'm saying, like Bradley does, for example, skip. Okay, so when you ask me, ask.


Me another question that's like me saying, like, if you were to ask me, are you like, this hot dog? Right? If I were to be like, you know what? There's a lot of great odd dogs out there. Like, you know, they're.


And I would say, nobody know, that would be. That's it.


I see.


That would be sick. And then I would have so much to chew off of for a podcast.


No, no.


Let me ask you a question. Ready? Do a pot. Do a real life answer. And let's see how it applies to the podcast.




Yo, saleem, how do you like that hot dog?


All right. If I were to talk in the mic may.


No, no sleep. Answer it the way you would like.


I like a hot dog. Yes or no?


But the way do you like this hot dog? The one imagine you read.


Hey, man. Hey, this hot dog looks like it's burnt. This one doesn't. So I like the ones I speak.


In paragraphs now, but, you know. But the way.


I'll get off, I.


Really want to down for a bro dog. Me and you have always had it. I'm taking no advice, right?


I promise you, bro. Like, all right, like, listen, you. You've probably watched a lot of videos on how big of a douchebag Logan Paul is. Like, I guess you know? Okay. I watched a lot of those things, man. And I like, some of those videos, bro. It's pro. Like. I mean, George Janko, dude, that's crazy to me, man. Like, the religion shit is nuts.


It was not a shining moment.


No, but that's crazy to me. And then seeing how, you know, you want an opinion. I know you want an opinion. Like, you. You want to say what you want to say.


Like, even an impulse have an opinion. No.


Yeah, but there's some things that you do actually want to say. An impulsive. But, like, I feel like your whole.


Does everyone want to ask me a question right now?


I do.






No, no, no. Saline. I would like saleem to. And by. By the way, and by the way, by the way, Salim, that was that. I want to. I want to apologize because. Because he's coming at me about how I do.


He's just saying, you should get to the point.


Go about my career. Right. All right, so I agree.


Sometimes you could just be, like, a one letter. I mean, one word answer.


I'm paid to be on a podcast on pod.


You're great at talk.


You have long winded conversations with about very nuanced, complex topics.


Okay, we just agree on this.


That's not the type.


Let's know when. When you had to. Like, when you were. You'd have write papers in school. Like, you had to get it. You have to get a certain amount of words in. Like, you would never have that problem. It's what.


So what do you want me to do? Do you want me to become a more succinct speaker?


I didn't say those, but I do know. I think you should sometimes just, like, just be like, yo, dude, yes or no? Or, like, get to the point quicker.


Ask me a question. I'll let you practice your thoughts on.


Your thoughts on abortion.




Wait, excuse me. Stop. I want to know everybody's answer. This is men.


Ask him a straight question.


Mike, what are your thoughts on abortion?


Cool. Fire.


No, just have, like, a 32nd answer, not like a four minute one.


Yeah, abortions are cool. If you want to have one and you're a woman.


Ask him about.




I agree.


He won't answer that certain time.


He won. Answer.


I will. I will. What do you want to ask me?


Ask, who would you vote for in the next election? Would you vote?


Do you want to know? Because you're gonna hate the answer.


You can say Biden.


No. No, I'm not. I actually wasn't planning on voting because I'm probably.


Gonna reelect Mister Bailey.


I probably gonna vote for Trump.


You would reelect.


I'm probably gonna buy Trump. I'm answering the question. Psychopath. Absolute lunatic.


Sorry, sorry.


I Trump. Yeah, I probably will vote for Trump. Okay. Five oh. But, but I would assume that, that I vote for Trump because there are a lot of things that are going wrong right now.


Yeah, I think Mike's, you're good at not playing both sides, but you're, I feel like a lot of people nowadays will just make an opinion just to get like, engagement.


No, that's all it is, Mike.


That's all it is.


Yeah, I noticed when you, I notice when you make a point, you always see both sides, which I think is like, that's why everyone's like, fighting on the Internet now, too, because like, most people aren't even trying to prove their opinion, they're just trying to like, own the other person.


Also, that's why I want to see you do have more of an opinion because people come at you and you're a smart ass dude and you could actually, I feel like, take down all these people that talk show that you choose.


Not real answer. Steinie. Yeah, I genuinely don't give enough of a, to like, to, like going to like a battle against someone to try to prove them right. I'm saying, though, yeah, now it gets.


Complicated because then, and I'm not at all trying to be mean, but, yeah, then you'll, but you do play the Twitter game where you go back and forth and you like some games.


Why are we attacking Mike?


No, not at all.


No, I think Mike's one of my. You don't respect our commander in chief. Listen, Mike, I'm like, I don't know.


I respect.


You, but when I say that I want, you know that.


No, I know that. It's also like, it's also something worth thinking about for me, too. Like, like, and it's great whether it's, whether it's Salim bringing it up and it's either long winded or redundant or it's. Or it's lack of opinion. I just, I don't know. To your point, I'm very empathetic to people. If you ask, if you ask me a question, if you ask me a question about genders. Gender neutrality, right? I don't, I, there's no reason for me at this juncture, my pro.


Just let him answer. Come on, Selena.


There's no reason for me at this juncture in my life to stand up and be like, yo, you're a mentally ill person. Because you decided to change genders, and you should be, what you're doing should be a bias. Yes, sir.


If your nine year old kid says, hey, I want to, like, I want it. You. I want to come on off. Yeah, I think I'm. I think I'm a woman.






What would you do in that situation?


Absolutely not. No, we. Let's talk about this further. Let's see if we can. You're nine years old. When I was nine years old, I thought I was gonna go to the moon the next day, and guess what? I wasn't. So, no, I'm not open to a conversation.


What if you can, Mike? I still can.


What? No, it's a great, it's a great question, and I'm giving you a real fiery, straight answer. I'm not willing to discuss sex change with a nine year old. It should not be a part of the conversation. Is that a direct enough answer for you? That's very. Okay. Yeah. So thank you. So. So when you ask me questions that have potential nuance, I'll give it to you. Ask me a question about females that are men that want to play in female sports.


Easy answer.






I don't want to see that. But that might ruffle some feathers out there.


I know. Mike, don't try.


Cancel Mike for the next.


Can I say this? The only reason that I, like, bring up these things is I, like, I feel as if, bro, like, you could have had more of George's back. And I felt like, wait, you. What you guys did was very wrong.


What you said, what you guys did. What do you mean by that?


I just, like, when I.


What did I seem?


No, no. When I seen, like, like that whole, like, you know, religious stuff.




I feel as if men. You do love George that much to, like, where you could have had its back in that pod.


Did you?


But I think that you held back, because Logan obviously is your boy, and that's somebody. You look well, George. That's okay.


Well, George is my boy.


I know.


And if you really watch the pie back, I don't see a number of times where I told Logan that he was.


I didn't, I didn't respect that at all. And that's why I say that. And I know I'm not generally not saying this because, like, obviously it's gonna get clipped.


We are. No, it's fine.


It's gonna get clips.


But, like, as for sure, when I.


Like, actually watch that bro, like, to go after somebody that's like a, literally a host on the Salim page.


Salim, I have a question for you. Did you watch the whole podcast? We rearrange, like, genuinely, like, I'm not, I'm not. It's not loaded. What did you watch the entire.


Okay, remember.


But I guess don't.


This is the part of the problem. Part of the problem on the Internet nowadays, and with what he was talking about earlier about the nuances of questions and things and answering and having opinions, a lot of people don't see the whole thing. They see the picture. You see the picture of the clip where this is happening, and you don't see all the reaction that led to it or that was a part of it. So the point is, when you answer questions like he answered questions, it's in a way where he's cognizant of the entire conversation.


Okay, yeah, yeah.


And so it's unfair. Like, I agree there are certain things you could say, yeah, he could have done better or Logan could have done better. But if you watch the whole piece of content, you would realize it wasn't that simple as to like, because what you're seeing is, like, probably the ten videos that people made about, oh, Mike's. Logan's bitch. Logan's this. Well, you also just admitted that you didn't watch the whole podcast. So it is true. What I'm saying? What I'm saying is true. No, no, no. I'm just being honest.


Like, the problem. The problem.


The problem in the whole Internet. The problem in the whole Internet is that people don't watch everything had, like, piece by culture. It's all headline shit. Exactly. So it's like, people are. Are so much more rallied in, like, certain heated topics without really seeing the whole thing or understanding the dynamics of the whole situation or conversation. And it's.


I'm not. And I'm not saying that, like, George is, like, a person that, like, okay, he was right about everything, but in a way, bro, like, that was.


That was a low moment for the show. It was a very low moment for the show.


But, like, seeing the Bobby Lee shit and stuff like that. I don't know. You were saying.


I'm just. I'm just curious to leave what I could have done different.


I mean, it's not that situation like that I'm trying to, like, harp on, but it's just like, I don't know.


If I brought up something that. That happened with Nelk that they got negative press for. Right. That you had nothing to do with. And I said to you, I think you could have done a better job controlling how this situation went down. Would you feel a little bit slighted by that?


Yeah, in a way. And I'm not saying you controlling it or trying to control it or whatever.


But it's just I can only speak for myself, Salim. I can't speak for, I can't speak for Logan. He is his own man and, and he has made mistakes and I've called him out on them. I've called him out on them publicly, privately, numerous times and, and continue to. It's, it, there's, there's loyalty and then there's due criticism. And I've done, trust me, at to Bradley's point, if you watch the episode, you'll see me say, yo, what you're doing right now is not.


So what's the biggest, what's the biggest mistake Logan Paul ever made? What's not make this about Logan Paul.


Why, but these are. No, but also Celine, say, Celine, please stay. These are, these are all valid questions. And I do appreciate, and I do appreciate being put in the hot seat. Like, it's fine. It's, it's good. It's good and it's good content. But, but to Brad's point, man, we live in a clip world. And even, and even the way that you started the conversation with me, which was like, redundancy and, and it's because.


Do you do talk?


No, it's because you can't lie.


Come on.


But, but let me, let me speak. How old are you? The landscape is vastly different. When I say vastly, does that offend you a little bit? If. Or I say abundant or if I say abundant? When you get, when you get to.


When you see with the big words.


Bro, we're Georgie, we sometimes have conversations that, to Bradley's point, yes or no answer, you have to sometimes paint a background picture. I'm just saying.


Let's get back to fun talk.


Jerky is amazing, though. What do you want here?


I love you.


I love you too, man. It's great to be here with you.


Just bros being bros, man.


This just bros. We all take a shot together.


I'm gonna be honest.


So a great shot.


Mine no means a full sent podcast.


I'm gonna be very honest to you guys. I have been hammered.




And have is like the key word. I have.


And he smokes a shit ton of weed.


Yeah, I'm very hammered and I can see why I came aggressive, but I don't think I'm wrong.


No, it's valid.


I don't think I'm wrong at all.


I don't think you are either. It's valid.


It's very valid.


You're great.


Let me tell you something.


What do you want to say?


I'm gonna leave this rolling.


You. I put his back on the ground.


This room tonight changed slightly by what he said to me. In a good way.


I'm not listening.


No, I really am. I'm going to. I'm going to aim right.


But at the same time, you do that.


Why don't you just not. You know what I would do if I was sleep?


If I was you right now? I would.


Because it's like. Can I be honest?


We'll throw you right back to where you were.


Mike. Mike, heavy. Honest. I'm gonna be so honest.


You want?


Whenever, buddy.


Really, buddy. You're all in one go. Look at the Internet. Here goes shit out. So don't run.


To be honest, hearing you talk is like unskillable ad. So in YouTube, no one you watch.


Come on, come on, come on.




It's that easy. It's. No, you're fine. They're all. It's all valid. But just.


I think Mike's great on pods.


Yeah, it's. It's. It's.


He's just calling you a yapper.


I am a. Yep, bro. There's a reason why I'm on a pod. Like, what else?


What else, boys?


Well, I want to know about this.


This pods just been all over the place.


It's kind of expected, though.


Yeah, I don't know.


I don't know.


Is this pod good?


That's great. I leave in five minutes. I just want to say thank you so much for.


I gotta say something. I gotta say something. I gotta say something.


Disrespect to the godfather.


I want to say some man. Nick, I'm so glad you're doing your channel, man. I'm very, very glad. Um, this pipe, nobody probably cares but me and that kind of like, kind of falling out.


Yeah. Go, go. Let's go. Any time you want, buddy. I promise you. Now sit the down. Trust me. Go sit down. I promise.


I promise.


I'd love you. I promise you. That's awesome. Well, then let him. I just wanted to let him do something. I just wanted to give nothing. Let him give me a little tap in the face or something.


He's a little wrestling match in the yard, bro.


I mean, bro, like, I literally. No, bro, I am not in the game. I want to ask you one question. Nick's Nerosina. How much do you contribute your success of your career to Mister Kyle Fordred?


Not much.


Oh, I didn't ask you.


I learned a lot from.


I didn't, I didn't. I don't take any credit for Nick's channel at all.


I appreciate that. I learned. I learned a lot.


Where you going, Bob? Where you going with it?


Let it live, Mike.


I think Salim helped for sure.


I think I will give a lot of credit to Salim. And, you know, I know a lot to talk about. You know, he knew for a long time that I was gonna try to do content and all that. And two years before I ever started my channel, I still remember we were in Tallahassee and he sat me down. He was like, bro, you're gonna. You're gonna be something one day. And I know it and I believe it. And he started sleep, started his channel and, and he asked, he asked me to come on. And to be honest like that, that's what stemmed it. I don't, I don't know if I ever went on his platform that I would be where I am today. You know, we did have a fallout and, you know, I.


You two had a follow up. I actually heard about that. What happened between you two?


You know, we haven't, you know, you know, I'll tell you this. We haven't talked in a year.


Nothing happened.


So when you were doing your channel and stuff, you know, I agreed on being in a video and stuff. I don't know, I just got to that beef point. We're like, why'd you, like, post this? Why'd you whatever, like. But I knew I was wrong at the end of the day. And, yeah, it's good to hit you up. It's really good. It's very, I'm very glad to see you.


I'll say this, the friendship and, you know, no one saw this because I was an editor for Nelk. And for three years straight, me and this guy traveled the world. We were best friends. We experienced everything growing up together. I know Kyle saw it. Brad saw it. You guys were there. You gave me an opportunity of a lifetime. And that's the truth. And, you know, everyone in the world, every podcast I've done is asked about you. I don't really say much, but, you know, the most amazing thing is, I know you just loved me and I just loved you. And we were best friends. And it's like, you know, it's the same thing with you and Logan and, you know, everyone here has that person. You and Steve. Yeah, Kyle and Steve. Kyle and Jesse. Like, but, you know, we were, we were a team. And I think we always were, and we never lost that love. And I talk about you every day still. Like, even when we were this whole year of not talking.


I've told you this last week, bro. Like, seriously, man, I'm very happy for you, man.


Thank you, bro. I appreciate that.


It's great that.


Well, I'm glad you guys became boys again.


Yeah, it was tough. You know, Kyle's texted me three times, probably about our relationship, and I'm stubborn, I'm competitive, I'm, you know, I'm so emotional about us, and I'm just happy.


That those stressful times that we were talking about, man, is not happening.


Back to canceling. They like.


Yeah, yeah, no, I think.


I think it's important.


I think it's tough, right? It's just everyone has the ego, like, myself included, that. I think that's why it takes sometimes so long. Right.


But I love you.


It's never really much at the end of the day, right?


Yeah. And at the end of the day, you can't do this alone.


When we saw each other today, it was like the biggest hug when he called me last week. I'm tearing up. He's tearing up. Like, yeah, even.


So what made. What made it like now like, that it was all cool.


You. You randomly hit me up a week.


Ago and how much time had gone by since you guys had a phone?


That was our first time in, like, probably year talking.


It's all time. Isn't that crazy, bro? A lot of times you always want a solution. So many people out there getting the beefs or drama in the relationship or whatever. Sorry if I'm going on too long.


So don't people.


People have issues and they want solutions now. I want a solution now. I want to fix this now. Now, now. Bro, a lot of times, the only thing that can fix something is time, bro. Sometimes I just need a little bit of time away from. Away from the person to realize how great of a person they were.




You know.


You know, there's very few people in the world that I feel like, that I've met through life that will make you just, like, really experience life and laugh and feel life. And this is. This is someone that, like, I feel like who made me so happy and just had the best time.


Oh, my God.


Really? It's true.


I think anyone around us, I've seen him out bundle. He's a ball.


I know, but slim stuff, man.


Like, it was for both. We made each other so happy in that channel like that. We were both so passionate about sleep channel was amazing channel, amazing crew. It had. It was gonna be incredible. Like, we both loved it so much. It was a hard, like, I left and took a risk to give up everything to be with this. And it was both. Okay.


Bro, what the. I'm saying it's great.


I have one moment on the pod, bro.


I'm sorry. I'm not being. It's just like, honestly, like, okay, great buddies again.


Like, he's out.


I had a real question. I really did. And this is a real one.


I think this what people say. He always has to make it about him.


Thank you for having me on. I love it.




Adore every single person in this room for various reasons. I mean, me and Kyle and Brad go back years and years now. And to see everybody still through all the bullshit, through all the commentary, all the audience reaction, all that shit. Still showing up every day, still putting shit out and still, you know, being. Being nice to me. I mean, honestly, like, there's no one. No one in this room, including Salim, has ever. Has ever done anything, you know, wrong. I love you guys.


We love. You know I love it, brother.


You, man.


Mike, Salim, you're welcome. Or, uh, Stein, you're welcome to sleep in my house.




Appreciate you, bro.


And I don't know. Listen, we'll see. I don't know if the audience would like the up or not. It was pretty k. Let us know.


What you guys think if you guys leave it.


No, we gotta talk, dude.


All right.


I want get to Z backyard. The wrestling match.


Oh, shit. Is it happening?


I'm going to put it.


All right, we're out.


Let us know.


Yeah. Thank you.